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Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 24.1 (2001) Pages: 19-29

New molecular challenges in animal conservation

Domingo-Roura, X., Marmi, J., López-Giráldez, J. F., García-Franquesa, E.




The contribution of genetics to wildlife conservation has been stressed often forgetting the existing theoretical and empirical limitations in the use of genetic information to solve ecological and demographic problems. The possibilities of molecular analyses are extensive and the automation of procedures is increasing the efficiency and reducing the cost of molecular technology. With large amounts of molecular data already available, the interest is switching towards the analysis of these data and the interpretation of genetic variability within and across species from a functional perspective. The understanding of the link between genetic variation and fitness or survival is essential in conservation biology and this understanding needs the combination of molecular data with non-molecular (e.g. physiological, behavioural and ecological) data. Progress in this promising field will depend on the trust and collaboration between molecular and field biologists.


Review, Molecular techniques, Animal conservation, Fitness, Genetic variation


Domingo-Roura, X., Marmi, J., López-Giráldez, J. F., García-Franquesa, E., 2001. New molecular challenges in animal conservation. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 24: 19-29






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