Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volum 15 (2017) Pàgines: 30-92
The collection of type specimens belonging to the subfamily Pimeliinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain
Viñolas, A., Caballero-López, B., Masó, G.
Viñolas, A., Caballero-López, B., Masó, G., 2017. The collection of type specimens belonging to the subfamily Pimeliinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain. Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 15: 30-92, DOI:
Data de recepció:
- 28/03/2017
Data d'acceptació:
- 30/03/2017
Data de publicació:
- 17/04/2017
- 2578
- 476
The collection of type specimens belonging to the subfamily Pimeliinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain
The type collection of the subfamily Pimeliinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain, was organised, revised and documented. The collection contains 438 type specimens representing 140 different taxa. Of note is a considerable number of species belonging to a subfamily described by Francesc Español, Maurice Antoine, Zoltán Kaszab and Carlo Koch. In this paper we provide all the available information relating to these type specimens and for all taxa (species or subspecies) we give the following information: original and current taxonomic status, original citation of type material, the exact transcription of the original label, and the pres-ervation condition of the specimen. We also discuss the differences between the original descriptions and labels. If a taxonomic change has occurred, the references describing those changes are included at the end of the description.
Key words: Collection type, Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Pimeliinae subfamily, Taxonomic revision
Colección de ejemplares tipo de la subfamilia Pimeliinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona, España
Se ha organizado, revisado y documentado la colección de especímenes tipo de la subfamilia Pimeliinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona. La colección está constituida por 438 ejemplares tipo, con un total de 140 taxones. Debe destacarse la presencia de un gran número de especies de la subfamilia descritas por Francesc Español, Maurice Antoine, Zoltán Kaszab y Carlo Koch. En este trabajo se facilita toda la información disponible relacionada con los especímenes tipo. Así para cualquier taxón, especie o subespecie, se incluye la siguiente información: la situación taxonómica original y la actual, la cita original del material tipo, la transcripción exacta de las etiquetas originales y el estado de conservación de los ejemplares. Además, se comentan las diferencias existentes entre la descripción original y la etiqueta. Cuando se han producido cambios taxonómicos en la especie, en el apartado de referencias se incluye la bibliografía correspondiente.
Palabras clave: Colección de ejemplares tipo, Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Subfamilia Pimeliinae, Revisión taxonómica
Col·lecció d’exemplars tipus de la subfamília Pimeliinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Espanya
S’ha organitzat, revisat i documentat la col·lecció d’espècimens tipus de la subfamília Pimeliinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. La coŀlecció està constituïda per 438 exemplars tipus, amb un total de 140 tàxons. Hi destaca la presència d’un gran nombre d’espècies de la subfamília descrites per Francesc Español, Maurice Antoine, Zoltán Kaszab i Carlo Koch. En aquest treball es facilita tota la informació disponible relacionada amb els espècimens tipus, incloent-hi per a cada taxó, espècie o subespècie la situació taxonòmica original i l’actual, la citació original del material tipus, la transcripció exacta de les etiquetes originals i l’estat de conservació dels exemplars. A més a més, es comenten les diferències existents entre la descripció original i l’etiqueta. Quan s’han produït canvis taxonòmics en l’espècie, s’inclou la bibliografia corresponent a l’apartat de referències.
Paraules clau: Col·lecció d’exemplars tipus, Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Subfamília Pimeliinae, Revisió taxonòmica
The arthropod collections in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Catalonia, Spain, house over 1.9 million specimens of arthropods, of which almost half are beetles (Coleoptera, Hexapoda). A dec-ade ago we began to study the type specimens as part of an on-going effort to publish the types of all of the MCNB arthropod collection. The first collections to be revised were: Ptinidae (Coleoptera): 8,854 specimens and 498 taxa (Viñolas & Masó, 2013); Carabidae (Coleoptera): 431 specimens and 156 taxa (Viñolas & Masó, 2014); Dytiscidae, Histeridae, Hydraenidae and Staphylinidae (Coleoptera): 130 specimens and 66 taxa (Viñolas et al., 2014); and the superfamilies Scarabaeoidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea, Elateroidea, Cleroidea, Cucujoidea, Tenebrionoidea (except Tenebrionidae), Chrysomeloidea and Curculionoidea (Coleoptera): 533 specimens and 170 taxa (Viñolas et al., 2016a).
Here we discuss a fifth group, the subfamily Pimeliinae (Tenebrionidae), containing 438 specimens and 140 taxa. Due to the large number of taxa it includes, the Tenebrionidae family was divided into subfamilies that will be discussed in this and future notes. The collection consists mainly of species described by specialists in this family, including Maurice Antoine, Paul Ardoin, Francesc Español, Heinz Freude, Zoltán Kaszab, Carlo Koch, Hans Kulzer, Mary-Louise Penrith and Franklin Pierre. The identification of further type specimens is the result of research carried out by a number of the Museum’s collaborators, including Rafael Obregón, Pere Oromí, Juan José López Pérez, Antonio Verdugo and Amador Viñolas. Many older species had no designated holotype or lectotype and so, if not previously designated, a syntype was chosen. The depository Museum or institution of the typical series has now been indicated.
The collection of the subfamily Pimeliinae (Tenebrionidae) was reorganised during this revision. Registration numbers were added to all dried specimens. The type specimens database was updated and will soon be available in GBIF.
Each type specimen included in this revision is described using all available information regarding both its original and current taxonomic status. If any taxonomic change has occurred, a brief discussion is included. The references that discuss these changes are included in the Bibliography. The systematics of Bouchard et al. (2011) is followed at suprageneric level and modern revisions have been consulted for each taxonomic group.
The following information was examined and included for each taxon with type specimens in the Museum’s collection:
- Original status: original taxonomic status
- Present status: only if it has changed
- Original type material citation: the literal transcription of the material type as given in the original publication is placed in guillemets « »
- Localities of type material in MCNB: localities of type specimens deposited in the collection with current toponyms
- Holotype depositary: the private or institutional collection in which the holotype is deposited, given in parentheses (—) if unknown
- Type material: all the data on the label are quoted unless illegible ([?]); sex of each specimen, given in parentheses (—) if unknown; square brackets [ ] indicate the beginning and the end of the label, vertical bars are used to indicate the end of a line (|), a space is used between labels (] [) and a full stop between mounts (.). Additional information is added in parentheses: extracted aedeagus, separate abdomen, and comments about the preservation status of the specimen
- Remarks: discrepancies between the original description and the specimen labels are mentioned herein. Other specific considerations may also be included
- References: when a taxonomic change has occurred, the references that discuss these changes are listed.
