Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volumen 8 (1984) Páginas: 23-28
Sobre la nematofauna muscícola de la región araucevaldiviana (Chile)
Gadea, E.
On the rnoss inhabiting nernatofauna of the araucano-valdivian region (Chile).
In this paper the moss inhabiting nematofauna of araucano-valdivian chilean region is studied. Samples were collected during the summer of 1980. This chilean biotope is very similar in its nematofauna to the one of the mediterranean mountains and it differs to that of the austral patagonian region, which is more close to the high european mountains type. Its nematofauna shows equilibrate nematocoenosis. The number of species found is 19. The dominant species are: Plectus cirratus, Eudorylairnus carteri, Mesodorylaimus bastiani, plenchus (F.) filiformis, Prionchulus rnuscorurn, Monhystera vulgaris and Trypyla intermedia. All of them are significative forms on this muscineous biotope.
Gadea, E., 1984. Sobre la nematofauna muscícola de la región araucevaldiviana (Chile). Miscel·lània Zoològica, 8: 23-28-
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