Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 21.1 (1998) Pages: 31-35
Non-natural mortality of the lberian lynx in the fragmented population of Sierra de Gata (W Spain)
González Oreja, J. A.
Human-related causes of mortality were studied in the lberian lynx (Lynx pardinus Temminck, 1827) population located in Sierra de Gata (W Spain). By means of 233 interviews to residents in the study area, 50 cases of lynx mortality were documented, ranging from 0.6 lynxeslyear from the 1950-59 decade to 2.3 lynxes/year between 1990 and 1995. lllegal hunting activities were the first two most important causes of non-natural mortality, with 54% of all lynxes killed by shooting, and 24% by trapping. Road accidents were the third most important cause, increasing from 8% in the 1980-89 decade to 29% in the 1990-95 period. The need for a regional conservation action plan for the species is stressed.
González Oreja, J. A., 1998. Non-natural mortality of the lberian lynx in the fragmented population of Sierra de Gata (W Spain). Miscel·lània Zoològica, 21: 31-35-
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