Acronyms of institutional and private collections mentioned in the text: Institutional collections
- HNHM. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary
- MCSNT. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Torino, Italy
- MCNB. Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Spain
- MCNT. Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Tenerife, Spain
- MGFM. Museum G. Frey, München, Germany
- MNB. Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
- MNHN. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
- MRACT. Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium
- MZB. (Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona) Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Spain
- NMNH. National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), Washington, United States of America
- SAM. South Africa Museum, Cape Town, South Africa
- SM. State Museum, Windhoek, Namibia
- SMNH. Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
- TM. Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, South Africa
- WH. Wikhen Hassenteufel, Absam, Germany (Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck. Germany)
- ZSM. Zoologischen Staatssammlung München, München, Germany.
Private collections
- AC. Antonio Cobos (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid, Spain).
- AV. Amador Viñolas, Barcelona, Spain
- DLU. Daniel Luis Uyttenboogaart, Heemstede, Netherlands
- JJLP. Juan José López Pérez, Huelva, Spain
- JK. Johann Friedrich Klapperich (Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany)
- JM. Joaquim Mateu, Barcelona, Spain
- HJB. Hans-Joachim Bremer, Osnabrück, Germany
- PO. Pedro Oromí, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
List of type specimens belonging to the subfamily Pimeliinae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona
Family Tenebrionidae Latreille, 1802
Subfamily Pimeliinae Latreille, 1802
Tribe Adelostomini Solier, 1834
Lepidochora diaphana Koch, 1950
Lepidochora discoidalis Gebien, 1938
Lepidochora pilosa Koch, 1950
Phytolostoma limpopoana Koch, 1952
Pogonobasis rhodesiana Hesse, 1935
Prunaspila transvaalensis Koch, 1952
Stips costata grandis Koch, 1952
Stipsostoma holgatensis Koch, 1952
Tribe Adesmiini Lacordaire, 1859
Adesmia (Adesmia) jugalis kabuliensis Kaszab, 1959
Adesmia (Macradesmia) servillei provincialis Kaszab, 1959
Adesmia (Oterocelis) audouini kandaharica Kaszab, 1959
Adesmia(Oterocelis) sodalis laghmanica Kaszab, 1959
Adesmia (Physosterna) armatipes (Koch, 1951)
Epiphysa latisterna Koch, 1951
Metriopus (Metriopus) kunenensis karakul Koch, 1952
Onymacris bicolor marshalli Koch, 1952
Onymacris plana debilis Koch, 1951
Physadesmia bullata fortipes (Koch, 1950)
Stenocara (Arenacara) desertica Koch, 1952
Stenocara (Cauricara) phalangium rufofemorata Koch, 1951
Stenocara (Stenocara) gracilipes bechuanica Koch, 1950
Stenocara (Stenocara) gracilipes richtersveraca Koch, 1950
Tribe Akidini Billberg, 1820
Akis bremeri Ardoin, 1979
Akis nevadensis Español, 1954
Akis saltesiana López Pérez, 2010
Solskya schmidi Español, 1961
Tribe Asidini Fleming, 1821
Alphasida (Alphasida) subbaetica Obregón & Verdugo, 2012
Asida (Asida) planipennis cabrerensis Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005
Asida (Globasida) curvatipennis mateui Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005
Asida (Planasida) cossyphoides Antoine, 1951
Asida (Planasida) lauzannei arribasi Cobos, 1961
Asida (Planasida) mater gasulli Español, 1951
Asida (Planasida) mater josefinae Español, 1951
Asida (Planasida) pygmaea lencinai Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005
Asida (Planasida) pygmaea suarezi Cobos, 1988
Asida (Planasida) ricoi cobosi Viñolas, 1989
Asida (Planasida) zaida elegans Cobos, 1988
Glabrasida (Glabrasida) bonacherai Español, 1958
Glabrasida (Glabrasida) ibicensis medae Español, 1940
Glabrasida (Glabrasida) ibicensis ovalaris Escalera, 1925
Glabrasida (Glabrasida) vinalopensis Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005
Tribe Cryptochilini Solier, 1841
Subtribe Calognathina Lacordaire, 1859
Calognathus chevrolatii eberlanzi Koch, 1950
Subtribe Crytochilina Solier, 1841
Pachynotelus dimorphusKoch, 1952
Subtribe Vansoniina Koch, 1955
Vansonium bushmanicum Koch, 1950
Tribe Epitragini Blanchard, 1845
Epitragopsis cobosi Freude, 1968
Epitragosis batesi bothrotiformis Freude, 1968
Epitragus aurulentus sallaeoides Freude, 1967
Epitragus freyi Freude, 1967
Hemasodes cartwrighti Freude, 1967
Hemasodes eisentrauti Freude, 1967
Hemasodes minutus hassenteufeli Freude, 1967
Namibismus castaneus Koch, 1952
Omopheres espanoli Freude, 1967
Tribe Erodiini Billberg, 1820
Arthrodeis (Apentanes) oblongior Escalera, 1914
Arthrodeis (Arthrodeis) globulosus Escalera, 1922
Arthrodeis (Arthrodeis) densepunctatus Escalera, 1914
Arthrodeis (Arthrodinus) obesus gomerensis Oromí, 1977
Arthrodosis afghanicus Kaszab, 1959
Arthrodosis costatus Kaszab, 1959
Erodius (Dirosis) nanus Vauloger de Beaupré, 1897
Erodius (Erodius) carinatus mendizabali Koch, 1944
Tribe Nycteliini Solier, 1834
Nyctelia latiplicata Kulzer, 1963
Tribe Pimeliini Latreille, 1802
Afghanopachys freyi freyi (Kaszab, 1960)
Diesia sexdentata vachshiana Skopin, 1960
Parabigopsis peyerimhoffi Español, 1946
Pimelia (Homalopus) cordata zarcoi Español, 1943
Pimelia (Pimelia) ardoini Pierre, 1982
Pimelia (Pimelia) fernandezlopezi Machado, 1979
Pimelia (Pimelia) goryi cassolai Ardoin, 1973
Pimelia (Pimelia) payraudi punctatorugosa var. oristanensis Ardoin, 1973
Pimelia (Pimelia) payraudi subalpina Ardoin, 1973
Pimelia (Pimelia) tricostata kandaharica Kaszab, 1960
Pimelipachys laevicollis mesophilus (Skopin, 1960)
Stalagmoptera staudingeri badakschanica Kaszab, 1960
Tribe Platyscelidini Lacordaire, 1859
Bioramix (Bioramix) espanoli Kaszab, 1961
Bioramix (Bioramix) klapperichi Kaszab, 1960
Bioramix (Bioramix) stoeckleini Kaszab, 1960
Bioramix (Cardiobioramis) haafi (Kaszab, 1960)
Bioramix (Platynoscelis) gracilipenis (Kaszab, 1960)
Bioramix (Platynoscelis) scheerpeltzi (Kaszab, 1960)
Bioramix (Trichoplatyscelis) badakschanica (Kaszab, 1960)
