Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 10 (1986) Pages: 55-60
Helmintofauna de los herpetos ibéricos. VII. Metacercarias de Rana perezi Seoane, 1885 (Amphibia, Ranidae)
Lluch, J., Roca, V., Navarro, P.
Helminths parasitizing iberian Amphibia and Reptilia. VII. Metacercariae of Rana perezi Seoane, 1885 (Amphibia, Ranidae)
The helminthological study of 809 specimens of Rana perezi Seoane, 1885 (Amphibia, Ranidae) from different areas of eastern Spain resulted in the finding of a great number of Digenetic Trematodes, some of them being metacercariae: Cephalogonimus sp., Leptophallus nigrovenosus (Bellingham, 1844) Lühe, 1909, Plagiorchiidae gen. sp., Lecithodendriidae gen. sp., Ratziaparva (Stossich, 1904) Poche, 1926, Brachylaima sp., Massaliatrema sp. aff. gyrinicola Dollfus et Timon-David, 1960, Tetracotyle sp. and Szidatia joyeuxi (Hughes, 1929) Dubois, 1938.
Lluch, J., Roca, V., Navarro, P., 1986. Helmintofauna de los herpetos ibéricos. VII. Metacercarias de Rana perezi Seoane, 1885 (Amphibia, Ranidae). Miscel·lània Zoològica, 10: 55-60-
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