Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 8 (1984) Pages: 41-49
Adición a la fauna de Opistobranquios de Cubelles (Tarragona)
Ballesteros, M.
Adittion to the Opistobranch fauna of Cubelles
The collecting site in Cubelles is a sandy beach 200m long with many calcareous rolling blocks. It is frequently visited by teachers and students of the University of Barcelona to collect invertebrates. Up to 1979, 12 species were known to live in Cubelles. Since then, this number has been increased by the following species: Haminaea navicula, Elysia viridis, Jorunna tomentosa, Taringa sp. (probably a new species for the science), Doto koenneckery (new for the Mediterranean Sea), Coryphella pedata, Eubranchus farrani (forms B and C), Facelina coronata and Facelina drurnrnondi.
Ballesteros, M., 1984. Adición a la fauna de Opistobranquios de Cubelles (Tarragona). Miscel·lània Zoològica, 8: 41-49-
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