Tribe Praociini Eschscholtz, 1829
Praocis (Praocida) montana Kulzer, 1958
Tribe Sepidiini Eschscholtz, 1829
Subtribe Phanerotomeina Koch, 1958
Phanerotoma ferreirae Koch, 1952
Subtribu Oxurina Koch, 1955
Synhimba pruinosum Koch, 1952
Subtribe Trachynotina Koch, 1955
Somaticus (Ceromelaephus) strangulatus arborarius Koch, 1955
Trachynotus braunsi (Koch, 1955)
Trachynotus omercooperi (Koch, 1952)
Trachynotus planatus drukeri (Koch, 1955)
Tribe Tentyriini Eschscholtz, 1831
Afrinus (Gynandrocera) namaquanus Koch, 1950
Ascelosodis schmidi Kaszab, 1965
Cimipsa zarcoi Español, 1944
Cyphostethe (Cyphostethoides) saharensis (Chobaut, 1897)
Freudeia nepalica Kaszab, 1961
Gnathosia klapperichi Kaszab, 1959
Imatismus senegalensis ennediensis (Español, 1973)
Hegeter (Homapipleurus) politus malleatus (Uyttenboogaart, 1937)
Micipsa (Cirsa) instriata Pic, 1922
Oxycara richardi Alluad, 1936
Pachychila (Pachychila) punctata mamorensis Antoine, 1942
Pachychila (Tentyromorpha) mairei Antoine, 1926
Pachychila (Tentyromorpha) gattefossei Antoine, 1933
Paracirta peyerimhoffi peyerimhoffi Español, 1944
Sphenaria pierrei Peyerimhoff, 1949
Syachis marussii Gridelli, 1957
Syachis klapperichi Kaszab, 1959
Tentyria (Subtentyrina) ligurica confusa Ardoin, 1973
Tentyria (Subtentyrina) ligurica pseudorugosa Ardoin, 1973
Tentyria (Subtentyrina) maroccana beidensis Antoine, 1926
Tentyria (Subtentyrina) ophisuae Codina, 1918
Thalpobia abbreviata ennediensis (Girard, 1967)
Thalpobia meridionalis clermonti Español, 1946
Thalpobia zemensis Antoine, 1946
Tribe Stenosini Schaum, 1859 (1834)
Dichillus (Dichillinus) afghanicus klapperichi Kaszab, 1960
Dichillus (Dichillinus) schmidi Kaszab, 1961
Dichillus (Dichillomessor) piffli Kaszab, 1961
Pseudetha afghanicus Kaszab, 1960
Stenosis cobosi Español, 1958
Stenosis fallaciosa Ferrer & Murria Beltrán, 2009
Stenosis figuerasi Español, 1958
Stenosis olcesii jacentipilis Antoine, 1949
Stenosis olcesii errans Antoine, 1949
Stenosis mendizabali Español, 1960
Stenosis mogadorica Antoine, 1936
Stenosis oteroi Español, 1981
Stenosis otini Antoine, 1948
Stenosis pardoi (Español, 1967)
Stenosis sanctaehelenae Ardoin, 1972
Stenosis schrammi Antoine, 1933
Stenosis villosa andalusiaca Español, 1958
Stenosis zarcoi Español, 1947
Zophosis (Dactylocalcar) inflata (Penrith, 1974)
Zophosis (Gyrosis) ornatipennis Penrith, 1977
Zophosis (Septentriophosis) afghanica Kaszab, 1959
Zophosis (Septentriophosis) lethierryi Deyrolle, 1867
Zophosis (Zophosis) omnigena Penrith, 1977
Zophosis (s.l.) joliveti Pierre, 1967
Zophosis (s.l.) longula ghazalensis Pierre, 1967
Zophosis (s.l.) longula marrensis Pierre, 1967
Family Tenebrionidae Latreille, 1802
Subfamily Pimeliinae Latreille, 1802
Tribe Adelostomini Solier, 1834
Lepidochora diaphana Koch, 1950
Original status: Lepidochora diaphana Koch, 1950: 35
Original type material citation: «LOCALITY. Southern Namib, shifting sand dunes east of Bogenfels, 1 Dec. 1948 (38 specimens, holotype and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and Science Museum of California Academy of Sciences).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Bogenfels»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5699, —. Labelled as: [Bogenfels, S. | Nabid, 1-XII- | 48. Koch/Son] [PARATYPE | Lepidochora | diaphana | C. Koch, 1949] [Univ. Calif. | Transv. Mus. | Afr. Exped.] [Transvaal | Museum] [73-5699 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Lepidochora discoidalis Gebien, 1938
Original status: Lepidochora discoidalis Gebien, 1938: 75
Original type material citation: «Von demselben Fundort wie die vorige Art, auch von Eberlanz gesammelt. 26 exemplaren in denselben Sammlungen.» Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Lüderitz»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-5700, —. Labelled as: [50 km radius fr | Luederitz, Namib | F. Eberlanz] [Transvaal | Museum] [PARA | TYPUS |Lepidochora | discoidalis | Gebien | exam. C. Koch] [73-5700 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Lepidochora pilosa Koch, 1950
Original status: Lepidochora pilosa Koch, 1950: 348
Original type material citation: «LOCALITY. Southern Namib, shifting sand dunes south-east of Bogenfel-, I Dec. I948 (74 specimens, holotype and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and Science Museum of California Academy of Sciences). Three further paratypical specimens, labelled ‘Namib, leg. F. Eberlanz’ are preserved in the Town of Luederitzbucht, and coming from the typical series, upon which Gebien, I938, based his description of discoidalis.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Bogenfels»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5701, —. Labelled as: [Bogenfels, S. | Namib, 1-XII- | 48. Koch/Son] [Univ. Calif. | Transv. Mus. | Afr. Exped.] [PARATYPUS | Lepidochora | pilosa | C. Koch, 1949] [Transvaal | Museum] [73-5701 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Phytolostoma limpopoana Koch, 1952
Original status: Phytolostoma limpopoana Koch, 1952d: 110
Original type material citation: «localites: Northern Transvaal, Zoutpansberg district: Salt Pan, 27 July 1949, leg. University California-Transvaal Museum Expedition (29 spec., holo- and allotype, paratypes in T. M.); Futie, 1 August 1949, leg. University California-Transvaal Museum Expedition (53 spec., paratypes in T. M., C. A. Sc. and B. C. M.); Vivo. 7 April 1950, leg. G. van Son (87 paratypes in T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Limpopo Province (Vivo)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6225, —. Labelled as: [VIVO | N. TRANSVAAL | 7 APRIL 1950 | S. VAN SON] [PARA | TYPUS | Phytolostoma | limpopoana | 1950 C. KOCH] [73-6225 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6226, —. Labelled as: [VIVO | N. TRANSVAAL | 7 APRIL 1950 | S. VAN SON] [PARA | TYPUS | Phytolostoma | limpopoana | 1950 C. KOCH] [73-6226 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Pogonobasis rhodesiana Hesse, 1935
Original status: Pogonobasis rhodesiana Hesse, 1935: 536
