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Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 38.2 (2015) Pages: 175-182

The role of frugivorous birds and bats in the colonization of cloud forest plant species in burned areas in western Mexico

Rost, J., Jardel-Peláez, E. J., Bas, J. M., Pons, P., Loera, J., Vargas-Jaramillo, S., Santana, E.





The extension of montane cloud forests in western Mexico is threatened by several disturbances that limit their extension. In this study we aim to assess the contribution of birds and bats in the dispersal and colonization of cloud–forest plants in contiguous surface–burned pine forests. We sampled seed rain and sapling establishment over one year in two surface–burned sites, which differed in the size of their closest cloud forest patch. A total of 17  plant species were found, most of which were late–successional trees, shrubs and climbers. Distance influenced the seed rain of only one dispersed taxon (Solanum sp.) and had no effect on the sapling distribution of this or other plants. In turn, marked differences were found between sites, with more seeds dispersed and higher sapling density in the site that was next to the larger cloud forest patch. The role of long–distance dispersers and the existence of seed banks before fire could explain the little importance of distance from seed source on seed dispersal and sapling distribution. Nevertheless, dispersal by birds and bats before or after fire facilitates the regeneration and conservation of cloud forests in disturbed areas formerly occupied by other habitats.


Cloud forest, Colonization, Disturbance, Fire, Seed dispersal, Seed rain, Succession


Rost, J., Jardel-Peláez, E. J., Bas, J. M., Pons, P., Loera, J., Vargas-Jaramillo, S., Santana, E., 2015. The role of frugivorous birds and bats in the colonization of cloud forest plant species in burned areas in western Mexico. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 38: 175-182, DOI:

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