Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 44.2 (2021) Pages: 267-278
Daily activity pattern of pumas (Puma concolor) and their potential prey in a tropical cloud forest of Colombia
Cepeda-Duque, J. C., Gómez-Valencia, B., Alvarez, S., Gutiérrez-Sanabria, D. R., Lizcano, D. J.
Ecosystems in the northern Andes face unprecedented habitat loss. Pumas are the top predators in the region and exert key ecological functions, such as population control and resource facilitation. However, little is known about the temporal niche of the species or its effects on behaviour of prey in the tropics. We hypothesized that there is a link between the activity patterns of pumas and their prey in a cloud forest of the Central Andes of Colombia. We installed 61 camera traps to estimate the degree of overlap between the daily activity curves of pumas and seven potential prey species, using conditional kernel density functions. Pumas, armadillos, mountain pacas, and white–eared opossums were mainly nocturnal, with little crepuscular activity and high temporal overlap. Central American agouti, mountain coati, little red brocket deer, and Cauca guan displayed a predominantly diurnal activity and temporal partitioning with pumas. As opportunistic predators, pumas were able to maximize foraging efficiency by preying on the crepuscular and nocturnal species. Conservation of this highland predator will largely depend on the suitable management of its native prey.Cite
Cepeda-Duque, J. C., Gómez-Valencia, B., Alvarez, S., Gutiérrez-Sanabria, D. R., Lizcano, D. J., 2021. Daily activity pattern of pumas (Puma concolor) and their potential prey in a tropical cloud forest of Colombia. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 44: 267-278, DOI:
Reception date:
- 06/02/2021
Acceptation date:
- 16/07/2021
Publication date:
- 28/07/2021
- 3367
- 1877