Original type material citation: «Loc. Figtree, Southern Rhodesia, 3.viii.30 (♀ type, ♂ allotype and paratypes). Also paratypes from: Matengwe River, 4.viii.30; Insiza, Southern Rhodesia (French), South African Museum; Sebakwe, Sothern Rhodesia (Dodds), South African Museum; Umtali, Southern Rhodesia (Bodong), South African Museum.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Zimbabwe: Figtree»
Holotype depositary: SAM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5250, ♀. Labelled as: [V.-L. Kal. Exp. | Figtree S. Rh. | 3/8/1930] [Pogonobasis | rhodesiana | ♀ Hesse | Paratype] [73-5250 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Prunaspila transvaalensis Koch, 1952
Original status: Prunaspila transvaalensis Koch, 1952d: 87
Original type material citation: «localities: Northern Transvaal: Grcotdraai, Oliphants River (Kruger National Park), October 1927, leg. H. Lang (8 spec., holotype, sex not determined, in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and B. C. M.); Illanganine River (Kruger National Park), September 1932, leg. H. Lang (7 paratypes in T.M.); Letaba (Kruger National Park), 20 September 1932 (5 paratypes, T. M.); Sokolumi (Kruger National Park), 1932, leg. H. Lang (2 paratypes, T. M.); Pundamaria (Kruger National Park), November 1932, leg H. Lang (1 paratype, T. M.); Zoutpansber district, 6 July 1917, leg. H.A. Breyer (8 paratypes, T. M.); Lydenburg district, 1896, leg. P. A. Krantz (7 paratypes, T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sout Africa: Kruger National Park (Letaba)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5711, —. Labelled as: [Letaba Restkemp | Kruger N. Park | 20Sept-32 | H. Lanq.] [PARA | TYPUS | Prunaspila | transvaalensis | 1950 C. KOCH] [73-5711 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Stips costata grandis Koch, 1952
Original status: Stips costata grandis Koch, 1952d: 113
Original type material citation: «localities: Little Namaqualand: 12 miles before Klaver on the road from Clanwilliam, 12 Novembre 1948, leg. University California-Transvaal Museum Expedition (140 spec., holo- and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M., C.A.Sc. and B. C. M.); Vredental, 30 July 1927, leg. G. van Son (1 paratype, T. M.); Van Rhynsdorp, July to August 1927, leg. G. van Son (9 spec., T. M.); Clanwillian, Setember 1928, leg. H. Brauns (4 spec., T. M.); Buffels River near Grootmist, 21 September 1948, leg. University California-Transvaal Museum Expedition (14 spec., T. M.); Wolfberg, 19 November 1948, leg. University California-Transvaal Museum Expedition (2 spec., T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Western Cape (Vanrhynsdorp District (Klaver))»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6222, —. Labelled as: [12 m. before | Klaver, 12-XI-48 | C.P. Koch/v. Son] [Univ. Calif. | Transv. Mus. | Afr. Exped.] [PARA | TYPUS | Stips costata | ssp. grandis | 1950 C. KOCH] [73-6222 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Stipsostoma holgatensis Koch, 1952
Original status: Stipsostoma holgatensis Koch, 1952d: 108
Original type material citation: «Localities: Little Namaqualand: Holgat, 23 November 1948, leg. University California-Transvaal Museum Expedition (52 spec. holo- and allotype in T. M., C. A. Sc. and BCM.); same locality, September 1949, leg. C. Koch (109 paratypes in T. M.); same locality, 2 September 1950, leg. C. Koch and G. van Son (44 paratypes in T. M.); Richtersveld: Kuboos, September 1949, leg. C. Koch (1 paratype in T. M.); Heels Kloof, 8 September 1950, leg. C. Koch (1 paratype in T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Northern Cape (Holgat)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6223, —. Labelled as: [Holgat, NW | C.P. 23-XI-48 | Koch & V. Son] [PARA | TYPUS | Stipsostoma | holgatensis | 1950 C. KOCH] [73-6223 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6224, —. Labelled as: [Holgat, NW | C.P. 23-XI-48 | Koch & V. Son] [PARA | TYPUS | Stipsostoma | holgatensis | 1950 C. KOCH] [73-6224 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Tribe Adesmiini Lacordaire, 1859
Adesmia (Adesmia) jugalis kabuliensis Kaszab, 1959
Original status: Adesmia (Adesmia) jugalis kabuliensis Kaszab, 1959: 400
Present status: Adesmia (Adesmia) jugalis kabuliensis Kaszab, 1959 (= Adesmia (Adesmia) jugalis conveniensis Bogatchev, 1941)
Original type material citation: «347 Exemplare, Afghanistan: Umgebung von Kabul, 1740 m, 4., 14.V., 21., 24.VI., 10., 17., 19., 21.VII.1952, J. Klapperich; Durufulun bei Kabul, 1800 m, 9.VI.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Environs of Kabul»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9440, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Umgeb. v. Kabul | 1740 m, 17.9.52 | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia jugalis | kabuliensis m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9440 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9441, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Umgeb. v. Kabul | 1740 m, 17.9.52 | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia jugalis | kabuliensis m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9441 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9442, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Umgeb. v. Kabul | 1740 m, 17.9.52 | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia jugalis | kabuliensis m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9442 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9443, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Umgeb. v. Kabul | 1740 m, 17.9.52 | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia jugalis | kabuliensis m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9443 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9444, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Durufulun b. Kabul | 1800 m, 17.6.53 | Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia jugalis | kabuliensis m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9444 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al. 2008 (present status).
