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Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volum 15 (2017) Pàgines: 93-206

The collection of Lepidoptera type specimens deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Spain

Macià, R., Caballero-López, B., Masó, G.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32800/amz.2017.15.0093



Paraules clau

Col·lecció d'exemplars tipus, Lepidoptera, Col·lecció Sagarra


Macià, R., Caballero-López, B., Masó, G., 2017. The collection of Lepidoptera type specimens deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Spain. Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 15: 93-206, DOI: https://doi.org/10.32800/amz.2017.15.0093

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The collection of Lepidoptera type specimens deposited in the of Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Spain

The Lepidoptera type specimens in the collection of the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona were reorganized and catalogued. The revised collection -the vast majority of which belonged to Ignasi de Sagarra- now consists of 1,128 type specimens, corresponding to 168 taxa. This study provides all the available information relating to each of the revised specimens, including the current taxonomic status, the original name if different, the original reference for the type material, the exact transcription of the original label, and the conservation status of the specimen. Differences between the original description of species and their labels, as well as any taxonomical changes that have occurred, are also discussed. The corresponding bibliography is included in the references. If a taxonomic change has occurred since the description of taxa, the references discussing such changes are given.

Key words: Collection type, Lepidoptera, Catalogued and reorganized, Sagarra collection


Colección de ejemplares tipo del orden Lepidoptera depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona, España

Se ha revisado y documentado la colección de especímenes depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona. La colección está constituida por 1.128 ejemplares tipo, con un total de 168 taxones. Hay que destacar que la gran mayoría de ejemplares revisados y documentados pertenecen a la colección de Ignasi de Sagarra. En este trabajo se facilita toda la información disponible relacionada con los especímenes revisados incluyendo, para cada taxón: la especie o subespecie, la situación taxonómica actual y la original (solo si ha sido cambiada), la cita original del material tipo, la transcripción exacta de las etiquetas originales y el estado de conservación de los ejemplares. Además se comentan las diferencias existentes entre la descripción original y la etiqueta y los cambios taxonómicos que se han producido en la especie. Se incluye la bibliografía correspondiente en el apartado de referencias.

Palabras clave: Colección de ejemplares tipo, Lepidoptera, Colección Sagarra


Col·lecció d’exemplars tipus de l’ordre Lepidoptera dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Espanya

S’ha revisat i documentat la col·lecció d’espècimens dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. La col·lecció està constituïda per 1.128 exemplars tipus, amb un total de 168 tàxons. Cal destacar que la gran majoria d’exemplars revisats i documentats pertanyen a la col·lecció d’Ignasi de Sagarra. En aquest treball es facilita tota la informació disponible relacionada amb els espècimens revisats, incloent-hi per a cada taxó: l’espècie o subespècie, la situació taxonòmica actual i l’original (només si ha estat canviada), la citació original del material tipus, la transcripció exacta de les etiquetes originals i l’estat de conservació dels exemplars. A més es comenten les diferències existents entre la descripció original i l’etiqueta i els canvis taxonòmics que s’han produït en l’espècie. S’inclou la bibliografia corresponent a l’apartat de referències.

Paraules clau: Col·lecció d’exemplars tipus, Lepidoptera, Col·lecció Sagarra


The collection of arthropods belonging to the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Catalonia, Spain, consists of over 1.9 million specimens of arthropods, including examples of most subphylum orders (Chelicerata, Crustacea, Uniramia) in the phylum Arthropoda. The Hexapoda subphylum is the most widely represented and includes a considerable number of insects.

Of the nearly 200,000 butterflies and moths in the MCNB collection, we initially focused on the type specimens as part of an on-going effort to publish the types of all of the MCNB’s arthropod collection (Viñolas & Masó, 2013, 2014; Viñolas et al., 2014, 2016).

The Lepidoptera type collection at the MCNB consists mainly of specimens from the collection of Ignasi de Sagarra, and it was studied in depth as part of the work on this catalogue. The present manuscript also refers to a number of types that have recently been added to the collection, and others that were previously overlooked.

Ignasi de Sagarra i de Castellarnau (Barcelona, 10 October 1889–Barcelona, 20 January 1940)

Ignasi de Sagarra was appointed curator of the Catalan Institute of Natural History (ICHN) in 1911 and later elected its president. In 1914 he became Director on
the Barcelona Natural Sciences Board. From 1918 until 1940, he was the Zoological Curator of Lepidoptera and Birds at the MCNB, during which time he described over one hundred species, subspecies and varieties (fig. 1).

As director, he organised the donation of the ICHN’s entomological collection to the MCNB and also donated his own collection. From 1911 onwards he published frequently in the Butlletí de la Institució Catalana de Història Natural, among other journals. His scientific activity was interrupted by the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) but recommenced as soon as he returned from France and continued until his death in 1940.

His good knowledge of English and German enabled him to keep abreast of entomological publications worldwide and to establish rewarding friendships with entomologists throughout Europe. His scientific zeal, as well as his cordiality and modesty, helped put the MCNB collection on the European Lepidoptera map.


Fig. 1. Ignasi de Sagarra (1889-1940). Fig. 1. Ignasi de Sagarra (1889-1940).

From the 1920s to the 1970s, the Museum’s Arthropod Department was very active in the study of butterflies and moths. Many famous entomologists from all over Europe helped enrich the Lepidoptera collection and contributed to improving knowledge of Lepidoptera, above all in the Iberian Peninsula, but also in Europe and North Africa. Some of the most frequent contributors are Ramón Agenjo, Eugeni Balaguer, Cándido Bolívar, Antoni Codina, Luís Domènech, Josep Mª Farriols, Pius Font Quer, Enric Gros, Domingo Hospital, Mariana de Ibarra, Manuel Llenas, Salvador Maluquer, Worren Marten, Longí Navás, Santiago Novellas, Orazio Querci, Enrico Romei, Odó Ch. Rosset, Staudinger, Roger Verity, Joaquim Vilarrúbia, Antoni Vilarrúbia, Alfred Weiss and Ricardo Zariquiey.

For several reasons, the location and recognition of type specimens in extended collections is often a difficult task. Firstly, many type specimens are not clearly marked since authors in the past did not always label their type specimens. This means that it is necessary to identify the specimens whose collection details best match the original description. Many many references –some of which are not easy to obtain– have to be searched in detail. Secondly, the correct placement of ancient types as currently recognised taxa is a further challenge. This problem is particularly severe for neglected families with a large and fragmented literature, in which the oldest descriptions do not always mention type depositories. This process is extraordinarily time-consuming. It also requires a deep knowledge of the group and great perseverance.

The collection was reorganised during the review. Registration numbers were added to all dried specimens and to all genitalia extracted and prepared on slides. The type specimens database was updated and will soon be available in GBIF. We hope this manuscript will be a useful tool in the renewal of the current taxonomy of this group.


Each type specimen included in this revision is described using all available information regarding both its original and current taxonomic status. If any taxonomic change has occurred, a brief discussion is included. The references that discuss these changes are included in the Bibliography. The systematics used in most cases follows Vives-Moreno (2014).

In the catalogue, original combinations are classified according to current taxonomical order.

For each taxon with type specimens in the Museum’s collection, the following information was examined and included:

  • Current status: only if it has changed.
  • Original type material citation: the literal transcription of the material type as given in the original publication is placed between guillemets « ».
  • Localities of type material in MCNB: localities of type specimens deposited in the collection with current toponyms.
  • Holotype/Lectotype: the institutional or private collection in which the Holotype/Lectotype is deposited, given in parentheses (—) if unknown.
  • Type material:
    all the data on the label are quoted unless illegible ([?]); square brackets [ ] indicate the beginning and the end of the label, vertical bars are used to indicate the end of a line (|), a space is used between labels (] [) and a full stop between mounts (.).
  • Remarks:further information: separate abdomen or extracted genitalia, comments about the state of preservation of the specimen, and differences between or inconsistencies in the original description and the labels are mentioned herein. Other specific considerations may also be included. The institutional or private
    collections in which Types are deposited are given.
  • References: when a taxonomic change has occurred, references that discuss these changes are listed.

Acronyms of institutional collections mentioned in the manuscript:

  • BMNH. British Museum (Natural History), England
  • MCNA. Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
  • MCNB. Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Spain
  • MCZ. Museum of Comparative Zoology – Harvard University, USA
  • MNCN. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid, Spain
  • MNHA. Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan
  • MNHN. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
  • MWM. Museum Witt, München, Germany
  • MZB. (Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona) Museu de Ciències Naturals deBarcelona, Spain
  • MZUF. Museo Zoologico Universitario de la Specola, Firenze, Italy
  • RMNH. Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Histoire,Leiden, Netherland
  • SMTD. Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany
  • ZSM. Zoologisches Staatssammlung, Münchhausenstrasse, München, Germany

Acronyms of private collections mentioned in the manuscript

  • ANTTY. Carlos Alberto Antonietty
  • DSKA. Gerfried Deschka
  • FV. Eliseo H. Fernández Vidal
  • GB. Miguel R. Gómez Bustillo
  • PDG. José Joaquin Pérez De-Gregorio
  • TEOB. Adriano Teobaldelli

Lastly, a nomenclatural summary is given. Nominal taxa mentioned in the catalogue are listed. More completed synonymies can be found in Vives-Moreno (2014) and other published resources (see details in the Reference section of each species).

List of type specimens of the Order Lepidoptera deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona

Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758
Superfamily Hepialoidea Stephens, 1829
Family Hepialidae Stephens, 1829

Hepialus sylvina f. pardoi Agenjo, 1942
Hepialus sylvina f. laincalvo Agenjo, 1942
Korscheltellus lupulinus espanoli Pérez de Gregorio, 1981
Hepialus anselminae Teobaldelli, 1977

Superfamily Gracillarioidea Stainton, 1854
Family Gracillariidae Staiton, 1854
Subfamily Lithocollitinae Staiton, 1854

Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimić, 1986

Superfamily Gelechioidea Stainton, 1854
Family Autostichidae Le Marchand, 1947
Subfamily Symmocinae Gozmány, 1957

Symmoca degregorioi Requena, 20

Family Scythridae Rebel, 1901 in Staudinger & Rebel

Bryophaga usera Agenjo, 1962

Superfamily Pterophoroidea Latreille, [1802] 1803, in Buffon
Family Pterophoridae Latreille, [1802] 1803, in Buffon
Subfamily Platyptiliinae Tutt, 1906
Tribe Platyptiliini
Tutt, 1906

Stenoptilia cerdanica  Nel & Gibeaux 1991

Superfamily Cossoidea Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster
Family Cossidae Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster
Subfamily Zeuzerinae Boisduval, [1828]

Phragmataecia castaneae leonadae Gomez Bustillo, 1977

Superfamily Sesioidea, Boisduval [1828] 1829
Family Sesiidae, Boisduval [1828] 1829
Subfamily Sesiina, Boisduval [1828] 1829
Tribu Synanthedonini, Niculescu 1964

Synanthedon cruciati Bettag & Bläsius, 2002

Superfamily Zygaenoidea, Latreille, 1809
Family Zygaenidae Latreille, 1809
Subfamily Zygaeninae Latreille, 1809
Tribe Zygaenini Latreille, 1809

Zygaena sarpedon bethune Romei, 1927
Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa gen. f. oranoides Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena fausta oranoides Ia gen. f. macraria Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena fausta oranoides IIa gen. f. microsaria Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa gen. f. oranoides ab. florella Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa gen. f. oranoides ab. disjuncta  Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa gen. f. oranoides ab. confluens Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena fausta lilliputana Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena carniolica catalonica Sagarra, 1940
Zygaena felix silvestrii Romei, 1927
Zygaena ignifera dertosensis Sagarra, 1940
Zygaena rhadamanthus f. latecincta Navás, 1924
Zygaena lonicerae f. nobilis Navás, 1924
Zygaena meliloti farriolsi Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena transalpina philippsi Romei, 1927
Zygaena stoechadis catalonica Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena filipendulae breillati de Lucas, 1958
Zygaena felix quercina Burgeff, 1926
Zygaena felix quercina ab. ornata Burgeff, 1926
Zygaena lonicerae intermixta Verity, 1925
Zygaena trifolii f. intricata Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena trifolii f. depravata Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena trifolii f. tenuelimbata Romei, 1927
Zygaena trifolii dumezi de Lucas, 1958

Superfamily Papilionoidea Latreille, [1802] 1803, in Buffon
Family Papilionidae Latreille, [1802] 1803, in Buffon
Subfamily Parnassiinae Duponchel, [1835] 1832, in Godart & Duponchel
Tribe Parnassiini Duponchel, [1835] 1832, in Godart & Duponchel

Parnassius apollo filabricus Sagarra, 1933
Parnassius apollo kricheldorffi Eisner, 1928
Parnassius apollo pyrenaicus ab. nexilisdecora Sagarra, 1924
Parnassius apollo escalerae Rothschild, 1909
Parnassius orleans augur Bryk & Eisner, 1932
Koramius delphius pulchra Eisner, 1939

Tribe Sericinini Champman, 1895

Zerinthia rumina catalonica Sagarra, 1930
Zerynthia rumina catalonica f. semitristis Sagarra, 1930

Family Hesperiidae
Latreille, 1809
Subfamily Pyrginae Burmeister, 1878
Tribe Carcharodini Verity, 1940

Spilothyrus marrubi fonti Sagarra, 1931
Erynnis alceae tripolina Verity, 1925
Hesperia proto aragonensis Sagarra, 1924
Sloperia proto f. williamsi Querci 1932

Tribe Pyrgini Burmeister, 1878

Hesperia cirsii fabressei f. martorelli Sagarra, 1925
Hesperia armoricanus f. petheri Romei, 1927
Hesperia alveus necaccreta Verity, 1929

Hesperia alveus insigniamiscens Verity, 1929

Subfamily Hesperiinae Latreille, 1809
Tribe Baorini Doherty, 1886

Gegenes pumilio balearica Fernández Vidal, 1987

Family Pieridae Swainson, [1820] 1820-1821
Subfamily Dismorphiinae Schatz, 1886, in Staudinger & Schatz

Leptidea reali jonvillei Mazel, 2000
Leptidea reali yakovlevi Mazel, 2000

Subfamily Coliadinae Swainson, [1821] 1821-1822

Colias phicomone juliani Hospital, 1948
Colias croceus f. autumnalis Sagarra, 1921

Subfamily Pierinae Swainson, [1820] 1820-21
Tribe Anthocharidini Scuder, 1889

Anthocharis cardamines catalonica Sagarra, 1931
Anthocharis cardamines meridionalis ab. nigricosta Sagarra, 1921
Anthocharis euphenoides ab. parvisignata Sagarra, 1921
Euchloe belia occidentalis
ab. quadripunctata Sagarra, 1921
Euchloe belia occidentalis ab. vittata Sagarra, 1921

Tribe Pierini Swainson, [1820] 1820-21
Pieris napi fradei Querci, 1932

Family Lycaenidae Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster
Subfamily Lycaeninae Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster
Tribe Lycaenini Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster

Loweia alciphron insignis Sagarra, 1924
Loweia alciphron paupercula Sagarra, 1924

Tribe Eumaeini Doubleday, 1847

Thestor ballus catalonica Sagarra, 1931
Thestor ballus f. flavosticta Sagarra, 1924
Strimon acaciae fumosa Sagarra, 1926
Strimon esculi camboi Sagarra, 1926
Strimon esculi neglecta Sagarra, 1926
Strimon spini bofilli Sagarra, 1924

Tribe Polyommatini Swainson, 1827

Lampides boeticus fusca Sagarra, 1926
Raywardia telicanus tetrica Sagarra, 1925
Raywardia telicanus tetrica f. semitetrica Sagarra, 1926
Zizeeria lysimon volpii Romei, 1927
Scolitantides orion parvula Sagarra, 1925
Scolitantides baton cavazzai Romei, 1927
Glaucopsyche cyllarus pauperella
Sagarra, 1926
Glaucopsyche cyllarus pauperella f. privata Sagarra, 1926
Scolitantides melanops diversa Sagarra, 1926
Jolana iolas farriolsi Sagarra, 1931
Maculinea alcon hospitali Vilarrubia, 1948
Maculinea arcas ajenjoi Vilarrubia, 1948
Agriades thersites josephina Sagarra, 1924
Agriades thersites ferdinandi Sagarra, 1926
Hirsutina dolus fulgens Sagarra, 1925
Hirsutina damon cabrerae Sagarra, 1930
Hirsutina damon noguerae Sagarra, 1924
Meleageria meleager marteniana Sagarra, 1925
Agriades corydonius caelestissima ab. deliciosa Sagarra, 1924
Agriades corydonius asturienseis Sagarra, 1924
Agriades corydonius asturienseis ab. syngraphoides Sagarra, 1924
Agriades albicans bolivari Romei, 1927
Agriades thetis langhami Romei, 1927
Aricia chiron bolivarensis Sagarra, 1931
Aricia idas ordesae Sagarra, 1931
Plebeius argus montsiai Sagarra, 1931
Plebeius insularis degener Sagarra, 1931
Plebeius insularis extremata Sagarra, 1931

Family Nymphalidae Rafinesque, 1815
Subfamily Libytheinae Boisduval, [1833] 1832

Libythea celtis livida Sagarra, 1926

Subfamily Satyrinae Boisduval [1833] 1832
Tribe Satyrini Boisduval, [1833] 1832
Subtribe Coenonymphina Tutt, 1816

Coenonympha dorus fonti Sagarra, 1924
Coenonympha pamphilus altopirenaica Sagarra, 1931
Coenonympha iphioides pseudoamyntas Sagarra, 1931
Coenonympha iphioides pearsoni Romei, 1927

Subtribe Maniolina Verity, 1953

Epinephele jurtina cantabrica Agenjo, 1933
Pyronia tithonus cid Sagarra, 1924
Epinephele tithonus pardoi Agenjo, 1941
Pyronia tithonus
f. souzai Querci, 1932
Pyronia bathseba pardilloi Sagarra, 1924
Pyronia ida catalana Sagarra, 1926
Pyronia ida aragonica Sagarra, 1926
Hyponephele lycaon fonti Sagarra, 1931

Subtribe Erebiina Tutt, 1896

Erebia manto f. tenebrosa Sagarra, 1931
Erebia epiphron valdeonica Hospital, 1948
Erebiatyndarus buronica Hospital, 1948
Erebia zapateri f. castiliana Romei, 1927

Subtribe Melanargiina Verity, 1920

Melanargia lachesis barcinonaria Sagarra, 1924
Melanargia lachesis catalana Sagarra, 1926
Melanargia lachesis f. weeksi Querci, 1932
Melanargia japygia f. catalonica Sagarra, 1916
Melanargia russiae aragonensis Sagarra, 1924
Melanargia occitanica winni Querci, 1932
Melanargia syllius f. pseudojapygia Sagarra, 1916
Satyrus ines f. sagarrai Querci, 1948

Subtribe Satyrina Boisduval, [1833] 1832

Hipparchia semele martire Sagarra, 1931
Hipparchia semele hibera Verity, 1923
Hipparchia hippolyte williamsi Romei, 1927

Subfamily Nymphalinae Rafinesque, 1815
Tribe Nymphalini Rafinesque, 1815

Aglais urticae f. pseudoichnusa Sagarra, 1931
Aglais urticae variegata Sagarra, 1931

Tribe Melitaeini Herrich-Schäffer, 1843
Subtribe Melitaeina Herrich-Schäffer, 1843

Melitaea cinxia pseudoclarisa Sagarra, 1931
Melitaea phoebe occitànica ab. francescoi  Sagarra, 1926

Melitaea phoebe f. bethunebakeri  Sagarra, 1926
Melitaea phoebe f. ornatiformis Sagarra, 1931
Melitaea didyma f. supercaldaria Sagarra, 1926
Melitaea didyma ab. depauperata Sagarra, 1924
Melitaea trivia ab. equivalens Sagarra, 1924
Melitaea trivia ignasiti Sagarra, 1926
Melitaea helvetica aranensis Sagarra, 1931
Melitaea helvetica biedermanni Querci, 1932
Melitaea dejone signata Sagarra, 1926
Melitaea parthenie bolivari Sagarra, 1931

Subfamily Heliconiinae Swainson, [1822] 1821-22
Tribe Argynnidini Swainson, [1833] 1832-33
Subtribe Argynnidina Swainson, [1833] 1832-33

Issoria lathonia f. vilarrubiai Agenjo, 1948
Issoria lathonia f. clara Agenjo, 1948
Issoria lathonia f. attenuata Sagarra, 1926
Argyronome paphia zariquieyi Sagarra, 1924
Argynnis aglaja mirabilis Sagarra, 1925
Argynnis aglaja montesignum Sagarra, 1926
Argynnis aglaja clorinda Sagarra, 1931
Brenthis hecate poecilla Sagarra, 1924
Brenthis hecate weissiana Sagarra, 1924
Brenthis hecate rubecula Sagarra, 1924
Brenthis ino pyrenaica Sagarra, 1925
Brenthis ino erilda Sagarra, 1925

Subtribe Boloriina Warren, Dos Passos & Grey, 1946

Argynnis euphrosyne cynosoma Fruhstorfer, 1917

Superfamily Pyraloidea Latreille, 1809
Family Pyralidae Latreille, 1809
Subfamily Phycitinae Zeller, 1839
Tribe Peoriini Hulst, 1890

Hypsotropa vazquezi Gastón, Macià & Ylla, Huertas-Dionisio, 2016

Family Crambidae Latreille, 1810
Subfamily Evergestinae Marion 1952
Tribe Evegestini Marion 1952

Evergestis merceti Agenjo, 1933

Subfamily Scopariinae Guenée, 1854, in Boisduval & Guenée

Scoparia ingratella catalonica Leraut, 1982

Superfamily Lasiocampoidea Harris, 1841
Family Lasiocampidae Harris, 1841
Subfamily Chondrosteginae Tutt, 1902
Tribe Chondrostegini Tutt, 1902

Chondrostega escobesae De Freina, Monasterio, Antonietty & Vila, 2015

Superfamily Drepanoidea Boisbuval, [1828] 1829
Family Drepanidae Boisduval, [1828] 1829
Subfamily Drepaninae Boisduval, [1828] 1829 

Cilix hispanica Pérez De-Gregorio, Jeremias, Requena, Rondós & Vallhonrat, 2002

Superfamily Geometroidea Stephens, 1829
Family Geometridae Stephens, 1829
Subfamily Sterrhinae, Meyrick, 1892
Tribe Sterrhini, Meyrick, 1892

Idaea omari Hausmann & Bläsius, 2008

Subfamily Ennominae Duponchel, [1845] 1844
Tribe BoarmiiniDuponchel, [1845] 1844 nomen protectum

Peribatodes ebusaria Vallhonrat, 2012

Superfamily Noctuoidea Latreille, 1809
Family Erebidae Leach, [1815] in Brewster
Subfamily Arctiinae Leach, [1815] 1830 in Brewster
Tribe Arctiini Leach, [1815] 1830 in Brewster
Subtribe Arctiina Leach, [1815] 1830 in Brewster

Epicallia villica angelica f. fracta Agenjo, 1942
Hyphoraia dejeani carpetana Agenjo, 1937
Chelis maculosa serratica Agenjo, 1937
Chelis cantabrica Macià, Gastón, Redondo & Ylla, 2013

Subtribe Callimorphina Walker, [1865] 1864

Coscinia romei Sagarra, 1924

Family Noctuidae Latreille, 1809
Subfamily Acontiinae Guenée, 1841
Tribe Hypercalymniini Fibiger & Lafontaine, 2005

Metopoceras khalildja sagarraiana De Gregorio & Romañá, 1980

Subfamily Heliothinae Boisduval, [1828] 1829

Chloridea peltigera insulata Navás, 1924

Subfamily Xyleninae Guenée, 1837
Tribe Caradrinini Boisduval, 1840
Subtribe Caradrinina Boisduval, 1840

Platyperigea aspersa catalana De Laever, 1980

Subfamily Noctuinae Latreille, 1809
Tribe Agrotini Harris, 1841
Subtribe Agrotina Harris, 1841

Agrotis constanti schawerdae Agenjo, 1941


Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758
Superfamily Hepialoidea Stephens, 1829
Family Hepialidae Stephens, 1829

Hepialus sylvina f. pardoi Agenjo, 1942
Current status: Triodia sylvina (Linnaeus, 1761)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: ♂ de Camargo, 6 m, Santander, IX-1934 (G. Pardo leg.). En colección R. Agenjo. La forma se encuentra además en Cercedilla, Gijón y San Ildefonso. También he visto ejemplares de Darmstadt y Sprottau que se refieren a ella» (Agenjo, 1942a: 157).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Germany: (Hesse, federal State), Darmstadt; Prussia (federal State), Sprottau».
Holotype depositary: MNCN .
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-2463, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Darmstadt | Tasme Eborst | 7-VII-20] [H. sylvina (L.) v. intermedia Ag. | Paratipo 4º ♂] [Hepialus sylvina pardoi | (Agenjo, 1942) | Triodia sylvina | (Linnaeus, 1761) | R. Macià rev. 2015] [73-2463 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2464, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Hespialus | sylvinus | Catalunia | Com. Sep 17] [H. sylvina (L.) | v. pardoi Ag. | Paratipo 4º ♂] [73-2464 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2465, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Sprottau] [H. sylvina (L.) | v. pardoi Ag. | Paratipo 7º ♂] [73-2465 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2466, 1♂ Labelled as: [H. sylvina (L.) | v. pardoi Ag. | Paratipo 3º ♂] [73-2466 | MZB].
Remarks: Paratypes labelled by Agenjo.
References: Freina & Witt, 1990; Leraut, 2006; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hepialus sylvina f. laincalvo Agenjo, 1942
Current status: Triodia sylvina (Linnaeus, 1761)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: ♂ de Estépar, Burgos, 5-IX-29 (R. Agenjo leg.). En la colección R. Agenjo. Paratipos: 13 ♂♂, 4 de la misma procedència y col·lector que el holotipo, recogidos, respectivamente, el II-IX-1930, 17-IX-1931 y IX-1932 (en la colección R. Agenjo); 1 ♂ de la Vid, IX (A. Fernández leg.); 2 de San Idelfonso (L. Vic y A. Vázquez leg.); 1 de San Rafael, IX-1932 (I. Bolívar leg.); 1 de Viladrau, La Sala 19-30-IX-1921 (J. Novellas leg.); 1 de Beuthen, 1 de Darmstadt, 1 de Maguncia y 1 de Sprottau. Los dos primeros en la colección R. Agenjo; los seis siguientes en la colección de lepidópteros de España del Instituto Español de Entomología, y los cinco últimos en la colección del Museo de Ciencias de Barcelona» (Agenjo, 1942a: 158).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Girona,Viladrau; Germany: Beuthen; Hesse (federal State), Darmstadt; Renania (federal State) Maguncia; Prussia (federal State), Sprottau».
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-2457, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Catalonia | Viladrau | (La Sala) | 19 a 30-IX-21 | Novellas leg. | Nº 1179] [H. sylvina (L.) | v. lain-calvo Ag. | Paratipo 8º ♂] [73-2457 | MZB] [Hepialus sylvina lain-calvo (Agenjo, 1942) | Triodia sylvina | (Linnaeus, 1761) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2458, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Beuthen | i/Sab] [H. sylvina (L.) | v. lain-calvo Ag. | Paratipo 12º ♂] [73-2458 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2459, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Darmstat] [H. sylvina (L.) | v. lain-calvo Ag. | Paratipo 9º ♂] [73-2459 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2460, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [H. sylvina (L.) | v. lain-calvo Ag. | Paratipo 13º ♂] [73-2460 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2461, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Sprottau] [H. sylvina (L.) | v. lain-calvo Ag. | Paratipo 11º ♂] [73-2461 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2462, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Front: Germania | Mainz -VIII- | Ex. V. Gieseking | Nº1172 | Back: Hepialus | sylvina] [H. sylvina (L.) | v. lain-calvo Ag. | Paratipo 10º ♂] [73-2462 | MZB].
Remarks: the specimen classified as 73-2462 MZB does not match the description in the original reference to the type material.
References: Freina & Witt, 1990; Leraut, 2006; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Korscheltellus lupulinus espanoli Pérez de Gregorio, 1981
Current status: Pharmacis lupulinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: 1 ♂ de Vespella, Gurb (Osona), 650 m, 14.V.1981 (J. Ylla, leg.); Paratipus: 21 ♂♂ i ♀♀, de la mateixa localitat i del Gorg Negre, V.1979, 1980 i 1981 (J. Ylla, leg.), recollits a la llum o volant al vespre. Tots a les col·leccions del Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona (tipus i 8 paratipus) i a la col·lecció de Josep Ylla (13 paratipus)» (Pérez De-Gregorio, 1981: 55).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona,Vespella,Gurb (Osona); Gorg Negre (Osona)».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2390, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Vespella | (Gurb, | Osona), 14-V-1981 | (leg.) | J. Ylla] [K. lupulinus L. ♂ | ssp. españoli P.Greg | De-Gregorio det.] [K. lupulinus | lupulinus | – -19 ♂♂ | J. Ylla & Albert Masó] [Tipus] [73-2390 |
MZB] [Korscheltellus lupulinus | españoli Pérez de | Gregorio, 1981 | Farmacis lupulinis | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2391, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [Front: Vespella (Gurb) | (Barcelon | 12-V-78 JY | Back: N-1978-7 | Alç 650 m] [CATALUNYA | Vespella (Gurb, Osona) | 12-V-1978 | Josep YLLA (leg.) | Back: N-1978-7 | A = 650 m] [Paratipus] [73-2391 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2392, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Front: Vespella (Gurb) | -Osona | 18-V-79 JY | Back: N-1979-3 | Alç 650 m] [K. lupulinus L ♂ | ssp. españoli D-G | De-Gregorio det.] [Hepialus | lupulina] [K. lupulinus | lupulinus | –
-19 ♂♂ | J. Ylla & Albert Masó] [Paratipus] [73-2392 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2393, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Vespella (Gurb, | Osona), 14-V-1981 | (J. Ylla, leg.)] [K. lupulinus L ♂ | ssp. españoli D-G | De-Gregorio det.] [Paratipus] [73-2393 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2394, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Vespella (Gurb, | Osona), 14-V-1981 | J. Ylla, (leg.)] [K. lupulinus L. ♂ | ssp. españoli D-G | De-Gregorio det.] [Paratipus] [73-2394 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2395, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Vespella (Gurb, | Osona), 14-V-1981 | J. Ylla (leg.)] [K. lupulinus L. ♂ | ssp. españoli D-G | De-Gregorio det.] [Paratipus] [73-2395 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2396, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Vespella (Gurb, | Osona), 14-V-1981 | J. Ylla (leg.)] [K. lupulinus L ♂ | ssp. españoli D-G | De-Gregorio det.] [Paratipus] [73-2396 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2397, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [Front: Vespella | (Gurb de la Plana) | Osona DG34 650 m | J. Ylla, leg. 7/5/88 | Back: AN-1988-13] [Paratipus] [K. lupulinus | lupulinus | – -19 | J. Ylla & Albert Masó] [73-2397 | MZB].
References: Freina & Witt, 1990; Leraut, 2006; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hepialus anselminae Teobaldelli, 1977
Current status: Pharmacis anselminae (Teobaldelli, 1977)
Original type material citation: «Holotypus ♂: Aosta Tal, Cogne Valle Valeille bei 2000
m, 14.7.1975. Flügelspannweite 33 mm. In meiner Sammlung. Allotypus ♀: Aosta Tal, Cogne Valle Valeille bei 2000 m, 14.7.1975. Flügelspannweite 25 mm. In meiner Sammlung. Paratypen: 54 ♂♂ 35 ♀♀ Aosta Tal, Valle Valeille, 2000 m, 14.VII.75, 9 und 11.7.1976 in meiner Sammlung; 1 ♂♀ in Sammlung Th. Witt, München; 4 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀ in Sammlung J. Wolfsberger, München. 57 ♂♂ 11 ♀♀ Aosta Tal, Cogne, Peradza 2500 m, 15.7.76 in meiner Sammlung; 3 ♂♂ in Sammlung J. Wolfsberger, München; 1 ♂♀ im
Entomologischen Institut (Graf Hartig), Bozen» (Teobaldelli, 1977: 38).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Italy: Val d’Aosta, Valeille, Vallone, Utier».
Holotype depositary: TEOB.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-2398, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Val d’Aosta | Valle Valeille | m 2000 | 11-VII-1976 | A. Teobaldelli] [Front: PARATYPUS | Hepialus anselminae | TEOBALDELLI | Back: Teobaldelli] [73-2398 | MZB] [Hepialus anselminae | Teobaldelli, 1977 | Pharmacis anselminae | Teobaldelli, 1977 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2399, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [Front: PARATYPUS | Hepialus anselminae | TEOBALDELLI | Back: Teobaldelli] [Val d’Aosta | Vallone | Urtier m 2350 | 27-VII-78 | A. Teobaldelli] [73-2399 | MZB].
Remarks: the specimen classified as 73-2399 MZB does not match the description in the original reference to the type material.
References: Leraut, 2006.

