Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 24.1 (2001) Pages: 1-7
Tasmanitachoides Erwin glabellus n. sp. from North Queensland, Australia, with a note on Tasmanitachoides lutus (Darlington) (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidiinae)
Baehr, M.
A new species of the genus Tasmanitachoides Erwin from North Queensland is described: T. glabellus n. sp. The species belongs to the T. murrumbidgensis-group of species that is characterized by its distinctly impressed clypeus, but it is distinguished from all related species by its glabrous body surface. It is the first Tasmanitachoides from northern Australia to be found in rainforest on high mountains and has thus probably preserved the original habits of the genus that are still characteristic for those species living in southern temperate regions of Australia. Tasmanitachoides lutus (Darlington) so far known from the type locality in southern New South Wales and from the holotype only, is now recorded from eastern Victoria.
Baehr, M., 2001. Tasmanitachoides Erwin glabellus n. sp. from North Queensland, Australia, with a note on Tasmanitachoides lutus (Darlington) (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidiinae). Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 24: 1-7, DOI:
- 1973
- 768