Adesmia (Macradesmia) servillei provincialis Kaszab, 1959
Original status: Adesmia (Macradesmia) servillei provincialis Kaszab, 1959: 399
Original type material citation: «205 exemplare, Afghanistan-Kuna, 950 m, 12., 18., 20., 22., 28.I., 7., 15., 17., 21., 26., II., 6.III.1953; 1200 m, 1.III.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ un Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Kuna»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9436, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar – Kuna | 1200 m, 1.3.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia Fagergr. | provincialis m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9436 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9437, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar – Kuna | 950 m, 17.2.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia Fagergr. | provincialis m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9437 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9438, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar – Kuna | 950 m, 17.2.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia Fagergr. | provincialis m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9438 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9439, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar – Kuna | 950 m, 17.2.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia Fagergr. | provincialis m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9439 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Adesmia (Oterocelis) audouini kandaharica Kaszab, 195
Original status: Adesmia (Oterocelis) audouini kandaharica Kaszab, 1959: 397
Original type material citation: «142 exemplare, Afghanistan: Kandahar, 950 m, 12.I.1953, J. Klapperich, Kandahar-Kuna, 950 m, 18., I., 17., 21., 26.II.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Kandahar»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9433, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar – Kuna | 950 m, 18.1.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia audouini | kandaharica m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9433 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9434, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar – Kuna | 950 m, 18.1.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia audouini | kandaharica m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9434 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9435, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar, 950 m, 12.1.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia audouini | kandaharica m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9435 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Adesmia (Oterocelis) sodalis laghmanica Kaszab, 195
Original status: Adesmia (Oterocelis)sodalis laghmanica Kaszab, 1959: 396
Original type material citation: «56 exemplare, Afghanistan: Laghman am Kabul, 500 m, 31.III.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Laghman»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material
Paratype MZB 73-9432, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Umgeb. Laghman |a. Kabul, 500 m | 31.3.53 | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Adesmia sodalis | laghmanica m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9432 | MZB
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Adesmia (Physosterna) armatipes (Koch, 1951)
Original status: Physosterna armatipes Koch, 1951: 388
Present status: Adesmia (Physosterna) armatipes (Koch, 1951)
Original type material citation: «LOCALITIES. Northern Little Namaqualand: Buffels River near Grootmist, 21 Nov. 1948, leg. Univ. Calif.-Transv. Mus. Exped. (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, holo- and allotype, and paratype in T. M.); Soebatsfontein, 17 Nov. 1948, leg. Univ. Calif.-Transv. Mus. Exped. (3 paratypes in T. M.); between Soebatsfontein and Springbok, 17 Nov. 1948, leg. Univ. Calif.-Transv. Mus. Exped. (1 paratype in T. M.); Oograbies, 30 Aug. 1950, leg. C. Koch and G. van Son (12 paratypes, T. M.). Richtersveld: Kuboos, 19 Nov. 1933, leg. G. van Son (9 paratypes, T. M.); Lekkersing, Mar. 1935, leg. Mus. staff, and 17 Nov. 1933, leg. G. van Son (102 paratypes in S. A. M., T. M., B. C. M. and M. C. A. Sc.); Klipfontein, 19II, leg. C. L. L. Bideu, Nov. 1885, leg. L. Peringuey, Aug. 1890, leg. L. Peringuey (7 paratypes in Agric. Res. Inst., Pretoria, and S. A. M.); Brakfontein, 16 Nov. 1933, leg. G. van Son (II paratypes, T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Northen Cape (Lekkersing)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5690, —. Labelled as: [LEKKERSING | 17.11.1933.| G. van Son.] [PARA | TYPUS | Physosterna | armatipes | 1950 C. KOCH] [73-5690 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5691, —. Labelled as: [LEKKERSING | 17.11.1933.| G. van Son.] [PARA | TYPUS | Physosterna | armatipes | 1950 C. KOCH] [73-5691 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Penrith, 1986a (present status).
Epiphysa latisterna Koch, 1951
Original status: Epiphysa latisterna Koch, 1951: 413
Original type material citation: «LOCALITIES. Northern Little Namaqualand: Brandkaross, 9 Sept. 1950, leg. C. Koch and G. van Son (82 spec., holotype, sex not determined, in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and B. C. M.); Grootderm, east of Alexander Bay, II Dec. 1948, leg. Univ. Calif.-Transv. Mus. Exped. (3 paratypes, M. C. A. Sc.); Richtersveld: Kuboos, 19 Nov. 1933, leg. G. van Son (3 paratypes, T. M.), 21 Nov. 1949, leg. C. Koch (2 paratypes, T. M.); Anisfontein, 22 Nov. 1949. leg. C. Koch (2 paratypes, T. M.); between Anisfontein and Guskop, 22 Nov. 1949, leg. C. Koch (1 paratype, T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Richtersveld»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-4003, —. Labelled as: [Brandkaross. Rich- | tersveld, 9.IX.50 | C.Koch, G.van Son] [PARA | TYPUS | Epiphysa | latisterna | 1951 C. KOCH] [72-4003 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Metriopus (Metriopus) kunenensis karakul Koch, 1952
Original status: Metriopus kunenensis karakul Koch, 1952a: 183
Present status: Metriopus (Metriopus) kunenensis karakul Koch, 1952
Original type material citation: «LOCALITY. Southern Angola: Karakul, Sept. 1951, leg. Peabody Harvard Exped. (57 spec., holotype and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and C. M. Z.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Kunene Region»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5693, —. Labelled as: [Karakul | S. Angola | IX 1951 | C. Koch] [para | type | KARAKUL | kOCH] [Metriopus | kunenensis | karakul | Koch | DET. C. KOCH] [73-5693 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Penrith, 1986a (present status).
Onymacris bicolor marshalli Koch, 1952
Original status: Onymacris bicolor marshalli Koch, 1952a: 167
Original type material citation: «LOCALITY. Southern Angola: Port Alexandre, Sept. 1951, leg. Peabody Harvard Exped. (77 spec., holotype and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and C. M. Z.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Angola: Porto Alexandre»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-4001, —. Labelled as: [Port Alexandre | S. Angola, Sept. | 1951 C. Koch] [PARA | TYPE | marshalli | Koch] [Onymacris | bicolor s. | marshalli | Koch | DET. C. KOCH] [72-4001 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Onymacris plana debilis Koch, 195
Original status: Onymacris plana debilis Koch, 1951: 39
Original type material citation: «LOCALITY. Southern Great Namaqualand: some miles east of Orangemund, 5 Nov. 1949, leg. C. Koch (48 spec., holo- and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and in B. C. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Orangemund»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5695, —. Labelled as: [Orangemund | Namib, 5.XI. | 1949. C. Koch] [PARA | TYPUS |Onymacris plana | subsp. debilis | 1950 C. Koch] [73-5695 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5696, —. Labelled as: [Orangemund | Namib, 5.XI. | 1949. C. Koch] [PARA | TYPUS |Onymacris plana | subsp. debilis | 1950 C. Koch] [73-5696 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Physadesmia bullata fortipes (Koch, 1950)
Original status: Physosterna bullata fortipes Koch, 1950: ?
Present status: Physadesmia bullata fortipes (Koch, 1950)
Original type material citation: «not available»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «—»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-4008, —. Labelled as: [unreadable | VIII-1927 | Dr. Brauns] [PARA | TYPUS | Physosterna | bullata ssp. for- | tipes | 1950 C. KOCH] [72-4008 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Stenocara (Arenacara) desertica Koch, 1952
Original status: Stenocara desertica Koch, 1952a: 168
Present status: Stenocara (Arenacara) desertica Koch, 1952
Original type material citation: «LOCALITY. Southern Angola: Port Alexandre, Sept. 1951, leg. Peabody Harvard Exped. (89 spec., holotype and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and C. M. Z.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Angola: Namibe (Tômbwa)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5693, —. Labelled as: [Port Alexandre | S. Angola, Sept. | 1951 C. Koch] [PARA | TYPE | desertica | Koch] [Stenocara | desertica | Koch | DET. C. KOCH] [73-5693 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Penrith, 1986a (present status).
