Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 31.2 (2008) Pages: 11-23
Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis sp. n. (Teleostei, Characidae) una nueva especie para el Alto Cauca, Colombia
García-Alzate, C. A., Román-Valencia, C.
Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis n. sp. (Teleostei, Characidae) a new species from the Alto Cauca, Colombia
Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis n. sp. (Characiformes, Characidae) from heterorhabdus group (Gery, 1977) is described from the upper Cauca River in Colombia. The new species is distinguished from all other known species by the following combination of characters: three unbranched and eight branched fins in the dorsal fin; short maxillary bone with one or no teeth; four small foramens in the maxillary bone, and five in the premaxillary; 5-17 scales with pores in the lateral line, six between the lateral line and anal-fin origin, six between the lateral line and pelvic-fin origin, and nine predorsals; depth of the caudal peduncle has a mean of 16.7% in standard length; interorbital width 50.6% in head; a dark spot on caudal peduncle and a dark lateral band that extends vertically from the dorsal–fin origin to the tips of the middle caudal fin rays. Physical and chemical data of their habitat are included.
García-Alzate, C. A., Román-Valencia, C. , 2008. Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis sp. n. (Teleostei, Characidae) una nueva especie para el Alto Cauca, Colombia. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 31: 11-23, DOI:
- 1605
- 712