Superfamily Gracillarioidea Stainton, 1854
Family Gracillariidae Staiton, 1854
Subfamily Lithocollitinae Staiton, 1854

Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimić, 1986
Original type material citation: «Holotypus: “6 km S of Ohrid 705 m, Macedonia, Yu(goslavia), e. l.5.-14.8.1985, G. Deschka leg.- Mine in Aesculus hippocastanum L., Zuchl Nr. 1889, Mine: 30.-31.7.1985”» Paratypen: 7 ♂♂ und 19 ♀♀ “Ohridsko Jez., East, ca. 705 m, Macedonia, Yu(goslavia), e. l.8.-14.7.1984. Mine: Aesculus hippocastanum L., Zucht: N. Dimić”.- 24 ♂♂ und 67 ♀♀ von der gleichen Lokalität und aus dem gleichen Substrat: E. 1.8.-14.5.1985.- 137 Imagines mit der gleichen Etikkette wie der Holotypus. Dazu Herbarblätter und Trockenpräparate von Puppen. Mikroskopische Präparate von Beinen: 1963, 1965-69, 1971-72, 1975-77 und 1983B (alle ♀). Genitalpräparate: 1978, 1989A (♂) und 1964 1982, 1987 (♀). Raupenpräparate: 2011-2018. Puppenpräparate: 2009-2010. Flügelpräparate: 1981, 1983-86 und 1995 (alle ♀). Kopfpräparat: 1970 (♀). 62 Imagines und einige Trockenpräparate von Puppen mit enal·logen Etiketten wie der Holotypus, aber mit den Daten “8.-17.3.1986” 3 Imagines mit der Etikette “Kičevo 620 m, Macedonia, Yu(goslavia), e. l. – 10.8.1985, G. Deschka leg. – Mine in Aesculus hippocastanum L., Zucht: Nr. 1890, Mine: 1.8.1985”. 163 Imagines mit enal·logen Etiketten, jedoch mit den Daten: “2.-11.3.1986”. DazuHerbarmaterial und Trockenpräparate von Puppen. Der Holotypus in der Sammlung G. Deschka, die Paratypen bei N. Dimić.» (Deschka & Dimić, 1986: 11).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Mazedonien: Ohrid».
Holotype depositary: DSKA.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2015-8568, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [6 km S of Ohrid 705 m | Macedonia, YU | e. 1.8.-17.3.1986 | G. Deschka leg.] [Mine in Aesculus | hippocastanum L. | Zucht Nr. 1889 | Mine: 30.-31.7.85] [Cameraria ohridella | DESCHKA & DIMIC | PARATYPUS] [2015-8568 | MZB] [Cameraria ohridella Deschka, 1986 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 2015-8569, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [Kicevo 620 m | Macedonia, YU | e. 1.2.-11.3.1986 | G. Deschka leg.] [Mine in Aesculus | hippocastanum L. | Zucht Nr. 1890 | Mine: 1.8.85] [Cameraria ohridella | DESCHKA & DIMIC | PARATYPUS] [2015-8569 |
Remarks: Elisenda Olivella donated these specimens to the MCNB.
References: (—).

Superfamily Gelechioidea Stainton, 1854
Family Autostichidae Le Marchand, 1947
Subfamily Symmocinae Gozmány, 1957

Symmoca degregorioi Requena, 2007
Original type material citation: «Holotypus, 1 ♂: Coll de les Masies, Muntanyes de Prades (Prades, Baix Camp) (31TCF3378, 980 m), 29.VII.2005, E. Requena leg. in collection MZB (prep. gen. ER993). Paratypi: Coll de les Masies, Muntanyes de Prades (Prades, Baix Camp) (31TCF3378, 980 m), 2 ♂♂, 13.VII.2006, E. Requena leg., J. J. Pérez De-Gregorio collection (prep. gen. ER1212), L. Gozmány collection (prep. gen. ER1213). Coll de les Masies, Muntanyes de Prades (Prades, Baix Camp) (31TCF3378, 980 m), 1 ♀, 29.VII.2006 (prep. gen. ER1215) E. Requena leg. et collection. L’Holotypus es conserva al Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella de Barcelona (MZB).» (Requena, 2007: 5).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Catalonia, Prades, Baix Camp, Coll de les Masies».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4357, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4357 | MZB] [CATALUNYA, BAIX CAMP | Prades, coll de les Masies | 980 m 29.VII.2005 | Emili Requena leg.] [Symmoca | degregorioi | E. Requena det.] [HOLOTYPUS] [gen ♂ | ER 993].
Remarks: genitalia extracted and numbered originally as ER993 but classified as L73-5097MZB. Emili Requena donated this holotype to the MCNB.
References: (—).

Family Scythridae Rebel, 1901 in Staudinger & Rebel

Bryophaga userai Agenjo, 1962
Current status: Enolmis userai (Agenjo, 1962)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo ♂ Sierra de Montsant a 500-1168 m en Ulldemolins, provincia de Tarragona, 25-VI-1918 (I. Sagarra leg.). Alotipo ♀, adelfotípica. En la colección del Instituto Municipal de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona. Una ♀ capturada entre Esplugas de Francolí a 411 m, y la ermita de la Trinidad, a 590 m, de dicho termino y aquella provincia, 17-V-1922 (S. Novellas leg.), que pertenece también a la especie» (Agenjo, 1962: 9).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia,Tarragona, Serra Montsant».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2400, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Montsant | 25-VI-18 | Sagarra] [Front: 93 ♂♂ | Bryophaga ♂ | userai Ag. | R. Agenjo det. | Back: Holotipo] [Bryophaga | userai Ag. | HOLOTIPO ♂] [73-2400 | MZB] [Bryophaga userai | Agenjo, 1962 |
Enolmis userai Agenjo, | 1962 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2401, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Montsant | 25-VI-18 | Sagarra] [Front: 94 #9792; ♀ | Bryophaga | userai Ag. | R. Agenjo det. | Back: Alotipo] [Bryophaga | userai Ag. | ALOTIPO ♀] [73-2401 | MZB].
Remarks: genitalia extracted and not located.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Superfamily Pterophoroidea Latreille, [1802] 1803, in Buffon
Family Pterophoridae Latreille, [1802] 1803, in Buffon
Subfamily Platyptiliinae Tutt, 1906
Tribe Platyptiliini Tutt, 1906

Stenoptilia cerdanica Nel & Gibeaux 1991
Original type material citation: «Holotype: 1 mâle, Pyrénées-Orientales, Puigmal d’Err, 2000 m, ex larva, 19-VII-1988 (J. Nel cult.) (prép. Gémit. Chr. Gibeaux nº 4085). Allotype: 1 femelle, idem, (prép. Génit. Chr. Gibeaux nº 4084). Tous les deux deposés dans les collections du M. N. H. N., Paris. Paratypes: 55 mâles, 45 females, idem, 15/22-VII-1988 (collection M. N. H. N., Paris, J. Nel, L. Bigot). D’autre part, notre ami Gérard Brusseaux nous a soumis pour détermination un spécimen de cerdanica provenant des Hautes-Pyrénées, Spainière de Couplan, 1800 m» (Nel & Gibeaux 1991: 131).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «France: Pyr. Or., Puigmal d’Err».
Holotype depositary: MNHN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2008-0025, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [PARATYPE] [Front: NEL Jacques | Puigmal d’Err | Pyr. Orient. 2000 m | Ex-Larva | [mascle] 21-07-1988 | Back: St. cerdanica | Sax. aquatica | det. Net et | Gibeaux] [Stepnotilia ♂ cerdanica | Nel et Gibeaux | 1992 J. Nel det.] [2008-0025 | MZB] [Stenoptilia cerdanica Nel | & Gibeaux 1990 | Stenoptilia pelidnodactyla | (Stein, 1837) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 2008-0026, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [PARATYPE] [Front: NEL Jacques | Puigmal d’Err | Pyr. Orient. 2000 m | Ex. larva | ♀ 18.07.1988 | Back: St. cerdanica | Sax. aquatica | det. Nel et | Gibeaux] [Stenoptilia ♀ | cerdanica Nel & Gibeaux | 1992 J. Nel det.] [2008-0026 | MZB].
Remarks: Gielis (1996) thinks that S. cerdanica may be a synonym of S. pelidnodactyla but its status is thus uncertain and needs to be resolved, while Leraut (1997) believes it to be a valid species.
References: Leraut, 1997.

Superfamily Cossoidea Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster
Family Cossidae Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster
Subfamily Zeuzerinae Boisduval, [1828]

Phragmataecia castaneae leonadae Gomez Bustillo, 1977
Phragmataecia castaneae (Hübner, 1790)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo ♂, Torre la Sal (0 m), T. M. de Cabanes, Castellón 14-19-VII-76, Calle leg.; Alotipo ♀, de la pròpia localidad, 8-13-VII-76, Calle leg.; y 20 paratipos ♂♂ y ♀♀, de la pròpia localidad, y distintes fechas entre 2.V.76 y 25.VIII.1976, Calle leg. y Calle y Font leg.. Holotipo, alotipo y 10 paratipos en la colección Gómez Bustillo, Madrid, 2 paratipos (♂ y ♀) en la colección Nacional de SHILAP, Madrid y 8 paratipos en la colección Calle Pascual, Castellón» (Gomez Bustillo, 1977: 94).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castellón, Torre la Sal (Cabanes)».
Holotype depositary: GB.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-2402, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [ssp nov. | Leonadae | Torre La Sal (Cabanes) | Castellón, 0m, 3-13-VII-1976| Phragmataecia | castaneae | Col. Dr. Calle y J. M. Font.] [Front: Ph. c. leonadae | Gómez Bustillo det. | Back: 3] [Paratipus] [73-2402 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2403, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Torre La Sal (Cabanes) | Castellón, 0m, 15-VIII-1976 | Phragmataecia | castaneae | Col. Dr. Calle y J. M. Font.] Ph. c. leonadae | Gómez Bustillo det. | [PARATIPO] [73-2403 | MZB] [Phragmataecia castaneae | leonadae Gomez Bustillo, | 1977 | Phragmataecia castaneae | (Hübner, 1790) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: the left forewing of paratype MZB 73-2403 is missing.
References: Freina & Witt, 1990; Leraut, 2006; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Superfamily Sesioidea, Boisduval [1828] 1829
Family Sesiidae, Boisduval [1828] 1829
Subfamily Sesiinae, Boisduval [1828] 1829
Tribu Synanthedonini, Niculescu 1964

Synanthedon cruciati Bettag & Bläsius, 2002
Original type material citation: «Holotypus: Spanien, Andalucien, Provinz Malaga, Serrania de Ronda Umgerbung, 900 m Höbe. 04-06-1994 e.l. aus Viscum cruciatum (Loranthaceae) leg. E. Bettag und R. Bläsius. Paratypen: 29 ♂♂ und 27 ♀♀ stammen von der e.l.– Tiere liegen zwischen dem 17.2 und 18.5 der Jahre 1993, 1994, 1995 und 1999. Vier Tiere, die dort als Puppen gefunden wurden, schlüften zwischen dem 06.06. und 10.06.1995. 1 ♂ (e.l. 06.05.1999) stammt aus der Umgebung des ca. 40 km westlich von Ronda gelegenen Puerto de Galis (600 m Höhe), Provinz Cadiz. Der Holotypus und ein Paratypus (Weibchen) werden im Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid deponiert werden. Zwei Paratypen (♂ und ♀) werden in das Muséum National d’histoire Naturelle in Paris gelangen. Anzahl 57, 30 ♂♂ und 27 ♀♀, in collection R. Bläsius 15 ♂♂ und 14 ♀♀. in collection E. Bettag 9 ♂♂ und 7 ♀♀. in collection A. Cervelló 4 ♂♂ und 2 ♀♀ in collection H. Riefenstahl 1 ♂ und 1 ♀ in collection  A. Kallies 1♀» (Bettag & Bläsius, 2002: 4).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Andalucia, Málaga, Serranía de Ronda».
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2016-3730, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [ANDALUCIA | El Burgo | MALAGA | (ex larva) | 18-5-1999 | Arcadi Cervelló leg.] [planta hoste | Viscum crusiatum] [PARATYPUS | Synanthedon | cruciati ♂ | Bettag & Bläsius 2002] [2016-3730 | MZB].
Remarks: Arcadi Cervelló donated this specimen to the MCNB.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Superfamily Zygaenoidea, Latreille, 1809
Family Zygaenidae Latreille, 1809
Subfamily Zygaeninae Latreille, 1809
Tribe Zygaenini Latreille, 1809

Zygaena sarpedon bethunei Romei, 1927
Current status: Zygaena (Mesembrynus) sarpedon (Hübner, 1790)
Original type material citation: «I propose to name bethunei, the showiest race which emerges in June in alpine surroundings, on the northern side of Sierra Nevada.» (Romei, 1927a: 107).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Andalucia, Granada, Sierra Nevada».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3204, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3204 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200m | 17.6.1926 Querci] [Co-Tipo] [sarpedon | bethunei Rom | serie tipica] [Zygaena sarpedon bethunei | Romei, 1927 | Zygaena (Mesembrynus) | sarpedon (Hübner, 1790) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3205, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3205 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200m | 17.6.1926 Querci] [Co.Tipo]. Syntype MZB 73-3501, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-3501 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 10.6.1926 Querci] [Z. sarpedon Hb. | ssp. bethunei | Romei | (Cotypus)].
Syntype MZB 73-3502, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3502 | MZB] [271] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 18.6.1926 Querci] [Z. sarpedon Hb. | ssp. bethunei | Romei | (Cotypus)].
Remarks: Fernández-Rubio (2005) states that this is a very polymorphic species; specimens differ according to geographical origin and individual variations are quite frequent.
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa gen. f. oranoides Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta fausta (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation: «amb exemplars d’aquesta tersa aparició, procedents de Ribes i de Manlleu, recol·lectats pel Dr. A. Weiss (VIII i IX de 1914 i 1916) Burgeff denominà així la rassa, per la semblansa que li advertí amb orana. Enguany ha estat particularment abundosa en la regió abans esmentada del Montseny (la gran eclosió durà del 28-VIII al 12-IX. Els Srs. Querci n’examinaren més de deu mil exemplars; resultat d’aquell examen podem concretar que la tersa generació oranoides Bgf. és variabilíssima. Entre les formes excepcionals hem de esmentar florella, disjuncta, confluents i fractimacula» (Sagarra, 1925b: 274).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Girona, Ribes de Freser; Barcelona, Manlleu».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3268, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3268 | MZB] [PYRENAEEN | Katalonien | Ribas 8.15 ♂ | Weiss.] [Agrumenia fausta L. | subsp. faustina Ochs. | var. oranoides Bgff. | III. gen. oranoides Bgff (tipo)] [Zygaena fausta oranoides | IIIa gen. f. oranoides Burgeff, | 1926 nec Sagarra, 1925 | Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta | fausta Linneaus, 1767) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3269, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3269 | MZB] [PYRENAEEN | Katalonien | Ribas 8.15 ♀ | Weiss.].
Syntype MZB 73-3270, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3270 | MZB] [PYRENAEEN | Katalonien | Ribas 9.15 ♂ | Weiss.].
Syntype MZB 73-3271, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3271 | MZB] [PYRENAEEN | Katalonien | Ribas 8.14 ♂ | Weiss.].
Syntype MZB 73-3272, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3272 | MZB] [PYRENAEEN | Katalonien | Ribas 9.15 ♀ | Weiss.].
Syntype MZB 73-3273, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3273 | MZB] [PYRENAEEN | Katalonien | Ribas 9.15 ♀ | Weiss.].
Syntype MZB 73-3274, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3274 | MZB] [PYRENAEEN | Katalonien | Ribas 8.15 ♂ | Weiss.].
Syntype MZB 73-3275, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3275 | MZB] [PYRENAEEN | Katalonien | Ribas 9.15 ♂ | Weiss.].
Syntype MZB 73-3276, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3276 | MZB] [PYRENAEEN | Katalonien | Ribas 8.15 ♂ | Weiss.].
Syntype MZB 73-3277, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3277 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu X.14 ♀].
Syntype MZB 73-3278, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3278 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu X.14 ♀ | Weiss].
Syntype MZB 73-3279, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3279 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu X.14 ♀].
Syntype MZB 73-3280, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3280 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .9.14 ♀].
Syntype MZB 73-3281, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3281 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .X.14 ♀].
Syntype MZB 73-3282, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3282 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .9.14 ♀].
Syntype MZB 73-3283, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3283 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .X.14 ♂].
Syntype MZB 73-3284, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3284 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .X.14 ♂].
Syntype MZB 73-3285, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3285 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .9.14 ♂].
Syntype MZB 73-3286, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3286 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .X.14 ♂].
Syntype MZB 73-3287, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3287 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu.9.14 ♂].
Syntype MZB 73-3288, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3288 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .9.14 ♀].
Syntype MZB 73-3289, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3289 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .9.14 ♂].
Syntype MZB 73-3290, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3290 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .9.14 ♂].
Syntype MZB 73-3291, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3291 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Manso Vicens | Manlleu .X.14 ♀].
Remarks: Sagarra (1925b) and Burgeff (1926) both use the name Z. fausta oranoides oranoides and describe new races or forms based on the large number of specimens collected by Weiss in the same place on the same dates. Z. fausta is a very polymorphic species and many subspecies, forms and aberrations of no taxonomic value have been described. Fernández-Rubio (2005) agrees but only maintains two subspecies, fausta and faustina.
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena fausta oranoides Ia gen. f. macraria Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta fausta (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation: «Tipus dels pujols entre Llinàs i St. Antoni de Vilamajor (Querci leg.) 2,3-VI-1925» (Sagarra, 1925b: 273).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Llinars del Vallès».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3253, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3253 MZB] [174] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 3.6.25 Querci] [Agrumenia fausta L. | subsp. faustina Ochs. | var. oranoides Bgff. | I gen. macraria Sag] [Zygaena fausta oranoides Ia gen. f.macraria Sagarra, 1925 | Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta fausta (Linnaeus, 1767) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3254, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3254 MZB] [175] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 2.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3255, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3255 MZB] [176] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 3.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3256, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3256 MZB] [177] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 2.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3257, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3257 MZB] [178] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 2.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3258, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3258 MZB] [180] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 3.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3259, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3259 MZB] [182] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 2.6.25 Querci].
Remarks: the f. macraria is one of the large number of specimens of Z. fausta captured by Sagarra and Querci in June-November 1925. Z. fausta is a very polymorphic species and many subspecies, forms and aberrations of no taxonomic value have been described.
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena fausta oranoides IIa gen. f. microsaria Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta fausta (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation: «Tipus dels pujols entre Llinàs i Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Querci leg., 13 a 20-VII-1925)» (Sagarra, 1925b: 274).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Llinars del Vallès».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3260, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3260 MZB] [183] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 18.7.25 Querci] [Agrumenia fausta L. | subsp. faustina Ochs | var. oranoides Bgff. | II gen. microsaria Sag.] [Zygaena fausta oranoides IIa gen. f. microsaria Sagarra, 1925 | Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta fausta (Linnaeus, 1767) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3261, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3261 MZB] [184] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 20.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3262, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3262 MZB] [185] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 20.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3263, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3263 MZB] [187] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 20.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3264, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3264 MZB] [188] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 18.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3265, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3265 MZB] [189] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 19.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3266, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3266 MZB] [190] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 20.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3267, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3267 MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 14-VII-25 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252].
Remarks: the f. microsaria is one of the large number of specimens of Z. fausta captured by Sagarra and Querci in June-November 1925. Z. fausta is a very polymorphic species and many subspecies, forms and aberrations of no taxonomic value have been described.
References: Naumann et al., 1999; Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa gen. f. oranoides ab. florella Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta fausta (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation: «Tipus dels pujols entre Llinàs i Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Querci leg., VIII-IX-1925). La color vermella esdevé rossa pal.lida (22 individus perfectament frescos i ben caracteritzats)» (Sagarra, 1925b: 274).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Llinars del Vallès; Sant Antoni de Vilamajor».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3292, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3292 | MZB] [192] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 29.8.25 Querci] [Agrumenia fausta L. | subsp. faustina Ochs | var. oranoides Bgff | ab. florella Sag.] [Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa | gen. f. oranoides Burgeff, 1926 | nec Sagarra, 1925 ab. florella | Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta | fausta (Linnaeus, 1767) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3293, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3293 | MZB] [194] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 8.9.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3294, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3294 | MZB] [195] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 24.9.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3295, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3295 | MZB] [196] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 6.9.25 Querci].
Remarks: the ab. florella is one of the large number of specimens of Z. fausta captured by Sagarra and Querci in June-November 1925. Z. fausta is a very polymorphic species and many subspecies, forms and aberrations of no taxonomic value have been described.
References: Naumann et al., 1999; Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa gen. f. oranoides ab. disjuncta Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta fausta (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation: «Tipus dels pujols entre Llinàs i Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Querci leg., VIII-IX-1925). Taques mitjanes a les ales anteriors perfectament separades (4 mascles i una femella)» (Sagarra, 1925b: 274).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Llinars del Vallès».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3296, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3296 | MZB] [198] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 17.8.25 Querci] [HOLOTYPE] [Agrumenia fausta L. | sub.sp. faustina Ochs. | var. oranoides Bgff. | ab. disjuncta Sag.] [Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa | gen. f. oranoides Burgeff, 1926 | nec Sagarra, 1925 ab. disjuncta | Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta | fausta (Linnaeus, 1767) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3297, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3297 | MZB][200][CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 28.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3298, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3298 | MZB] [201] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 3.9.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3299, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3299 | MZB] [202] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 29.8.25 Querci].
Remarks: the ab. disjuncta is one of the large numbers of specimens of Z. fausta captured by Sagarra and Querci in June-November 1925. Z. fausta is a very polymorphic species and many subspecies, forms and aberrations of no taxonomic value have been described.
References: Naumann et al., 1999; Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena fausta oranoides IIIa gen. f. oranoides ab. confluens Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta fausta (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation: «Tipus dels pujols entre Llinàs i Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Querci leg., VIII-IX-1925). Taques vermelles de les ales anteriors, reunides amplament» (Sagarra, 1925b: 274).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Llinars del Vallès».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3300, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-3300 | MZB] [ 203] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 30.8.25 Querci] [HOLOTYPE] [Agrumenia fausta L. | subsp. faustina Ochs. | var. oranoides Bgff. | ab. confluens Sag.]
Remarks: specimen with abdomen extracted. The ab. confluens is one of the large numbers of specimens of Z. fausta captured by Sagarra and Querci in June-November 1925. Z. fausta is a very polymorphic species and many subspecies, forms and aberrations of no taxonomic value have been described.
References: Naumann et al., 1999; Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena fausta lilliputana Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta fausta (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de la serra de St. Pere de Vilamajor, a 600 m prop de cân Surell (Querci leg. 12-IX-1925)» (Sagarra, 1925b: 274).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Serra de Sant Pere de Milamajor (Montseny)».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3245, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3245 | MZB] [211] [CATALONIA | Montseny 600 m | 12.9.25 Querci] [PARATYPE] [Agrumenia fausta L. | subsp. faustina Ochs. | var. lilliputana Sag.] [Zygaena fausta lilliputana | Sagarra, 1925 | Zygaena (Agrumenia) fausta | fausta (Linnaeus, 1767) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3246, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3246 | MZB] [212] [CATALONIA | Montseny 600 m | 12.9.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3247, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3247 | MZB] [213] [CATALONIA | Montseny 600 m | 12.9.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3248, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3248 | MZB] [214] [CATALONIA | Montseny 600 m | 12.9.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3249, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3249 | MZB] [216] [CATALONIA | Montseny 600 m | 12.9.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3250, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3250 | MZB] [217] [CATALONIA | Montseny 600 m | 12.9.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3251, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3251 | MZB] [219] [CATALONIA | Montseny 600 m | 12.9.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3252, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3252 | MZB] [220] [CATALONIA | Montseny 600 m | 12.9.25 Querci].
Remarks: Fernández-Rubio (2005) only maintains two valid subspecies, fausta and faustina.
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena carniolica catalonica Sagarra, 1940
Current status: Zygaena (Agrumenia) carniolica albarracina Staudinger, 1887
Original type material citation: «localidad: la Zygaena carniolica catalonica se encuentra por el mes de julio en diverses localidades de la vertiente catalana de la cordillera pirenaica: Sorribes, Gosol, en el Valle de Arán y en la República de Andorra. Serie típica: tomo por tipo un ejemplar macho procedente de Salardú, en el Valle de Arán, recolectado por S. Novellas en 21 de julio de 1922. La serie típica se compone de un regular número de ejemplares, de las localidades antes mencionades, existentes todos, en la colección entomológica del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona» (Sagarra, 1940: 392).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Lleida, Val d’Aran, Salardú».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3214, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3214 | MZB] [CATALONIA | De Salardú al Estany | de Basibé (Aran) | 21-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231].
Paratype MZB 73-3215, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3215 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Andorra la vella | 18-VII-20 | SAG. I NOV. leg. | 1114].
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena felix silvestrii Romei, 1927
Zygaena (Agrumenia) felix silvestrii Romei, 1927
Original type material citation: «quando nel febbraio del 1925 tornai in Tripolitania mi accorsi che la stagione era in anticipo su quella dell’anno precedente. Confrontando oggi le sèrie delle due raccolte noto le seguenti diferenze che giustificano il nome di «silvestrii» ch’io propongo per la forma raccolta nel 1925 nei pressi di Sidi Messri» (Romei, 1927b: 280).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Libya: Tripolitania, Sidi Mesri».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4164, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4164 | MZB] [277] [TRIPOLITANIA | Sidi Mesri m 30 | 24.II.25 Romei] [Z. felix Obth. | forma silvestrii | Romei | (Cotypus)] [Zygaena felix silvestrii | Romei, 1927 | Zygaena (Agrumenia) felix | silvestrii Romei, 1927 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4165, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4165 | MZB] [278] [TRIPOLITANIA | Sidi Mesri m 30 | 2.III.25 Romei] [Z. felix Obth. | forma silvestrii | Romei | (Cotypus)].
References: Leraut, 2012.

Zygaena ignifera dertosensis Sagarra, 1940
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) ignifera Korb, 1897
Original type material citation: «Puertos de Tortosa, junto Monte Caro; mes de agosto de 1933 y 1934, Legit, Dr. Balaguer. Serie típica: en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona» (Sagarra, 1940: 391).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Tarragona, Ports de Tortosa, Mont Caro».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3206, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3206 | MZB] [Ports de | Tortosa | E. Balaguer
leg.] [Zygaena ignifera dertosensis | Sagarra, 1940 | Zygaena (Zygaena) ignifera | Korb, 1897 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3207, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3207 | MZB] [Ports de Tortosa | Balaguer leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3208, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3208 | MZB].
Syntype MZB 73-3209, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3209 | MZB].
Syntype MZB 73-3210, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3210 | MZB].
Syntype MZB 73-3211, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3211 | MZB].
Remarks: some damaged specimens including MZB 73-3208, MZB 73-3209, MZB 73-3210 and MZB 73-3211 are not labelled but do nevertheless belong to the type material. Fernández-Rubio (2005) believes that these variations are too small to justify the creation of subspecific taxa.
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena rhadamanthus f. latecincta Navás, 1924
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) rhadamanthus rhadamanthus (Esper, 1789)
Original type material citation: «Pàtria. Cabrera (Barcelona), 17 de juliol de 1923» (Navás, 1924: 38).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Osona, Santa. Maria de Corcó (Cabrera)».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
1♀ Labelled as: [73-3198 | MZB] [Corcó (B) | 17.VII.23] [Z. Rhadamanthus | Esp. | v. latecincta Nav | P. Navás S. J. det.] [Typus] [HOLOTYPE] [Zygaena rhadamanthus f. | latecincta Navás, 1924 | Zygaena (Zygaena) | rhadamanthus rhadamanthus | (Esper, 1789) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: both antennae of holotype MZB 73-3198 are missing.
References:  Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Leraut, 2012; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena lonicerae f. nobilis Navás, 1924
Zygaena (Zygaena) viciae ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Pàtria. Corcó (Barcelona), 17 de juliol de 1923 (Museu de Barcelona)» (Navás, 1924: 37).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Osona, Santa Maria de Corcó (L’Esquirol)».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3131, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-3131 | MZB] [Corcó (B) | 17.VII.23] [Z. lonicerae Schv. | v. nobilis Nav. | P. Navás S. J. det.] [Typus] [HOLOTYPE] [Zygaena lonicerae f. nobilis | Navás, 1924 | Zygaena (Zygaena) viciae ([Denis & Schiffermüller], | 1775) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena meliloti farriolsi Sagarra, 1925
Zygaena (Zygaena) viciae ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Puigsacalm i Cabrera (Dr. A. Weiss leg.) [en la col·lección del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1925b: 273).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Puigsacalm, Cabrera».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3132, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3132 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cabrera | 14-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)] [Zygaena meliloti farriolsi | Sagarra, 1925 | Zygaena (Zygaena) viciae | ([Denis & Schiffermüller], | 1775) |
R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3133, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3133 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Puigsacalm | 13-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-3134, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3134 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Puigsacalm | 13-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-3190, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3190 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Puigsacalm | 13-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-3191, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3191 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cabrera | 14-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-3192, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3192 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cabrera | 14-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-3193, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3193 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Puigsacalm | 13-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-3194, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3194 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Puigsacalm | 13-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-3195, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3195 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cabrera | 14-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-3196, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3196 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cabrera | 14-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-3197, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3197 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Puigsacalm | 13-VII-19 | 196 | Weiss] [Z. meliloti | farriolsi Sag. | (Tipo)].
Remarks: syntypes depositary MCNB.
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena transalpina philippsi Romei, 1927
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) hippocrepidis philippsi Romei, 1927
Original type material citation: «the transalpina from Cuenca, which I propose to distinguish by the name of philippsi, but the size of the females is larger, the red spots are bigger and the red ring to the abdomen is always missing, philippsi is also remarkable for its habitat, whichis the most occidental in Europe» (Romei, 1927a: 109).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, Huelamo».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3199, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3199 | MZB] [382] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 16.8.1925 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3200, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-3200 | MZB] [354] [ARAGON | Noguera
m 1400 | 3 VIII.24 Romei].
Syntype MZB 73-3201, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3201 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA | Cuenca 1400 m | 18.8.1925 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3202, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3202 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA | Cuenca 1400 m | 18.8.1925 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3203, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3203 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA | Cuenca 1200 m | 7.8.1925 Querci].
Remarks: Leraut (2012) considers hippocrepidis ssp. philippsi to be a valid taxa and comments that hippocrepidis and transalpina are closely related species. Vives-Moreno (2014) also considers this specimen to be hippocrepidis ssp. philippsi.
References: Leraut, 2012; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena stoechadis catalonica Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) filipendulae filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de St. Pere de Vilamajor (Sagarra leg. VII-1920)
[en la col·lección del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1925b: 272).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3212, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3212 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vilamajor | 7 a 10-VIII-20 | 1073 | Sagarra].
Syntype MZB 73-3213, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3213 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 31-VII-20 | Sagarra leg. | 1252].
Remarks: according to the original description, specimen 73-3212 MZB was caught in VII-1920, but VIII-20 is noted on the label. Fernández-Rubio (2005) consders subspecies catalonica to be a synonym of filipendulae and places it in hybrid populations of ssp. filipendulae and ssp. gemina.
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena filipendulae breillati de Lucas, 1958
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) filipendulae pulcherrima (Verity, 1921)
Original type material citation: «Un de mes collègues lépidoptéristes, le Docteur Breillat, résidant et exerçant sa profession à Niort, a capturé, en nombre, en 1955, au Boucau, non loin de Bayonne, une forme de filipendulae tres différente de celle de la Charente-Maritime. Je nomme cette race nouvelle: breillati. Le type est un exemplaire mâle figurant dans ma collection.» (De Lucas, 1958: 67).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «France: Le Boucau».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-4156, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-4156 | MZB] [Le Boucau Bses Pyrén | 10 VII.1955] [z. Filipendulae | v. Breillati | D. Lucas] [TYPE | D. Lucas] [Zygaena filipendulae | breillati de Lucas, 1958 | Zygaena (Zygaena) filipendulae pulcherrima | (Verity, 1921) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
References: Leraut, 2012.

Zygaena felix quercina Burgeff, 1926
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) filipendulae quercina Burgeff, 1926
Original type material citation: «Gesammelt von O. Querci und Dr. Romei in Sidi Messri (Tripolitanien) vom 22-30. März 1924 (24 ♂♂, 24 ♀♀ in meiner Sammlung» (Burgeff, 1926: 45).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Libya: Tripolitania, Sidi Mesri».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4166, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4166 | MZB] [273] [TRIPOLITANIA Nord-AFRICA | SIDI MESRI | 22 Marzo 1924 Romei] [Z. felix Obth. | ssp. quercina Bgff | (Cotypus)] [Zygaena felix quercina | Burgeff, 1926 | Zygaena (Zygaena) | filipendulae
quercina | Burgeff, 1926 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4167, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4167 | MZB] [274] [TRIPOLITANIA Nord-AFRICA | SIDI MESRI | 28 Marzo 1924 Romei] [Z. felix Obth. | s. sp. quercina | (Cotypus) Bgff].
Remarks: in Contribucione alla Conoscenza alcuni Lepidotteri della Tripolitania (Romei, 1927), the author comments that on his journey through Tripolitania on 21–30 March 1924 and at a locality known as ‘Sidi Messri’ they captured a large number of an unknown Zygaena sp. They sent a number of specimens to Professor Burgeff who was at that time revising the genera Zygaena, and he named them as a new form quercina. Of this large series captured by Querci and Romei and studied by Burgeff, a number of specimens were donated to several collections. In the Witt Museum in Munich, there are 20 specimens deposited and labelled as paratypes. Burgeff (1926) reports that his collection includes 24 males and 24 females but does not state how many correspond to ssp. quercina or to ab. ornata.
References: Naumann et al., 1999.

Zygaena felix quercina ab. ornata Burgeff, 1926
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) filipendulae quercina Burgeff, 1926)
Original type material citation: «Gesammelt von O. Querci und Dr. Romei in Sidi Messri (Tripolitanien) vom 22-30. März 1924 (24 ♂♂, 24 ♀♀ in meiner Sammlung» (Burgeff, 1926: 45).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Libya Tripolitania, Sidi Mesri».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4168, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4168 | MZB] [275] [TRIPOLITANIA Nord-AFRICA | SIDI MESRI | 28 Marzo 1924 Romei] [Z. felix quercina | ab. ornata Bgff. | (Cotypus)] [Zygaena felix quercina ab. | ornata Burgeff, 1926 | Zygaena (Zygaena) | filipendulae quercina | Burgeff, 1926 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4169, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4169 | MZB] [276] [TRIPOLITANIA Nord-AFRICA | SIDI MESRI | 30 Marzo 1924 Romei] [Z. felix quercina | ab. ornata Bgff. | (Cotypus)].
Remarks: Burgeff (1926) reports that his collection includes 24 males and 24 females but does not state how many correspond to ssp. quercina or to ab. ornata.
References: Naumann et al., 1999.