Stenocara (Cauricara) phalangium rufofemorata Koch, 1951
Original status: Stenocara phalangium rufofemorata Koch, 1951: 394
Present status: Stenocara (Cauricara) phalangium rufofemorata Koch, 1951
Original type material citation: «great Namaqualand: Namtib, 70 miles north-west of Aus, 26 Sept. 1950, leg. C. Koch and G. van Son (110 spec., holo- and allotype, paratypes in T. M.); between Aus and Namtib, 25 Sept. 1950, leg. C. Koch and G. van Son (38 paratypes in T. M. and B. C. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Namaqualand (Namtib)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-4002, —. Labelled as: [Gt. Namaquald. | bewt. Aus. and | Namtib] [Sept. 1950 | S. W. Africa | C. Koch] [PARA | TYPUS | Stenocara | phalangium | ssp. | rufofemorata | 1951. C. KOCH] [72-4002 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5692, —. Labelled as: [Gt. Namaquald. | bewt. Aus. and | Namtib] [Sept. 1950 | S. W. Africa | C. Koch] [PARA | TYPUS | Stenocara | phalangium | ssp. | rufofemorata | 1951. C. KOCH] [73-5692 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Penrith, 1986a (present status).
Stenocara (Stenocara) gracilipes bechuanica Koch, 1950
Original status: Stenocaragracilipes bechuanica Koch, 1950: ?
Original type material citation: «not available»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Kopjes»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-4006, —. Labelled as: [V.-L. Kal. Exp. | Kopjes | (Mabela a Pudt) | 7-9/5/1930] [PARA | TYPUS | Stenocara gracili- | pes ssp. bechuanica | 1950 C. Koch] [72-4006 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Penrith, 1986a (present status).
Stenocara (Stenocara) gracilipes richtersveraca Koch, 1950
Original status: Stenocaragracilipes richtersveraca Koch, 1950: ?
Original type material citation: «not available»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Lekkersing»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-4007, —. Labelled as: [LEKKERSING | 17.11.1933 | G. van Son] [PARA | TYPUS | Stenocara gracili- | pes ssp. richters- | veraca | 1950 C.Koch] [72-4007 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Penrith, 1986a (present status).
Tribe Akidini Billberg, 1820
Akis bremeri Ardoin, 1979
Original status: Akis bremeri Ardoin, 1979: 155
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Es Pujols, Formentera, Baléares, Espagne, 9.IV.1977, Dr. H. J. Bremer leg.
Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine. Les types se trouvent dans la collection du Dr. H. J. Bremer à Düsseldorf.
Répartition: Cette espèce est apparemment endémique dans l’île de Formentera où M. le Dr. H. J. Bremer en a récolté 20 exemplaires sous les pierres, près d’une saline. Elle y a été aussi récoltée, au même endroit, par M. G. Uhmann. le 11.V.1975.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Islands (Formentera Island)»
Holotype depositary: HJB
Type material:
Paratype MZB 78-1819, —. Labelled as: [FORMENTERA | Es Pujols | Unter Stein | neben Saline | 9.4.1977 | H. J. BREMER leg.] [PARATYPE | Akis | bremer | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1977] [78-1819 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1820, —. Labelled as: [Formentera | Le Pujols | 11.5.1975 | under stein | leg. G. Uhmann] [PARATYPE | Akis | bremer | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1977] [78-1820 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Akis nevadensis Español, 1954
Original status: Akis discoidea var. nevadensis Español, 1954b: 114
Present status: Akis nevadensis Español, 1954
Original type material citation: «Jubiles (Colas, Mateu).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Granada (Jubiles)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 72-3991, ♂. Labelled as: [Jubiles | 1200 M.] [ESPAGNE | Sierra Nevada | G. Colas VI-VII-61] [Tipus] [Akis discoidea | var. nevadensis | nov. | Español det.] [72-3991 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Akis saltesiana López Pérez, 2010
Original status: Akis saltesiana López Pérez, 2010: 507
Original type material citation: «Serie típica de 41 ej.: 23 ♂♂ y 18 ♀♀. (Fotografías 1 a 5)
Holotipo: Localidad típica, “Isla de Saltés”, Huelva, Andalucía, España. HOLOTYPUS: Huelva, Isla de Saltés, “La Cascajera”, 24-IV-2006, ♂, 21,7 mm, UTM 29S-PB8315, 3 msnm. Depositado en la colección del autor
Etimología: latín: saltesiana, locotípico, en honor a la Isla de Saltés, Marismas del Odiel (Huelva).
