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Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 36.2 (2013) Pages: 153-163

Exotic tree plantations and avian conservation in northern Iberia: a view from a nest–box monitoring study

De la Hera, I., Arizaga, J., Galarza, A.





The spread of exotic tree plantations on the North Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsula raises concern regarding the conservation of avian biodiversity as current trends suggest this region might become a monoculture of Australian Eucalyptus species. To shed more light on the factors promoting differences in avian communities between and within exotic tree (Monterey Pine Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus spp.) plantations and native forests in the Urdaibai area (northern Spain), this study aimed to explore (1) how the type of habitat and vegetation characteristics affect bird species richness and the settlement of some particular species during the breeding period, (2) if some reproductive parameters (i.e. egg–laying date and clutch size) vary among habitats in a generalist bird species (the Great Tit Parus major), and (3) the existence of differences among habitats in the abundance of a key food resource on which some insectivorous birds are expected to rely upon for breeding (i.e. caterpillars). Our results confirmed that Eucalyptus stands house the poorest bird communities, and identified understory development as an important determinant for the establishment of titmice species. Furthermore, we found that exotic trees showed lower caterpillar abundance than native Oak trees (Quercus robur), which might contribute to explain observed differences among habitats in bird abundance and richness in this region. However, we did not find differences among habitats in egg–laying date and clutch size for the Great Tit, suggesting that the potential costs of breeding in exotic tree plantations would occur in later stages of the reproductive period (e.g. number of nestlings fledged), a circumstance that will require further research.


Bird diversity, Planted forests, Land–use changes, Linear mixed models, MAB Biosphere reserve, Iberian peninsula


De la Hera, I., Arizaga, J., Galarza, A., 2013. Exotic tree plantations and avian conservation in northern Iberia: a view from a nest–box monitoring study. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 36: 153-163, DOI:

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