Zygaena lonicerae intermixta Verity, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) lonicerae (Scheven, 1777)
Original type material citation: «Querci and Romei in Spain have been a valuable contribution to some interesting questions. A series of Zygaenae from Albarracín of lonicerae I propose distinguishing it by the name of intermixta, mihi, which I will deal with at length very soon» (Verity, 1925b: 76).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Orihuela».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3234, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3234 | MZB] [279] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae Schev | ssp. intermixta Vty | (Cotypus)] [Zygaena lonicerae | intermixta (Verity, 1925) | Zygaena (Zygaena) | lonicerae (Scheven, 1777) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3235, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3235 | MZB] [221] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 6 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Syntype MZB 73-3236, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3236 | MZB] [222] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 16 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta | Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Syntype MZB 73-3237, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3237 | MZB] [223] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Syntype MZB 73-3238, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3238 | MZB] [224] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 16 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Syntype MZB 73-3239, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3239 | MZB] [226] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 11 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Syntype MZB 73-3240, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3240 | MZB] [227] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 10 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Syntype MZB 73-3241, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3241 | MZB] [228] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 11 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Syntype MZB 73-3242, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3242 | MZB] [229] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta | Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Syntype MZB 73-3243, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3243 | MZB] [230] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 10 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Syntype MZB 73-3244, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3244 | MZB] [232] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci] [Z. lonicerae | intermixta Vrty | I. Sagarra det. | 1929].
Remarks: twenty-three males and 34 females labelled as syntypes from [Spain] are deposited in the Museo Zoologico Universitario de la Specola, Florence, Italy (MZUF). Aragon: Orihuela: 1700 m: 7-13 VII [19] 24; 1 male labelled from Aragon: Noguera: 1400 m: 8-VII [19] 24; all Querci [leg.]. Reiss & Tremewan (1967): Zygaena lonicerae intermixta [nec Verity] (ssp.). Fernández-Rubio (2005) believes that lonicerae is not generally polymorphic as a species, although we believe that some populations do have certain characteristics that could be regarded as local forms.
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena trifolii f. intricata Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) trifolii (Esper, 1783)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de la Farola del Llobregat, prop de Barcelona (Querci i Sagarra leg. 1 a 5-X-1925)» (Sagarra, 1925b: 272).
Localities o f type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, La Farola del Llobregat».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3326, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3326 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Zyg. trifolii ? | intricata Sag.] [trifolii | intricata Sag | serie tipica] [Zygaena trifolii f. intricata | Sagarra, 1925 | Zygaena (Zygaena) trifolii | (Esper, 1783) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3327, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3327 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3328, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3328 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3329, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3329 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3330, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3330 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3331, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3331 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3332, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3332 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3333, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3333 | MZB] [Farola del Llobregat | 2-3-X-25 I. de Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3334, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3334 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Zyg. trifolii. ? | intricata Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-3335, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3335 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3336, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3336 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3337, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3337 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3338, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3338 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3339, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3339 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3340, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3340 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3341, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3341 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3342, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3342 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3343, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3343 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3344, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3344 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3345, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3345 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3346, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3346 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3347, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3347 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3348, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3348 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3349, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3349 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3350, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3350 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 9.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3351, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3351 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 6.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3352, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3352 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 7.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3353, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3353 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 9.10.25 Qerci].
Syntype MZB 73-3354, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3354 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 2.10.25 Querci] [trifolii | forma intermedia | del Llobregat] [Zygaena | trifolii | intermedia | serie tipo].
Syntype MZB 73-3355, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3355 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 2.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3356, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3356 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 2.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3357, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3357 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 2.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3358, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3358 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 2.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3359, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3359 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 2.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3360, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3360 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 2.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3361, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3361 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3362, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3362 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3363, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3363 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3364, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3364 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3365, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3365 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3366, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3366 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3367, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3367 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3368, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3368 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3369, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3369 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3370, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3370 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3371, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3371 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 6.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3372, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3372 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 6.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3373, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3373 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 6.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3374, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3374 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 7.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3375, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3375 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 7.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3376, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3376 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 7.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3377, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3377 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 7.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3378, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3378 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 7.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3379, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3379 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 7.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3380, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3380 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 7.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3381, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3381 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 9.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3382, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3382 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 9.10.25 Querci].
Remarks: the left forewing of syntype MZB 73-3350 is missing. Seven males and 34  females labelled as syntypes of intricata f. Verity, 1926 from [Spain] are deposited in the Museo Zoologico Universitario de la Specola, Florence, Italy (MZUF). Catalonia: Llobregat: 2 m: 2-9.X.1925: Querci [leg.]. Reiss & Tremewan (1967): Zygaena trifolii barcelonensis intricata (f.t.). It should be noted that barcelonensis is a synonym of trifolii and that f. intricata was described by Sagarra, 1925, not by Verity, 1926. Sagarra proposes a f. intermedia belonging to an intermediate series of intricata and depravata from the same locality and date as intricata. Fernández-Rubio (2005) does not believe that Iberian specimens exhibit enough variation to be considered a subspecies and asserts that all should be assigned to the typonominal Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783).
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena trifolii f. depravata Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) trifolii (Esper, 1783)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de la Farola del Llobregat, prop de Barcelona».
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, La Farola del Llobregat» (Sagarra, 1925b: 273).
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3383, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3383 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.] [trifolii | depravata Sag | serie tipica] [SYNTYPE] [Zygaena trifolii f. | depravata Sagarra, 1925 | Zygaena (Zygaena) trifolii | (Esper, 1783) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3384, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3384 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3385, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3385 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3386, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3386 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3387, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3387 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3388, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3388 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3389, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3389 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3390, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3390 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3391, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3391 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3392, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3392 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3393, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3393 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3394, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3394 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3395, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3395 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3396, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3396 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3397, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3397 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3398, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3398 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3399, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3399 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3400, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3400 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3401, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3401 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3402, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3402 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3403, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3403 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3404, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3404 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3405, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3405 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3406, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3406 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3407, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3407 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3408, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3408 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3409, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3409 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3410, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3410 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3411, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3411 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3412, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3412 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3413, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3413 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3414, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3414 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3415, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3415 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3416, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3416 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3417, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3417 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3418, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3418 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3419, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3419 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3420, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3420 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3421, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3421 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3422, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3422 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3423, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3423 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3424, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3424 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3425, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3425 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3426, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3426 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3427, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3427 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3428, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3428 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3429, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3429 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3430, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3430 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3431, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3431 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3432, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3432 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3433, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3433 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3434, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3434 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3435, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3435 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3436, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3436 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3437, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3437 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3438, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3438 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3439, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3439 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3440, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3440 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3441, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3441 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3442, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3442 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3443, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3443 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3444, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3444 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3445, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3445 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3446, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3446 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3447, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3447 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3448, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3448 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3449, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3449 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3450, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3450 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3451, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3451 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3452, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3452 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3453, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3453 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3454, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3454 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3455, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3455 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3456, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3456 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3457, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3457 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3458, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3458 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3459, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3459 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3460, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3460 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3461, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3461 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna- X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3462, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3462 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 |  Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3463, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3463 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3464, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3464 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3465, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3465 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3466, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3466 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3467, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3467 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3468, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3468 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3469, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3469 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3470, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3470 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3471, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3471 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3472, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3472 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3473, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3473 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3474, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3474 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3475, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3475 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3476, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3476 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3477, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3477 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3478, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3478 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3479, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3479 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3480, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3480 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3481, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3481 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3482, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3482 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3483, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3483 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3484, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3484 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3485, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3485 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3486, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3486 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3487, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3487 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3488, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3488 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3489, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3489 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3490, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3490 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3491, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3491 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3493, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3493 | MZB] [F. Llobregat | Barna -X-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3494, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3494 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 2.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3495, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3495 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3496, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3496 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 4.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3497, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3497 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 6.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3498, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3498 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 6.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3499, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3499 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 9.10.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3500, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3500 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llobregat 2 m | 9.10.25 Querci].
Remarks: Fernández-Rubio (2005) does not believe that Iberian specimens exhibit enough variation to be considered a subspecies and asserts that all should be assigned to the typonominal Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783).
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena trifolii f. tenuelimbata Romei, 1927
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) trifolii (Esper, 1783)
Original type material citation: «Romei, 1927: “not to add a new name to literature we may apply the one of tenuelimbata, which Verity (Ent. Rec., 1921, p. 147) used for one of the variations of filipendulae, to the lightest form of Andalusian trifolii, Rambur, on Pl. I of his Cat. Syst. Lep. And., figures the three forms of trifolii from Sierra Nevada; f. 5 is caerulescens, f. 6 represents the most frequent form australis and f. 7 is tenuelimbata“» (Romei, 1927a: 108).
Localities o f type material in MCNB: «Spain: Andalucia, Granada, Sierra Nevada».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3216, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3216 | MZB] [167] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 21.6.1926 Querci] [Co-Tipo | Z. trifolii | Tenuelimbata | Romei] [Zygaena (Zygaena) trifolii | (Esper, 1783) | = Zygaena trifolii f. | tenuelimbata Romei, 1927 | R. Macià rev. I/V.2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3217, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3217 | MZB] [168] [ANDALUCIA 1600 m | Sierra Nevada | 20.6.25 Romei] [Co-tipo | Z. trifolii | teneulimbata | Romei].
Syntype MZB 73-3218, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3218 | MZB] [169] [ANDALUCIA 1600 m | Sierra Nevada | 14.6.25 Romei] [Co-tipo | Z. trifolii | teneulimbata | Romei].
Syntype MZB 73-3219, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3219 | MZB] [170] [ANDALUCIA 1200 m | Sierra Nevada | 14.6.25 Romei] [Co-tipo | Z. trifolii | teneulimbata | Romei].
Syntype MZB 73-3221, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3221 | MZB] [171] [ANDALUCIA 1600 m | Sierra Nevada | 30.6.25 Romei] [Co-tipo | Z. trifolii | Teneulimbata | Romei].
Syntype MZB 73-3222, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-3222 | MZB] [286] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 25.6.1926 Querci] [Z. trifolii australis | ab. tenuelimbata | Romei | (Cotypus)].
Syntype MZB 73-3223, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3223 | MZB] [285] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 19.6.1926 Querci] [Z. trifolii australis | ab. tenuelimbata | (Cotypus) Romei].
Syntype MZB 73-3224, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3224 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 18.6.1926 Querci] [trifolii | tenuelimbata | serie tipo. Romei].
Syntype MZB 73-3225, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3225 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 26.6.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3226, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3226 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 28.6.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3227, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3227 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 19.6.1926 Querci] [trifolii | tenuelimbata | serie tipo Romei].
Syntype MZB 73-3228, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3228 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 23.6.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3229, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3229 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 17.6.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3230, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3230 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 15.6.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3231, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3231 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 17.6.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3232, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3232 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 12.6.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3233, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3233 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1200 m | 17.6.1926 Querci].
Remarks: both antennae of syntypes MZB 73-3224 and MZB 73-3225 are missing. The abdomen of syntype MZB 73-3228 is missing. Fernández-Rubio (2005) does not believe that Iberian specimens exhibit enough variation to be considered a subspecies and asserts that all should be assigned to the typonominal Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783).
References: Fernández-Rubio, 2005; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zygaena trifolii dumezi de Lucas, 1958
Current status: Zygaena (Zygaena) trifolii (Esper, 1783)
Original type material citation: «pour les deux générations, surtout pour la seconde, taille plus réduite, surtout sur les bords de l’Hérault. La tendance à la confluence des taches rouges des supérieures est rare. Je nomme cette forme: Dumezi; les períodes d’apparition de cette race sont en mai et setembre. m Dumezi est un lépidoptériste connu. Le type est un mâle figurant dans ma collection.» (De Lucas, 1958: 68).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «France: Guilhem la Dèsert, Hérault».
Holoype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-4176, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4176 | MZB] [Guilhem la Dèsert | Hérault 24.5.1956] [TYPE] [Zygaena trifolii dumezi de | Lucas, 1958 | Zygaena (Zygaena) trifolii | (Esper, 1783) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
References: Leraut, 2012.

Superfamily Papilionoidea Latreille, [1802] 1803, in Buffon
Family Papilionidae Latreille, [1802] 1803, in Buffon
Subfamily Parnassiinae Duponchel, [1835] 1832, in Godart & Duponchel
Tribe Parnassiini Duponchel, [1835] 1832, in Godart & Duponchel

Parnassius apollo filabricus Sagarra, 1933
Current status: Parnassius (Parnassius) apollo nevadensis Oberthür, 1891
Original type material citation: «prenem per tipus del ♂ de la filabricus, l’exemplar nº 325 de la sèrie de Parnassius del Museu de Biología de Barcelona, procedent de la Serra dels Filabres, juny de 1931, capturat per N’Enric Gros. Prenem per paratipus la ♀ de la filabricus, l’exemplar nº 326 de la sèrie de Parnassius del Museu de Biología de Barcelona, procedent de la Serra dels Filabres, juny de 1931, capturat per N’Enric Gros» (Sagarra, 1933: 3).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Andalucia, Almería, Sierra de los Filabres».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2497, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2497 | MZB] [Sierra de los | Filabres | Verano 1930 | E. Gros. leg.] [filabricus 4rta | tipo (reproducció]] [Tipus] [Parnassius apollo L., ♂ | r| filabricus SAG, 1933 | (tipus)] [Parnasius apollo | filabricus Sagarra, 1933 | Parnassius apollo | nevadensis Oberthür, | 1891 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2498, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2498 | MZB] [Sierra de los | Filabres | Verano 1930 | E. Gros. leg.] [filabricus | tipo (reproducció]] [Tipus] [Parnassius apollo (L.), ♀ | R| filabricus SAG, 1933 | (tipus)].
Paratype MZB 73-2499, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2499 | MZB] [Sierra de los | Filabres | Verano de 1930 | E. Gros. leg.] [filabricus | tipo (reproducció]] [P. apollo L. ♂ raça | filabricus SAG, 1930 | (paratipus)].
Paratype MZB 73-2500, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2500 | MZB] [Sierra de los | Filabres | Verano 1930 | E. Gros. leg.] [filabricus | tipo (reproducció]] [P. apollo (L) ♀ | R| filabricus SAG, 1933 | (paratipus)].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) published a very restrictive and arbitrary revision based on geographical criteria that admits only escalerae, hispanicus, nevadensis and pyrenaicus as valid subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Parnassius apollo kricheldorffi Eisner, 1928
Current status: Parnassius (Parnassius) apollo pyrenaicus Harcourt-Bath, 1896
Original type material citation: «Patria: Asturien, Picos de Europa 1800-2000 m, 20-28.VII.28, legit A. Kricheldorff, Berlin, dem zu Ehren die neue geographische form benannt wird. Typen ♂ fig. 1 und ♀ fig. 2 in coll mea» (Eisner, 1928: 309).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Asturias, Picos de Europa».
Lectotype depositary: BMNH.
Type material:
Paralectotype MZB 73-2501, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2501 MZB] [Asturien | Picos de Europa | 1800-2000 m | 20.-28.VII.1928 | leg. A.Kricheldorff] [Parnassius v. | Kricheldorfii Eis | det.Eisner] [Paratypus] [Parnassius apollo | kricheldorffi Eisner, 1928 // Parnassius apollo | pyrenaicus Harcourt-Bath, 1896 // R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paralectotype MZB 73-2502, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2502 MZB] [Asturien | Picos de Europa | 1800-2000 m | 20.-28.VII.1928 | leg. A.Kricheldorff] [Parnassius v. | Kricheldorfii Eis. | det.Eisner] [Paratypus].
Paralectotype MZB 73-2503, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2503 MZB] [Asturien | Picos de Europa | 1800-2000 m | 20.-28.VII.1928 | leg. A.Kricheldorff] [Parnassius v. | Kricheldorfii Eis. | det.Eisner] [Paratypus].
Paralectotype MZB 73-2504, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2504 MZB] [Asturien | Picos de Europa | 1800-2000 m | 20.-28.VII.1928 | leg. A.Kricheldorff] [Parnassius v. | Kricheldorfii Eis. | det.Eisner] [Paratypus].
Paralectotype MZB 73-2505, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2505 MZB] [Asturien | Picos de Europa | 1800-2000 m | 20.-28.VII.1928 | leg. A.Kricheldorff] [Parnassius v. | Kricheldorfii Eis. | det.Eisner] [Paratypus].
Remarks: in Eisner’s original description 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ are designated as types and are deposited in his collection. In the most recent revision by the BMNH (A list of the Type Specimens of Parnassius (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in the BMNH), the male designated by Eisner is given as a Lectotype and the rest of the typical series as Paralectotypes. All the material deposited in the MCNB faithfully agrees with the typical series and was donated to the MCNB by A. Kricheldorff and Eisner. García-Barros et al. (2013) published a very restrictive and arbitrary revision based on geographical criteria and admit only escalerae, hispanicus, nevadensis and pyrenaicus as valid subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Parnassius apollo pyrenaicus ab. nexilisdecora Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Parnassius (Parnassius) apollo pyrenaicus Harcourt-Bath, 1896
Original type material citation: «1 ♀ de Montgarri (Vall d’Aran) 12-VIII-1922; S. Novellas leg. (en la col·lecció del Museu de Barcelona)» (Sagarra, 1924c: 9).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Lleida, Val d’Aran, Montgarri».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3301, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3301 | MZB] [Montgarri | 12-VIII-22] [tipos] [P. apollo pyrenaicus Harc. ab. | nexilis-decora nov. ab. Sagarra] [HOLOTYPE] [Parnassius apollo | pyrenaicus ab. nexilis-decora Sagarra, 1924 | Parnassius apollo |  pyrenaicus Harcourt-Bath, | 1896 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Parnassius apollo escalerae Rothschild, 1909
Original type material citation: «this new form, of which an enormons eries was sent me by M. de la Escalera, is distinct from P. apollo nevadensis and P. apollo pyrenaicus. It resembles in the ♂ apollo liburnicus, bat differs in having the Black blotches of the forewings and the ocelli of the hindwings very reduced in size. The ♀♀ are as a rule larger than pyrenaicus, and there are less blackish ones among them. The ocelli in the hindwing are also larger and darker red in the greater number of the specimens. 39 ♂♂, 35 ♀♀, San Ildefonso, Segovia, Spain, june and July 1906 (Manuel de la Escalera); 1 ♂ same locality, with yellow ocelli; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Castile; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Spain.» (Rothschild, 1909: 9).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla-León, Segovia, San Ildefonso».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3353, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [♂] [ San Ildefonso | Segovia Spain.| VI.-VII.1906| (M. de la Escalera)] [Paratypus] [72-3353 | MZB].
Syntype MZB 72-3354, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [San Ildefonso | Segovia Spain.| VI.-VII.1906| (M. de la Escalera)] [Paratypus] [72-3354 | MZB].
Remarks: several specimens in the BMNH labelled as Syntypes.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Parnassius orleans augur Bryk & Eisner, 1932
Current status: Parnassius (Parnassius) orleans Oberthür, 1890.
Original type material citation: «Patria: Khodung-po, VII.1931. 1 ♂ 1 ♀ Typen, 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ Cotypen in collection Eisner, Dahlem, weitere Cotypen in collection H. Kotzsch, Dresden-Blasewitz» (Bryk & Eisner, 1932: 33).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «China, Honanpa, Oest-Nanshan».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-4171, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4171 | MZB] [Honanpa | Siang-shin-ho Oberlauf | Ost-Nanshangebirge | 20.8.-10.9. 3500 m] [orleans | aúgúr | Brk. & Eis.] [PARATYPE] [Parnassius orleans augur | Bryk & Eisner, 1932 | Parnassius orleans | Oberthür, 1890 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB by Eisner. Several specimens in the MNHA, RMNH and SMTD are catalogued as type material.
References: (—).

Koramius delphius pulchra Eisner, 1939
Current status: Parnassius (Koramius) delphius (Eversmann, 1843)
Original type material citation: «Patria: Kungei Ala Tau, Kok-Bulak, VII., leg. Jonoff 1 ♂, 1 ♀ Typen; 65 ♂♂, 36 ♀♀, Paratypen in C. Eisner» (Eisner, 1939: 58).
Localities of type material in MCNB: « Kazakhstan; Kyrgzstan: Kok-Bulak, Kungei, Ala-Tau».
Holotipe depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4170, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4170 | MZB] [Paratypus] [Kok-Bulak | Kungei Ala-Tau | 7.1929 leg. Jonoff] [Kok-[Syr]ak[?] | 26-VII-31] [Koramius delphius pulchra | Eisner, 1939 | Parnassius (Koramius) | delphius (Eversmann, 1843) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: the RMNH has some syntypes in its collection.
References: Weiss, 1992.

Tribe Sericinini Champman, 1895

Zerinthia rumina catalonica Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Zerinthia rumina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: 1 ♂ i una ♀ d’Espluga de Francolí, 13-V-1922 i 27-V-1922, respectivament; Novellas leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 111).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Tarragona, Espluga de Francolí, Ermita de la Trinitat».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2488, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2488 | MZB] [Tipus] [CATALONIA | D’Espluga de F. a l’ | Ermita de la Trinitat | 13-V-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | Nº 1210] [Z. rumina L. ♂ | R/ catalonica SAG, 1930 | (Tipus)] [Zerinthia rumina | catalonica Sagarra, 1930 | Zerinthia rumina | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2489, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2489 | MZB] [CATALONIA | De l’Ermita Trinitat | a l’Espluga de F. | 27-V-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | Nº 1210] [T | Z. rumina | catalonica | TIPO].
Paratype MZB 73-2490, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2490 | MZB] [Tipus] [CATALONIA | De l’Ermita Trinitat | a l’Espluga de F. | 27-V-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | Nº 1210] [Z. rumina L. ♀ | R/ catalonica SAG, 1930 | (Tipus)].
Remarks: in the original description only one male and one female were assigned as types. However, there are two females and one male in the collection labelled as types whose labels coincide in locality and date with the types. García-Barros et al. (2013) consider that this species is uniformly distributed throughout the Iberian Peninsula but that the wide range of variability between different localities suggests that the described subspecies have no taxonomic value.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zerynthia rumina catalonica
f. semitristis Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Zerinthia rumina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: dos exemplars, ♂ i ♀ procedents de les costes de Garraf, litoral proper a Barcelona, 20-III-1916; Sagarra i Rosset, leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 111).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Castelldefels, Garraf, Pla de les Basses».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2491, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2491 | MZB] [Plá de les | bases | Castelldefels | Posset] [Tipus] [Z. rumina (L) ♂ | R/ catalonica SAG, 1930 | R. semitristis SAG, 1930 | (tipus)] [Zerynthia rumina | catalonica f. semitristis | Sagarra, 1930 | inthia rumina | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2492, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2492 | MZB] [Tipus] [Plá de | les basses | Castelldefels | Rosset] [Thais | rumina L. | medesicaste Jll | I. Sagarra det.] [Z. rumina L. ♀ | R/catalonica SAG, 1930 | f. semitristis SAG,1930 | (Tipus)].
Remarks: labelled as types but with no date. García-Barros et al. (2013) consider that this species is uniformly distributed throughout the Iberian Peninsula but that the wide range of variability between different localities suggests that the described subspecies have no taxonomic value.
Referernces: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Family Hesperiidae Latreille, 1809
Subfamily Pyrginae Burmeister, 1878
Tribe Carcharodini Verity, 1940

Spilothyrus marrubi fonti Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Carcharodus baeticus (Rambur, [1839] 1837-40)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un mascle i tres femelles procedents d’Horcajo, Serra Nevada, a 2400 m col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya. P. Font Quer leg.» (Sagarra, 1931: 118).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Andalucia, Granada, Trevélez, El Horcajo, Sierra Nevada».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3941, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3941 | MZB] [Horcajo | 2300 m | 29.VIII-23 | Font] [HOLOTYPE] [Spilothyrus marrubi fonti | Sagarra, 1930 | Carcharodus baeticus | (Rambur, 1839) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3942, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3942 | MZB] [Horcajo | 2400 m | 18 a 20-VII-23 | Font] [PARATYPE].
Paratype MZB 73-3943, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3943 | MZB] [Horcajo | 2300 m | 29.VIII.23] [PARATYPE].
Syntype MZB 73-3944, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3944 | MZB] [Horcajo | 2300 m | 29.VIII.23 | Font] [PARATYPE].
Remarks: the original description states 2400 m but on the labels of specimens MZB 73-3941, MZB 73-3943 and MZB 73-3944, the altitude is given as 2300 m. García-Barros et al. (2013) state that there are no valid reasons to treat this taxon as a different subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Erynnis alceae tripolina Verity, 1925
Current status: Carcharodus tripolinus (Verity, 1925)
Original type material citation: «Erynnis alceae, Esp., race tripolina, mihi. The race alceae from North Africa is always referred to as australis. Last spring Dr. Romei collected on the Garian plateau, 700 m, south of Tripoli a large series, from May 1st to 7th. I have unfortunately not got any Alegerian specimens to compare with it, but this race is certainly quite distinct from nymotypical australis of Sicily. On an average, it is still smaller than the latter and it is quite different in colouring, because there is a marked contrast between the dark bands and the pale tawny ground colour; the former standout sharply upon it, partly in deep chestnut and to a greater extent in blackish; their outlines are much sharper than is ever seen in Europe, so that a striking striate aspect ensues, running across the whole wing; the general tone is of a brighter and warmer fulvous. The underside is much lighter than is ever the case even in the most extreme australis, being of a bright, clear fulvous, with no mixture of Black either on fore-or bindwing, whereas australis is always either of a chestnut tinge on that Surface, or of a faded tawny tone, veiled with grey.» (Verity, 1925a: 54).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Libya: Tripoli, Garian plateau».
Lectotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 73-2481, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2481 | MZB] [261] [TRIPOLITANIA Nord-AFRICA | GARIAN m 700 | 1-7 Maggio 1924 Romei] [Erynnis alceae Esp. | r. tripolina Vty. | (co typus)] [Paleàrtica].
Paralectotype MZB 73-2482, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2482 | MZB] [262] [TRIPOLITANIA Nord-AFRICA | GARIAN m 700 | 1-7 Maggio 1924 Romei] [Erynnis alceae Esp. | r. tripolina Vty. | (co typus)] [Paleàrtica].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3107, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73- 3107 | MZB] [752] [TRIPOLITANIA Nord-AFRICA | GARIAN m 700 | 1-7 Maggio 1924 Romei] [E. alceae tripolina, Vrty] [Paleàrtica].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3108, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3108 | MZB] [751] [TRIPOLITANIA Nord-AFRICA | GARIAN m 700 | 1-7 Maggio 1924 Romei] [Paleàrtica].
Remarks: the right hindwing and abdomen of paralectotype MZB 73-3107 are missing.
The type material and numbers of the studied specimens are not mentioned in the original description.
Lectotype designed by Macià et al., 2017 (fig. 2).
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.


Fig. 2. Carcharodus tripolinus Verity, 1925 ♂ Lectotype. Fig. 2. Carcharodus tripolinus Verity, 1925 ♂ Lectotipo.


Hesperia proto aragonensis Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Sloperia proto (Ochsenheimer, 1808)
Original type material citation: «Albarracín (Aragó). Amb tal evident polimorfisme estacional, creiem del càs diferenciar es diverses eclosions amb noms descriptius, en la forma següent:
1ª aparició: Hesperia proto aragonensis [tipus de la rassa].
2ª aparició: H. proto aragonensis rubea.
3ª aparició: H. proto aragonensis fenestrata» (Sagarra, 1924b: 6).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB
73-2484, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-2484 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 7 VI.24 Querci] [tipo] [209] [397] [H. proto | rassa aragonensis | Sag. (Tipus)] [Hesperia proto | aragonensis Sagarra, 1924 | Sloperia proto | (Ochsenheimer, 1808) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2485, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2485 | MZB] [tipo] [403] [H. proto aragonensis rubea | Sag. (tipus)] [ARAGON | Albarracín m 1100 | 12 VI.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3302, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3302 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 21 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3303, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3303 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 8 VI.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3304, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3304 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 28 VI.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3305, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3305 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 20 VI.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3306, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3306 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 12 VI.24 Querci] [395].
Syntype MZB 73-3307, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3307 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 3 VIII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3308, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3308 | MZB] [392] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 18 VI.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3309, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3309 | MZB] [393] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 18 VI.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3310, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3310 | MZB] [394] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 6 VI.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3311, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3311 | MZB] [398] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 28 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3312, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3312 | MZB] [399] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 22 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3313, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3313 | MZB] [400] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 23 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3314, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3314 | MZB] [401] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 23 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3315, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3315 | MZB] [405] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 24 VIII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3316, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3316 | MZB] [406] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 4 IX.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3317, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3317 | MZB] [407] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 26 VIII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3318, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3318 | MZB] [408] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 1 IX.24 Querci].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. Sagarra named the specimens from the first generation flying in June as ssp. aragonensis, the ones from the second generation flying in July-August as f. rubea, and the third generation from the beginning of September as f. fenestrata. Tshikolovets (2011) accepts Muschampia proto aragonensis (Sagarra, 1924) as a valid subspecies.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Sloperia proto f. williamsi Querci 1932
Current status: Sloperia proto (Ochsenheimer, 1808)
Original type material citation: «Io ho distinto col nome di williamsi, la forma che schiuse in aprile in Portogallo» (Querci, 1932: 248).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Alemtejo».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3503, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3503 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 19.4.1927 Querci] [Sloperia proto williamsi | Querci 1932 | Sloperia proto |  Ochsenheimer, 1808) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3504, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3504 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 19.4.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3505, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3505 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 20.4.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3506, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3506 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 20.4.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3507, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3507 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 20.4.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3508, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3508 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 21.4.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3509, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3509 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 21.4.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3510, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3510 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 28.4.1927 Querci].
Remarks: Tshikolovets (2011) considers Muschampia proto williamsi (Querci, 1932) as a synonymy of aragonenesis (Sagarra, 1924).
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Tribe Pyrgini Burmeister, 1878

Hesperia cirsii fabressei f. martorelli Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Pyrgus carlinae cirsii (Rambur, [1839] 1837-40)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Albarracín (Aragó). (O. Querci leg. 9-VIII i IX-1924) [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1925b: 272).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3319, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3319 | MZB] [20] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 3 IX.24 Querci] [tipo] [Hesperia cirsii fabressei f. | martorelli Sagarra, 1925 | Pyrgus carlinae cirsii | (Rambur, [1839] 1837-40) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3320, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3320 | MZB] [22] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 2 IX.24 Querci] [tipo].
Paratype MZB 73-3321, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3321 | MZB] [21] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 25 VIII.24 Querci].Paratype MZB 73-3322, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3322 | MZB] [74] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 26 VIII.24 Querci].
Paratype MZB 73-3323, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3323 | MZB] [73] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10 VIII.24 Querci].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) consider P. cirsii (Rambur, 1839) to be a valid species.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hesperia armoricanus f. petheri Romei, 1927
Current status: Pyrgus armoricanus (Oberthür, 1910)
Original type material citation: «Is instead very scarse in Serrania de Cuenca (Castile) where we collected some specimens from August 18th to September 12th, 1926. The late emergint form from Cuenca, which I propose to distinguish by the name of petheri strikes one for its frail appearance» (Romei, 1927a: 127).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla La Mancha, Cuenca, Huelamo».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3521, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3521 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci] [Hesperia armoricanus | petheri Romei, 1927 | Pyrgus armoricanus | (Oberthür, 1910) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3522, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3522 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci] [[etiqueta vermella]].
Syntype MZB 73-3523, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3523 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 23.9.1926 Querci] [[etiqueta vermella]].
Syntype MZB 73-3524, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3524 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 18.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3525, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3525 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 19.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3531, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3531 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 25.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3532, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3532 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 5.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3533, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3533 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 9.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3534, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3534 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 9.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3535, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3535 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 13.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3536, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3536 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 1.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3537, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3537 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 16.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3538, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3538 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 16.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3539, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3539 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3540, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3540 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3541, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3541 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3542, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3542 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 5.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3543, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3543 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 13.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3544, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3544 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 28.8.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3545, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3545 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 10.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3546, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3546 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 18.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3547, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3547 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3548, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3548 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3549, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3549 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 16.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3550, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3550 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 17.9.1926 Querci].
Remarks: the abdomens of syntypes MZB 73-3543 and MZB 73-3544 are missing.
In the specimens deposited in the Museum, the dates on the labels vary from between 28 August and 25 September.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hesperia alveus necaccreta Verity, 1929
Current status: Pyrgus alveus accretus (Verity, 1925)
Original type material citation: «Je prends comme cotypes la sèrie récoltée à Núria (Catalogne). Par M. Stempffer le 28 Juillet et à Porté (P. O.)» (Verity, 1929: 12).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Girona, Núria».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3324, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3324 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Nuria | I. de Sagarra | 9-VIII-12] [H. alveus Hb | (vera) | 5] [377] [125 ♂♂ | P alveus | necacreta | R. AGENJO] [2219] [Hesperia alveus necaccreta | Verity, 1929 | Pyrgus alveus accretus | (Verity, 1925) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3325, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3325 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Nuria | I. de Sagarra | 9-VIII-12] [H. 5 | alveus Hb | (vera)] [379] [124 ♂♂ | Pyrgus | alveus Hb | neccacreta Vrty | R. AGENJO det.] [alveus].
Remarks: genitalia of both specimens extracted but not found.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hesperia alveus insigniamiscens Verity, 1929
Current status: Pyrgus alveus centralhispaniae (Warren, 1926)
Original type material citation: Current status: «Je propose le nom d’insigniamiscens, nom. nov. pour cet alveus, dont l’aspect est un mélange des caractères de foulquieri et de carthami, et je prends le mâle comme holotype et la femalle comme paratype.» (Verity, 1929: 14).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Andalucia, Granada, Horcajo, Sierra Nevada».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-3991, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3991 | MZB] [347] [H numida Obth | Horcajo (Sierra Nevada) | 2300 m | 29-VIII-23 Font Quer] [race ou morfe | insigniamiscens | ♀ “Paratype” Vrty] [PARATYPE]
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subfamily Hesperiinae Latreille, 1809
Tribe Baorini Doherty, 1886