Paratipos: Huelva, Isla de Saltés, “La Cascajera”, 24-IV-2006, UTM 29S-PB8315, 3 m, elev., 1 ej. ♂, 18,7 mm y 1 ej. ♀, 23,5 mm (MNCNM), Nº Cat. Tipos 9931; 05-V-2006, 1 ej. ♂, 23,3 mm y 15-VIII-2006, 1 ej. ♀, 23,1 mm, (NHRS); 14-V-2006, 1 ej. ♂, 19,8 mm, y 05-V-2007, 1 ej. ♀, 19,6 mm, (EEZA); 29-V-2006, 1 ej. ♂, 19,9 mm y 05-VIII-2006, 1 ej. ♀, 20,6 mm, (MCNB); 05-VII-2006, 1 ej. ♂, 22,4 mm y 24-IV-2006, 1 ej. ♀, 21,5 mm, (JCMF); 18-VIII-2007, 1 ej. ♂, 19,7 mm y 02-IX-2007, 1 ej. ♀, 21,9 mm, (JGC); 18-VIII-2007, 1 ej. ♂, 20.5 mm y 1 ej. ♀, 20.7 mm, col. (ACT); 11-VIII-2009, 1 ej. ♂, 24,0 mm, (ALGM); 04-IV-2005, 1 ej. ♂, 18,7 mm; 15-IV-2005, 1 ej. ♂, 23,4 mm; 14-V-2006, 2 ej. ♂, 20,4 y 19,8 mm; 29-V-2006, 1 ej. ♂, 19,9 mm; 05-VII-2006, 1 ej. ♀, 21,2 mm; 05-VIII-2006, 1 ej. ♂, 21,5 mm; 05-V-2007, 1 ej. ♀, 19,6 mm; 16-III-2008, 1 ej. ♂, 18,1 mm; 02-IX-2007, 1 ej. ♀, 21,4 mm; 11-VIII-2007, 1 ej. ♂, 19,6 y 1 ej. ♀, 19,9 mm y 13-VII-2007, 1 ej. ♀, 23,2 mm; 20-VI-2008, 1 ej. ♂, 20,5 mm; 05-VII-2008, 1 ej. ♀, 21,1 mm; 14-VII-2008, 1 ej. ♂, 17,7 mm; 15-XI-2008, 2 ej. ♀♀, 20,9 y 20,8 mm; 27-II-2009, 1 ej. ♂, 20,5 y 1 ej. ♀, 20,1 mm; 13-VI-2009, 1 ej. ♂, 21,1 mm; 26-IX-2009, 1 ej. ♀, 25,2 mm y 11-X-2009, 3 ej. ♂♂ y 1 ♀, todos estos depositados en la colección del autor. Todos han sido colectados por el autor (JJLP), en el mismo lugar y elevación.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Huelva (Saltés Island)»
Holotype depositary: JJLP
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2010-0265, ♀. Labelled as: [“La Cascajera” Isla de Saltes | Huelva, 05 VIII 2006, Huelva | J. J. López-Pérez Leg. | PARATIPUS | 3661 ZP] [PARATIPUS Akis saltesiana | (López-Pérez, 2007) ♀ | López-Pérez DET. 2007] [2010-0265 | MZB] (broken left protarsus)
Paratype MZB 2010-0266, ♂. Labelled as: [“La Cascajera” Isla de Saltes | Huelva, 29 V 2006, Huelva | J. J. López-Pérez Leg. | 1739] [PARATIPUS Akis saltesiana | (López-Pérez, 2007) ♂ | López-Pérez DET. 2007 | 1739 | PARATIPUS | 1739 ZP] [2010-0266 | MZB] (right broken antenna, stored in pricked envelope with specimen)
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Solskya schmidi Español, 1961
Original status: Solskya scgmidi Español, 1961: 128
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, ♂, Himalaya: Mahandri (N. W. F. P.); paratipo, Himalaya: Salf-ul-Maluk-Sar (N. W. F. P.); ambos en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Pakistan: Mahandri and Saiful Maluk National Park»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 72-3952, ♂. Labelled as: [Mahandri | 5153 ft- 27-VI-53 | N W Frontier Pro- | vince | F. Schmid leg.] [2] [Solskya |schmidi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Holotipus] [72-3952 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3953, —. Labelled as: [Salf-ul-Maluk Sar | 11.000 ft- 2-VII-53 | N W Frontier Pro- | vince | F. Schmid leg.] [2] [Solskya |schmidi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipus] [72-3953 | MZB]
Tribe Asidini Fleming, 1821
Alphasida (Alphasida) subbaetica Obregón & Verdugo, 2012
Original status: Alphasida (Alphasida)subbaetica Obregón & Verdugo, 2012: 54
Original type material citation: «Holotipo. Sierra Gallinera (Sierras Subbéticas), Carcabuey (Córdoba), 30SUG84, 900-950 m., 06/mayo/2012, Rafael Obregón leg. Paratipos. 4 ♂♂: Sierra Gallinera (sierras Subbéticas), Carcabuey (Córdoba), 30SUG84, 900-950 m., 24/mayo/2009/; 3 ♂♂: sierra de Alhucemas (Macizo de Horconera) sierras Subbéticas; Priego de Córdoba (Córdoba), 30SUG83, 1030-1300 m,; 10/mayo/2009/; 28 ♂♂ y 4 ♀♀: Sierra Gallinera (sierras Subbéticas), Carcabuey (Córdoba), 30SUG84, 900-950 m., 06/mayo/2012/; 16 ♂♂ y 3 ♀♀: Sierra Gallinera (sierras Subbéticas), Carcabuey (Córdoba), 30SUG84, 900-950 m., 09/mayo/2012/; 9 ♂♂: Sierra Gallinera (sierras Subbéticas), Carcabuey (Córdoba), 30SUG84, 900-950 m., 22/junio/2012/; 6 ♂♂: Sierra Gallinera (sierras Subbéticas), Carcabuey (Córdoba), 30SUG84, 900-950 m., 06/mayo/2012/; 3 ♂♂: Sierra Gallinera (sierras Subbéticas), Carcabuey (Córdoba), 30SUG84, 900-950 m., 06/mayo/2012/; 1 ♂: Sierra Gallinera (sierras Subbéticas), Carcabuey (Córdoba,; 30SUG84, 900-950 m., 2/junio/2012/; 2 ♂♂ y 1 ♀: sierra de Alhucemas (Macizo de Horconera) sierras Subbéticas; Priego de Córdoba (Córdoba), 30SUG83, 1030-1300 m., 06/mayo/2012/; 4 ♂♂ y 1 ♀: sierra de Alhucemas (Macizo de Horconera) sierras Subbéticas, Priego de Córdoba (Córdoba), 30SUG83, 1030-1300 m., 06/mayo/2012. Toda la serie típica, Rafael Obregón leg.
Depósito. Tanto el Holotipo, como un Paratipo de sexo hembra se han depositado en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid, con los números de Catálogo MNCN_Ent. 87788 para el Holotipo y el de MNCN_Ent 87805 para el paratipo y en el Catálogo de Tipos de esa Institución con el nº 2318. Un Paratipo macho se deposita en las colecciones del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, que recibe en su catálogo de tipos el número 2012-0519 MZB. 8 Paratipos (7 ♂♂ y 1 ♀) en coll. Juan C. Martínez; 6 Paratipos (5 ♂♂ y 1 ♀) en coll. A. Verdugo y el resto de los Paratipos en coll. Rafael Obregón.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Córdoba (Carcabuey)»
Holotype depositary: MNCN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2012-0519, ♂. Labelled as: [Sierra Gallinera (Sierras | Subbéticas) Carcabuey | (CO) 30SUG84 900-950 m | 06.MAY.2012 (a mano) | Leg. R. Obregón] [PARATIPO | Alphasida (Alphasida) | subbaetica nov. sp. | R. Obregón & A. Verdugo | det. 2012] [2012-0519 | MZB] (aedeagus and genital segment in microscopic preparation, pinned under the specimen).
