Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 10 (1986) Pages: 71-85

Fauna de anélidos poliquetos de la región del Estrecho de Gibraltar. III. Eunicida, Orbiniida, Spionida, Magelonida, Chaetopterida, Ctenodrilida, Flabelligerida, Opheliida, Oweniida, Capitellida, Terebellida, Sabellida y Nerillida

Sardá, R.




Molluscs collected in underground cavities of Catalunya and Huesca
Several expeditions to underground cavities of mainly Catalunya and Huesca carried out by the Biospeleology Laboratory of the Museu de Zoologia of Barcelona, have given as a result the finding of 17 species and 1 subspecies of molluscs. Some of them are first citations for the localities where they have been found: Bythinella opaca, Milax gagates, Zosprum suarezi and Z. schaufussi for Navarra, Zospeum suarezi for Santander, Moitessieria simoniana, Z. hellesi, Gyraiilirs laevis, Phenacolimax annularis and Clausilia cfr. crenulata, Hypnophila malagan for the País Valencia. Pyrenaearia oberthuri for Asturies, P. carascalensis carascalopsis for Lleida and Atenia quadrasi seeond citation for Barcelona. Clausilia cfr. crenulara, if confirmed, will be new for the lberian Peninsula and Helicigona lapicida andorrica is the most southern Catalan localization of this species.


Annelida, Polychaeta, Faunistics, Gibraltar Strait


Sardá, R., 1986. Fauna de anélidos poliquetos de la región del Estrecho de Gibraltar. III. Eunicida, Orbiniida, Spionida, Magelonida, Chaetopterida, Ctenodrilida, Flabelligerida, Opheliida, Oweniida, Capitellida, Terebellida, Sabellida y Nerillida. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 10: 71-85