Gegenes pumilio balearica Fernández Vidal, 1987
Current status: Gegenes pumilio (Hoffmannsegg, 1804, in Illiger)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo ♂ y Alotipo ♀, de Bunyola, 23-IX-78. Paratipos 34 (4 ♂♂ y 30 ♀♀), de localizaciones, fechas y col·lectores reseñados anteriorment en el apartado 3 de este informe. Holotipo, Alotipo y 17 Paratipos, en mi colección de El Ferrol. Resto de Paratipos (todos ♀♀) en las de los Sres. Macias Güell, de Olot, Meliá Fuster (+), de Barcelona, y Pardo de Santayana (+), de Torrelavega» (Fernández Vidal, 1987: 346).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearian islands, Mallorca, Bunyola».
Holotype depositary: FV.
Type material:
Paratype MZB
73-2483, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2483 | MZB] [Front: Bunyola | Mallorca | ELISEO H. F. VIDAL Leg. | Back: 23.IX.78] [Paratipo | sbs. | balearica] [Front: Gegenes | pumilio ♀ | ELISEO H.F. VIDAL Det. | Back: 1053 | Gev. 1788] [Gegenes pumilio balearica | Fernández Vidal, 1987 | Gegenes pumilio | (Hoffmannsegg, 1804, in | Illiger) | R. Macià rev. 2015] [Paleàrtica].
Remarks: the genitalia of paratype MZB 73-2483 was extracted but not found. Tshikolovets (2011) considers Gegenes pumilio balearica Fernández Vidal, 1987 as a synonym of Gegenes pumilio (Hoffmannsegg, 1804)
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Family Pieridae Swainson, [1820] 1820-1821
Subfamily Dismorphiinae
Schatz, 1886, in Staudinger & Schatz 1986

Leptidea reali jonvillei Mazel, 2000
Current status: Leptidea juvernica Williams, 1946
Original type material citation: «Holotype- 1 ♂. Jura: Viremont, Fontaine froide, 650
m 3-V-1999 (J. L. Amiet legit). Genitalia R. Mazel, L 1149, ♂ fig. 17. Paratypes- 1 ♀ Cantal: Murat, 1200 m 13-VI-1999 (D. Fleurent legit). Genitalia R. M.: L 1345 ♀. Fig. 20. -1 ♂ (L 1344 ♂) et 1 ♀. Cantal: idem. -1 ♂. Jura: Viremont, mêmes localité et date que l’holotype. Fig. 21. -24 ♂♂ et 6 ♀♀ récoltés en mai 1999 par J.L. Amiet dans le Jura à Buvilly, Certémery, Pagnoz, Saint-Cyr, Villette d’Arbois, Mont-sur-Monnet et Bellefontaine. Fig. 16. – 4 ♂♂ et 1 ♀ collectés dans le Doubs à Amondans, Chantrans et Bartherans le 6-V-1999 par J. L. Amiet. Tous in collections J. L. Amiet et R. Mazel exceptés l’holotype et une sèrie de paratypes deposés au M. N. H. N. – Doubs:Vuillafabs, 550 m, 1 ♀ du 9-VIII-2000, legit et coll. R. Leestmans. – Moselle: Freyming, 250 m, 1 ♂ du 2-V-1965 (L 195 ♂ ); 1♂ du 8-V-1965; 1 ♂ du 14-V-1965 (L 194 ♂); 2 ♂♂ du 30-V-1966 (L 193 ♂); 1 ♂ du 13-V-1965 (L 750 ♂) à la Source Nicol. Legit et coll. CH. Tavoillot. -1♂ (L1453 ♂) et 1 ♀ (L 1454 ♀), Grand –Duché du Luxembourg: Oetrange, Wald. 20-IV-1974. Legit et coll. M. Hellers. – Savoie: Villarembert, 1560 m, 21-V-2000. 13 ♂♂ et 2 ♀♀ (L 1464 ♂ à L 1478 ♀), M.  Savourey legit.» (Mazel, 2000: 103).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «France: 39 Jura, Viremont; 25 Doubs, Bartherans».
Holotype depositary: MNHN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2006-0343, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [2006-0343 | MZB] [Front: L 1173 ♂ | reali | Back: R. MAZEL | 1999] [25-Bartherans | 6.V.1999 | AMIET leg.] [L. reali | jonvillei | Paratype].
Paratype MZB 2006-0344, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [2006-0344 | MZB] [39-Viremont | 3.V.1999 | AMIET leg.] [Front: L 1077 ♂ | reali | Back: R. MAZEL | 1999] [L. reali | jonvillei | Paratype] [Leptidea reali jonvillei | Mazel, 2000 | Leptidea juvernica | Williams 1946 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
References: Leraut, 2016.

Leptidea reali yakovlevi Mazel, 2000
Original type material citation: «Roman Yakovlev qui m’a très aimablement cédé une première série de 20 Leptidea provenant des environs de Novosibirsk et des monts Altaï. Parmi ces exemplaires se trouvent 14 L. reali. J’ai plaisir à nommer cette sous-espèce nouvelle L. reali yakovlevi, dédiée à nos collègues russes qui en ont permis l’étude. Holotype: 1 ♂ des environs de Berdok, au sud de Novosibirsk en Sibérie occidentale, du 12-VI-1999, D. Belousof legit.» (Mazel, 2000: 103).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Russia: W. Siberia, S. Novosibiask, Berdok».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2006-0345, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [2006-0345 | MZB] [Russia-W-Siberia | S. Novosibirsk | Berdok | 12-VI-1999 | D. Belousov legit.] [Front: L. reali | yakovlevi | Paratype | Back: R. Mazel | 2001 | L 1772 ♂] [Leptidea reali yakovlevi | Mazel, 2000 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: although Mazel did not mention paratypus material in his original publication, the male specimen deposited in the MCNB coincides in locality, collector and capture date with the holotype that is referred to in the publication.
References: (—).

Subfamily Coliadinae Swainson, [1821] 1821-1822

Colias phicomone juliani Hospital, 1948
Current status: Colias phicomone (Esper, 1780)
Original type material citation: «una sèrie de cotipos, Cordillera Cantábrica, Picos de Europa, 2000 m Fines de julio» (Vilarrubia et al., 1948: 11).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Asturias, Picos de Europa».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4007, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4007 | MZB] [M C Picos Europa | (2000 m) | 28-7-46 | D. Hospital det.] [Colias phicomone juliani | Hospital, 1948 | Colias phicomone (Esper, 1780) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) state that several forms have been described on the basis of slight chromatic and size variations that have no taxonomic value.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Colias croceus f. autumnalis Sagarra, 1921
Current status: Colias crocea (Geoffroy, 1785, in Fourcroy)
Original type material citation: «(forma nova) trans. obsoleta Tutt. de Sta. Coloma de Gramanet, X-1909, Sagarra leg.» (Sagarra, 1921: 95).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Santa Coloma de Gramanet».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4115, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4115 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Coloma de | Gramenet | I. de Sagarra | -X-09] [Colias croceus Form. | = adusa F. g. aut. | autumnalis Sag. | (tipo) | I. Sagarra det.] [Colias croceus f. | autumnalis Sagarra, 1921 | Colias crocea (Geoffroy, | 1785, in Fourcroy) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) state that several forms have been described on the basis of slight chromatic and size variations that have no taxonomic value. Vives-Moreno (2014) considers it ass nomen nudum.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subfamily Pierinae Swainson, [1820] 1820-21
Tribe Anthocharidini Scuder, 1889

Anthocharis cardamines catalonica Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ i una ♀ de Vallvidrera, 12-IV-1922 i 4-V-1922, respectivament, Sr. Novellas leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona» (Sagarra, 1931: 111).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona,Vallvidrera».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2479, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2479 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 12-IV-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | Nº 1139] [Tipus] [Antocharis ♂ | cardamines L | r/catalonica SAG, 1930 | (Tipus)] [Anthocharis cardamines | catalonica Sagarra, 1930 | Anthocharis cardamines | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2480, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 4-V-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | N. 1139] [Tipus] [73-2480 | MZB] [Antocharis ♀ | cardamines L | R/catalonica SAG, 1930 | (tipus)].
Paratype MZB 87-0989, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [87-0989 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 8-IV-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | N. 1139] [Anthocharis | cardamines | catalonica Sag. | I. Sagarra det.].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) do not take into account subspecific divisions.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Anthocharis cardamines meridionalis ab. nigricosta Sagarra, 1921
Current status: Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «(forma nova) de Vallvidrera, 24.V.1920, S. Novellas».
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona,Vallvidrera» (Sagarra, 1921: 94).
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4119, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4119 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 24-IV-20 | Novellas | 1038] [Anthocharis cardami_ | nes trans.meridiona_ | lis Ver. ab. nigrocos_ | tata Sag. (tipo) | I. Sagarra det.] [Anthocharis cardamines | meridionalis ab. nigricosta | Sagarra, 1921 | Anthocharis cardamines | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Holotype dated V-1920 on paper but as VI-20 on the label. Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) do not take into account subspecific divisions. Vives-Moreno (2014) considers it ass nomen nudum.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Anthocharis euphenoides ab. parvisignata Sagarra, 1921
Current status: Anthocharis euphenoides Staudinger, 1869
Original type material citation: «(forma nova) de Martorell, 27.V.1920, S. Novellas leg.» (Sagarra, 1921: 94).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Martorell».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4116, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4116 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Martorell | 27-V-20 | Novellas | 1038] [Anthocharis | euphenoides Stgr | trans | ab. parvisignata Sag. | I. Sagarra det.] [Typus] [Anthocharis euphenoides | ab. parvisignata Sagarra, | 1921 | Anthocharis euphenoides | Staudinger, 1869 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) do not take into account subspecific divisions.
Vives-Moreno (2014) considers it ass nomen nudum.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Euchloe belia occidentalis ab. quadripunctata Sagarra, 1921
Current status: Euchloe crameri Butler, 1869
Original type material citation: «(forma nova) de Vallvidrera 12.V.18, A. Sanchez leg.» (Sagarra, 1921: 94).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Vallvidrera».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4117, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4117 | MZB] [Vallvidrera | 12-V-18 | A. Sánchez leg.] [Euchloe | belia Cr. occiden_ | talis Verity ab. | quadripunctata Sag. | I. Sagarra det].
Remarks: Vives-Moreno (2014) considers it ass nomen nudum.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Euchloe belia occidentalis ab. vittata Sagarra, 1921
Current status: Euchloe crameri Butler, 1869
Original type material citation: «(forma nova) de Sta. Coloma de Gramanet 12.IV.2015, Sagarra leg.» (Sagarra, 1921: 94).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Santa Coloma de Gramanet».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4118, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4118 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Sta. Coloma | de Gramenet | I. de Sagarra | 12-IV-15] [Euchloe belia | occidentalis Ver. | ab. vittata Sagarra | I. Sagarra det.].
Remarks: Vives-Moreno (2014) considers it ass nomen nudum.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Tribe Pierini Swainson, [1820] 1820-21

Pieris napi fradei Querci, 1932
Current status: Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «ho collocato dei cotipi di fradei nella grande collezione di napi paleartiche del Museo de Biologia» (Querci, 1932: 26).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Serra da Estrela».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2486, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2486 | MZB] [107] [9] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 22.10.1927 Querci] [Pieris napi | fradei Querci | type ♂] [Pieris napi fradei Querci, | 1932 | Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2487, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2487 | MZB] [961] [10] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 23.10.1927 Querci] [Pieris napi | fradei Querci | type ♀].
Remarks: the abdomen of syntype MZB 73-2486 is missing. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this is a very variable species and that none of the described Iberian forms have any taxonomical value.
References: Garcia-Barros et al., 2013.

Family Lycaenidae Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster
Subfamily Lycaeninae Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster
Tribe Lycaenini Leach, [1815] 1830, in Brewster

Loweia alciphron insignis Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Lycaena alciphron gordius (Sulzer, 1776)
Original type material citation: «Tipus d’Albarracín (Aragó), 1100 m, 30-VI-24
[en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 201).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3911, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3911 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 30 VI.24 Querci] [Loweia alciphron insignis | Sagarra, 1924 | Lycaena alciphron gordius | (Sulzer, 1776) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3912, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3912 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 30 VI.24 Querci] [Front: Albarracin | 30.VI.24 | Back: Typus].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) considers insignis to be a synonym of gordius, and comment that local differences have given rise to numerous named varieties of dubious validity.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Loweia alciphron paupercula Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Lycaena alciphron gordius (Sulzer, 1776)
Original type material citation: «Tipus del Puerto de Orihuela del Tremedal (Aragó), 1700 m, 9-VII-24 [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 201).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Orihuela del Tremedal».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3884, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3884 | MZB] [138] [ARAGON | Orihuela
m 1700 | 9 VII. 24 Querci] [Loweia alciphron | paupercula, Sag. | (Tipo) ♀].
Remarks: it is possible that Sagarra described this subspecies on the basis of a single specimen. Some examples of this subspecies from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) considers insignis and paupercula to be a synonym of gordius, comment that local differences have given rise to numerous named varieties of dubious validity.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Tribe Eumaeini Doubleday, 1847

Thestor ballus catalonica Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Tomares ballus (Fabricius, 1787)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Vallvidrera, 26-III-1922 i una ♀ de Sant Medí, 4-V-1907; Sagarra leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]».
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Vallvidrera, St. Medir» (Sagarra, 1931: 116).
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3034, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3034 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 26-III-22 | SAGARRA leg. | N. 1174] [Thestor bal_ | lus catalo- | nica Sag. ♂] [Typus] [Thestor ballus catalonica | Sagarra, 1931 | Tomares ballus (Fabricius, | 1787) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3104, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3104 | MZB] [Thestor balus catalonica Sagrr. ♀].
Remarks: subspecies catalonica Sagarra, 1931 was described on the basis of the different tonality of the ventral hindwing. However, Lockwood (2007) indicates that these characters are transitional between specimens from the Andalusian type locality and French specimens, and so there is no justification for maintaining the subspecific separation.
References: Lockwood, 2007; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Thestor ballus f. flavosticta Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Tomares ballus (Fabricius, 1787)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Vallvidrera, Transicions a aquesta forma extrema no son rares entre individus ♂ de la mateixa locaditat. Un d’ells mostra, a la proximitat de l’angle anal, idèntica pigmentació i com a forma intermèdia podríem distingir-la amb el nom de flavosticta» (Sagarra, 1924c: 17).
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 72-2145, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [72-2145 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 3-IV-22 | SAGARRA leg. | N. 1182] [Tomares ♂ | ballus (F) | aberr. | De-Gregorio det.].
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Strimon acaciae fumosa Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Satyrium acaciae (Fabricius, 1787)
Original type material citation: «sèrie típica procedent de Queralps, VII, (Romei leg.)».
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Girona, Queralbs» (Sagarra, 1926: 135).
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4051, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4051 | MZB] [375] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 11.7.25 Romei] [Strimon acaciae fumosa | Sagarra, 1926 | Satyrium acacia (Fabricius, | 1787) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4052, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4052 | MZB] [376] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 12.7.25 Romei].
Remarks: Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) prefer dismissed subspecies fumosa Sagarra, 1926.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Strimon esculi camboi
Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Satyrium esculi esculi (Hübner, [1804] 1796)
Original type material citation: «Vilamajor VI i VII» (Sagarra, 1926: 135).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 87-0985, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [87-0985 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 2-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrúbia det. 193] [Strimon esculi camboi | Sagarra, 1926 | Satyrium esculi esculi | (Hübner, [1804] 1796) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 87-0986, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [87-0986 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 6-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra].
Syntype MZB 87-0987, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [87-0987 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 87-0988, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [87-0988 | MZB] [CATALONIA | St. Pere de | Vilamajor | I. de Sagarra | -IX-011] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra].
Syntype MZB 73-3511, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3511 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de | Vilamajor | I. de Sagarra | 15-VII-09] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3512, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3512 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3513, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3513 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3514, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3514 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 24-VI-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3515, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3515 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3516, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3516 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3517, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3517 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 6-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3518, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3518 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 27-VI-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3519, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3519 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 6-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3520, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3520 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3551, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3551 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3552, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3552 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3553, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3553 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 6-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3554, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3554 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere Vilamajor | 19-23-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | camboi | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Remarks: the abdomens of syntypes MZB 87-0986 and MZB 73-3554 are missing. Some examples of this subspecies from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. They were collected in Llinars (Querci leg.), a locality that does not coincide with the type locality. García-Barros et al. (2013) rule out the existence of subspecific divisions in the Iberian Peninsula.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Strimon esculi neglecta Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Satyrium esculi esculi (Hübner, [1804] 1796)
Original type material citation: «sèrie típica de Queralps, VII. (Romei leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 136).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Girona, Queralbs».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3567, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3567 | MZB] [124] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193] [Strimon esculi neglecta | Sagarra, 1926 | Satyrium esculi esculi | (Hübner,[1804] 1796)
| R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3568, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3568 | MZB] [125] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 10.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3569, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3569 | MZB] [126] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3570, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3570 | MZB] [127] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3571, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3571 | MZB] [128] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3572, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3572 | MZB] [129] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 12.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3573, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3573 | MZB] [131] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 12.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3574, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3574 | MZB] [132] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3575, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3575 | MZB] [133] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 10.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3576, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3576 | MZB] [134] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 10.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3577, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3577 | MZB] [135] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 10.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3578, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3578 | MZB] [136] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 12.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3579, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3579 | MZB] [137] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3580, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3580 | MZB] [138] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3581, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3581 | MZB] [139] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 10.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3582, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3582 | MZB] [140] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3583, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3583 | MZB] [142] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 12.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3584, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3584 | MZB] [143] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 12.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3585, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3585 | MZB] [144] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 12.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner].
Syntype MZB 73-3586, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3586 | MZB] [145] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner].
Syntype MZB 73-3587, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3587 | MZB] [146] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 10.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3588, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3588 | MZB] [147] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 12.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3589, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3589 | MZB] [148] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner].
Syntype MZB 73-3590, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3590 | MZB] [149] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3591, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3591 | MZB] [150] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3592, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3592 | MZB] [151] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3593, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3593 | MZB] [152] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner].
Syntype MZB 73-3594, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3594 | MZB] [153] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♂ | Hubner | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3595, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3595 | MZB] [154] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3596, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3596 | MZB] [156] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3597, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3597 | MZB] [157] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3598, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3598 | MZB] [158] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3599, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3599 | MZB] [159] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | Sag | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3600, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3600 | MZB] [160] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-3601, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3601 | MZB] [161] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-3602, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3602 | MZB] [162] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-3603, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3603 | MZB] [163] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3604, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3604 | MZB] [165] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-3605, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3605 | MZB] [167] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta | Sag. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3606, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3606 | MZB] [168] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta].
Syntype MZB 73-3607, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3607 | MZB] [169] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta | Sag. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3608, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3608 | MZB] [170] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta | Sag. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3609, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3609 | MZB] [171] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 24.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3610, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3610 | MZB] [172] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3611, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3611 | MZB] [173] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3612, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3612 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | decolorata | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3613, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3613 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Andorra la vella | 18-VII-20 | SAG.I NOV.  leg. | 1114] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | decolorata | Sagarra | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 87-0981, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [87-0981 | MZB] [166] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 87-0982, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [87-0982 | MZB] [164] [CATALONIA | Caralps 1400 m | 22.7.25 Romei] [Strimon | esculi ♀ | neglecta. | Sag. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Remarks: the right hindwings of syntypes MZB 73-3574 and MZB 73-3610 are missing.
Some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and are labelled as paratypes. Sagarra comments on the variability of esculi based on the typical series deposited in the MCNB that has a clear gradation between several morpha such as ab. dealbata race from El Montseny without a white stripe; ab. decolorata, extremely pale; and ab. inversa with greatly altered underside colouration.

Strimon spini bofilli Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Satyrium spini (Fabricius, 1787)
Original type material citation: «Tipus d’Albarracín (Aragó), 1100 m, 13-VI-24 [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 200).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3555, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3555 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 13.VI.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Schff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193] [Strymon spini bofilli | Sagarra, 1926 | Satyrium spini (Fabricius, | 1787) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3556, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3556 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 28.VI.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3557, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3557 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 28.VI.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3558, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3558 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10.VII.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3559, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3559 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10.VII.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3560, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3560 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10.VII.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3561, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3561 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10.VII.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3562, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3562 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10.VII.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3563, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3563 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10.VII.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3564, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3564 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10.VII.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3565, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3565 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10.VII.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3566, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3566 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 28.VI.24 Querci] [Strimon | spini | Scheff. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. Tshikolovets (2011) and García-Barros et al. (2013) consider bofilli to be a synonym of the specific name.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Tribe Polyommatini Swainson, 1827

Lampides boeticus fusca Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation: «Sèrie típica recollida a Llinás, IX (Querci leg.) i Vilamajor, IX (Sagarra leg.), Montseny (Llinás i Vilamajor)» (Sagarra, 1926: 136).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Llinars del Vallés; Sant Pere de Vilamajor (Montseny)».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3614, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-3614 | MZB] [294] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 19.7.25 Querci] [Lampides | baeticus | ♂ Lin. | I. Sagarra det. 193] [Lampides boeticus fusca | Sagarra, 1926 | Lampides boeticus | (Linnaeus, 1767) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3615, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3615 | MZB] [296] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 19.7.25 Querci] [Lampides | baeticus | ♂ Lin. | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3616, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3616 | MZB] [297] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 15.7.25 Querci] [Lampides | baeticus | ♀ Lin. | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3617, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3617 | MZB] [299] [CATALONIA | Montseny  600 m | 12.9.25 Querci] [Lampides | baeticus | ♂ Lin. | I. Sagarra det. 193.
Syntype MZB 73-3618, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3618 | MZB] [300] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 18.9.25 Querci] [Lampides | baeticus | ♂ Lin. | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3619, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3619 | MZB] [301] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 28.9.25 Querci] [Lampides | baeticus | ♂ Lin. | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3620, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3620 | MZB] [302] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 28.9.25 Querci] [Lampides | baeticus | ♂ Lin. | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3621, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3621 | MZB] [305] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 28.9.25 Querci] [Lampides | baeticus | ♀ Lin. | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3622, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3622 | MZB] [306] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 8.9.25 Querci] [Lampides | baeticus | ♀ Lin. | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3623, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3623 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Lampides | baeticus | ♂ Lin. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3624, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3624 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Lampides | baeticus | ♂ Lin. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3625, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3625 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Lampides | baeticus | ♀ Lin. | A. Vilarrubia det. 193].
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Raywardia telicanus tetrica Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Leptotes pirithous (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation:«Tipus de St. Pere de Vilamajor (en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona)» (Sagarra, 1925a: 45).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3885, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3885 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S.Pere de Vilamajor | 1 a 9-IX-22 | SAGARRA leg. | 1221] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra
det. 193] [Raywardia telicanus tetrica | (Sagarra, 1925) | Leptotes pirithous | (Linnaeus, 1767) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3886, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3886 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S.Pere de Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra
det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3887, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3887 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S.Pere de Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra
det. 193].
Remarks: Tshikolovets (2011) considers tetrica to be a synonym of pirithous. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this species has some phenotypic variation, due probably to its ecological plasticity. Some of these variations have been named but none are worthy of further consideration.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Raywardia telicanus tetrica f. semitetrica Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Leptotes pirithous (Linnaeus, 1767)
Original type material citation: «sèrie típica de Llinàs, VII,VIII (Querci leg.) i Vilamajor, VII,VIII. (Sagarra leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 137).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor, Llinás.
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3888, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3888 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. de | Vilamajor | 24-VIII-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1153] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra
det. 193] [Raywardia telicanus tétrica | f. semitetrica Sagarra, 1926 | Leptotes pirithous | (Linnaeus, 1767) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3889, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3889 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 20 a 30-VIII-22 | SAGARRA leg. | 1221] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3890, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3890 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 20 a 30-VIII-22 | SAGARRA leg. | 1221] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3891, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3891 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 20 30-VIII-22 | SAGARRA leg. | 1221] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3892, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3892 | MZB] [261] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 29.8.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3893, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3893 | MZB] [262] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 6.9.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3894, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3894 | MZB] [263] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 9.9.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3895, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3895 | MZB] [264] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 29.8.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3896, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3896 | MZB] [265] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 10.8.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3897, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3897 | MZB] [266] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 21.6.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | Lang | ♂ | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3898, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3898 | MZB] [267] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 8.8.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♂ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3899, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3899 | MZB] [268] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 25.8.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♂ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3900, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3900 | MZB] [269] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 30.8.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♂ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3901, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3901 | MZB] [270] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 8.8.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♂ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3902, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3902 | MZB] [271] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 8.8.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♂ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3903, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3903 | MZB] [272] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 16.7.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♂ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3904, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3904 | MZB] [274] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 26.6.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♂ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3905, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3905 | MZB] [275] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 9.9.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♀ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3906, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-3906 | MZB] [276] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 4.9.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♀ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3907, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3907 | MZB] [278] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 31.8.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♀ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3908, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3908 | MZB] [279] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 22.6.25 Querci] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♀ Lang | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3909, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3909 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 20 a 30-VIII-22 | SAGARRA leg. | 1221] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♂ Lang. | I. Sagarra det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3910, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3910 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. de | Vilamajor | 13-VIII-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1153] [Tarucus | telicanus | ♂ Lang. | I. Sagarra
det. 193].
Syntype MZB 73-3937, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3937 | MZB] [257] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 27.9.25 Querci]. Syntype MZB 73-3938, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-3938 | MZB] [273] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 24.6.25 Querci.
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this species has some phenotypic variation, due probably to its ecological plasticity. Some of these variations have been named but none are worthy of further consideration.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Zizeeria lysimon volpii Romei, 1927
Current status: Zizeeria knysna (Trimen, 1862)
Original type material citation: «ho confrontato grandissime sèrie di ezemplari di Andalusia e di Tripolitania e non trovato nessun esemplare di una localitá che si protesse confondere con uno dell’altra; perciò la forma tripolitania di Sidi Messri è veramente una razza distinta per la quale propongo il nome di « volpii » in onore all’attuale Ministro delle Finanze che allora Governatore della Tripolitania favori i presenti studi» (Romei, 1927b: 275).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Libya: Tripolitania, Sidi Mesri».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4174, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4174 | MZB] [248] [TRIPOLITANIA | Sidi Mesri 30 m | 6.8.25 Romei] [Zizera lysimon | ssp. volpii Romei | (Co typus)] [Zizeeria lysimon volpii | Romei, 1927 | Zizeeria knysna (Trimen, | 1862) | R. Macià rev.
Syntype MZB 73-4175, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4175 | MZB] [249] [TRIPOLITANIA | Sidi Mesri 30 m | 6.8.25 Romei] [Zizera lysimon | ssp. volpii Romei | (cotypus)].
Remarks: both antennae of syntype MZB 73-4174 are missing.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Scolitantides orion parvula Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Scolitantides (Scolitantides) orion (Pallas, 1771)
Original type material citation: «Tipus d’Espluga de Francolí (Weiss i Sagarra leg.
29-V-1919) [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1925b: 272).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Tarragona, Espluga de Francolí».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3120, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3120 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957] [Tipus] [Scolitantides orion ♂ | Pall., R/ parvula SAG, | 1925 | (tipus)] [Scoliatantides orion | parvula Sagarra, 1925 | Scolitantides (Scolitantides) | orion (Pallas, 1771) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3121, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3121 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957] [Tipus] [S. orion Pall ♀ | R/ parvula SAG, | 1925 | (tipus)].
Syntype MZB 73-3122, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3122 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957] [Scolitantides orion | v. parvula Sag. | (serie tipica)].
Remarks: Tshikolovets (2011) comments that more than twenty described taxa from Europe are regarded here as synonyms of the nomynotypical subspecies.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Scolitantides baton cavazzai Romei, 1927
Current status: Scolitantides (Pseudophilotes) abencerragus (Pierret, 1837)
Original type material citation: «gli esemplari raccolti a Sidi Messri dal febbraio al primi di aprile. Mi permeto di dedicaré queta razza al Conte Filippo Cavazza che tanto efficacemente mi aiutò nelle mie ricerche» (Romei, 1927b: 277).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Libya: Tripolitania, Sidi Mesri».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4172, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-4172 | MZB] [253] [TRIPOLITANIA | Sidi Mesri m 30 | 15.II.25 Romei] [Scolitantides baton | cavazzai Romei | (Cotypus)].
Syntype MZB 73-4173, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-4173 | MZB] [252] [TRIPOLITANIA | Sidi Mesri m 30 | 10.IV.25 Romei] [Scolitantides baton | cavazzai Romei | (Cotypus)].
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Glaucopsyche cyllarus pauperella Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Glaucopsyche alexis (Poda, 1761)
Original type material citation: «sèrie típica procedent de Llinàs, VI (Querci leg.) i dels voltants de Barcelona, V» (Sagarra, 1926: 138).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Llinás».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3913, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3913 | MZB] [331] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 24.5.25 Querci] [Glaucopsyche cyllarus | pauperella Sagarra, 1926 | Glaucopsyche alexis | (Poda, 1761) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3914, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3914 | MZB] [332] [CATALONIA | Vilamajor 300 m | 25.5.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3915, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-3915 | MZB] [333] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 2.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3916, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3916 | MZB] [334] [CATALONIA | Vilamajor 300 m | 21.5.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3917, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-3917 | MZB] [335] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 28.5.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3918, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3918 | MZB] [336] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 28.5.25 Querci].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) comment on the variability in colour and size in this species and so it is not possible to support the validity of the described subspecies.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Glaucopsyche cyllarus pauperella f. privata Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Glaucopsyche alexis (Poda, 1761)
Original type material citation: «la forma privata tambe de Vallvidrera, V, Vl (Sagarra leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 139).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Vallvidrera».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3919, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3919 | MZB] [Vallvidrera (l’africa) | 24-V-08] [Glaucopsyche cyllarus | pauperella f. privata | Sagarra, 1926 | Glaucopsyche alexis | (Poda, 1761) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3920, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3920 | MZB] [Vallvidrera (l’africa) | 24-V-08]. Syntype MZB 73-3921, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3921 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 18-V-18 | Sagarra].
Syntype MZB 73-3922, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3922 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 11-V-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Syntype MZB 73-3923, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3923 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 19-V-22 | SAGARRA leg. | N. 1182].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) comment the variability of the species in colour and size, so is no possible to support validity of described subspecies.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Scolitantides melanops diversa Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Glaucopsyche melanops (Boisduval, [1828] 1829)
Original type material citation: «sèrie típica dels voltants de Barcelona, IV (Sagarra leg.) Llinàs V (Querci leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 137).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Vallvidrera».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3926, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3926 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 26-IV-21 | SAGARRA. leg. | 1113] [Scolitantides melanops | diversa Sagarra, 1926 | Glaucopsyche melanops | (Boisduval, [1828] 1829) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3927, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3927 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 19-V-22 | SAGARRA leg. | N. 1182].
Syntype MZB 73-3928, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3928 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera |
24-IV-22 | SAGARRA leg. | N. 1182].
Syntype MZB 73-3929, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3929 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 26-IV-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1113].
Syntype MZB 73-3930, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3930 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 11-V-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Syntype MZB 73-3931, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3931 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 11-V-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Syntype MZB 73-3932, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3932 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 26-IV-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1113].
Syntype MZB 73-3933, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3933 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 11-V-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Syntype MZB 73-3934, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3934 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 11-V-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Syntype MZB 73-3935, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3935 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 19-IV-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | N. 1189].
Syntype MZB 73-3936, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3936 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 11-V-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Remarks: Tshikolovets (2011) considers diversa to be a synonym of melanops. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that there are no consistent criteria for maintaining the seven Iberian subspecific taxa.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Jolana iolas farriolsi Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Iolana debilitata farriolsi Sagarra, 1931
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de la Rierada (Vallvidrera), 19-V-1917; O. C. Rosset leg.; i una ♀ de Vallvidrera, 18-V-1922; Sagarra leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 118).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Vallvidrera, La Rierada».
Lectotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 73-3105, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3105 | MZB] [L. iolas | Rierada 19/5/15] [CATALUNYA | La Rierada (Vall- | vidrera) 19-V-1917 | O. C. Rosset (LEG.)] [Tipus] [LECTOTYPE | Iolana debilitata farriolsi (Sagarra, 1931 | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3106, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3106 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 18-V-22 | SAGARRA leg. | N. 1182] [Tipus] [PARALECTOTYPE | Iolana debilitata farriolsi (Sagarra, 1931 | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó, 2016].
Remarks: Lectotype designed by Macià et al., 2016 (fig. 3).
References: Dumont, 2004; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.


Fig. 3. Iolana debilitata farriolsi Sagarra, 1931 ♂ Lectotype. Fig. 3. Iolana debilitata farriolsi Sagarra, 1931 ♂ Lectotipo.


