Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 35.1 (2012) Pages: 119-124
The effect of habitat degradation, season and gender on morphological parameters of lesser jerboas (Jaculus jaculus L.) in Kuwait
Al-Mutairi, M., Mata, F., Bhuller, R.
Arid environments suffer anthropogenic interference causing habitat degradation. This degradation can influence animal populations. We randomly captured a total of 198 lesser jerboas Jaculus jaculus in three seasons (autumn, spring and summer) in two relatively close areas (intact and degraded). All animals were sexed, and weight, body and tail length, and thigh thickness were taken. We found significant differences in weight (p < 0.001), which was lower in summer (p < 0.05) when fewer food resources were available. Thigh thickness was greater in the intact habitat (p < 0.01), explained by the greater amount of food resources and also by the higher numbers of predators in this area, prompting escape behaviour. Females in the intact area were heavier and had longer bodies and tails. This was related to greater availability of time for mothers to search for food in this area.
Al-Mutairi, M., Mata, F., Bhuller, R., 2012. The effect of habitat degradation, season and gender on morphological parameters of lesser jerboas (Jaculus jaculus L.) in Kuwait. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 35: 119-124, DOI:
Reception date:
- 26/04/2012
Acceptation date:
- 15/06/2012
Publication date:
- 29/06/2012
- 2549
- 863