Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 9 (1985) Pages: 251-256
Mirmecofauna de les suredes valencianes
Pardo, X., Tormos, J., Sendra, A.
Ant communities of cork-forests in Valencia
The ant communities of three cork-forests in the province of Valencia (Spain) are studied, giving a total of 21 species. Presence-absence comparison does not give significant differences and Plagiolepis pygmaea, Pheidole pallidula and Camponotus sylvaticus are suposed to be the most characteristic species of this kind of vegetation; other species are more influenced by other factors. Correlation (Spearman’s index) among different ant communities gives a high value for those belonging to the same corological sector and the highest affinity between places with similar soils.
Pardo, X., Tormos, J., Sendra, A., 1985. Mirmecofauna de les suredes valencianes. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 9: 251-256-
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