Maculinea alcon hospitali Vilarrubia, 1948
Phengaris alcon alcon ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo ♂: estribaciones de la Sierra de la Demanda 1100 m, provincia de Soria (en la colección Hospital). Alotipo ♂: de la misma localidad (en las colecciones del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona). Paratipo ♀: ídem. (en las colecciones del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona). Paratipo ♀: ídem. (en la colección de D. Hospital de Barcelona)» (Vilarrubia et al., 1948: 6).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla-León, Soria, Sotillo del Rincón».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3526, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3526 | MZB] [SOTILLO | D. V. 9-7-45 | D. HOSPITAL det.] [HOLOTYPE] [Maculinea alcon hospitali | (Vilarrubia, 1948) | Phengaris alcon alcon | ([Denis & Schiffermüller], | 1775) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3527, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3527 | MZB] [Valdebellano de Tera | (Soria) 5-VII-1945 | A.Vilarrubia leg.] [Lycaena | alcon. F. ♀ | Hospitali. Vil. A. VILARRUBIA DET] [Alotipo | ♀] [PARATYPE].
Paratype MZB 73-3528, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3528 | MZB] [Valdebellano de Tera | (Soria) 5-VII-1945 | A.Vilarrubia leg.] [Lycaena | alcon. F. ♂ | Hospitali. Vil. | A. VILARRUBIA  DET] [PARATYPE].
Paratype MZB 73-3993, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3993 | MZB] [SOTILLO | D. V. 10·7·4[…] | D. HOSPITAL det.] [PARATYPE].
Paratype MZB 73-3994, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3994 | MZB] [Valdebellano de Tera | (Soria) 5-VII-1945 | A. Vilarrubia leg.] [Lycaena | alcon.F. ♂ | Hospitali. Vil | A. VILARRUBIA].
Paratype MZB 73-3995, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3995 | MZB] [Valdebellano de Tera | (Soria) 5-VII-1945 | A. Vilarrubia leg.] [Lycaena | alcon.F. ♂ | Hospitali. Vil | A. VILARRUBIA].
Paratype MZB 73-3996, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3996 | MZB] [Valdebellano de Tera | (Soria) 5-VII-1945 | A. Vilarrubia leg.] [Lycaena | alcon.F. ♂ | Hospitali. Vil | A. VILARRUBIA].
Paratype MZB 73-3997, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3997 | MZB] [Valdebellano de Tera | (Soria) 5-VII-1945 | A. Vilarrubia leg.] [Lycaena | alcon.F. ♂ | Hospitali. Vil | A. VILARRUBIA].
Paratype MZB 73-3998, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3998 | MZB] [Valdebellano de Tera | (Soria) 5-VII-1945 | A. Vilarrubia leg.].
Paratype MZB 73-3999, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3999 | MZB] [SOTILLO | D. V. 10-7-45 | D. HOSPITAL det.]. Paratype MZB 73-4000, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-4000 | MZB] [Valdebellano de Tera | (Soria) 5-VII-1945 | A.Vilarrubia leg.] [Lycaena | alcon. F. ♀ | Hospitali. Vil. | A. VILARRUBIA DET].
Remarks: Holotype and paratypes from Hospital’s collection are deposited in the MCNB collection. The subspecies described from Sotillo del Rincón and Valdebellano de Tera (Soria Province) are wrongly assigned as having been described from La Sierra de la Demanda.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Maculinea arcas ajenjoi Vilarrubia, 1948
Current status: Phengaris nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1770)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo ♂: Sierra de la Demanda 1100 m, provincia de Soria (en la colección Hospital.). Alotipo ♀: ídem» (Vilarrubia et al., 1948: 8).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla-León, Soria, Sotillo del Rincón».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3529, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3529 | MZB] [Sotillo | D. V. 5-7-45 | D. HOSPITAL det.] [HOLOTYPE] [Maculinea arcas ajenjoi | (Vilarrubia, 1948) | Phengaris nausithous | ( Bergsträsser, 1770) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3530, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-3530 | MZB] [Sotillo | D. V. 5-7-45 | D. HOSPITAL det.] [PARATYPE].
Paratype MZB 73-3989, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3989 | MZB] [Valdebellano de Tera | (Soria) 5-VII-1945 | A. Vilarrubia leg.].
Remarks: Holotype and paratypes from Hospital’s collection are deposited in the MCNB collection. The subspecies described from Sotillo del Rincón and Valdebellano de Tera (Soria Province) are wrongly assigned as having been described from La Sierra de la Demanda.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Agriades thersites josephina Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Polyommatus (Plebicula) thersites Cantener, [1835] 1834)
Original type material citation: «Tipus d’Albarracín (Aragó), 1100 m, 28-VI-24 [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 202).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4157, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4157 | MZB] [333] [ARAGON | Albarracin
m 1100 | 28 VI.24 Querci] [Agriades thersites | josephina Sagarra, 1924 | Polymmatus (Plebicula) | thersites (Cantener, [1835] | 1834) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4158, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4158 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin
m 1100 | VI.24 Querci] [Agriades thersites | josephina Sagarra, 1924 | Polymmatus (Plebicula) | thersites (Cantener, [1835] | 1834) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) consider it as synonymy of nomotypical subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Agriades thersites ferdinandi Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Polyommatus (Plebicula) thersites (Cantener, [1835] 1834)
Original type material citation: «Tipus dels pujols entre Vilamajor i Linàs, VII. (Querci i Sagarra leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 138).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3118, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3118 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 24-VI-25 | Sagarra leg.] [L. thersites Cant. | var. ferdinandi Sag. | revers. + aprox. a la | descripc. de Sag.! | R. Agenjo det.] [Agriades thersites | ferdinandi Sagarra, 1926 | Polyommatus (Plebicula) | thersites (Cantener, [1835] | 1834) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Mismatch between month of record and label. Some exemplars from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) consider this to be a synonym of the nomotypical subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hirsutina dolus fulgens Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens (Sagarra, 1925)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Santa Coloma de Queralt. (S. Novellas leg. 9-VII-1920) [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1925b: 271).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Tarragona, Santa. Coloma de Queralt».
Lectotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 73-3109, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3109 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Santa Coloma | de Queralt | 9-VII-20 | Novellas | 1051]. Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens | (Sagarra, 1925) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3110, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3110 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Santa Coloma | de Queralt | 9-VII-20 | Novellas | 1051] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens | (Sagarra, 1925) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3111, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3111 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Santa Coloma | de Queralt | 9-VII-20 | Novellas | 1051] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens | (Sagarra, 1925) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3112, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3112 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Santa Coloma | de Queralt | 9-VII-20 | Novellas | 1051] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens | (Sagarra, 1925) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3113, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3113 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Santa Coloma | de Queralt | 9-VII-20 | Novellas | 1051] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens | (Sagarra, 1925) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3114, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3114 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Santa Coloma | de Queralt | 9-VII-20 | Novellas | 1051] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens | (Sagarra, 1925) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3115, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3115 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Santa Coloma | de Queralt | 9-VII-20 | Novellas | 1051] [Tipus] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens | (Sagarra, 1925) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4162, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4162 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Coloma de Queralt | 30-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1224] [Hirsutina dolus | r. fulgens Sag. | (serie tipica)] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens | (Sagarra, 1925) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4163, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4163 | MZB] [CATALONIA | De S. Coloma a Agulló | 3-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1224] [Hirsutina dolus | r. fulgens Sag. | (serie tipica)] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens | (Sagarra, 1925) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Remarks: the paralectotype MZB 73-4163 is fairly damaged.
Lectotype and paralectotypes designated by Macià et al., 2016 (fig. 4).
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.


Fig. 4. Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens (Sagarra, 1925) ♂ Lectotype. Fig. 4. Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) fulgens fulgens (Sagarra, 1925) ♂ Lectotipo.


Hirsutina damon cabrerae Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damon ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Cabrera, 14-VII-1919; A. Weiss leg. i una ♀ de Sant Pere de Montgrony, 10-VIII-1907; Sagarra leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 118).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Osona, Cabrera- Girona, Ripollès, Montgrony».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3116, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3116 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cabrera | 14-VII-19 | Weiss | 981] [Typus] [Front: Agrodiaetus damon SCHIFF. | R/cabrerae SAG, 1930 | (alotipus) | [Hirsutuna damon cabrerae | Sagarra, 1930 | Polyommatus | (Agrodiaetus) damon | ([Denis & Schiffermüllers, | 1775]) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3117, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3117 | MZB] [9-VIII-07 | L. Damon | P. de S Pere | Montgrony] [Typus].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) consider this to be a synonym of the nomotypical subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hirsutina damon noguerae Sagarra, 1924
Current status Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damon ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Noguera (Aragó), 1400 m 31-VII-24 [en la col·lecció
del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]. Romei leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 203).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Noguera».
Holoype depositary: (—)
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4159, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4159 | MZB] [524] [ARAGON | Noguera m 1400 | 31VII.24 Romei] [Hirsutina damon noguerae | Sagarra, 1924 | Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) | damon ([Denis & | Schiffermüller, 1775]) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4160, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4160 | MZB] [529] [ARAGON | Noguera m 1400 | 31VII.24 Romei]. Syntype MZB 73-4161, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-4161 | MZB] [531] [ARAGON | Noguera m 1400 | 30VII.24 Romei].
Remarks: Tshikolovets (2011) considers it a valid subspecies. García-Barros et al. (2013) consider this to be a synonym of the nomotypical subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Meleageria meleager marteniana Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Polyommatus (Meleageria) daphnis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Santa Coloma de Queralt [S. Novellas leg. 3-VII-1922] (en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona).
Nota: Coneixem questa espècie, demés de les localitats citades anteriorment (i), i de la localitat clàssica de Espluga de Francolí (A. Codina leg. 6-VIII-1920) i de St. Lloréns del Munt (W. Marten leg. 28-VII-1926, on hi descobrí, una important colònia per la banda de Matadepera. Per l’amabilitat d’aquest entomòleg hem pogut comprovar que pertany a la rassa que acabem d’establir. No, així, podem afirmar-ho per la rassa que vola al Pirineu, a Sant Vicens de la Seu d’Urgell (S. Maluquer leg. VII-1907), pel material insuficient.» (Sagarra, 1925b: 271).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Tarragona, Santa Coloma de Queralt».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3945, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3945 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S.Coloma de Queralt | 6-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1224] [HOLOTYPE] [Meleageria meleager | marteniana Sagarra 1925 | Polyommatus (Meleageria) | daphnis ([Denis & | Schiffmüller, 1775]) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3946, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3946 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí | 6-VII-20 | Codina | 1054] [Meleageria meleager | r. marteniana Sag. | (serie tipica)].
Syntype MZB 73-3947, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3947 | MZB] [Barcelona | 28.7.25 | coll. Marten] [Meleageria meleager | r. marteniana Sag. (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-3948, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-3948 | MZB] [Barcelona | 28/7.25 | coll. Marten] [Meleageria meleager | r. marteniana Sag. (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-3949, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3949 | MZB] [Barcelona | 28/7.25 | coll. Marten] [Meleageria meleager | r. marteniana Sag. (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-3950, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3950 | MZB] [Barcelona | 28/7.25 | coll. Marten].
Syntype MZB 73-3951, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3951 | MZB] [Barcelona | 28/7.25 | coll. Marten].
Remarks: Syntype 73-3945 MZB: dated 3-VII-22 on paper, but as 6-VII-22 on the label. Syntype 73-3946 MZB: dated 6-VIII-1920 on paper, but as 6-VII-1920 on the label. Syntypes MZB 73-3947, MZB 73-3948, MZB 73-3949, MZB 73-3950 and MZB 73-3951, part of the W. Marten collection, collected in St. Llorenç del Munt and dated 28-VII-26 on paper, were collected in Barcelona on 28.7.1925 according to their labels. All specimens with red labels and named Meleageria meleager r. marteniana Sag. belong to the typical series. Tshikolovets (2011) considers it a good subspecies. Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) comment on that there are two subspecies described from Spain but they dismiss them.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Agriades corydonius caelestissima ab. deliciosa Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Polyommatus (Lysandra) caelestissima Verity, 1921)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Noguera (Aragó), 1400 m, 30-VII-24, ♀
[en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Romei leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 203).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Noguera».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3119, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3119 | MZB] [ARAGON | Noguera m 1400 | 31 VII. 24 Romei] [A. corydonius Vty | rassa caelestissima | ab.deliciosa Sag. | (tipus)] [A. Corydonius HS. | rassa caelestissima Vrty. | ab. ♀ deliciosa, Sag (Tipus) | de NOGUERA (ARAGÓ)] [Agriades corydonius | caelestissima ab. deliciosa | Sagarra, 1924 | Polyommatus (Lysandra) | caelestissima (Verity, | 1921) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: one specimen ofdeliciosaaberration from A. G. Weeks’s collection is deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as «Syntype?».
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Agriades corydonius asturienseis
Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon asturiensis (Sagarra, 1924)
Original type material citation: «representa el tranzit entre les dugues rasses occidentals, descrites: celestissima Vrty. d’Aragó i la rassa italiana sybillina, Vrty., de la Marca. Tipus de Pajares, 1300 m, 16-VIII-24 [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Romei leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 202).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Asturias, Puerto de Pajares».
Lectotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 73-4347, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4347 | MZB] [70] [ASTURIAS | Pajares
m 1300 | 16.VIII.24 Romei] [Agriades corydonius | rassa asturiensis, Sag. | de Pajares (tipus)] [LECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon asturiensis | (Sagarra, 1924) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3128, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3128 | MZB] [ASTURIAS | Pajares
m 1300 | 16.VIII.24 Romei] [A. corydonius | rassa asturiensis | ab. —- | Sagarra (tipus)] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon asturiensis | (Sagarra, 1924) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Remarks: Paralectotype MZB 73-3128, ♀, belongs to the syngraphoides form.
Lectotype and paralectotype designed by Macià et al., 2016 (fig. 5).
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.


Fig. 5. Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon asturiensis (Sagarra, 1924) ♂ Lectotype. Fig. 5. Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon asturiensis (Sagarra, 1924) ♂ Lectotipo.


Agriades corydonius asturienseis ab. syngraphoides Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon asturiensis (Sagarra, 1924)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Pajares, (Asturias), 1300 m, 16-VIII-24,
♀ [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Romei leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 202).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Asturias, Puerto de Pajares».
Paralectotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Paralectotype MZB 73-3125, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [560] [73-3125 | MZB] [ASTURIAS | Pajares m 1300 | 10 VIII. 24 Romei] [A. Corydonius | rassa asturiensis | ab. syngraphoides | Sagarra (tipus) | (més caracteritzat)] [A. corydonius H-S. | rassa asturiensis, Sag. | ab. ♀ syngraphoides, Sag. | de Pajares (Tipus)] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon asturiensis | (Sagarra, 1924) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3126, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3126 | MZB] [561] [ASTURIAS | Pajares
m 1300 | 9 VIII. 24 Romei] [Front: A. corydonius | rassa asturiensis | ab. syngraphoides | Sagarra (tipus) | (més caracteritzat) | Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon asturiensis | (Sagarra, 1924) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3127, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3127 | MZB] [559] [ASTURIAS | Pajares
m 1300 | 9 VIII. 24 Romei] [A. corydonius | rassa asturiensis | ab. syngraphoides | Sagarra (tipus)] [PARALECTOTYPE | Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon asturiensis | (Sagarra, 1924) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | Designed, 2016].
Remarks: Paralectotypes designed by Macià et al., 2016.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Agriades albicans bolivari Romei, 1927
Current status: Polyommatus (Lysandra) albicans (Gerhard, [1851] 1853)
Original type material citation: «I propose to name bolivari the race we have collected at Montarco early in July, 1926» (Romei, 1927a: 129).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Madrid, Montarco».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4054, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4054 | MZB] [MONTARCO | C. Bolivar]. Syntype MZB 73-4055, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4055 | MZB] [MONTARCO | C. Bolivar].
Syntype MZB 73-4056, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4056 | MZB] [MONTARCO | C. Bolivar].
Syntype MZB 73-4057, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4057 | MZB] [MONTARCO | C. Bolivar].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) consider this to be a synonym of the typical subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Agriades thetis langhami Romei, 1927
Current status:  Polyommatus (Lysandra) bellargus (Rottemburg, 1775)
Original type material citation: «in Serrania of Cuenca thetis began to emerge late in August. This Castilian race of thetis, which I propose to name langhami, is nothing else than a dwarf race of the Algerian punctifera» (Romei, 1927a: 128).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, Villacabras; Huelamo; Tragacete».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4058, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4058 | MZB] [Blue] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 26 May 1926 Querci] [Agriades thetis langhami | Romei, 1927 | Polyommatus (Lysandra) | bellargus (Rottemburg, | 1775) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4059, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4059 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 30 May.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4060, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4060 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 30 May.1926 Querci]
Syntype MZB 73-4061, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4061 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 31 May.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4062, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4062 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 3 June.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4063, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4063 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 4 June.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4064, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4064 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 5 June.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4065, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4065 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Tragacete 1400 m | 13.8.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4066, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4066 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Tragacete 1400 m | 13.8.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4067, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4067 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 17.8.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4068, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4068 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 27.8.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4069, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4069 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 22.8.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4070, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4070 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 22.8.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4071, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4071 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 25.8.1926 Querci]
Syntype MZB 73-4072, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4072 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 28.8.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4073, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4073 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4074, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4074 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4075, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4075 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 15.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4076, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4076 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 17.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4077, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4077 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 23.9.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4078, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4078 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 2.10.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4079, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4079 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 7.10.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4080, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4080 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 7.10.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4081, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4081 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 7.10.1926 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4082, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4082 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 7.10.1926 Querci].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) consider that there are no subspecific divisions in this taxon’s area of distribution.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Aricia chiron bolivarensis Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Eumedonia eumedon eumedon (Esper, 1780)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Villacabras, 15-VI-1928 i una ♀ de Huelamo, 31-V-1926 (Cuenca); Querci leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 117).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, Villacabras/Huelamo».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3952, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3952 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 21 June.1928 Querci] [Aricia chiron bolivarensis | (Sagarra, 1930) | Eumedonia eumedon | eudemon (Esper, 1780) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3953, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3953 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca)| Huelamo 1200 m | 14 June.1928 Querci].
Remarks: specimen MZB 73-3952 dated 15-VI-1928 on paper, but as 21 Jun.6.1926 on the label. Specimen MZB 73-3953 is dated 31-V-1926 on paper but as 14 Jun.1926 on the label.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Aricia idas ordesae Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Aricia morronensis ordesae Sagarra, 1931
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ i una ♀ de la Vall d’Ordesa (Osca), VIII-1928; A. Weiss leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 117).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Huesca, Valle de Ordesa».
Lectotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 73-3990, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3990 | MZB] [Valle de Ordesa | (Huesca) | VIII-28 | A. Weiss leg.] [LECTOTYPE | Aricia morronensis ordesae Sagarra, 1924 | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | designed, 2016].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3129, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3129 | MZB] [Valle de Ordesa | (Huesca) | VIII-28 | A. Weiss leg.] [PARALECTOTYPE | Aricia morronensis ordesae Sagarra, 1924 | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó, 2016].
Remarks: the paralectotype MZB 73-3129 is damaged.
Lectotype and paralectotype designed by Macià et al., 2016 (fig. 6).
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.


Fig. 6. Aricia morronensis ordesae Sagarra, 1931 ♂ Lectotype. Fig. 6. Aricia morronensis ordesae Sagarra, 1931 ♂ Lectotype.


Plebeius argus montsiai Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Plebejus argus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ i una ♀ procedents del Montsià, 11-VI-1922; Novellas leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 116).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Tarragona, Montsià».
Holoype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3924, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3924 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsià | 11-VI-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | N. 1218] [Plebeius argus montsiai | (Sagarra, 1930) | Plebeius argus (Linnaeus, | 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3925, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3925 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsià | 11-VI-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | N. 1218].
Remarks: Agenjo (1966) proposed 16 different subspecies or forms of Plebeius argus.
Conversely, García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that there are no consistent criteria for maintaining the numerous Iberian subspecific taxa due to the morphological heterogeneity present in all populations.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Plebeius insularis degener Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Plebejus idas idas (Linnaeus, [1760] 1761)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Salardú a l’estany de Basibé, 22-VII-1922 i una ♀ de Salardú als estanys de Tredós, 23-VII-1922; Novellas leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 117).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Lleida, Val d’Aran, Salardú».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3939, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3939 | MZB] [CATALONIA | De Salardú al Estany | de Basibé (Aran) | 22-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231] [Plebeius insularis degener | Sagarra, 1930 | Plebeius idas idas | (Linnaeus, [1760] 1761) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3940, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3940 | MZB] [CATALONIA | De Salardú al Banys | de Tredós (Aran) | 23-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231] [PARATYPE].
Remarks: Garcia Barros et al. (2013) consider Plebeius insularis degener Sagarra, 1930 to be a synonymy of idas idas (Linnaeus, [1760] 1761).
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Plebeius insularis extremata Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Plebejus idas nevadensis (Oberthür, 1910)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Reillo (Cuenca) a 1100 m alt., 24-VI-1928 i una ♀ de Monte Talayuelo (Cuenca), 1200 m alt., 1-VII- 1928; Querci leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 117).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla La Mancha, Cuenca, Riello, Monte Talayuela».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3123, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3123 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Reillo 1000 m | 24 June 1928 Querci] [Black dots] [Plebeius insularis | extremata Sagarra, 1930 | Plebejus idas nevadensis | (Oberthür, 1910) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3124, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3124 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Monte Talayuelo 1200 m | 1.7.1928 Querci].
Paratype MZB 73-4001, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4001 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) |  Las Zomas 1000 m | 23 June 1926 Querci] [Additional dots].
Paratype MZB 73-4002, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4002 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Arcas 1000 m | 25 June 1928 Querci] [Small metallic spots].
Paratype MZB 73-4003, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4003 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 21 June 1928 Querci] [Additional dots].
Paratype MZB 73-4004, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4004 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Palomera 1000 m | 21 June 1928 Querci] [Small].
Paratype MZB 73-4005, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4005 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Palomera 1000 m | 1.7.1928 Querci] [Bright].
Paratype MZB 73-4006, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4006 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Fuentes 1000 m | 3.7.1928 Querci] [Whitish].
Remarks: genitalia extracted of paratype MZB 73-4005 and not found. Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) believe that extremata is a synonymy of Plebejus idas nevadensis (Oberthür, 1910).
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Family Nymphalidae Rafinesque, 1815
Subfamily Libytheinae
Boisduval, [1833] 1832

Libytheaceltis livida Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Libythea celtis (Laicharting, [1782] 1782-83 in Fuessly)
Original type material citation: «sèrie típica composta d’individuus de la regió del Montseny VIII (Querci i Sagarra leg.) i del Montsec VI, 1919 (Weiss leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 135).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Tarragona, Montsec.».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3012, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3012 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Tipus] [Libythea celtis | r/livida SAG,1926 | (tipus)] [Libythea celtis livida | Sagarra, 1926 | Libythea celtis (Laicharting, | [1782] 1782-83 in Fuessly) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3013, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3013 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3014, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3014 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960].
Syntype MZB 73-3015, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3015 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3016, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3016 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3017, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3017 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3018, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3018 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3019, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3019 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3020, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3020 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3021, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3021 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3022, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3022 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3023, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3023 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3024, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3024 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3025, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3025 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3026, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3026 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3027, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3027 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3028, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3028 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3029, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3029 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3030, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3030 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3031, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3031 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3032, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3032 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [S. típica].
Remarks: the abdomens of syntypes MZB 73-3016 and MZB 73-3017 are missing. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this species is not very variable. The ssp. livida Sagarra, 1926 from northeast Catalonia has no taxonomical justification and subspecific divisions.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subfamily Satyrinae Boisduval [1833] 1832
Tribe Satyrini
Boisduval, [1833] 1832
Subtribe Coenonymphina
Tutt, 1816

Coenonympha dorus fonti Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Coenonympha dorus dorus (Esper, 1782)
Original type material citation: «Tipus d’Albarracín (Aragó), 1100 m, 21-VI-1924
[en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 199).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín» (Sagarra, 1924b).
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2506, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2506 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 21 VI.24 Querci] [Tipus] [Coenonympha ♂ | dorus | r/fonti SAG, 1924 | (tipus)] [Coenonympha dorus fonti | Sagarra, 1924 | Coenonympha dorus dorus | (Esper,
1782) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2507, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2507 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 26 VI.24 Querci] [Tipus] [C. dorus ♀ | r/fonti SAG, 1924 | (tipus)] [Coenonympha dorus fonti | Sagarra, 1924 | Coenonympha dorus dorus | (Esper, 1782) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) do not consider this to be a valid subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Coenonympha pamphilus altopirenaica Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Coenonympha pamphilus lyllus (Esper, 1805)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ i una ♀ del Port de Benasque, 24-VII-1921; Novellas leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 113).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Huesca, Puerto de Benasque».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2982, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2982 | MZB] [PYR.CENTR. | Port de | Benasque | 24-VII-21 | NOVELLAS leg | N.1152] [Tipus] [Coenonympha ♂ | pamphilus | r/artopirenaica SAG, | 1930 | (lectotipus)] [Coenonympha pamphilus | altopirenaica Sagarra, | 1930 | Coenonympha pamphilus | lyllus (Esper, 1805) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2983, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2983 | MZB] [PYR.CENTR. | Port de | Benasque | 24-VII-21 | NOVELLAS leg. | N.1152] [Tipus] [Coenonympha ♀ | pamphilus | r/altopirenaica SAG, | 1930 | (tipus)] [Coenonympha pamphilus | altopirenaica Sagarra, | 1930 | Coenonympha pamphilus | lyllus (Esper, 1805) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) do not consider this to be a valid subspecies.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Coenonympha iphioides pseudoamyntas Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Coenonympha iphioides Staudinger, 1870
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Cremal, 24-VII-1919; A. Weiss leg. Una ♀ de la mateixa localitat i data; A. Weiss leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 113).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Girona, Pont de Cremal (Nuria)».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2979, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2979 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cremal | 24-VII-19 | Weiss | 963] [Tipus] [Coenonympha ♂ | iphis | r/pseudoamyntas SAG | 1930 | (tipus)] [Coenonympha iphioides | pseudoamyntas Sagarra, | 1930 | Coenonympha iphioides | Staudinger, 1870 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2980, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2980 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cremal | 24-VII-19 | Weiss | 963] [Tipus] [C. iphis ♀ | r/pseudoamyntas | SAG, 1930 | (tipus)].
Syntype MZB 73-3705, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3705 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cremal | 24-VII-19 | Weiss | 963] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3706, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3706 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cremal | 24-VII-19 | Weiss | 963] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3707, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3707 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cremal | 24-VII-19 | Weiss | 963] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3708, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3708 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cremal | 24-VII-19 | Weiss | 963] [S. típica] [Coenonympha iphioides | pseudoamyntas Sagarra, | 1930 | Coenonympha iphioides | Staudinger, 1870 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3709, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3709 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Cremal | 24-VII-19 | Weiss | 963] [S. típica] [Coenonympha iphioides | pseudoamyntas Sagarra, | 1930 | Coenonympha iphioides | Staudinger, 1870 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: the abdomen of syntype MZB 73-3708 is missing. García-Barros et al. (2013) believe that iphioides is a ssp. of glycerion. Vives-Moreno (2014) comments that the presence of glycerion in Iberian Peninsula is doubtful and considers iphioides to be a valid species.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Coenonympha iphioides pearsoni Romei, 1927
Current status: Coenonympha iphioides Staudinger, 1870
Original type material citation: «Instead the specimens of iphioides we collected in July, 1924, near Sierra Alta (Teruel) i n Aragón, differ in a constant way form the Castilian ones. Not even one of my large series from Aragón is like any individual from Castile so that I propose to name pearsoni the subspecies from Sierra Alta above Orihuela del Tremedal» (Romei, 1927a: 137).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Orihuela del Tremedal».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2981, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2981 | MZB] [244] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci] [Coenonympha iphiodes | pearsoni Romei | (typus)] [Coenonympha iphioides | pearsoni Romei, 1927 | Coenonympha iphioides | Staudinger, 1870 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3710, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3710 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 11 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3711, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3711 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3712, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3712 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 5 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3713, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3713 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 9 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3714, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3714 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3715, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3715 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3716, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3716 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3717, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3717 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 13 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3718, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3718 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 9 VII.24 Querci] [Coenonympha iphioides | pearsoni Romei, 1927 | Coenonympha iphioides | Staudinger, 1870 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3719, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3719 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 19 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3720, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3720 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3721, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3721 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3722, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3722 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3723, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3723 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 13 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3724, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3724 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 10 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3725, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3725 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3726, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3726 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 17 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3727, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3727 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 18 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3728, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3728 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 6 VII.24 Querci] [Coenonympha iphioides | pearsoni Romei, 1927 | Coenonympha iphioides | Staudinger, 1870 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Nomotypical form: MZB 73-3729, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3729 | MZB] [241] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 18.7.1926 Querci] [Coenonympha | iphioides Stgr | (forma nimotipica) | O. Querci det. 1926] [ iphioides | (nimotipica) | flora seca] MZB 73-3730, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3730 | MZB] [242] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 25.7.1926 Querci] [Coenonympha | iphioides Stgr | (forma nimotipica) | O. Querci det. 1926] [nomotipica | humedo] MZB 73-3882, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3882 | MZB] [ 129] [ ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII. 24 Querci] [C. iphiodes Stgr. | Querci det.] [nomotipica | humedo] MZB 73-3883, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3883 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Tragacete 1400 m | 23.7.1928 Querci].
Remarks: the left forewing of syntype MZB 73-3717 is missing. Romei comments in his publication: “pearsoni is always much smaller than the nymotypical iphioides; the whole underside is thickly suffused with brown scaling, the yellow ring around the ocelli is thinner, the silver line of the underside of the hind-wings which is well marked in Castilian specimens is either faint or missing in Aragon”. In the type series there are four specimens (2 ♂♂ and 2 ♀♀) labelled Coenonympha iphioides, a nymotypical form that is comparable to C. iphioides pearsoni. Some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and are labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) believe that iphioides is a ssp of glycerion. Vives-Moreno (2014) comments that the presence of glycerion in Iberian Peninsula is dubtful and considers iphioides to be a valid species.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subtribe Maniolina Verity, 1953

