Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 43.1 (2020) Pages: 151-158
'Some like it alien': predation on invasive ring–necked parakeets by the long–eared owl in an urban area
Mori, E., Malfatti, L., Le Louarn, M., Hernàndez-Brito, D., ten Cate, B., Ricci, M., Menchetti, M.
Predation pressure by native species may limit the spread of alien invasive species, thus playing a pivotal role in the impact and implementation of management strategies. The ring–necked parakeet Psittacula krameri is one of the most widespread alien bird species in Europe, with nearly 70 established populations. Predators of this species include diurnal raptors, synanthropic corvids, and rodents. Here we report for the first time that long–eared owls Asio otus might have preyed upon parakeets in their night roosts. Analysis of 167 owl pellets showed that ring–necked parakeets made up over 10 % of the total volume of the diet of these owls in winter (32.93 % of absolute frequency), representing the most important prey species after murid rodents and passerine birds. Further studies are needed to investigate whether parakeet consumption by long–eared owls is only a local occurrence or whether it is widespread in European cities. If so, predation by long–eared owl may eventually lead to a form of parakeet control and may limit the impact of this introduced parakeet on native biodiversity.
Mori, E., Malfatti, L., Le Louarn, M., Hernàndez-Brito, D., ten Cate, B., Ricci, M., Menchetti, M., 2020. 'Some like it alien': predation on invasive ring–necked parakeets by the long–eared owl in an urban area. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 43: 151-158, DOI:
Reception date:
- 23/09/2019
Acceptation date:
- 22/01/2020
Publication date:
- 21/02/2020
- 1487
- 956