Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 6 (1980 (1982)) Pages: 5-9
Distribución de las tecamebas muscicolas en la zona de bosque montano del Montseny
Gracia, M. P.
In this paper a study of moss Thecamoeba collected in the mountain forest o Montseny is presented. The samples were gathered under oaks, beech-trees and isolated silver-firs. The biotopes A, B and C are respectively: the ground, the base of the trunk, and the middle part of the trunk. In biotope A, regardless the tipe of forest, the most abundant genera are: Centropyxis and Euglypha. In biotope B on oaks, the commonest genera are Trinema, Corythion and Euglypha, on beech-trees Euglypha and Centropyxis in that order, and on silver-firs Centropyxis and Euglypha. In biotope C the population is scarce in quality and quantity being the most abundant genera Euglypha and Corythion.
Gracia, M. P., 1980 (1982). Distribución de las tecamebas muscicolas en la zona de bosque montano del Montseny. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 6: 5-9-
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