Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 36.2 (2013) Pages: 177-185
European rabbit restocking: a critical review in accordance with IUCN (1998) guidelines for re–introduction
Guerrero-Casado, J. M., Letty, J., Tortosa, F. S.
European rabbit restocking is one of the most frequent actions in hunting estates and conservation projects in Spain, France and Portugal where rabbit is a keystone species. The aim of this work was to review current knowledge regarding rabbit restocking in accordance with the IUCN (1998) guidelines for re–introduction in order to identify gaps in knowledge and highlight the techniques that improve the overall success rate. Eight of 17 items selected from these guidelines were identified as partly studied or unknown, including important items such as the management and release of captive–reared wild rabbits, the development of transport and monitoring programs, the application of vaccine programs, and post–release long–term studies. Researchers should therefore concentrate their efforts on bridging these knowledge gaps, and wildlife managers should consider all the factors reviewed herein so as to establish accurate management guidelines for subsequent rabbit restocking programs.
Guerrero-Casado, J. M., Letty, J., Tortosa, F. S., 2013. European rabbit restocking: a critical review in accordance with IUCN (1998) guidelines for re–introduction. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 36: 177-185, DOI:
Reception date:
- 19/02/2013
Acceptation date:
- 09/08/2013
Publication date:
- 18/12/2013
- 1788
- 852