Epinephele jurtina cantabrica Agenjo, 1933
Current status: Maniola jurtina hispulla (Esper, 1805)
Original type material citation: «Tipo: ♀; alotipo ♂ ambos de Camargo (Santander), VIII-1930 G. Y. E. Pardo leg. (Museo de Madrid). Además de los tipus, he visto los siguientes ejemplares, que considero paratípicos: dos ♀♀ y dos ♂♂ de Camargo (Santander), VI-1929, G. Y E. Pardo, leg. Dos ♀♀ de San Vicente de la Barquera (Santander), VII-1928, J. Royo. Una ♀ de Mazcuerras (Santander), VII-1929, Fernández de Córdoba, leg. Dos ♀♀ y un ♂ de Bilbao (Vizcaya), VII-1897, T. Seebold, leg. Dos ♀♀ y dos ♂♂ de Escoriaza (Guipúzcoa), VIII-1930, G. Y E. Pardo, leg.» (Agenjo, 1933a: 313).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Cantabria, Santander, Mazcuerras».
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-3007, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3007 | MZB] [Mazcuerras | Prov. Santander | VIII 929 FEZ. DE CÓRDOBA] [Epinephele | jurtina. L | cantabrica | PARATYPUS] [Epinephele jurtina | cantabrica Agenjo, 1933 | Maniola jurtina hispulla | (Esper, 1805) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3008, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3008 | MZB] [Mazcuerras | Prov. Santander | VII 929 FEZ. DE CÓRDOBA] [Epinephele | jurtina. L | cantabrica | PARATYPUS] [Epinephele jurtina | cantabrica Agenjo, 1933 | Maniola jurtina hispulla | (Esper, 1805) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Tshikolovets (2011) considers Epinephele jurtina cantabrica Agenjo, 1933 to be a synonym of Maniola jurtina hispulla (Esper, 1805). García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this species has great phenotypic diversity, especially in size and wing colour. Iberian populations have traditionally been assigned to ssp. hispulla (Esper, 1805), which includes f. cantabrica Agenjo, 1933.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Pyroniatithonus cid Sagarra, 192
Current status: Pyronia tithonus (Linnaeus, 1771)
Original type material citation: « Tipus de Albarracín (Aragó), 1100 m, 18-VII-24
[en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 198).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4053, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4053 | MZB] [27] [ARAGON | Albarracin
m 1100 | 18 VIII. 24 Querci] [Pyronia tithonus cid | Sagarra, 1924 | Pyronia tithonus | (Linnaeus, 1771) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: the capture date in the original publication is 18-VII-24, while on the label it is 18-VIII-24. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that there are no solid arguments for subspecific divisions in this taxon in the Iberian Peninsula.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Epinephele tithonus pardoi Agenjo, 1941
Current status: Pyronia tithonus (Linnaeus, 1771)
Original type material citation: «Holotype ♀ und Allotype ♂ von Camargo (Santander), August. 1930 (G. Und E. Pardo leg.), in meiner Sammlung. Paratypen 40 Exemplare von allen vorgenannten Örtlichkeiten in verschiedenen Jahren in den Monaten Juli and August gesammelt, in meiner Sammlung und in jener des Madrider Museums. Material an folgenden Örtlichkeiten: Guipuzcoa: Escoriza, 400 m (G. Und E. Pardo); Vizcaya: Bilbao (T. Seebold), Las Arenas (R. Agenjo); Alava: Arceniega (R. Agenjo), Llodio (A. Urquijo); Santander: Camargo, 6 m (G. Und E. Pardo), Mazcuerras (F. de Cordoba), San Vicente de la Barquera (F. Escalera), Gargantas de Aliva, Picos de Europa (F. Escalera), Fuente De, Picos de Europa (F. Escalera); Oviedo: Covadonga, Picos de Europa (J. M. Dusmet), Salinas (F. de Cordoba); Coruña: Miño, 6 m (R. Agenjo) und Vigo (L. Iglesias)» (Agenjo, 1941a: 86)
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Cantabria, Santander, Camargo».
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-3005, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3005 | MZB] [Front: San Vicente | de la Barquera | Back: VIII-1931] [Epinephele | thitonus | pardoi Ag | PARATYPUS] [Epinephele thitonus pardoi | Agenjo, 1941 | Pyronia thitonus | (Linnaeus, 1771) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3006, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3006 | MZB] [Mazcuerras | Prov. Santander | VIII 1929 FEZ DE CÓRDOBA] [Epinephele | thitonus | pardoi Ag | PARATYPUS] [Epinephele thitonus pardoi | Agenjo, 1941 | Pyronia thitonus | (Linnaeus, 1771) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks:García-Barros et al. (2013) comment there are no solid arguments for subspecific divisions in Iberian area. All specimens are referred to in the original publication as if they were collected on VII-21; nevertheless, on the labels the date appears as VI-21.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Pyronia tithonus f. souzai Querci, 1932
Current status: Pyronia tithonus (Linnaeus, 1771)
Original type material citation: «una forma opposta allà infravulva è quella che schiuse nell’state del 1927 in Serra da Estrela e che io nominai souzai (Querci, 1932: 89).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Serra da Estrela».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4008, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4008 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 17.8.1927 Querci] [Pyronia tithonus f. souzai | Querci, 1932 | Pyronia tithonus | (Linnaeus, 1771) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4009, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4009 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 15.8.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4010, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4010 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 20.8.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4011, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4011 | MZB] [703] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 18.8.1727 [sic] Querci].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) comment there are no solid arguments for  subspecific divisions in Iberian area.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Pyronia bathseba pardilloi Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Pyronia bathseba (Fabricius, 1793)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Vallvidrera (Barcelona), 350 m, VII-21
[en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Sagarra leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 199).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Vallvidrera».
Holoype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4012, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4012 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 13-VI-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119] [P. pasiphae | pardilloi | Trans a- | myclas ].
Syntype MZB 73-4013, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4013 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 1-VI-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Syntype MZB 73-4014, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4014 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 1-VI-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Syntype MZB 73-4015, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4015 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 11-VI-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Syntype MZB 73-4016, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4016 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 26-V-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1119].
Remarks: specimens are referred to in the original publication as if they were collected on VII-21; nevertheless, the date is given as VI-21 on the labels. Tshikolovets (2011) considers it as a valid subspecies. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this species is unmistakable throughout its range despite variations in colour and size, but that there are some differences between Iberian and North African populations.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Pyroniaida catalana Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Pyronia cecilia (Vallentin, 1894)
Original type material citation: «prenem per sèrie típica de catalana, un nucli d’exemplars procedents de la vall de Vilamajor i de Llinás. VII, VIII (Querci i Sagarra leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 134).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor, Llinars del Vallès».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2984, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2984 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 26-27-VII-28 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [2] [Tipus] [Pyronia cecilia | catalana SAG, 1926 | (Tipus)] [Pyronia ida catalana | Sagarra, 1926 | Pyronia cecilia (Vallentin, | 1894) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2985, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2985 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 18.7.25 Querci] [17] [Tipus] [Pyronia cecilia ♀ | catalana SAG, 1926 | (Tipus)].
Syntype MZB 73-2986, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2986 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 10.8.25 Querci] [19] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-2987, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2987 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 18.7.25 Querci] [21] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-2988, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2988 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 18.7.25 Querci] [22] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-2989, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2989 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 10.8.25 Querci] [23] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-2990, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2990 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 18.7.25 Querci] [3] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-2995, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2995 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 16.7.25 Querci] [5] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-2996, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2996 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 17.7.25 Querci] [6] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-2997, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2997 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 18.7.25 Querci] [9] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-2998, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2998 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 17.7.25 Querci] [10] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-2999, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2999 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 7.7.25 Querci] [11] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3000, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3000 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 25.6.25 Querci] [13] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3001, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3001 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 16.7.25 Querci] [14] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3002, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3002 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 16.7.25 Querci] [15] [S. típica].
Syntype MZB 73-3003, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3003 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 16.7.25 Querci] [16] [S. típica] [Pyronia ida catalana | Sagarra, 1926 | Pyronia cecilia (Vallentin, | 1894) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3004, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3004 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 18.7.25 Querci] [12] [S. típica] [Pyronia ida catalana | Sagarra, 1926 | Pyronia cecilia (Vallentin, | 1894) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4177, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4177 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montseny 1000 m | 7.8.25 Romei] [20] [S. típica].
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Pyroniaida aragonica Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Pyronia cecilia (Vallentin, 1894)
Original type material citation: «si marquem fites per poder sintetitzar després la variació de ida en terres ibèriques, caldrà anomenar la rassa d’Albarracín amb el distintiu de
» (Sagarra, 1926: 135).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4017, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4017 | MZB] [295] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 12 VII.24 Querci] [Pyronia ida aragonica | Sagarra, 1926 | Pyronia cecilia (Vallentin, | 1894) | R. Macià rev.2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4018, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4018 | MZB] [297] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 4 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4019, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4019 | MZB] [298] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 16 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4020, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4020 | MZB] [299] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 16 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4021, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4021 | MZB] [300] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 6 VIII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4022, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4022 | MZB] [24] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 7 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4023, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4023 | MZB] [26] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 10 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4024, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4024 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 4 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4025, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4025 | MZB] [ARAGON | Albarracin m 1100 | 4 VII.24 Querci].
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hyponephele lycaon fonti Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Hyponephele lycaon macrophthalma (Fruhstorfer, 1909)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: una ♀ de Villaluenga (Ronda), 22-VII-1925, P. Font Quer leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 112).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Andalucia, Málaga, Ronda, Villaluenga».
Holotipe depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3958, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3958 | MZB] [Ronda: Villaluenga | 22-VII-25: Font Quer] [Hyponephele lycaon fonti | Sagarra, 1930 | Hyponephele lycaon | macrophthalma | (Fruhstorfer, 1909) | R. Macià rev. 2015.
Paratype MZB 73-3959, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3959 | MZB] [Ronda:Villaluenga | 22-VII-26: Font Quer] [Hyponephele lycaon fonti | Sagarra, 1930 | Hyponephele lycaon | macrophthalma | (Fruhstorfer, 1909) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Tshikolovets (2011) considers Hyponephele lycaon fonti Sagarra, 1930 to be a synonym of Hyponephele lycaon macrophthalma (Fruhstorfer, 1909).
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subtribe Erebiina Tutt, 1896

Erebia manto f. tenebrosa Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Erebia manto constans Eiffinger, 1907, in Seitz
Original type material citation: «Tipus: una ♀de la Vall de Valarties (Arán), 26-VII-1922 i un ♂ de la Vall de l’Aiguamoix, 25-VII-22; Novellas leg. [en la col·leccció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 112).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Lleida, Val d’Aran, Vall de Valarties,Vall d’Aiguamoix».
Holoype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2517, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2517 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vall de Valarties (Aran) | 26-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231] [13] [Erebia manto tenebrosa | Sagarra, 1930 | Erebia manto constans | Eiffinger, 1907, in Seitz | R. Macià rev. 2015] [Erebia manto | constans Eiffinger | ab. tenebrosa Sag. | n. ab. | (tipo)].
Paratype MZB 73-2518, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2518 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vall d’Aiguamoix (Aran) | 25-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231] [Tipus] [Erebia manto ♂ | constans | f. tenebrosa SAG, 1930 | (tipus)].
Paratype MZB 73-2519, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2519 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vall de Valarties (Aran) | 26-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231] [Tipus] [Erebia manto ♀ | tenebrosa SAG, 1930 | (tipus)].
Remarks: in the original description only one male and one female were assigned as types. However, there are two females and one male in the collection labelled as types. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that the degree of melanism is not constant in the range of this species and so all Iberian populations should be assigned to subspecies constans Eiffinger, 1907.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Erebiae piphron valdeonica
Hospital, 1948
Current status: Erebia epiphron aetheria (Esper, 1805)
Original type material citation: «esta pequeña especie que hasta la fecha no se conocía de la Cordillera Cantábrica, no solo se encuentra en los Picos de Europa propiamente dicho, sinó también en algunes otras sierras alrededor de 30 y 40 km más al sur. Holotipo ♂ Alotipo ♀. Paratipos 22 ♂♂ y 3 ♀♀ de la parte alta de la Provincia de León. VII-1946: 1600-2000 m de altura (colección D. Hospital).» (Vilarrubia et al., 1948: 13).
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-4120, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4120 | MZB] [Posada Valdeón | 6-8-46 | D. HOSPITAL det.] [Erebia epiphron var. | valdeonica Hospital, 1948 | Erebia epiphron aetheria | (Esper, 1805) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-4121, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4121 | MZB] [Posada Valdeón | 6-8-46 | D. HOSPITAL det.].
Paratype MZB 73-4122, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4122 | MZB] [Posada Valdeón | 6-8-46 | D. HOSPITAL det.].
Remarks: specimens are referred to in the original publication as if they were collected on VII-1946; nevertheless, the date is given as 6-8-46 on the labels.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Erebia tyndarus buronica Hospital, 1948
Current status: Erebia arvenensis Oberthür, 1908
Original type material citation: «90 ♂♂ y 23 ♀♀ de Peñas de Burón cerca de Riaño (León) y macizos occidental y central de los Picos de Europa desde 600 m hasta 2000 m de altura, però con más frecuencia entre los 1600 m y 1800 m (colección D. Hospital).» (Vilarrubia et al., 1948: 12).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Asturias, Picos de Europa».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4123, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4123 | MZB] [M C Picos Europa | (2000 m) | 26-7-46 | D. HOSPITAL det.] [Erebia tyndarus buronica | Hospital, 1948 | Erebia arvenensis | Oberthür, 1908 | R. Macià rev.2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4124, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4124 | MZB] [M C Picos Europa | (2000 m) | 28-7-46 | D. HOSPITAL det.].
Syntype MZB 73-4125, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4125 | MZB] [M C Picos Europa | (2000 m) | 28-7-46 | D. HOSPITAL det.].
Syntype MZB 73-4126, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4126 | MZB] [M C Picos Europa | (2000 m) | 28-7-46 | D. HOSPITAL det.].
Remarks: both antennae of syntype MZB 73-4126 are missing.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Erebia zapateri f. castiliana Romei, 1927
Current status: Erebia zapateri Oberthür, 1875
Original type material citation: «E. zapateri is very abundant in the Serrania of Cuenca at the level of 4200 ft., above Tragacete; lower, at the level of about 3500ft., the species is much scarcer and the apical ocelli have a tendency to be reduced. This tendency is so marked that in some extreme forms the lowest spot of the left wing is missing. I propose to name castiliana the most common form of the Serrania of Cuenca at low altitude in which the apical spots are either very small or partially missing» (Romei, 1927a: 137).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla la Mancha, Cuenca,Villacabras, Huelamo».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2520, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2520 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 20.8.1926 Querci] [zapateri. ♂. casti. | liana. cotipo] [Erebia zapateri | castiliana Romei | (cotipo)] [Erebia zapateri castiliana | Romei, 1927 | Erebia zapateri Oberthür, | 1875 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2521, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2521 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 25.8.1926 Querci] [zapateri. castiliana | ♀. cotipo] [210] [Erebia zapateri | castiliana Romei | (cotipo)].
Syntype MZB 73-2522, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2522 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Huelamo 1200 m | 12.8.1926 Querci] [zapateri. ♀. castiliana. tipo].
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subtribe Melanargiina Verity, 1920

Melanargia lachesis barcinonaria
Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Melanargia (Melanargia) lachesis (Hübner, 1790)
Original type material citation: «Tipus Vallvidrera, 350 m -VI-22 [en la col·lecció
del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Sagarra leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 198).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Vallvidrera».
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4128, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4128 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 13-VI-22 | SAGARRA leg. | N. 1182] [Melanargia lachesis | barcinonaria Sagarra, 1924 | Melanargia (Melanargia) | lachesis (Hübner, 1790) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that there is no justification for maintaining any subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al., 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melanargia lachesis catalana Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Melanargia (Melanargia) lachesis (Hübner, 1790)
Original type material citation: «sèrie típica de St. Pere de Vilamajor (Sagarra i Querci leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 134).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor / Llinás ».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4129, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4129 | MZB] [420] [CATALONIA | Vilamajor 300 m| 27.6.25 Querci] [Melanargia lachesis | catalana Sagarra, 1926 | Melanargia (Melanargia) | lachesis (Hübner, 1790) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4130, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4130 | MZB] [423] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 20.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4131, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4131 | MZB] [427] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 19.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4132, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4132 | MZB] [428] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 8.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4133, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4133 | MZB] [429] [CATALONIA | Vilamajor 300 m | 27.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4134, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4134 | MZB] [430] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 26.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4135, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4135 | MZB] [435] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200
m | 10.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4136, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4136 | MZB] [436] [CATALONIA | Vilamajor 300 m | 27.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4137, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4137 | MZB] [434] [CATALONIA | Vilamajor 300 m | 27.6.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4138, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4138 | MZB] [447] [CATALONIA | Vilamajor 300 m | 25.6.25 Querci].
Sntyype MZB 73-4139, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4139 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-4140, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4140 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-4141, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4141 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-4142, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4142 | MZB] [[C]ATALONIA | [S. P]ere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-4143, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4143 | MZB] [[C]ATALONIA | [S. P]ere Vilamajor | istiu 1925 | Sagarra leg.].
Remarks: the abdomens of paratypes MZB 73-4140, and MZB 73-4141 are missing.
Some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that there is no justification for maintaining any subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melanargia lachesis f. weeksi Querci, 1932
Current status: Melanargia (Melanargia) lachesis (Hübner, 1790)
Original type material citation: «le lachesis del primo gruppo di Serra da Estrela, che io proposi di nominare weeksi» (Querci, 1932: 66).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Serra da Estrela».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2545, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2545 | MZB] [34] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 6.7.1927. Querci] [M. lachesis Hb. | weeksi Querci | ♂ tipo (typus) ] [Melanargia lachesis | weeksi Querci, 1932 | Melanargia (Melanargia) | lachesis (Hübner, 1790) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2546, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2546 | MZB] [35] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 1000 m | 26.7.1927. Querci] [M. lachesis Hb. | weeksi Querci | ♀ tipo (typus) ] [Melanargia lachesis | weeksi Querci, 1932 | Melanargia (Melanargia) | lachesis (Hübner, 1790) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that there is no justification for maintaining any subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melanargia japygia f. catalonica Sagarra, 1916
Current status: Melanargia (Melanargia) russiae cleanthe (Boisduval, [1833] 1832)
Original type material citation: «la raça que donem a conèixer se troba confinada en la part oriental i en vessant català de la serralada pirinenca. En les valls superiors del Llobregat hi ha colònies nombroses, des de Guardiola de Bagà, Sant Vicents de Rus fins a les serres de Montgrony, on, al plade Sant Pere hi és abundosa. Segueix després vers la Vall de Ribes fins als alentorns de Ripoll (E. Ferrer)» (Sagarra, 1916: 75).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Montgrony / Guardiola de Berga».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4149, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4149 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montgrony | Sagarra] [Melanargia | japygia Cyr. | catalonica Sag. | I. Sagarra det.] [Melanargia japygia | catalonica (Sagarra, 1916) | Melanargia (Melanargia) | russiae cleanthe | (Boisduval, 1833) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4150, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4150 | MZB] [Montgrony | 8-VIII] [Melanargia | japygia Cyr. | catalonica Sag. | I. Sagarra det.].
Syntype MZB 73-4151, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4151 | MZB] [Montgrony | 8-VIII-07 | Plá de St Pere] [Melanargia | japygia Cyr. | catalonica Sag. | I. Sagarra det.].
Syntype MZB 73-4152, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4152 | MZB] [Montgrony | 8-VIII-07 | Plá de St Pere] [Melanargia | japygia Cyr. | catalonica Sag. | I. Sagarra det.].
Syntype MZB 73-4153, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4153 | MZB] [M. v. cleanthe | Guardiola Ba_ | gá. 7-VIII-07] [Melanargia | japygia Cyr | catalonica Sag. | I. Sagarra det.].
Remarks: the antennae of syntypes MZB 73-4149 and MZB 73-4150 are missing. The abdomen and antennae of syntype 73-4151 MZB are missing. Tshikolovets (2011) considers that russiae cleanthe (Boisduval, 1833) is the subspecies that flies in the Iberian Peninsula. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that Iberian populations are usually attributed to ssp. cleanthe (Boisduval, 1833) and rule out the use of any other name for populations of this taxon in the Iberian Peninsula.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melanargia russiae aragonensis Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Melanargia (Melanargia) russiae cleanthe (Boisduval, [1833] 1832)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Orihuela del Tremedal (Aragó), 1700 m, 12-VII-24, [conservats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 198).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Orihuela del Tremedal».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2525, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2525 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci] [587] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.] [Melanargia russiae | aragonensis Sagarra, 1924 | Melanargia (Melanargia) | russiae cleanthe | (Boisduval, 1833) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2526, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2526 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci] [596] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2527, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2527 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci] [598] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2528, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2528 | MZB] [586] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 13 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2529, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2529 | MZB] [601] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 13 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2530, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2530 | MZB] [584] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 13 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2531, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2531 | MZB] [597] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 14 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2532, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2532 | MZB] [580] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 10 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2533, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2533 | MZB] [583] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 11 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2534, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2534 | MZB] [599] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 11 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2535, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2535 | MZB] [600] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 11 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2536, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2536 | MZB] [591] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 11 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2537, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2537 | MZB] [593] [ARAGON | Orihuel m 1700 | 11 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2538, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2538 | MZB] [592] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 13 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.] [Melanargia russiae | aragonensis Sagarra, 1924 | Melanargia (Melanargia) | russiae cleanthe | (Boisduval, 1833) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73–2539, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73–2539 | MZB] [602] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 9 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2540, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2540 | MZB] [589] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 9 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2541, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2541 | MZB] [594] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 9 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2542, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2542 | MZB] [582] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2543, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2543 | MZB] [595] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Syntype MZB 73-2544, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2544 | MZB] [579] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci] [M. russiae | aragonensis | (tipo) Sag.].
Remarks: the syntypes MZB 73-2527 and MZB 73-2532 are fairly damaged. Some  specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and given as paratypes. Tshikolovets (2011) considers that russiae cleanthe (Boisduval, 1833) is the subspecies that flies in the Iberian Peninsula. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that Iberian populations are usually attributed to ssp. cleanthe (Boisduval, 1833) and rule out the use of any other name for populations of this taxon in the Iberian Peninsula.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melanargia occitanica winni Querci, 1932
Current status: Melanargia (Argeformia) occitanica occitanica (Esper, [1793] 1789)
Original type material citation: «gli esemplari del Portogallo sono quelli che più differiscono dalle forme di Francia; io ho separato la razza portoghese, prendo a tipo individui di Alcacer do Sol, col nome di winni ed ho quotato per caratteri differenziali il taglio d’ala meno allungato di quello di Provenza e la maggiore estensione del disegno nero, principalment nella cellula delle anteriori dove il nero è ampio, compatto e saliente» (Querci, 1932: 68).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Alemtejo».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2523, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2523 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 6.5.1927. Querci] [M. occitanica | Esper | winni Querci | cotipo ♀] [Melanargia occitanica | winni Querci, 1932 | Melanargia (Argeformia) | occitanica occitanica (Esper, | 1793) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2524, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2524 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Alemtejo, 10 m | 19.4.1927. Querci] [M. occitanica | Esper | winni Querci | cotipo ♂] [Melanargia occitanica | winni Querci, 1932 | Melanargia (Argeformia) | occitanica occitanica (Esper, | 1793) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: the abdomen and head of syntype MZB 73-2524 are missing. Some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited at MCZ Harvard and are given as paratypes. Tshikolovets (2011) considers Melanargia occitanica winni Querci, 1932 to be a synonym of Melanargia (Argeformia) occitanica occitanica (Esper, 1793). García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that the disappearance and intensity of wing markings are subject to local variation such as size. Nevertheless, despite these differences, the identification of this species is not problematical and so there is no reason for any subspecific division in the Iberian peninsula.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melanargia syllius f. pseudojapygia Sagarra, 1916
Current status: Melanargia (Argeformia) occitanica occitanica (Esper, [1793] 1789)
Original type material citation: «dibuix de l’anvers de les ales anteriors semblant amb el de alguns individus de M. japygia Cyr. Aquesta forma que’s presenta entre els individus del tipus, és de bastanta importància per mostrar la transició del dibuix del grup galathea-lachesis amb el japygia-ines» (Sagarra, 1916: 77).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Vallvidrera».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4144, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4144 | MZB] [Vallvidre | ra 24-V-15] [Melanargia | syllius Hbst. | pseudojapygia Sag. | (tipus) | I. Sagarra det.] [Melanargia syllius f. | pseudojapigia Sagarra, 1916 | Melanargia (Argeformia) | occitanica occitanica (Esper, | 1793) | R. Macià rev. 2015]
Remarks: in the original publication, neither the type material nor the type localities nor dates of captures are given. Tshikolovets (2011) considers Melanargia syllius f. pseudojapigia Sagarra, 1916 to be a synonym of Melanargia (Argeformia) occitanica occitanica (Esper, [1793]). García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that the disappearance and intensity of wing markings are subject to local variation such as size. Nevertheless, despite these differences, the identification of this species is not problematical and so there is no reason for any subspecific division in the Iberian Peninsula.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Satyrus ines f. sagarrai Querci, 1948
Current status: Melanargia (Argeformia) ines (Hoffmansegg, 1804 in Illiger)
Original type material citation: «I propose to namesagarrai nom. nov., the most freqüent form of ines at Espluga de Francolí (Catalonia) in order to commemorate that clever, genial and enthusiastic lepidopterist who has been my very good friend.» (Querci,
1948: 58
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Catalonia, Tarragona, Espluga de Francolí».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4127, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4127 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 22-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957] [M. thetis | hubneri | (trans.)] [Satyrus ines f. sagarrai | Querci, 1948 | Melanargia (Argeformia) | ines (Hoffmansegg, 1804 | in Illiger) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4553, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4553 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4554, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4554 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4328, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4328 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27 á 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4329, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4328 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4330, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4330 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27 á 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957]
Syntype MZB 73-4331, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4331 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4332, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4332 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4333, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4333 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27 á 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4334, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4334 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27 á 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4335, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4335 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4336, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4336 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27 á 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4337, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4337 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4338, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4338 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4339, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4339 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27 á 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4340, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4340 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4341, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4341 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4342, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4342 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4343, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4343 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4344, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4344 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27 á 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4345, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4345 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27-29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Syntype MZB 73-4346, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4346 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Espluga de | Francolí 27 á 29-V-19 | Weiss i Sagarra | 957].
Remarks: both antennae of syntypes MZB 73-4193, MZB 73-4339 and MZB 73-4344 are missing; the abdomen of syntype MZB 73-4332 is missing.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subtribe Satyrina Boisduval, [1833] 1832

Hipparchia semele martire Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Hipparchia (Parahipparcha) semele cadmus (Fruhstorfer, 1908)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: 1 ♂ de Sant Pere Màrtir (Vallvidrera), 24-VI-1923; Sagarra leg. 1 ♀ de la mateixa procedència, 15-VII-1917; recol.lecció del Museu [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 112).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere Martir».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4049, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4049 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S Pere Martir | 24-VI-23 | Sagarra leg.] [Hipparchia semele | martire Sagarra, 1930 | Hipparchia (Parahipparcha) | semele cadmus (Frushstorfer, | 1908) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-4050, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4050 | MZB] [St. Pere | Martir | 15-VII-17 | Recol. Museu] [Satyrus | semele L. | I. Sagarra det.] [Hipparchia semele | artire Sagarra, 1930 | Hipparchia (Parahipparcha) | semele cadmus (Fruhstorfer, | 1908) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) assign Iberian populations to ssp. cadmus (Fruhstorfer, 1908) until such time that more detailed studies can be carried out in a wider taxonomical and geographical context and throw more light on the taxonomical status of this taxon.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hipparchia semele hibera Verity, 1923
Current status: Hipparchia (Parahipparcha) semele cadmus (Fruhstorfer, 1908)
Original type material citation: «the Cuenca race estands well apart from anyother European race, I propose for this race the name of HIBERA, mihi» (Verity, 1923: 153).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla La Mancha, Cuenca, Villacabras».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB
73-4154, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4154 | MZB] [225] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 26.8.1923 Querci] [Hipparchia | semele hibera Vty | (co typus)] [Hipparchia semele hibera | Verity, 1923 | Hipparchia (Parahipparchia) | semele cadmus (Fruhstorfer, | 1908) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4155, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4155 | MZB] [226] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 29.7.1923 Querci] [Hipparchia | semele hibera Vty | (cotypus)].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) assign Iberian populations to ssp. cadmus (Fruhstorfer, 1908) until such time that more detailed studies can be carried out in a wider taxonomical and geographical context and throw more light on the taxonomical status of this taxon.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hipparchia hippolyte williamsi Romei, 1927
Current status: Pseudochazara williamsi (Romei, 1927)
Original type material citation: «HIPPARCHIA HIPPOLYTE, Esp. – I propose to name
williamsi the true subspecies we have caught at Puerto del Lobo, 5000ft., in Sierra Nevada. The underside of the hindwings, which is of an almost uniform tinge in Eastern forms, is instead nicely variegated in Andalusia. Every Andalusian specimen differs in a striking way both from Russian types and other Oriental forms. Esper and Hübner figured
Eastern individuals, while Herrich-Schäffer represents williamsi perfectly» (Romei, 1927a: 138).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Andalucia, Granada, Sierra Nevada».
Lectoype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 73-3976, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3976 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA 1600 m | Sierra Nevada | 1.7.25 Romei] [LECTOTYPE | Pseudochazara williamsi (Romei, 1927) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | deseigned. 2017].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3975, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3975 | MZB] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1600 m | 26.6.1926 Querci]. [PARALECTOTYPE | Pseudochazara williamsi (Romei, 1927) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | deseigned. 2017].
Paralectotype MZB 73-3033, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3033 | MZB] [230] [ANDALUCIA (Granada) | Sierra Nevada 1600 m | 26.6.1926 Querci]. [PARALECTOTYPE | Pseudochazara williamsi (Romei, 1927) | R. Macià, B. Caballero-López & G. Masó | deseigned. 2017].
Remarks: Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) and Vives-Moreno (2014) consider Hipparchia hippolite williamsi Romei, 1927 to be a ssp. of Pseudozachara mercurius (Staudinger, 1887), while Tshikolovets (2011) believes it to be a ssp. of Pseudochazara hippolyte (Esper, 1784). However, Leraut (2016) regards Pseudochazara williamsi (Romei 1927) as a valid species. Lectotype designed by Macià et al., 2017 (fig. 7).
References: Leraut, 2016.


Fig. 7. Pseudochazara williamsi (Romei, 1927) ♂ Lectotype. Fig. 7. Pseudochazara williamsi (Romei, 1927) ♂ Lectotipo.


Subfamily Nymphalinae Rafinesque, 1815
Tribe Nymphalini Rafinesque, 1815

Aglais urticae f. pseudoichnusa Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ procedent de Les Escaldes (Andorra), 19-VII-1920; Sagarra leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 114).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Andorra: Les Escaldes».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holoype MZB 73-3011, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3011 | MZB] [ANDORRA | Les Escaldes | 19-VII-20 | SAG.I NOV. leg. | 1114] [Typus] [Aglais urticae L ♂ | f. pseudoichnusa SAG,1930 | (tipus)] [Aglais urticae | pseudoichnusa Sagarra, 1930) | Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, | 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that none of the described local variations have any taxonomic value due to the high dispersive capacity of this species.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Aglais urticae variegata Sagarra 1931
Current status: Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ i una ♀ de Pla de la Calma (Montseny), 15-IX-18; Rosset leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 113).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Pla de la Calma (Montseny)».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3009, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3009 | MZB] [Tipus] [V. urticae | B | P. d. C 15/9/18] [Agrais urticae ♂ | R/variegata SAG,1930 | (tipus)] [Aglais urticae variegata | Sagarra, 1930 | Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, | 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3010, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3010 | MZB] [Tipus] [V. urticae | B | P. d. C 15/9/18] [Agrais urticae ♀ | R/variegata SAG,1930 | (tipus)] [Aglais urticae variegata | Sagarra, 1930 | Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, | 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that none of the described local variations have any taxonomic value due to the high dispersive capacity of this species.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Tribe Melitaeini Herrich-Schäffer, 1843
Subtribe Melitaeina Herrich-Schäffer, 1843

Melitaea cinxia pseudoclarisa Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ del Figaró, 9-V-1916; Sagarra leg. i una ♀ de Tagamanent, 29-VI-1918; Rosset leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 114).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Figaró».
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2971, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2971 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Figaró | 9-5-16 | Sagarra] [Melitaea | cinxia L. | I. Sagarra det.] [Tipus] [Melitaea cinxia ♂ | pseudoclarissa SAG, 1930 | (tipus)] [Melitaea cinxia | pseudoclarissa Sagarra, 1930 | Melitaea cinxia | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3954, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3954 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Figaró | 9-5-16 | Sagarra] [Melitaea | cinxia L. | I. Sagarra det.] [S. Típica.].
Paratype MZB 73-3955, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3955 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Figaró | 9-5-16 | Sagarra] [Melitaea | cinxia L. | I. Sagarra det.] [S. Típica.].
Paratype MZB 73-3956, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3956 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Figaró | 9-5-16 | Sagarra] [Melitaea | cinxia L. | I. Sagarra det.] [S. Típica.].
Remarks: according to the original publication, there were both male and female type specimens. However, the type female has not been found in the collection. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this subspecies is not justified due to the great variability found between one population and another; on the other hand, Van Oorschot & Coutis (2014) consider it to be a syn nov. M. cinxia.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Van Oorschot & Coutis (2014); Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melitaea phoebe occitànica ab. francescoi Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Melitaea phoebe (Goeze, 1779)
Original type material citation: «Serie típica recollida entre St. Pere Vilamajor i els Pujols de prop Linàs, VII,VIII (Querci i Sagarra leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 130).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor/Llinars».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3960, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3960 | MZB] [491] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 9.8.25 Querci] [Melitaea phoebe occitanica | ab. francescoi Sagarra, 1926 | Melitaea phoebe (Goeze, | 1779) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3962, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3962 | MZB] [495] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 13.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3963, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3963 | MZB] [500] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 17.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3964, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3964 | MZB] [503] [CATALONIA | Llinas 200 m | 17.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3965, Labelled as: [73-3965 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. A. Vilamajor | 21-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3966, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3966 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 18-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3967, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3967 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 18-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3968, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3968 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 1-VIII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [Melitaea phoebe occitanica | ab. francescoi Sagarra, | 1926 | Melitaea phoebe (Goeze, | 1779) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3970, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3970 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 27-29-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3971, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3971 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 8-10-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melitaea phoebe f. bethunebakeri Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Melitaea phoebe (Goeze, 1779)
Original type material citation: «Serie típica de Sierra Nevada VI-1925 (Romei leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 130).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Andalucia, Granada, Sierra Nevada».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB
73-4028, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4028 | MZB] [509] [ANDALUCIA 1600 m | Sierra Nevada | 21.6.25 Romei] [bethune bakeri] [Melitaea phoebe bethune- | bakeri Sagarra, 1926 | Melitaea phoebe (Goeze, | 1779) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) reject subspecific divisions in the Iberian Peninsula in light of regular seasonal differencesces.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melitaea phoebe f. ornatiformis Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Melitaea phoebe (Goeze, 1779)
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, Villacabras».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4026, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4026 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Villacabras 1200 m | 24 8.1928 Querci] [Melitaea phoebe | ornatiformis Sagarra, | 1930 | Melitaea phoebe (Goeze, | 1779) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-4027, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4027 | MZB] [NUEVA CASTILLA (Cuenca) | Reillo 1000 m | 24 8.1928 Villacabras Querci] [Melitaea phoebe | ornatiformis Sagarra, | 1930 | Melitaea phoebe (Goeze, | 1779) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) reject subspecific divisions in the Iberian Peninsula in light of regular seasonal differences.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melitaea didyma f. supercaldaria Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778)
Original type material citation: «Serie típica de la vall de Sta. Fé al Montseny, VII. i VIII. (Clorinda Querci leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 130).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Santa Fe del Montseny».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4042, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4042 | MZB] [Sta Fe | (Montseny) | 15-VIII-17] [Melitaea | didyma O.] [Melitaea dydyma | supercaldaria Sagarra, | 1926 | Melitaea didyma (Esper, | 1778) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4043, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4043 | MZB] [Sta Fe | (Montseny) | 15-VIII-17] [Melitaea | didyma O.] [Melitaea dydyma | supercaldaria Sagarra, | 1926 | Melitaea didyma (Esper, | 1778) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4044, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4044 | MZB] [Sta Fe | (Montseny) | 15-VIII-17] [Melitaea | didyma O.] [Melitaea dydyma | supercaldaria Sagarra, | 1926 | Melitaea didyma (Esper, | 1778) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4045, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4045 | MZB] [Sta Fe | (Montseny) | 15-VIII-17] [Melitaea | didyma O.] [Melitaea dydyma | supercaldaria Sagarra, | 1926 | Melitaea didyma (Esper, | 1778) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Vives-Moreno (2014) assigns all Iberian forms to didyma.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melitaea didyma ab.depauperata Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778)
Original type material citation: «1 ♂ de Sarrià, 18-V-1918; P. Baguña, S. J. leg.
(en la col·lecció del Museu de Barcelona)» (Sagarra, 1924c: 14).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona (Sarrià)».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3992, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3992 | MZB] [Sarrià 18-V-18] [Melitaea didyma ab. | depauperata Sagarra, 1924 | Melitaea didyma (Esper, | 1778) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Vives-Moreno (2014) assigns all Iberian forms to didyma.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melitaea trivia ab. equivalens Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, 1926
Original type material citation: «1 ♂ de S. Pere de Vilamajor 5-IX-21; I. De Sagarra leg.
(en la col·lecció del Museu de Barcelona)» (Sagarra, 1924c: 15).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3130, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3130 | MZB] [Vilamajor | 5-IX-22 | Sagarra leg.] [Melitaea trivia ab. | equivalens Sagarra,1924 | Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, | 1926 stat. nov. | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: according to the original description, specimen 73-3130 MZB was caught in 5-IX-21, but 5-IX-22 is noted on the label.
References: Van Oorschot & Coutis, 2014; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melitaea trivia ignasiti Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, 1926
Original type material citation: «els exemplars que constituexen la sèrie típica de la nova rassa, procedeixen de Martorell V (Sagarra leg.) Espluga de Francolí V (Codina leg.) Vilamajor VII (Sagarra leg.) i Seva VII, VIII (Querci i Romei leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 131).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, Seva/ Sant Pere de Vilamajor».
Lectotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 73-4083, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [29] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [LECTOTYPE | Designat R. Macià, J. Muñoz-Batet, | B. Caballero & G. Masó] [73-4083 | MZB].
Paralectotype 73-4084 MZB, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4084 | MZB] [30] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4085, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4085 | MZB] [33] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4086, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4086 | MZB] [37] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4087, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4087 | MZB] [39] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4088, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4088 | MZB] [42] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4089, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4089 | MZB] [46] [CATALONIA | Seva | 700 m | 3.8.25 | Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4090, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4090 | MZB] [44] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4091, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4091 | MZB] [50] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4092, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4092 | MZB] [51] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4093, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4093 | MZB] [52] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 3.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4094, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4094 | MZB] [31] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 18.7.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE] [Melitaea trivia ignasiti | Sagarra, 1926 | Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, | 1926 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paralectotype MZB 73–4095, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73–4095 | MZB] [43] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 19.7.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4096, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4096 | MZB] [36] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 19.7.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4097, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4097 | MZB] [49] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m| 19.7.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4098, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4098 | MZB] [38] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 13.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4099, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4099 | MZB] [40] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 13.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4100, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4100 | MZB] [41] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 13.8.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4101, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4101 | MZB] [35] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 28.7.25 Romei] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4104, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4104 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 27-29-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4105, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4105 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 18-29-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4106, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4106 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 18-29-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4107, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4107 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 18-29-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4108, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4108 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 18-29-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4109, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-4109 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 16-27-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4110, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4110 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 30-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4111, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4111 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 27-29-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4112, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 27-29-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4113, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4113 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 27-29-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [PARALECTOTYPE].
Paralectotype MZB 73-4114, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4114 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 27-29-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Remarks: genitalia extracted of paratype MZB 73-4085 and classified as MZB L73-4385. Van Oorschot & Coutis (2014) considers Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, 1926 a valid species, to differences in male genitalia. In addition, Vives-Moreno (2014) accepts Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, 1926. Lectotype and paralectotypes designed by Macià et al., 2015. We include a scientific illustration (figs. 8, 9).
References: Van Oorschot & Coutis, 2014; Vives-Moreno, 2014.


