Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 9 (1985) Pages: 25-29
Presencia en España de Ratzia parva (Stossich, 1904) Poche, 1926 (Digenea, Opisthorchiidae) parásito de Anfibios y Reptiles
Lluch, J., Navarro, P., Roca, V.
Presence in Spain of Ratzia parva (Stossich, 1904) Poche, 1926 (Digenea, Opisthorchiidae) parasite of Amphibians and Reptiles
Ratzia parva (Stossich, 1904) Poche, 1926 is reported for the first time in the Iberian peninsula. The species was found under metacercaria and adult forms. The metacercaria were found into intramuscular and subcutaneous cysts on the host Rana perezi Seoane, 1885. The adults were obtained from the intestine of Natrix maura (Linnaeus, 1758) Lindholm, 1929. Both hosts were caught in the localities of Alicante and Valencia (Spain). These data contribute to the knowledge of the corology of this western mediterranean species.
Lluch, J., Navarro, P., Roca, V., 1985. Presencia en España de Ratzia parva (Stossich, 1904) Poche, 1926 (Digenea, Opisthorchiidae) parásito de Anfibios y Reptiles. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 9: 25-29-
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