Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 8 (1984) Pages: 145-151
Correcciones a las citas de Coniopterígidos (Insecta, Planipennia, Coniopterygidae) dadas por L. Navàs
Monserrat, V. J.
Amendments of the cites of Coniopterygidae (Insecta, Planipennia, Coniopterygidea) given by L. Navas
The Navàs collection of Coniopterygidae, kept in the Zoology Museum of Barcelona, is reviewed. Due to the fact that Navis did not use genital characters in his determinations and descriptions, mistakes in the classification of the specirnens of his collection have been detected.It is proposed that his cites cannot be taken into account for subsequent studies on this group.
Monserrat, V. J., 1984. Correcciones a las citas de Coniopterígidos (Insecta, Planipennia, Coniopterygidae) dadas por L. Navàs. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 8: 145-151-
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