Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 44.2 (2021) Pages: 251-265
Analysis of conflicts with wild carnivores in the Humid Chaco, Argentina
Kihn, M. P., Caruso, N., Iaconis, K., Palacios González, M. J., Soler, L.
Interactions between humans and carnivores tend to be conflictual, especially due to predation on domestic animals. As certain landscape characteristics predispose the occurrence of carnivore attacks, spatial modelling of predation events can be particularly useful when developing management plans. In this study we determined the incidence of predation on the mortality of domestic animals by interviewing local inhabitants. In addition, we identified the spatial variables that explain the distribution of the conflicts and we created a two–scale model based on the Maxent algorithm. The results showed that Puma concolor (41.2 %) and the foxes Lycalopex gymnocercus and Cerdocyon thous (33.3 %) were the most conflictive species. Predation accounted for only 5.6 % of the causes of domestic animal mortality. The distribution models showed that the most probable variables for predicting conflicts were the distance from the roads, livestock density and the proportion of anthropized areas. High–risk areas represented 28 % of the study area and were distributed in broad patches around the protected areas and in the eastern sector of the area.Cite
Kihn, M. P., Caruso, N., Iaconis, K., Palacios González, M. J., Soler, L., 2021. Analysis of conflicts with wild carnivores in the Humid Chaco, Argentina. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 44: 251-265, DOI:
Reception date:
- 16/10/2020
Acceptation date:
- 14/07/2021
Publication date:
- 28/07/2021
- 3141
- 1110