Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 10 (1986) Pages: 65-70
Ecología parasitaria de los reptiles Gekkónidos en el piso termomediterráneo del Levante Ibérico
Roca, V., Lluch, J.
Ecological survey of the helminths parasitizing Gekkonid Reptiles in the East of Spain
The helminthological survey of 267 Gekkonid Reptiles belonging to the species Tarentola mauritanica (L., 1758) Gray, 1845 and Hemidactylus turcicus (L., 1758) Boettger, 1876, collected in different points of the East of Spain, is carried out. The quantitative and qualitative cornpositions of the helrninthofaunes of these hosts are indicated. An ecological analysis of the helrninths in relation to the different nature of the biotopes and a comparison between the parasites of Lacertid and Gekkonid Reptiles in the East of Spain are presented.
Roca, V., Lluch, J., 1986. Ecología parasitaria de los reptiles Gekkónidos en el piso termomediterráneo del Levante Ibérico. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 10: 65-70-
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