Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 23.2 (2000) Pages: 129-142

Directrices de aspectos éticos y de bienestar animal en la utilización de fauna salvaje en procedimientos científicos

Guerrero, J., Manteca, X.




[:en]Ethical aspects and animal well-being in the use of wild fauna in scientific procedures Animal investigation raises ethical issues to which no scientist can remain indifferent. These issues arise from two basic concepts: on one hand, the recognition that anirnals can experience pain and suffering, and on the other, the conviction that to cause an animal to suffer is morally unacceptable. The scientist should also keep in mind the growing sensitivity of public opinion to animal well-being and the legal aspects regulating the use of animals for scientific purposes. In this article the principies of the three R’s (replacement, reduction and refinement) and the ethical balance are discussed, all essential points of debate on ethics in animal experimentation. On continuation, the main aspects of animal well-being are described in commonly used procedures in wild animal research. Finally, some legal aspects are discussed, with special emphasis on the ethical committees.


Animal experimentation, Animal welfare, Animal well-being, Ethics, Wildlife


Guerrero, J., Manteca, X., 2000. Directrices de aspectos éticos y de bienestar animal en la utilización de fauna salvaje en procedimientos científicos. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 23: 129-142