Fig. 8. Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, 1926 ♂ Lectotype. Fig. 8. Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, 1926 ♂ Lectotipo.



Fig. 9. Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, 1926. Illustration by Carles Puche. Fig. 9. Melitaea ignasiti Sagarra, 1926. Ilustración de Carles Puche.

Melitaea helvetica aranensis Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Melitaea nevadensis Oberthür, 1904
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Salardú als Banys de Tredòs (Aràn), 23-VII-22 i una ♀ de Salardú (Aràn), 1-VIII-1922; Novellas leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 115).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Lleida, Val d’Aran, Salardú».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-4029, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4029 | MZB] [CATALONIA | De Salardú als Banys | de Tredós (Aran) | 23-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231] [Melitaea helvetica | aranensis Sagarra, 1930 | Melitaea nevadensis | Oberthür, 1904, stat. rev. | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-4030, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4030 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Salardú (Aran) | 1-VIII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231] [Melitaea helvetica | aranensis Sagarra, 1930 | Melitaea nevadensis | Oberthür, 1904, stat. rev. | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Garcia-Barros et al. (2013) and Vives-Moreno (2014) consider M. helvetica aranensis to be a synonym of M. celadussa. While, Van Oorschot & Coutis (2014) considers M. helvetica aranensis and M. celadussa syn. nov. of M. nevadensis Oberthür, 1904, stat. rev.
References: Van Oorschot & Coutis, 2014.

Melitaea helvetica biedermanni Querci, 1932

Current status: Melitaea nevadensis Oberthür, 1904
Original type material citation: «la forma più vistosa, che è la più comune in Portogallo, non si ritrova nella Spagna neppure come estremo di variazione e l’ho nominata biedermanni, prendendo per tipi gli esemplari esuberanti che schiusero nel mese di giugno e ai primi di luglio 1927 presso Covilhà, sul versante meridionale di Serra da Estrela» (Querci, 1932: 127).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Serra da Estrela».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4178, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4178 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 1000 m | 19.7.1927 Querci] [tipo] [Melitaea helvetica | biedermanni Querci, 1932 | Melitaea nevadensis | Oberthür, 1904 stat.rev. | R. Macià rev.2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4179, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4179 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 20.6.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4180, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-4180 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 16.6.19[27] Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4181, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4181 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 20.6.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4182, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-4182 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 1000 m | 16.6.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4183, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4183 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 18.6.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4184, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-4184 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 1000 m | 12.7.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4185, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4185 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 7.7.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4186, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-4186 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 9.7.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4187, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4187 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 8.7.1927 Querci] [Melitaea helvetica | biedermanni Querci, 1932 | Melitaea nevadensis Oberthür, 1904 stat. rev. | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4188, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4188 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 8.7.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4189, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-4189 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 9.7.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4555, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4555 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 5.7.1927 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4556, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4556 | MZB] [PORTUGAL | Serra da Estrela, 800 m | 15.6.1927 Querci] [Melitaea helvetica | biedermanni Querci, 1932 | Melitaea nevadensis | Oberthür, 1904 stat. rev. | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: both antennae of paratypes MZB 73-4178, MZB 73-4183, MZB 73-4555 are missing. García-Barros et al. (2013) and Vives-Moreno (2014) consider M. helvetica biedermanni to be a synonym of M. celadussa. Whereas, Van Oorschot & Coutis (2014) considers M. helvetica bidermanni and M. celadussa syn.  nov. of M. nevadensis Oberthür, 1904, stat. rev.
References: Van Oorschot & Coutis, 2014.

Melitaea dejone signata Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Melitaea deione (Geyer, [1832] 1796, in Hübner)
Original type material citation: «serie típica procedent dels voltants de Seva, al Montseny. VII,VIII (Querci leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 132).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Seva, Montseny».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4046, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4046 | MZB] [53] [CATALONIA | Seva 700 m | 19.7.25 Querci] [Melitaea dejone signata | Sagarra, 1926 | Melitaea deione (Geyer, | [1832] 1796, in Hübner) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4047, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4047 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 6.8.25 Querci] [Melitaea dejone signata | Sagarra, 1926 | Melitaea deione (Geyer, | [1832] 1796, in Hübner) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-4048, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4048 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 3.7.25 Querci] [Melitaea dejone signata | Sagarra, 1926 | Melitaea deione (Geyer, | [1832] 1796, in Hübner) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) believes that many forms have been described that depend on colour and that some authors have mistakenly even assigned them subspecies rank.
References: Garcia-Barros et al., 2013; Van Oorschot & Coutis, 2014; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Melitaea parthenie bolivari Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Melitaea parthenoides Keferstein, 1851
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ i una ♀ de Sant Rafael (Segòvia), VI-1926; Cándido Bolivar leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 115).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla-León, Segóvia, San Rafael».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3972, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3972 | MZB] [SAN RAFAEL. 1300 m | (Prov. de Segovia) | VI 1926 C. BOLIVAR] [Melitaea parthenie | bolivari Sagarra,1930 | Melitaea parthenoides | Keferstein, 1851 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3973, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3973 | MZB] [SAN RAFAEL. 1300 m | (Prov. de Segovia) | VI 1926 C. BOLIVAR] [Melitaea parthenie | bolivari Sagarra,1930 | Melitaea parthenoides | Keferstein, 1851 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: according to Van Oorschot & Coutis (2014) the holotype of this ssp. is deposited at NHMB, but according to the original publication, the type specimens are deposited of MCNB.
References: Garcia-Barros et al., 2013; Van Oorschot & Coutis, 2014; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subfamily Heliconiinae Swainson, [1822] 1821-22
Tribe Argynnidiniini Swainson, [1833] 1832-33
Subtribe Argynnidina Swainson, [1833] 1832-33

Issoria lathonia f. vilarrubiai Agenjo, 1948
Current status: Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo ♂, de San Pedro de Vilamajor, a 305
m, Barcelona, 14-VII-1923 (I. Sagarra leg.). Paratipos 2 ♂♂, uno topotípico del holotipo y recogido por el mismo colector en VIII-1921, y el otro de Madrid, a 667 m (A. Vázquez leg.). El holotipo y el paratipo primero, en la colección del Museo de Barcelona. El otro paratipo en la colección de Lepidópteros de España, del Instituto Español de Entomología» (Agenjo, 1948: 44).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2509, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2509 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 14-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [I. lathonia | vilarrubiae | HOLOTYPUS ♂].
Paratype MZB 73-2510, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2510 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. de | Vilamajor | 5 a 10-VIII-21 | SAGARRA.leg | 1153] [I. lathonia | vilarrubiae | Paratipus 1].
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Issoria lathonia f. clara Agenjo, 1948
Current status: Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo ♂, de San Pedro de Vilamajor, a 305
m, Barcelona, 15-VI-1925 (I. Sagarra leg.). Alotipo ♀, topotípica, 10-11-VII-1925 I. Sagarra leg.). Paratipos, 19 ♂♂y 8 ♀♀, 10 ♂♂ y 3 ♀♀ topotípicos de los proterotipos, recogidos por I. Sagarra en la siguientes fechas: VIII-1913, 1914, 18-VIII-1921, 13-29-VII-1923, 30-VII-1923, 31-VII-1923, 21-VI-1925, 7-11-VII-1925. Los restantates de Escoriaza, a 400
m, Guipúzcoa, VIII-1930 (G. Y E. Pardo leg.); Las Batuecas, en la Alberca, a 1000
m, Salamanca, 5-VII-1928 (A. Fernández leg.); Béjar, a 950 m, Salamanca,
20-VII-1930 (A. Fernández leg.); Candelario, a 1.000 m, Salamanca, VII-1929 (A. Fernández leg.); Cercedilla, a 1480 m, Madrid(J. Abajo leg.), 30-VI-1931 (M. Candela leg.), VII-1928 (M. Escalera leg.); San Rafael, a 1300 m, Segovia, VII-1926 (C. Bolívar leg.); El Paular, a 1159 m, Madrid, VI-1926 (F. Escalera leg.); Valle de Iruelas, a 738 m, Ávila, VI-1926 (F. Escalera leg.). Los proterotipos y paratipos catalanes en el Museo de Ciencias de Barcelona; los demàs paratipos en la colección de Lepidópteros de España, del Instituto Español de Entomología» (Agenjo, 1948: 45).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere de Vilamajor».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2511, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2511 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 15-VI-25 | Sagarra leg.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | HOLOTIPUS ♂] [Issoria lathonia clara | Agenjo, 1948 | Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, | 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2512, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2512 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 10-11-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 21].
Paratype MZB 73-2513, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2513 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. | Vilamajor | I. de Sagarra | VIII-13] [Argynnis | latonia L. | I. Sagarra det.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 21].
Paratype MZB 73-2514, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2514 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 7-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 6].
Paratype MZB 73-2515, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2515 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 14-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 7].
Paratype MZB 73-2516, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2516 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 8-10-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 20].
Paratype MZB 73-2972, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2972 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de | Vilamajor | 1914 | Sagarra] [Argynnis | lathonia L. | I. Sagarra det.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 19].
Paratype MZB 73-2973, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2973 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 10-11-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | ALOTYPUS […].
Paratype MZB 73-2974, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2974 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 21-VI-25 | Sagarra leg.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 5].
Paratype MZB 73-2975, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2975 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 21-VI-25 | Sagarra leg.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 4].
Paratype MZB 73-2976, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2976 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. Pere de Vilamajor | 30-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1252] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 3].
Paratype MZB 73-2977, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-2977 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. de | Vilamajor | 18-VIII-21 | SAGARRA.leg | 1153] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | Paratipo 2].
Paratype MZB 73-2978, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-2978 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. | Vilamajor | I.de Sagarra | VIII-13] [Argynnis | lathonia L. | I. Sagarra det.] [I. lathonia | f. clara Ag | paratipo 1].
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Issoria lathonia f. attenuata Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «sèrie típica formada amb exemplars de la generació estival de S. Pere de Vilamajor (Querci i Sagarra leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 134).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Sant Pere Vilamajor».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2508, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2508 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 10-11-VII-25 | Sagarra leg. | tipo] [lath attenuata | solo es forma | individual | R. AGENJO det.] [attenuata ♂] [I. lathonia | attenuata | HOLOTYPUS] [Issoria lathonia attenuata | Sagarra, 1926 | Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, | 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3626, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-3626 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 1-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3627, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3627 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 2-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3628, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3628 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 2-4-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3629, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3629 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 4-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3631, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3631 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 7-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3632, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3632 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 8-10-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3633, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3633 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 8-10-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3634, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3634 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 10-11-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3635, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3635 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 10-11-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3636, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3636 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 10-11-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3637, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3637 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 10-11-VII-25 | Sagarra leg.].
Syntype MZB 73-3638, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3638 | MZB] [CATALONIA | S. P. Vilamajor | 21-VI-25 | Sagarra leg.] [I. lathonia ♂ | attenuata | R. AGENJO det.] [Issoria lathonia attenuata | Sagarra, 1926 | Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, | 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes.
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Argyronome paphia zariquieyi Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Argynnis (Argynnis) paphia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Orihuela del Tremedal (Aragó)MZB, 1700 m, 8-VII-24 [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 200).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Orihuela del Tremedal».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB
73-3639, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3639 | MZB] [178] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci] [Argyronome paphia | zariqueyi (Sagarra, 1924) | Argynnis
(Argynnis) paphia | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-3640, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3640 | MZB] [179] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci].
References: Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Argynnis aglaja mirabilis Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «la rassa de Orihuela del Tremedal que creiem digna de especial menció, per la sèrie que hem vist es caracteritza per ses grans dimensions essent exhuberant també sa coloració. Es característica d’aquesta forma la variabilitat individual que ofereix. Tipus de Orihuela del Tremedal (Aragó) (en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona)» (Sagarra, 1925a: 45).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Orihuela del Tremedal».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3642, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3642 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci] [Argynnis aglaja mirabilis | Sagarra, 1925 | Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3643, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3643 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 5 VII.24 Querci]. Syntype MZB 73-3644, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-3644 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3645, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3645 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci]
Syntype MZB 73-3646, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3646 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3647, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3647 | MZB] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3648, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3648 | MZB] [59] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3649, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3649 | MZB] [60] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3650, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3650 | MZB] [61] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3651, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3651 | MZB] [62] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 14 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3652, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3652 | MZB] [63] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 14 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3653, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3653 | MZB] [64] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 11 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3654, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3654 | MZB] [65] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3655, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3655 | MZB] [66] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3656, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3656 | MZB] [67] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 8 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3657, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3657 | MZB] [68] [ARAGON | Orihuela m  1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3658, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3658 | MZB] [69] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 6 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3659, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3659 | MZB] [70] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 5 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3660, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3660 | MZB] [84] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 6 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3661, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3661 | MZB] [85] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3662, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3662 | MZB] [86] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3663, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3663 | MZB] [87] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 28 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3664, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3664 | MZB] [88] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3665, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3665 | MZB] [89] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3666, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3666 | MZB] [90] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 10 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3667, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3667 | MZB] [91] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3668, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3668 | MZB] [93] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3669, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3669 | MZB] [94] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 28 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3670, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3670 | MZB] [95] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 9 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3671, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3671 | MZB] [96] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3672, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3672 | MZB] [97] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3673, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3673 | MZB] [98] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 16 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3674, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3674 | MZB] [99] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 16 VII.24 Querci]. m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3676, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3676 | MZB] [101] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 15 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3677, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3677 | MZB] [102] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 16 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3678, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3678 | MZB] [187] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 5 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3679, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3679 | MZB] [188] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 10 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3680, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3680 | MZB] [189] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 10 VII.24 Querci].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) consider this form to be a variation with no taxonomical value.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Argynnis aglaja montesignum Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «sèrie típica de Sta. Fé, del Montseny, VII, VIII (Clorinda Querci leg.)» (Sagarra, 1926: 132).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Santa Fé del Montseny».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-3681, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3681 | MZB] [72] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 7.8.25 Querci] [SYNTYPE] [Argynnis aglaja | montesignum Sagarra, | 1926 | Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-3682, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3682 | MZB] [74] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 14.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3683, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3683 | MZB] [76] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 14.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3684, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3684 | MZB] [77] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 14.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3685, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3685 | MZB] [80] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 12.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3686, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3686 | MZB] [81] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 3.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3687, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3687 | MZB] [82] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 27.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3688, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3688 | MZB] [105] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 8.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3689, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3689 | MZB] [106] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 11.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3690, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3690 | MZB] [107] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 30.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3691, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3691 | MZB] [108] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 9.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3692, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3692 | MZB] [109] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1 1200 m | 11.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3693, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3693 | MZB] [110] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 25.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3694, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3694 | MZB] [111] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 30.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3695, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3695 | MZB] [112] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 29.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3696, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3696 | MZB] [113] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 7.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3697, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3697 | MZB] [114] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 15.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3698, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3698 | MZB] [115] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 30.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3699, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3699 | MZB] [116] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 12.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3700, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3700 | MZB] [117] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 5.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3701, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3701 | MZB] [118] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 10.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3702, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3702 | MZB] [120] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 31.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3703, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3703 | MZB] [121] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe
1200 m | 8.8.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3704, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3704 | MZB] [122] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe
1200 m | 27.7.25 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-4732, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-4732 | MZB] [78] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe 1200 m | 12.8.25 Querci].
Remarks: some specimens from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) consider this form to be a variation with no taxonomical value.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Argynnis aglaja clorinda Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Santa Fé (Montseny), 24-VII-1925; Cl. Querci leg.[en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 115).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Santa Fé del Montseny».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-3641, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3641 | MZB] [47] [CATALONIA | Santa Fe, 1200 m | 24.7.25 Querci] [A. AGLAJA | f. CLORINDA | SAG. det.] [Typus] [Argynis aglaja clorinda | Sagarra, 1930 | Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja | (Linnaeus, 1758) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) consider this form to be a variation with no taxonomical value.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013;
Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Brenthis hecate poecilla Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Albarracín (Aragó), 1100 m, 29-VI-1924
[en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 200).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2547, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2547 | MZB] [212] [ARAGON | Albarracin
m 1100 | 29 VI. 24 Querci] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff | poecilla Sag. | (serie típica)] [Branthis hecate poecilla | Sagarra, 1924 | Branthis hecate ([Denis & | Schiffermuller, 1775]) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2548, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2548 | MZB] [211] [ARAGON | Albarracin
m 1100 | 12- VI. 24 Querci] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff | poecilla Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2549, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2549 | MZB] [210] [ARAGON | Albarracin
m 1100 | 12 VI. 24 Querci] [Brenthis | hecate | caucasica Stgr ? | R. AGENJO det.] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff | poecilla Sag. | (serie típica)].
Remarks: García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this species exhibits great variability in size and colour, which has provoked the description of several subspecies of no taxonomic value.ue.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013;
Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Brenthis hecate weissiana Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Tipus del Montsec d’Ager (Catalunya), 1.000 mts., 13.VI-19 [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]. A. Weiss leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 199).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Lleida, Serra del Montsec».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2550, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2550 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)] [Branthis hecate weissiana | Sagarra, 1924 | Branthis hecate ([Denis & | Schiffermuller, 1775]) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2949, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2949 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2950, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2950 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2951, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2951 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2952, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2952 | MZB] [Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2953, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2953 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2954, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2954 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2955, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2955 | MZB] [Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2956, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2956 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2957, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2957 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2958, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2958 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2959, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2959 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis hecate | Schiff. weissiana | Sag. (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2960, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2960 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2961, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2961 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2962, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2962 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13-19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2963, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2963 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2964, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2964 | MZB] [CATALONIA | Montsec | 13 a 19-VI-19 | Weiss | 960] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | weissiana Sag. | (serie típica)].
Remarks: the abdomens of syntypes MZB 73-2949, MZB 73-2950, MZB 73-2956 and MZB 73-2957 are missing. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this species exhibits great variability in size and colour, which has provoked the description of several subspecies of no taxonomic value.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Brenthis hecate rubecula Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Orihuela del Tremedal (Aragó), 1700 m, 29-VII-1924 [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 200).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Orihuela del Tremedal».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2965, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2965 | MZB] [207] [ARAGON | Orihuela
m 1700 | 29 VII.24 Querci | tipo] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | rubecula Sag. | (serie típica)] [Branthis hecate rubecula | Sagarra, 1924 | Branthis hecate ([Denis & | Schiffermuller, 1775]) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2966, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2966 | MZB] [206] [ARAGON | Orihuela
m 1700 | 29 VII.24 Querci] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | rubecula | Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2967, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2967 | MZB] [205] [ARAGON | Orihuela
m 1700 | 30 VII.24 Querci] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | rubecula Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2968, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2968 | MZB] [204] [ARAGON | Orihuela
m 1700 | 30 VII.24 Querci] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | rubecula Sag. | (serie típica)].
Syntype MZB 73-2969, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2969 | MZB] [202] [ARAGON | Orihuela
m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci] [Brenthis | hecate | argina Frust. | R. AGENJO det.] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | rubecula Sag. | (serie típica)]. m 1700 | 30 VII. 24 Querci] [Brenthis | Syntype MZB 73–2970, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73–2970 | MZB] [208] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 30 VII.24 Querci] [Brenthis | hecate Schiff. | rubecula Sag. | (serie típica)].
Remarks: some specimens from A.G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) comment that this species exhibits great variability in size and colour, which has provoked the description of several subspecies of no taxonomic value.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Brenthis ino pyrenaica Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775)
Original type material citation: «Tipus dels voltants de Salardú, a la vall d’Aran (S. Novellas leg. 20-VII-22) [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1925b: 270).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Lleida, Val d’Aran, Salardú-Besibé-Bonaigua».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2493, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2493 | MZB] [CATALONIA | De Salardú al Port de | la Bonaigua (Aran) | 20-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231] [Front: Brenthis ino | r. pyrenaica | Sag. | (serie típica) | Back: Typo] [Brenthis ino pyrenaica | Sagarra, 1925 | Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, | 1775) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2494, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2494 | MZB] [CATALONIA | De Salardú al Estany | de Basibé (Aran) | 22-VII-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | 1231] [Brenthis ino | r. pyrenaica | (serie típica)].
Remarks: a long typical series is deposited in the MCNB collection. García-Barros et al. (2013) consider that the description of the ssp. pyrenaica from the Catalan Pyrenees, based on larger and darker specimens (especially females), is completely unwarranted.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Brenthis ino erilda Sagarra, 1925
Current status: Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Orihuela del Tremedal (Aragó) 1700 m alt. (Querci leg. 14-VII.24) [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1925b: 270).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Orihuela del Tremedal».
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-2495, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2495 | MZB] [213] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 14 VII.24 Querci] [Brenthis ino | r. erilda Sag. | (r. tipica] [Brenthis ino erilda | Sagarra, 1925 | Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, | 1775) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Syntype MZB 73-2496, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2496 | MZB] [226] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12 VII.24 Querci] [Brenthis ino | r. erilda Sag. | (r. tipica)].
Syntype MZB 73-3977, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-3977 | MZB] [215] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 7 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3978, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3978 | MZB] [217] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 14 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3979, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3979 | MZB] [218] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 10 VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3980, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-3980 | MZB] [219] [ARAGON | [O]rihuela m 1700 | [V]II.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3981, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3981 | MZB] [220] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 12.VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3982, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-3982 | MZB] [224] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 30.VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3983, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3983 | MZB] [222] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 14.VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3984, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-3984 | MZB] [225] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 30.VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3985, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3985 | MZB] [227] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 30.VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3986, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3986 | MZB] [228] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 29.VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3987, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-3987 | MZB] [229] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 10.VII.24 Querci].
Syntype MZB 73-3988, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-3988 | MZB] [214] [ARAGON | Orihuela m 1700 | 14.VII.24 Querci].
Remarks: some examples of this subspecies from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as paratypes. García-Barros et al. (2013) consider the description of the ssp. erilda from La Sierra de Albarracín based on more orange-coloured and less pigmented specimens to be unwarranted.
References: Tshikolovets, 2011; Garcia-Barros et al. 2013; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subtribe Boloriina Warren, Dos Passos & Grey, 1946

Argynnis euphrosyne cynosoma Fruhstorfer, 1917
Current status: Boloria (Clossiana) euphrosyne (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Patria: Salève bei Genf. 13 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀ Koll. Fruhst».
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Suisse: Genève, Salève» (Fruhstorfer, 1917: 15).
Holotype depositary: (—).
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-4348, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4348 | MZB] [SUISSE | Genève Salève | 31.5.25 Weber].
Syntype MZB 73-4349, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4349 | MZB] [SUISSE | Genève | 20.5.24 Weber] [B. euphrosyne | cynosoma Fr. | Cotype].
Remarks: some examples of this subspecies from A. G. Weeks’s collection are deposited in the Harvard MCZ and labelled as cotypes.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Superfamily Pyraloidea Latreille, 1809
Family Pyralidae Latreille, 1809
Subfamily Phycitinae Zeller, 1839
Tribe Peoriini Hulst, 1890

Hypsotropa vazquezi  Gastón, Macià & Ylla, Huertas-Dionisio, 2016
F. J. Pérez-López leg., prep. gen. nº 5397, J. G., Se depositará en la colección del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava (MCNA). Paratipos: 50. 1 hembra, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 12.VII.2007, ♀, M. Huertas leg., Se depositará en la colección del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (MCNB). 1 macho, ESPAÑA-CÁDIZ, PATRITE, 60 m, Alcalá d. L. Gazules, 18-VII-2004, J. Gastón leg., (GASTÓN); 1 macho, ESPAÑA-CÁDIZ, BENALUP, Dehesa Las Cruces, 90 m, ♂, 8-VII-2012, J. Gastón leg., prep. gen. nº 4999, J. G., (GASTÓN); 1 macho, ESPAÑA-CÁDIZ, BENALUP, Dehesa Las Cruces, 90 m, ♂, 14-VII-2015, J. Gastón leg., prep. gen. nº 5398, J. G., (GASTÓN); 1 hembra, ESPAÑA-CÁDIZ, BENALUP, Dehesa Las Cruces, 90 m, ♀, 14-VII-2015, J. Gastón leg. (GASTÓN); 1 hembra, ESPAÑA-CÁDIZ, BENALUP, Dehesa Las Cruces, 90 m, ♀, 14-VII-2015, J. Gastón leg., prep. gen. nº 5399, J. G., (GASTÓN); 3 machos, ESPAÑA-CÁDIZ, BENALUP, Dehesa Las Cruces, 90 m, ♂, 24-VII-2015, J. Gastón leg. (GASTÓN); 2 hembras, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 9.VII.2005, ♀, M. Huertas leg., (GASTÓN); 1 macho, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 1.VII.2006, ♂, M. Huertas leg., (GASTÓN); 1 hembra, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 25.VII.2008, ♀ M. Huertas leg., (GASTÓN); 1 macho, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 18.VI.2005, ♂, M. Huertas leg. (HUERTAS); 2 machos, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 9.VII.2005, ♂, M. Huertas leg. (HUERTAS); 8 hembras, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 9.VII.2005, ♀, M. Huertas leg. (HUERTAS); 2 machos, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 1.VII.2006, ♂, M. Huertas leg. (HUERTAS); 4 hembras, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 12.VII.2007, ♀, M. Huertas leg. (HUERTAS); 1 macho, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 25.VII.2008, ♂, M. Huertas leg. (HUERTAS); 8 hembras, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 25.VII.2008, ♀, M. Huertas leg. (HUERTAS);3 hembras, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 18.VI.2005, ♀, M. Huertas leg., (YLLA); 1 hembra, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 9.VII.2005, ♀, M. Huertas leg., (YLLA); 1 hembra, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 9.VII.2005, ♀, M. Huertas leg., (MACIÀ); 1 hembra, HUELVA-Gibraleón, La Chaparrera, 65 m, 22.VII.2006, ♀, M. Huertas leg., (MACIÀ); 1 hembra, MÁLAGA-Manilva, Arroyo de Alcorrín, UTM 30S TF9823, ♀, 25-VII-2014, 20 m, F. J. Pérez-López leg., prep. gen. nº 5400, J. G., (GASTÓN); 2 hembras, MÁLAGA-Manilva, Arroyo de Alcorrín, UTM 30S TF9823, ♀, 25-VII-2014, 20 m, F. J. Pérez-López leg., (PÉREZ); 2 machos, MÁLAGA-Manilva, Arroyo de Alcorrín, UTM 30S TF9823, ♂, 25-VII-2014, 20 m, F. J. Pérez-López leg., (PÉREZ).» (Gastón et al., 2016: 75).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain, Andalucia, Huelva, Gibraleón, La Chaparrera»ra».
Holotype depositary: MCNA.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2016-0252, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [2016-0252 | MZB] [HUELVA – Gibraleón | La Chaparrera 65 m | 12.VII.2007 ♀ | M. Huertas leg.] [Hypsotropa vazquezi | Gastón, F. J., Macià, R., Ylla, | J. & Huertas-Dionisio, M., 2016 | PARATIPO].
Remarks: Ramon Macià donated this paratype to the MCNB.
References: (—).

Family Crambidae Latreille, 1810
Subfamily Evergestinae
Marion 1952
Tribe Evegestini
Marion 1952

Evergestis merceti Agenjo, 1933
Original type material citation: «1♂ tipo, recogido por mí el 5 de septiembre de 1928, en Montarco (Madrid), y 15 ♂♂ paratipos, recogidos en el mismo mes, en los años 1920 y 1922 por el Sr. M. de la Escalera (D. Fernado), en la misma localidad; en la colección de Lepidópteros de España del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Dedico la especie, en homenaje póstumo, a la memòria de D. Ricardo Mercet, que fué en el Museo, durante tantos años, il·lustre especialista de microhimenópteros».
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Madrid, Montarco» (Agenjo, 1933b: 245).
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-4356, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-4356 | MZB] [Montarco | IX – F. ESCALERA] [Evergestis | merceti. A | Paratipo 15].
Remarks: the abdomen of paratype MZB 73-4356 is missing. Ramon Agenjo donated this paratype to the MCNB.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subfamily Scopariinae Guenée, 1854, in Boisduval & Guenée

Scoparia ingratella catalonica Leraut, 1982

Original type material citation: «Holotype ♂, France: Vernet-les-Bains (Pyrémées-Orientales), 4-VII-1894 (Viard) (prép. génit. Leraut 82; MNHN, Paris); Espagne: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Catalogne, Vallvidrera, 3-VI-1922, i 182 m (Sagarra) (prép. Génit. Laraut 587, 589; MZ, Barcelone), 1♀ Catalogne, Ermita de la Trinitat, i 210 m, 25-V-1922 (Novellas) (prép. génit. Leraut 588; MZ, Barcelone)» (Leraut, 1982: 8).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Barcelona, Vallvidrera, Ermita de la Trinitat».
Holotype depositary: MNHN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-2467, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2467 | MZB] [PARATYPE] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 26-V-22 | SAGARRA leg. | N.1182] [P. Leraut det. | prép. nº 587 ♂ | Scoparia ingratella | catalonica Leraut] [Scoparia ingratella | catalonica Leraut,1982].
Paratype MZB 73-2468, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2468 | MZB] [PARATYPE] [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 3-VI-22 | SAGARRA leg. | N.1182] [P. Leraut det. | prép. nº 589 ♀ | Scoparia ingratella | ssp. catalonica Leraut].
Paratype MZB 73-2469, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [73-2469 | MZB] [PARATYPE] [CATALONIA | Ermita de la Trinitat | 25-V-22 | NOVELLAS leg. | N.1210] [P. Leraut det. | prép. nº 588 ♀ | Scoparia ingratella | ssp. catalonica Leraut.
Remarks: genitalia extracted and numbered originally as 587, 588 and 589, and classified as L73-5098MZB, L73-5099MZB and L73-5100MZB, respectively.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Superfamily Lasiocampoidea Harris, 1841
Family Lasiocampidae
Harris, 1841
Subfamily Chondrosteginae Tutt, 1902
Tribe Chondrostegini Tutt, 1902

Chondrostega escobesae De Freina, Monasterio, Antonietty & Vila, 2015
Original type material citation: Chondrostega escobesae sp. nov. Holotype. ♂, Andalucía, Málaga (Ronda), Sierra de las Nieves, Puerto de los Pilones, 1750 m, UTM 30S UF16, 5.IX.2014, C. Antonietty leg. (CFM; MWM/ZSM, BC DNA-N° IBEB 14V507; figs 1, 2). Paratypes. 2 ♂♂, same locality and data as Holotype (GPdF2014/27, BC DNA-N° IBEB 14V506; IBEB; figs 3, 4); 8 ♂♂, same locality as Holotype, but 18.VIII, 2015, leg. Y. Monasterio (CML); 1 ♂, Andalucía, Jaén, Pico Jabalcuz, Los Villares, 1560 m, UTM 30S VG27, ex larva 26.VII.2014, C. Antonietty leg. et cult. (GPdF2014/28; IBEB; 1♀ (fig. 19) Andalucía, Jaén, Pico Jabalcuz, Los Villares, UTM 30S VG27, ex larva 16.VII.2007, Y. Monasterio León leg. et cult. (CFM)» (De Freina et al., 2015: 195).
Localities of type material in MCNB:«Spain, Andalucía, Málaga, Ronda, Sierra de las Nieves, Puerto de los Pilones».
Holotype depositary: ANTTY.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2015-8570, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [2015-8570 | MZB] [PARATIPO | Sierra de las Nieves, Puerto de los Pilones | Ronda (Málaga, Andalucía) | 1750 m, UTM 30S UF16 | 18.VIII.2015 leg. Y. Monasterio].
Remarks: Yeray Monasterio donated this paratype to the MCNB.
References: (—).

