Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 6 (1980 (1982)) Pages: 19-25

Estudio faunistico del litoral de Blanes. III. Sistemática de cnidarios, briozoos y equinodermos

Bibiloni, M. A., Cornet, C.




Studies have been carried out on the distribution and abundance of cnidarians, bryozoans and echinodermates of a small area of Blanes (Gerona) coast, corresponding to superior infralittoral level, between 3 and 12 metres in wich three bionomical aspects have been found slightly different: A, lightened and beatened areas with photophilic species; B, less lightened and beatened areas, with species of more sciaphil character; C., little lightened areas with typical coraligenomyc species.
With the autonomous diving-suit, 35 cnidarian species habe been coilected, 25 of which are hidrozoans and 10 antozoans. 8 of those species have been described for the first time in the Iberian peninsula and 8 in the catalan coast. 24 bryozoan species have been studied; which are distribued as follows: ectroprocta ctenostomata, 4 species; ectoprocta quilostomata, 19 species; ectoprocta ciclostomata, 1 specie. 6 species of equinodermata, 3 of ophiuroidea, 2 of asteroidea and 1 of echinoidea have appared. The groups have been bionomical and faunistically inventaried. Conclusions on abundance, bionomical distribution and epibiosis of the species of the studied area have been drawn.


Bibiloni, M. A., Cornet, C., 1980 (1982). Estudio faunistico del litoral de Blanes. III. Sistemática de cnidarios, briozoos y equinodermos. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 6: 19-25



