Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volum 9 (1985) Pàgines: 31-48

Nematodos marinos de las algas fotófilas del litoral de Menorca II. Chromadorida y Monhysterida

Palacín, C.




Marine Nematodes of algae photophilic communities of Minorca Island II. Chromadorida and Monhysterida
The marine Nematodes of the orders Chromadorida and Monhysterida. inhabiting the photophilic algae communities of the island of Minorca (Spain), betweén 0-30 m deep and of nine sampling stations are presented. Information on the specimens along the different facies, their relationship with several types of substracta, their geographical distribution, their relationship with the morphologic characteristic and the seaweed habitat, is given. The Nematodes with bucal armature, great size and smaU setaes have been found dominant. The visual mechanism is present oniy in two species of Chromadorida and two of Monhysterida. The punctuated and annulated cuticle are equally dominant. Three families of Chromadorida are defined as typically associated to algae due to the acumulation of different morphologicai characteristic: Chromadoridae, Monoposthiidae and Desmodoridae.

Paraules clau

Marine Nematodes, Systematics, Photophilic algae, Minorca Island


Palacín, C., 1985. Nematodos marinos de las algas fotófilas del litoral de Menorca II. Chromadorida y Monhysterida. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 9: 31-48



