Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 35.2 (2012) Pages: 405-413
Effectiveness of habitat management for improving grey partridge populations: a BACI experimental assessment
Bro, E., Mayot, P., Reitz, F.
We assessed the impact of field division (4 m bare ground strips within wheat fields) and food supplementation (supplied through grain feeders) on grey partridge Perdix perdix L. populations using six–year ‘before–after’/’control–impact’ (BACI) experiments. We did not detect any convincing positive effects of either of these two schemes on partridge pair density and reproductive success. Increases in pair densities were similar on managed and control areas, and contrasting results were found between some sites. No consistent pattern was observed between reproductive success and feeding intensity. Our studies highlight the need for field experiments at farm–scale to test the effectiveness of management measures. We conclude that, in the context in which they are applied, management techniques directed towards increasing partridge density do not systematically provide the desired outcome. We develop our point of view about management in the Discussion.
Bro, E., Mayot, P., Reitz, F., 2012. Effectiveness of habitat management for improving grey partridge populations: a BACI experimental assessment. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 35: 405-413, DOI:
Reception date:
- 27/01/2012
Acceptation date:
- 26/06/2012
Publication date:
- 06/11/2012
- 2347
- 952