Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 29.2 (2006) Pages: 91-107
Morphometric analysis of population samples of soldier caste of Odontotermes obesus (Rambur) (Isoptera, Termitidae, Macrotermitinae)
Manzoor, F., Akhtar, M. S.
In order to study morphometric variations in Odontotermes obesus (Rambur), samples from nineteen nests were statistically analyzed for mean, standard deviation, standard error, coefficient of variability and confidence interval (95%) and analysis of variance (Model II ANOVA), The mean values of the different population samples were compared with the student t-test, following the Minitab version and Sokal & Rohlf (1973). In the study of external characters, measurements form a very important component, particularly for identification of species. However, the reliability of the measurements depends on the extent of variability which the structures show within and between colonies. For each individual soldier, the following nine parameters were measured: i) length of head; ii) width of head at mandibles; iii) width of head at the posterolateral ends of antennal carinae; iv) maximum width of head; v) length of left mandible; vi) tooth of left mandible from tip; vii) length of pronotum; viii) width of pronotum; ix) length of postmentum; and x) width of postmentum.Cite
Manzoor, F., Akhtar, M. S., 2006. Morphometric analysis of population samples of soldier caste of Odontotermes obesus (Rambur) (Isoptera, Termitidae, Macrotermitinae). Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 29: 91-107, DOI:
- 1616
- 762