Superfamily Drepanoidea Boisbuval, [1828] 1829
Family Drepanidae
Boisduval, [1828] 1829
Subfamily Drepaninae
Boisduval, [1828] 1829

Cilix hispanica Pérez De-Gregorio, Jeremias, Requena, Rondós & Vallhonrat, 2002
Original type material citation:«Holotipo: 1 ♂ del Coll d’Uria comarca de Les Guilleries, provincia de Gerona (31TDG55), 710 m, Cataluña (España), 11.V.1986 (Pérez De-Gregorio leg. et col.). Paratipos: 58 ejemplares ♂♂ y ♀♀ procedentes de las siguientes localidades: Cataluña (se indica la comarca), Anoia: Argençola (31TCG70), 700 m, 10.VII.1988, E. Requena leg et col., 1 ex; La Pobla de Claramunt (31TCG80), 400 m, 20.VIII.1983, E. Requena leg. et col., 1 ex; Òdena (31TCG80), 350 m, 7.VIII.1983, E. Requena leg. et col., 2 ex; Vallbona (31TCF99), 350 m, 7.IV.1989, E, Requena leg. et col., 1 ex; Veciana (31TCG71), 563 m, 26.VIII.1983, 1.IX.1984, E. Requena leg. et col., 2 ex., Bages: Sant Mateu de Bages (31TCG83), 490 m, 19.IX.1993, J. Rius leg., colección MZB, 1 ex., Baix Llobregat: Abrera (31TDF19), 105 m, 19.III.1999, Pérez De-Gregorio leg. et col., 1 ex; Esparraguera (31TDF09), 187 m, 13MZB, 14.IX.1980, J. Rius leg., colección MZB, 2 ex., Barcelonès: Horta (31TDG38), 9 m, 18.IV.1933, J. Viñas leg., colección X. Jeremías, 1 ex; Vallvidrera (31TDF28), 360 m, 6-8.VII.1921, 7.IX.1921, 10.VII.1923, Sagarra leg., colección MZB, 5 ex; 10.VI.1924, J. Farriols leg., colección Farriols, MZB, 1 ex., Berguedà: Berga (31TDG06), 724 m, 7-10.VI.1973, X. Jeremías leg. et col., 7 ex., Cerdanya: Das (31TDG09), 1219 m, 2.VI.1979, 17.VII.1982, F. Vallhonrat leg. col MZB, 3 ex., Baix Empordà: Bell-Lloch (Serra de les Gavarres) (31TDG93), 110 m, 9.X.1999, M. Rondós leg. et col., 1 ex., Garrotxa: Besalú (31TDG77), 151 m, 8.X.1999, M. Rondós leg. et col., 1 ex; 21.IX.1991, G. Truñón leg. colección M. Rondós, 1 ex; Mieres (31TDG76), 286 m, 6.IX.1996, Pérez De-Gregorio leg. et col., 1 ex; Olot (31TDG57), 443 m, 5.IX.1984, J. Teixidor leg. et col., 1 ex; Sant Jaume de Llierca (31TDG67), 203 m, 17.V.1987, Pérez De-Gregorio leg. et col., 1 ex; Sant Privat de Bas (31TDG56), 540 m, 1.IX.1984, 29.III.1995, Pérez De-Gregorio leg. et col., 2 ex., Gironés: Cartellà (31TDG85), 180 m, 15.IX.1998, J. Muñoz leg. et col., 2 ex., Guilleries: Sant Martí Sacalm (31TDG65), 800 m, 8.IX.1984, R. Orozco leg. et col., 1 ex; Susqueda (31TDG64), 281 m, 13.IX.1981, Pérez De-Gregorio leg. colección MZB, 1 ex; Viladrau
(31TDG43), 825 m, 19-30.IX.1921, S. Novellas leg. colección MZB, 1 ex (Pérez De-Gregorio, 1982, citado como gluacata (Scopoli)), Maresme: Argentona (31TDG50), 91 m, 8.VII.1958, J. Viñas leg. colección X. Jeremías, 1 ex., Osona: El Montanyà, Seva (31TDG34), 665 m, 29.VI.1998, M. Rondós leg. et col., 1 ex., Pallars Jussà: Santa Llúcia de Mur (31TCG26), 730 m, 22-IX.2000, M. Rondós leg. et col., 1 ex., Ripollès: Queralbs (31TDG38), 1230 m, 10.X.1997, M. Rondós leg. et col., 1 ex; Surroca d’Ogassa (31TDG48), 1200 m, 19.VI.1999, M. Rondós leg. et col., 1 ex., La Selva: Amer (31TDG65), 186 m, 8.IX.1984, R. Orozco leg. et col., 1 ex; Santa Coloma de Farners (31TDG73), 142 m, 19.IX.1923, s.c. col MZB, 1 ex., Urgell: Anglesola (31TCG41), 322 m, IV.1923, J. Grustan leg. colección MZB, 1 ex., Vallés Oriental: Castellterçol (31TDG22), 726 m, 8.IV.1993, A. Orozco leg. colección R. Orozco, 1 ex; El Figaró (31TDG31), 330 m, 18.VI.1933, J. Viñas leg. colección X. Jeremías, 1 ex; La Garriga (·1TDG41), 251 m, 13-20.VII.1922, J. Farriols leg. colección Farriols, MZB, 2 ex; Sant Pere de Vilamajor (31TDG41), 307 m, IX.1914, Sagarra leg. colección MZB, 4 ex., Islas Baleares: Mallorca: Orient (31SDD79-80), 600 m, 24-27.IX.1997, Pérez De-Gregorio leg. colección M. Rondós, 1 ex (Perez De-Gregorio
& Vallhonrat, 2001, citada como C. asiatica Bang-Haas)., Menorca: Barranc d’Algendar, Ferreries (31SEE82), 90 m, 21.VIII.1990, F. Vallhonrat leg. colección Pérez De-Gregorio, 2 ex (Pérez De-Gregorio & Vallhonrat, 2001, citada como C. asiatica Bang-Haas)»
(Pérez De-Gregorio et al., 2002: 33).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Several localities of Catalonia».
Holotype depositary: PDG.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 83-5209, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 8-VII-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1131] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [Front: E. Requena | Prep. Gen | Nº 328 | Back: 83- | 5210 | en: | 22509] [83-5209 | MZB] [L 83-5209 | ER 328 | ♀ | Cilix – | hispanica | Vallvidrera | 8.VII.1921 | Sagarra leg. | E. Requena det. | 83-5209 | MZB | PARATIPUS].
Paratype MZB 83-5210, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 6-VII-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1131] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5210 | MZB] [Cilix hispanica Pérez De- | Gregorio, Jeremias, | Requena, Rondós & | Vallhonrat, 2002 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 83-5211, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 7-IX-21 | SAGARRA leg. | 1132] [CILIS HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5211 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 3-5212, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 10-VII-23 | SAGARRA leg. | 1249] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5212 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5213, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [LES PLANES | VALLVIDRERA | 10-VI-1924 | (FARRIOLS)] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5213 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5214, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | S. P. de | Vilamajor | I.de Sagarra | -IX-14] [Cilix | glaucatus | Sco] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5214 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5216, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Viladrau | (La Sala) | 19 a 30-IX-21 | NOVELLAS leg. | N.1179] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5216 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5217, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Front: CATALUNYA | Susqueda (Guilleries) | 13-IX-1981 | DE-GREGORIO (LEG.) | Back: ♂ | Cilix | glaucata SCOP.] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5217 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5218, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [S. Coloma | Farners. | 25-9-23 | I. de S.] [90] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5218 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5219, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Anglesola (Lleida) | IV-23 | J. GUSTÁN leg. | 1283] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5219 | MZB]. ].
Paratype MZB 83-5220, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [La Garriga | 13.VIII.1922] [Cilix | glaucata. Scop.] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5220 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5221, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [La Garriga | 20.VII.1922] [Cilix | glaucata. Scop.] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5221 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5222, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Das (Cerdanya) | llum 2.VI.79 | 15ºC Vallhonrat leg.] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5222 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5223, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Das (Cerdanya) | 17.VII.82 | Vallhonrat leg.] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [83-5223 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5224, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [EL BAGES | S. de les Garrigues | la Planeta | Saló | 540 m | RIUS leg. 19-9-93] [PARATYPUS | Cilix hispanica] [83-5224 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5225, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [BAIX LLOB. | Esparraguera | 13.09.80 | RIUS
leg.] [PARATYPUS | Cilix hispanica] [83-5225 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 83-5226, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [BAIX LLOB. | Esparraguera | 14.09.80 | RIUS
leg.] [PARATYPUS | Cilix hispanica] [83-5226 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2470, 1♀ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Vallvidrera | 6-VII-21 |
SAGARRA leg. | 1131] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [73-2470 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2471, 1♂ Labelled as: [CATALONIA | S. P. de | Vilamajor | I.de Sagarra | -IX-14] [Cilix | glaucatus | Sco] [CILIX HISPANICA | PARATIPO] [73-2471 | MZB].
Remarks: the original publication gives the UTM and height above sea level of the type specimens but this information does not appear on the written label. 83-5218 MZB: the description states 19-IX-23 but 25-9-23 is written on the label. No collector (s.c.) is given in the description but the label states I. de Sg. (Sagarra). 83-5220 MZB and 83-5221 MZB: Farriols is given as the collector (col. Farriols) in the original publication but no name of collector is given on the label. 83-5220 MZB: the date on the label is 13-VIII-1922 but the publication states 13-20.VII.1922. The locus typical is given as Das, Cerdanya F. Vallhonrat leg. in collection MZB 3 ex.; however, in Museum’s collection there are only 2 ex. From Vilamajor, Sagarra leg. in col. MZB: the publication states that 4 ex. are paratypes but there are only 2 ex. in the Museum’s collection. 83-5215 MZB: specimen with no label, possibly one of the missing specimens from Vilamajor, Sagarra leg. The list of total type specimens states that there are 22 ex. deposited in the MCNB; however, only 20 ex. have been found in the Museum’s collection. 83-5209 MZB: genitalia extracted, gen. issue L83-5209 MZB. 83-5210 MZB, 83-5216 MZB, 83-5217 MZB, 83-5218 MZB and 83-5221 MZB: genitalia extracted, in pin.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Superfamily Geometroidea Stephens, 1829
Family Geometridae
Stephens, 1829
Subfamily Sterrhinae
, Meyrick, 1892
Tribe Sterrhini
, Meyrick, 1892

Idaea omari Hausmann & Bläsius, 2008
Original type material citation: «Holotype ♀, Morocco, High Atlas, Imlil nr. Asni, 1600 m, at light, 5-VIII-2007, leg. R. Bläsius, collection ZSM (DNA) barcode BC ZSM lep. + 0018 (fig. 1). Paratypes: 346 ♂♂♀♀, Morocco, High Atlas, Imlil nr. Asni,1600 m, at light, 5-VIII-2007, leg. R. Bläsius. 1 ♂ F1-F3, collection Bläsius,Eppelheim, 1 ♂, 16 ♀♀, collection ZSM. 9 ♂♂, 13 ♀♀, M. Leipnitz, Stuttgart. 20 ♂♂/♀♀, B. Müller, Berlin. Furthermore 53 ♂♂/♀♀, in collections P. Skou, Stenstrup (2 Paratypes), A. Steiner, Wöschbach (2 Paratypes), V. Klein, Schwetzingen (2 Paratypes), A. Hornemann, Gross-Gerau (2 Paratypes), N. Zahm, Schmelz (3 Paratypes), D. Bartsch, Stuttgart (8 Paratypes), J. Lenz, Harare (10 Paratypes), A. Vives, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid (6 Paratypes), E. Blum, Neustadt/Wstr. (2 Paratypes), E. Bettag,
Dudenhofen (2 Paratypes), A. Werno, Nunkirchen (5 Paratypes), M. Meyer, Luxemburg (5 Paratypes), A. Cervelló, Barcelona (2 Paratypes) and J. P. Herzet, Lorgues (2 Paratypes).» (Hausmann & Bläsius, 2008: 411).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco, High Atlas, Imlil nr. Asni».
Holotype depositary: ZSM.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2016-3931, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [MZB | 2016- | 3931 ♂ | det] [e.o. 7-30.I.2008 | Marokko, H. Atlas | Imlil b. Asni | 1600 m | leg, R. Bläsius] [Paratypus | Idaea omari | Hausmann & Bläsius | 2008].
Paratype MZB 2016-3932, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [MZB | 2016- | 3932 ♀ | det] [e.o. 7-30.I.2008 | Marokko, H. Atlas | Imlil b. Asni | 1600 m | leg, R. Bläsius] [Paratypus | Idaea omari | Hausmann & Bläsius | 2008]
Remarks: Arcadi Cervelló donated these specimens to the MCNB.
References: Leraut, 2009.

Subfamily Ennominae Duponchel, [1845] 1844
Tribe Boarmiini
Duponchel, [1845] 1844 nomen protectum

Peribatodes ebusaria Vallhonrat, 2012
Original type material citation: «Holotipus: Forn des Saig (Illes Balears, Eivissa, Santa Eulàlia) (31SCD7323, 240 m), 1 ♂, 26.III.2011 (F. Vallhonrat & C. Coll leg. in collection MCNB, Laboratori de Zoologia). Paratipus: S’Argentera (Illes Balears, Eivissa, Santa Eulèria) (31SCD7420, 75 m), 1 ♀, 25.III.2011 (F. Vallhonrat & C. Coll leg.). Forn des Saig (Illes Balears, Eivissa, Santa Eulària) (31SCD7323, 240 m), 3 ♂♂, 26.III.2011 (F. Vallhonrat & C. Coll leg.. Puig des Fornàs (Illes Balears, Eivissa, Sant Rafael) (31SCD5811, 220 m), 2 ♂♂ i 1 ♀, 27.III.2011, (F. Vallhonrat & C. Coll leg.). L’holotipus i un paratipus han estat dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (MCNB, Laboratori de Zoologia. Els altres paratipus es conserven a la col.lecció de l’autor» (Vallhonrat, 2012: 33).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearian islands, Eivissa, Forn des Saig (Sta Eulària); S’Argentera (Sta Eulària)».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 2013-1814, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Peribatodes ebusaria | Vallhonrat, 2012 ♂ | Holotipus | Butlletí Soc. Cat. Lep., 103:33-39] [EIVISSA | Forn des Saig (Sta. Eulària) | 31S CD7323 240 m | 26.III.2011 | F. Vallhonrat & C. Coll leg.] [MZB | 2013-1814] [Paleàrtica] [Peribatodes ebusaria | Vallhonrat, 2012 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 2013-1815, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [EIVISSA | S/Argentera (Sta. Eulària) | 31S CD7420 75 m | 25.III.2011 | F. Vallhonrat & C. Coll leg.] [Peribatodes ebusaria ♀ | Vallhonrat, 2012 | Paratipus | Butlletí Soc. Cat.Lep, 103: 33-39] [MZB | 2013-1815] [Paleàrtica].
Remarks: according to personal communication from Andrés Expósito,
Vives-Moreno (2014) considers ebusaria syn. nov. of perversaria galliberia Wehrli, 1943 in his catalogue. Peder Skou (pers. comm.) does not believe that synonymy is justified for the time being considers ebusaria to be good species until further studies can be completed.
References: (—).

Superfamily Noctuoidea Latreille, 1809
Family Erebidae Leach, [1815] in Brewster
Subfamily Arctiinae Leach, [1815] 1830 in Brewster
Tribe ArctiiniLeach, [1815] 1830 in Brewster
Subtribe ArctiinaLeach, [1815] 1830 in Brewster

Epicallia villica angelica f. fracta Agenjo, 1942
Current status: Arctia (Epicallia) villica angelica (Boisduval, [1828] 1829)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: ♂ de Madrid, V-1929 (R. Agenjo leg.). En
la colección R. Agenjo. Alotipo: ♀ de El Escorial, Madrid, VI, F. Escalera. Paratipos: 14 ♂♂ y 4 ♀♀ de las siguientes localidades: 3 ♂♂ y 2 ♀♀ de la provincia de Cuenca; 4 ♂♂ de Cercedilla, Madrid, V-1933 (J. Hernández leg.); 2 ♂♂ de Cienvallejos-Brunete, VI-1927 (C. Bolívar leg.) y VII-1927 (F. Escalera leg.); 3 ♂♂ y 1 ♀, El Escorial, Madrid, VII-1924 (F.
Escalera leg.); 1 ♂, VII (F. Escalera leg.); 1 ♂ y 1 ♀ de Madrid, V-1919 y 29-V-1902 (sin colector); 1 ♂ de Béjar, Salamanca, VII-1932 (A. Fernández leg.). En la colección de Lepidópteros de España del Instituto Español de Entomología» (Agenjo,
1942b: 361
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Madrid, El Escorial».
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-2408, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2408 | MZB] [A. villica (L.) | ssp. angelica Bd | v. fracta ♂ Ag. | R.AGENJO det.] [ESCORIAL | Prov. Madrid | VI.924 F. Esc.] [vill angelica | v. fracta Ag | Paratipo 12] [Epicallia villica angelica | f. fracta Agenjo, 1942 | Epicallia villica angelica | (Boisduval, [1828]) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
References: Witt & Ronkay, 2011; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Hyphoraia dejeani carpetana Agenjo, 1937
Current status: Hyphoraia dejeani (Godart, [1823] 1822) 1937: 57)
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Madrid, Cercedilla».
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-2409, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [73-2409 | MZB] [Cercedilla 1500 m | Estación Alpina | VI – 1935 – J. HERNÁNDEZ] [H dejeani | carpetana | Paratipo] [Hyphoraia dejeani | carpetana Agenjo, 1937 | Hyphoraia dejeani | (Godart, 1822) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: the capture date in the original publication is V-1923, while on the label it is VI-1935.
References: Witt & Ronkay, 2011; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Chelis maculosa serratica Agenjo, 1937
Current status: Chelis arragonensis (Staudinger, 1894)
Original type material citation: «toda la sèrie típica es de Cercedilla, Estación Alpina, 1.480 metros, Madrid. Holotipo ♂, VII-1933 (J. Hernández), Alotipo ♀, V-1933 y el mismo colector. Paratipos, 40 ♂♂: 6, de VII-1928 (R. Agenjo); 6, de VII-1928 (F. Bonet); 3 de VIII-1929 (M. Zarco); 6, de VII-1929 (A.Fernández); 3 de VII-1930 (J. Hernández); 2, de VI-1933 (J. Hernández), y 14, de VII-1933 (J. Hernández)» (Agenjo, 1937: 54).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Madrid, Cercedilla, Estación Alpina».
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB
76-9867, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [76-9867 | MZB] [Cercedilla 1.500 m | Estación Alpina | VII-1933 J. Hernández] [Ch maculosa | serratica ♂ | Paratipo] [Chelis arragonensis | R. Macià det.] [Chelis maculosa serratica | Agenjo, 1937 | Chelis arragonensis | (Staudinger, 1894) stat. n. | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: Witt & Ronkay (2011) believe that this species is often interpreted as a form or subspecies of C. maculosa. Although the male genitalia of the two species are very similar, the female genitalia show clearly recognisable differences. Therefore, C. arragonensis is treated here as a separate species from C. maculosa.
Macià et al. (2013b) believe that C. maculosa serratica Agenjo, 1937 should be considered a synonym of C. arragonensis (Staudinger, 1894).
References: Witt & Ronkay, 2011; Macià et al., 2013b; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Chelis cantabrica Macià, Gastón, Redondo & Ylla, 2013 leg., R. Macià det., prep. gen. 1091, in col. R. Macià)» (Macià, Gastón, Redondo & Ylla, 2013: 157)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo (fig. 1): León, Minas de Ventana, UTM 30TTN5570, 1476 m, 1 ♂, 9-VII-2012, R. Macià leg., R. Macià det., prep. gen. 1083, depositado en la colección del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales en Madrid, España (Nº Cat. Tipos 12480). Paratipos: León, Minas de Ventana, UTM 30TTN5570, 1476 m, 1 ♂,
13-VII-2004 (R. Macià leg., R. Macià det., prep. gen. 1079, in collection R. Macià);
1 ♂, 09-VII-2012 (R. Macià & J. Ylla leg., R. Macià det., prep. gen. 1086, in collection R. Macià). Puerto de Piedrafita, UTM 30TTN8767, 1450 m, 1 ♂, 10-VIII-2007 (F. J. Gastón & V. Redondo leg., F. J. Gastón det., prep. gen. 4445, in collection F. J. Gastón); 11MZB, 10-VIII-2007 (F. J. Gastón & V. Redondo leg., V. Redondo det., prep. gen. 3264, in collection V. Redondo). Cubillas de Arbás, UTM 30TTN7256, 1.312 m, 1 ♂, 10-VII-2012 (R. Macià & J. Ylla leg., R. Macià det., prep. gen. 1093 ex col. R. Macià, in collection MCNB). Arbás del Puerto, UTM 30TTN7663, 1411 m, 1 ♂, 29-VII-2010, (R. Macià leg., R. Macià det., prep. gen. 1090, in collection R. Macià). Puerto de la Cubilla, UTM 30TTN6264, 1.686 m, 1 ♂, 28-VII-2002, (R. Macià & J. Ylla leg., R. Macià det., prep. gen. 1092, in collection R. Macià). La Cueta, Puerto de Somiedo, UTM 29TQH2667, 1575 m, 1 ♂, 26-VII-2003, (R. Macià leg., R. Macià det., prep. gen. 1091, in collection R. Macià)»
(Macià et al., 2013a: 157).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castilla León, León, Cubillas de Arbás».
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-2410, 1♂ Labelled as: [Chelis cantabrica | PARATIPO] [C. Cantabrica | Cubillas de Arbás | León, 1312 m | 30TTN7256 | 10-VII-2012 | Macià&Ylla leg. | CASTILLA-LEÓN] [Chelis cantabrica | gen. 1093 | R. Macià det.] [73-2410 | MZB]
[Chelis cantabrica Macià, | Gastón, Redondo & Ylla, | 2013 | R. Macià rev. 2015] [L 73-2410 MZB | Cubillas de | Arbás (León) | 1312 m | 30TTN7256 | 10-VII.2012 | R. MACIÀ LEG. | Chelis cantabrica | Gen. 1093 | R. Macià det. | PARATIPO]
Remarks: genitalia extracted of paratype MZB 73-2410, originally labelled as 1093 and classified as MZB L 73-2410. Ramon Macià donated this paratype to the MCNB.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subtribe CallimorphinaWalker, [1865] 1864

Coscinia romei Sagarra, 1924
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un exemplar ♂, cassat a la llum, a Albarracín (Aragó), 25-VIII-1924, per Na Clorinda Querci i existent al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona.» (Sagarra, 1924a: 195).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Aragón, Teruel, Albarracín».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Remarks: Sagarra described this species as Coscinia romei but many authors in subsequent publications have written romeii for no particularly clear reason,
Vives-Moreno (2014) spells the species correctly in his catalogue.
References: Witt & Ronkay, 2011;  Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Family Noctuidae Latreille, 1809
Subfamily Acontiinae Guenée, 1841
Tribe Hypercalymniini Fibiger & Lafontaine, 2005

Metopoceras khalildja sagarraiana De Gregorio & Romañá, 1980
Current status:  Metopoceras (Tritomoceras) khalildja khalildja Oberthür, 1884
Original type material citation: «al nostre entendre i malgrat el petit nombre d’exemplars de que disposem, la nostra khalildja constitueix una nova raça, la validesa de la qual haurà d’ésser confirmada amb l’examen de properes captures. L’anomenem sagarriana ssp. n., designat com a tipus la femella de Barbens, X.1923 (J. Grustan, leg.) i com paratipus l’altre del V.1922 (M. Amigó leg.). Aquesta darrera està mancada d’abdomen, duent una etiqueta de determinació del Sr. R. Agenjo. Totes dues a la col·lecció SAGARRA (Museu de Zoologia)» (Pérez De-Gregorio & Romañá, 1980: 19).
Localities of type material in MCNB: Spain: Catalonia, Lleida, Barbens».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2405, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [Tipus] [M. khalildja OBTH ♀ | Raça SAGARRAIANA | (DE-GREGORIO-ROMAÑA)] [Metopoceras ♀ | khalildja OBTH | DE-GREGORIO det.] [CATALONIA | Barbens (Lleida) | X-23 | J.GRUSTÁN leg. | 1283] [73-2405 | MZB] [Metopoceras khalildja | sagarraiana De Gregorio | & Romañá, 1980 | Metopoceras khalildja | Oberthür, 1884 | R. Macià  rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2406, 1♀ Labelled as: [73-2406 | MZB] [Front: CATALUNYA | Barbens (Urgell) | V-1922 | M. AMIGÓ (LEG.) | Back: Metopoceras | khalildja OBTH] [C | Metopoceras | khalildja | R. AGENJO det. ♀] [PARATIPUS] [M. Khalildja OBHT ♀ | raça SAGARRAIANA (DE-GREGORIO-ROMAÑA)].
Remarks: genitalia extracted of paratype MZB 73-2406.
References: Witt & Ronkay, 2011;  Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subfamily Heliothinae Boisduval, [1828] 1829

Chloridea peltigera insulata Navás, 1924
Current status: Heliothis peltigera ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Original type material citation: «Pàtria. Falgars (Girona), 13 de juliol de 1923» (Navás, 1924: 35).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Girona, Falgárs».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2407, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-2407 | MZB] [Falgars (G.) | 13.VII.23]
[Chloridea | peltigera Schiff. | v. insulata Nav | P. Navás S. J. det.] [Typus] [Chloridea peltigera | insulata Navás, 1924 | Heliothis peltigera ([Denis | & Schiffermüller, 1775]) | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Remarks: the holotype MZB 73-2407 is fairly damaged.
References: Fibiger et al., 2009; Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subfamily Xyleninae Guenée, 1837
Tribe Caradrinini
Boisduval, 1840
Subtribe Caradrinina Boisduval, 1840

Platyperigea aspersa catalana
De Laever, 1980
Current status: Caradrina (Platyperigea) aspersa Rambur, 1834
Original type material citation: «Type: 1♀ de Bell-Lloch (Gavarres), 7-VIII-1980 (De-Gregorio) (col. Musée de Zoologie de Barcelone). Paratypes: 22 exx. males et femelles de Bell-Lloch (Gavarres), Llorà (Finestres), Susqueda (Guilleries) i Queralbs (Ripollès), VII-VIII-1980 (Josa, Masó et De-Gregorio) (col. Musée de Zoologie de Barcelone et col. Laever, De-Gregorio et Romañá)» (De Laever, 1980: 63).
Localities of type material in MCNBCNB: «Spain: Catalonia, Girona, Bell-lloch; Llorà; Susqueda; Queralbs».
Holotype depositary: MCNB.
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2472, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [Front: BELL-LLOCH | 30 m (Gerona) | J. J. Pérez coll. | Back: 7/8/1980] [Tipus] [Platyperigea ♀ | aspersa RBR, 1834 | ssp. catalana LAEVER | 1980 | (TIPO)] [73-2472 | MZB] [Platyperigea aspersa | catalana Laever, 1980 | Caradrina (Platyperigea) | aspersa Rambur, 1834 | R. Macià rev. 2015].
Paratype MZB 73-2473, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [Front: BELL-LLOCH | 30 m (Gerona) | J. J. Pérez coll. | Back: 7/8/1980] [Paratipus] [P. aspersa RBR ♀ | ssp. catalana LAEVER | 1980 | (paratipo)] [73-2473 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2474, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [Front: BELL-LLOCH | 30 m (Gerona) | J. J. Pérez coll. | Back: 7/VIII/1980] [P. aspersa RBR ♀ | ssp. catalana LAEVER | (paratipo) 1980] [Paratipus] [73-2474 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2475, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [Front: BELL-LLOCH | 30. m (Gerona) | J. J. Pérez coll. | Back: 7/8/1980] [P. aspersa RBR | ssp. catalana LAEV. | ER, 1980 (paratipo)] [Paratipus] [73-2475 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2476, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Llorà (Finestres) | 3-VIII-1980 | DE-GREGORIO (LEG.)] [Paratipus] [P. aspersa RBR ♀ | ssp. catalana Laever | 1980 | (paratipo)] [73-2476 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2477, 1 ♀ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Susqueda (Guillaries) | 2-8-1980 | DE-GREGORIO (LEG.)] [P. aspersa RBR | ssp. catalana LAEV. | (paratipo) 1980] [Paratipus] [73-2477 | MZB].
Paratype MZB 73-2478, 1 ♂ Labelled as: [CATALUNYA | Queralbs | 12-VII-1980 | DE-GREGORIO (LEG.)] [P. aspersa RBR | ssp. catalana LAEVER | (paratipo) 1980] [Paratipus] [73-2478 | MZB].
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.

Subfamily Noctuinae Latreille, 1809
Tribe Agrotini Harris, 1841
Subtribe Agrotina Harris, 1841

Agrotis constanti schawerdae Agenjo, 1941
Current status: Dichagyris (Dichagyris) constanti (Millière, 1860)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: ♂ de Madrid, Cercedilla, Estación Alpina, 1500 m, IX-1933 (J. Hernández leg.). Alotipo: ♀ adelfotípica. Paratipos: 13 ♂♂ y 2 ♀♀; 9 ♂♂ adelfotípicos; 1 ♂ topotípico, 22-IX-1924 (F. Bonet leg.); 1 ♂ topotípico, IX-1927 (C. Bolívar leg.); 1 ♂ topotipico, IX-1929 (M. Zarco leg.); 1 ♂ topotípico, IX-1932 (J. Hernández leg.); El Escorial, 1.200 m, 1, ♀, IX-1922 (F. Escalera leg.). En la colección de Lepidópteros de España del Instituto Español de Entomología» (Agenjo, 1941b: 296).
Localities of type material in MCNB:  «Spain: Madrid, Cercedilla, Estación Alpina».
Holotype depositary: MNCN.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-4358, 1♂ Labelled as: [73-4358 | MZB] [Cercedilla 1.500 m | Estación Alpina | IX – 1929 – M. Zarco] [R. constanti | schawerdae | Paratipo 12].
Remarks: Ramon Agenjo donated this paratype to the MCNB.
References: Vives-Moreno, 2014.


After the revision and documentation of the collection of type material, certain specimens that should be in Sagarra’s collection –described as deposited in the Museum’s collection in original publications– were found to be missing. Searching for them in the general collection of Lepidoptera is the next step. A review of material lent to other museums and institutions in the past that has not yet been returned must also be undertaken.

Melitaea cinxia pseudoclarisa Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ del Figaró, 9-V-1916; Sagarra leg. i una ♀ de Tagamanent, 29-VI-1918; Rosset leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona]».The female specimen is missing. (Sagarra, 1931: 114).

Coenonympha arcania clorinda Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Coenonympha arcania (Linnaeus, 1760)
Original type material citation: «Tipus de Orihuela del Tremedal, 6,7-VI-24 (en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona) Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 199).

Pyronia tithonus infrafulva Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Pyronia tithonus (Linnaeus, 1771)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ de Llinàs, 16-VII-1925 i una ♀ de la mateixa localitat, 8-VIII-1925; Querci leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 112).

Hyponephele lupina celtibera Sagarra, 1924
Current status: Hyponephele lupina mauritanica (Oberthür, 1881)
Original type material citation: «Tipus d’Albarracín (Aragó), 1100 m., 11-VII-24
[en la col·lecció del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona] Querci leg.» (Sagarra, 1924b: 198).

Limenitis camilla garrigai Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Limenitis camilla  (Linnaeus, 1764)
Original type material citation: «Tipus: un ♂ i una ♀ de Sant Pere de Vilamajor, 20 i 18-VIII-1921 (respectivament). Sagarra leg. [en la col·lecció del Museu de Catalunya-Barcelona]» (Sagarra, 1931: 113).

Although in the original publications the following specimens are not stated as having been deposited in the MCNB, they are almost certainly in Sagarra’s collection given that they were described by him.

Scolitantides baton albonotata Sagarra, 1926
Current status: Scolitantides (Pseudophilotes)baton (Bergsträsser, 1779)

Glaucopsyche cyllarus melconi Sagarra, 1931
Current status: Glaucopsyche alexis (Poda, 1761)

Colias croceus ab. helicoides Sagarra, 1924c
Current status: Colias crocea (Geoffroy, 1785 in Fourcroy)

Thestor ballus ab. flavescens Sagarra 1924c
Current status: Tomares ballus (Fabricius, 1787)

Melanargia russiae centralis Sagarra, 1925a
Current status: Melanargia (Melanargia) russiae cleanthe (Boisduval, [1833] 1832))

Melanargia russiae peninsulae
Current status: Melanargia (Melanargia) russiae cleanthe (Boisduval, [1833] 1832))

Limenitis rivularis ab. senensis Navás, 1925
Current status: Limenitis reducta herculana Stichel, 1907 in Seitz)


We are grateful to Emma Asensio, Azucena Bernà, and María José Saura, for their help in the bibliographical search. Many thanks are also due to Amador Viñolas and Josep Muñoz Batet for their final review of the manuscript. Thanks also to Carles Puché, the scientific illustrator that draws Melitaea ignasiti. We would like to thank Sergi Gago and Neus Brañas for their hard work on the long process of type documentation and Miguel Angel Alonso Zarazaga for his invaluable help and patience in answering so many queries about taxonomy and systematics. Thanks to Montse Ferrer for her patience and dedication while editing the manuscript. This project was funded by the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona.


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