Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 10 (1986) Pages: 161-171
On the Carabid fauna of the province of Girona, northeastern Spain (Insecta, Coleoptera)
Baehr, M.
The Carabidae of the province of Girona are listed based on recent collectings. Several of the 328 species now known from the province are firstly recorded. The faunistic components and their distribution is discussed. The province of Girona is inhabited by a rather large number of Central European species, some of which occur nowhere else in the Iberian Peninsula. The Mediterranean faunal component is less prominent, but montane species are comparatively numerous and some rupicolous montane species go far down the river valleys. The varied ecological conditions throughout the province and its position at the northern border of the Peninsula may account for the diverse fauna, since those conditions facilitate the occurrence of northern faunal elements.
Baehr, M., 1986. On the Carabid fauna of the province of Girona, northeastern Spain (Insecta, Coleoptera). Miscel·lània Zoològica, 10: 161-171-
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