Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 31.1 (2008) Pages: 15-27
Two new Bryconamericus: B. cinarucoense n. sp. and B. singularis n. sp. (Characiformes, Characidae) from the Cinaruco River, Orinoco Basin, with keys to all Venezuelan species
Román-Valencia, C. , Taphorn B., D. C., Ruiz-C., R. I. D.
Here we describe for the first time Bryconamericus cinarucoense n. sp. and Bryconamericus singularis n. sp., two new species of Characiformesfrom the Cinaruco River, Orinoco Basin in Venezuela. B. cinarucoense n. sp. is distinguished from all other species of the genus in having: upper jaw extending beyond lower, maxilla short with only one or two teeth, cartilaginous rhinosphenoid extending to anterior part of prevomer, pelvic bone with cartilage along anterior edge, lateral line pores in straight line. B. singularis n. sp. is distinguished from congeners by having top of head flat, dentary with six or seven small unicuspid teeth, a dark lateral band extending from posterior edge of humeral spot to midbase of caudal fin which widens behind dorsal-fin origin, and in having five supraneurals which lack cartilage on the upper and lower extremities. Keys to aid identification of all known Venezuela species are included. Bryconamericus motatanensis is placed in the synonymy of B. alpha. Previous reports of B. breviceps and B. heteresthes from Venezuela are misidentifications, and are here considered as either B. cinarucoense n. sp., or another as yet undescribed species.
Román-Valencia, C. , Taphorn B., D. C., Ruiz-C., R. I. D., 2008. Two new Bryconamericus: B. cinarucoense n. sp. and B. singularis n. sp. (Characiformes, Characidae) from the Cinaruco River, Orinoco Basin, with keys to all Venezuelan species. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 31: 15-27, DOI:
- 1192
- 706