Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 8 (1984) Pages: 111-131

Revisión del género Masoreus Dejean (Col. Carabidae) en África septentrional y en las islas atlánticas

Mateu, J.




A revision of the genus Masoreus Dejean from septentrional Afnca and Atlantid island
In the present paper the autor publishes the revision of North African species of the genus Masoreus Dejean from Egypt to the Atlantid Islands (Canarias, Madeira, Cabo Verde). The genus is split in two: Masoreus Dejean (with 6 species and 4 subspecies) among which M. saharensis n. sp. from the atlantic Sahara, M. wetterhalli subsp. antoinei nov., from south Marocco and Atlantomasoreus gen. nov. wich group has two weii characterized species from the atlantic Sahara (M. desertorum Escalera) and the atlantic coast of south Marocco (M. orbipennis Bedel), both with sand-living habits. Some charts are given to allow the determination of genera, species and subspecies scattered on the large African zone above mentioned as well as on Macaronesia. The Masoreus are also found in the middle and south Europe, entering also deeply in Central Asia. but these areas are not taken into consideration in the present revision. The morphology and anatomy are studied namely that of male and female genitalia with drawings and stereo-scanning photographs of the tegument microsculpture. Several maps are given to show the present distribution of the revised species. A great number of the latter have been compared with the types preserveed in the Paris Museum in the classical collections of Oberthur, Antoine, Alluaud, Bedel, etc. It has not been possible to fínd in the Paris Museum the type of M. testaceus Lucas from Algeria (lost or destroyed?) as well as those of M. wetterhalli Gyllenhal afid axillaris Küster. The article ends with commentaries of the synonymy of the species.


Mateu, J., 1984. Revisión del género Masoreus Dejean (Col. Carabidae) en África septentrional y en las islas atlánticas. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 8: 111-131