Asida (Asida) planipennis cabrerensis Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005
Original status: Asida (Asida) planipennis cabrerensis Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005: 24
Original type material citation: «Holotypus: 1 ♂, «Puig de s’avenc | des Frare | Cabrera 21.1.91 | MNCM 2845 | Palmer leg.». Depositado en la colección A. Viñolas. Paratypus: 1 ♂, «Cabrera | 25-X-51 | Jolivet leg.» «Insulasida ♂| planipennis | Schauf. var. | Español det.»; 1 ♀, «Cabrera | 25-X-51 | Jolivet leg.» «Insulasida ♀ | planipennis | Scauf. var. | Español det.»; 2 ♀, «Cabrera | 20-III-79 | F. Español leg.»; 1 ♂, «Serra Mitjana | 209 20.4.80 | Palmer leg.»; 1 ♂, «Sa Samanteca | Marratxi | 23.12.89» «218»; 1 ♂, «Nu de sa Corbata | 74 14.4.90 | Palmer leg.»; 1 ♂, «Alcadena | Escorca | 21.3.90 | Palmer leg. | MNCM 3067»; 1 ♀, «Coma San Torella | 2.5.90 | Palmer leg.»; 7 ♂ y 2 ♀, «Puig de s’avenc | des Frares | Cabrera 21.1.91 | MNCM 2845 | Palmer leg.»; 1 ♀, «Ille de Cabrera | Balears 15.III.1994 | Pérez de Gregprio leg.» Depositados en el Museu de Zoología de Barcelona, en el Museu de la Naturalesa de les illes Balears de Palma de Mallorca y en la colección A. Viñolas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Islands (Cabrera Island)»
Holotype depositary: AV
Type material:
Paratype MZB 78-1487, ♀. Labelled as: [I- CABRERA | 20-III-76 | O. Escolà leg.][Paratypus | Asida (Asida) planipennis | cabrerensis n. ssp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005] [78-1487 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1488, ♀. Labelled as: [I- CABRERA | 20-III-76 | F. Español leg.] [Paratypus | Asida (Asida) planipennis | cabrerensis n. ssp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005] [78-1488 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1489, ♀. Labelled as: [Cabrera | 25-X-1951 | P. Jolivet] [Insulasida ♂ | planipennis | Schauf. ver. | Español det.] [Paratypus | Asida (Asida) planipennis | cabrerensis n. ssp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005] [78-1489 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1490, ♂. Labelled as: [Cabrera | 25-X-1951 | P. Jolivet] [Insulasida ♂ | planipennis | Schauf. var. | Español det.] [Paratypus | Asida (Asida) planipennis | cabrerensis n. ssp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005] [78-1490 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2005-0546, ♀. Labelled as: [Coma San Torellas | 7.5.90 | Palmer leg.] [Paratypus | Asida (Asida) planipennis | cabrerensis n. ssp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005] [2005-0546 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2005-0547, ♂. Labelled as: [Puig de S’Avenc | des Frare | Cabrera 21.1.91 | MNCM 2845 | Palmer leg.] [Paratypus | Asida (Asida) planipennis | cabrerensis n. ssp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005] [2005-0547 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2005-0548, ♂. Labelled as: [Serra Mitjana | 209 20.4.90 | Palmer leg.] [2702] [Paratypus | Asida (Asida) planipennis | cabrerensis n. ssp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005] [2005-0548 | MZB]
Asida (Globasida) curvatipennis mateui Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005
Original status: Asida (Globasida) curvatipennis mateui Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005: 25
Original type material citation: «Holotypus: 1 ♂, «Mazarron (Murcia) / XII-1925. M. Escalera» «col. / Español» «1481 / MZB». Depositado en el Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona. Paratypus: 1 ♀, «Mazarron (Murcia) / XII-1925. M. Escalera» «48» «Globasida / setosa / P. Arc. / Español det.» «78-1492 / MZB», 2 ♀, «Mazarron (Murcia) / XII-1925. M. Escalera» «col. / Español»; 1 ♀, «Murcia / Totana / Balaguer leg.» «78-1493 / MZB». Depositados en el Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona y en la colección A. Viñolas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Murcia (Mazarron and Totana)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1491, ♂. Labelled as: [Mazarron (Murcia) | XII-1925, M. ESCALERA] [col. | Español] [78-1491 | MZB] [Holotypus | Asida (Globasida) | curvatipennis mateui | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005]
Paratype MZB 78-1492, ♀. Labelled as: [Mazarron (Murcia) | XII-1925, M. ESCALERA] [Globasida | setosa | P. Arc. | Español det.] [48] [col. | Español] [78-1492 | MZB] [Paratypus | Asida (Globasida) | curvatipennis mateui | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005]
Paratype MZB 78-1493, ♀. Labelled as: [MURCIA | Totana | Balaguer leg.] [78-1493 | MZB] [Paratypus | Asida (Globasida) | curvatipennis mateui | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det. 2005]
Asida (Planasida) cossyphoides Antoine, 1951
Original status: Asida (Asida) cossyphoïdes Antoine: 1951: 315
Present status: Asida (Planasida) cossyphoides Antoine, 1951
Original type material citation: «Localité.— Maroc central, entre Fès et Taza, au col de Touahar ; très abondant en avril 1949 sur les hauteurs dominant le col au S.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Col de Touahar»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3979, 2, —. Labelled as: [Col de Touahar | IV-49 | Maroc (Antoine)] [cossyphoïdes Antoine det. 50] [72-3979 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-3980, —. Labelled as: [Col de Touahar | V-49 (Maroc) Rotion] [cossyphoïdes | in litt.) Ant.] [72-3980 | MZB]
References: Soldati, 2008 (present status).
Asida (Planasida) lauzannei arribasi Cobos, 1961
Original status: Asida (Planasida) arribasi Cobos, 1961: 87
Present status: Asida (Planasida) lauzannei arribasi Cobos, 1961
Original type material citation: «Tizi-Ifri, ladera septentrional, en los calveros del bosque de cedros, debajo de las piedras a orillas de los prados, hacia los 1.800 m. de altitud, 6 8 VII. 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ y numerosos restos más o menos completos.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Tizi Ifri»
Holotype depositary: AC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6941, ♂. Labelled as: [PARATIPO] [TIZI – IFRI | Rif (Marruecos) | A. Cobos coll.] [Asida | (Planasida) | arribasi | nov. sp.| Paratypus | A. Cobos det. 1.961.] [73-6941 | MZB]
References: Pérez-Vela et al., 2012 (present status).
Asida (Planasida) mater gasulli Español, 1951
Original status: Asida (Granulasida) mater gasulli Español, 1951: 16
Present status: Asida (Planasida) mater gasulli Español, 1951
Original type material citation: «Islote Tagomago (Gassul).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Islands (Tagomago Island)»
Lectotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 78-0843, ♂. Labelled as: [Tagomago | Ibiza I | 10-11-49 | Gasull leg.][Granulasida | mater f. | gasulli nov. | Español det.] [Typus] [78-0843 | MZB] [Lectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater gasulli Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6937, ♂. Labelled as: [Tagomago | Ibiza I | 10-11-49 | Gasull leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6937 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater gasulli Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6939, ♂. Labelled as: [Tagomago | Ibiza I | 10-11-49 | Gasull leg.] [Paratypus] [Granulasida | mater gasu- | lli Españ. | F. Español det.] [73-6939 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater gasulli Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6940, 3, ♀. Labelled as: [Tagomago | Ibiza I | 10-11-49 | Gasull leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6940 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater gasulli Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-0844, 3, ♀. Labelled as: [Tagomago | Ibiza I | 10-11-49 | Gasull leg.] [Paratypus] [78-0844 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater gasulli Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
References: Soldati, 2008 (present status); Viñolas et al., 2016b (lectotype designation).
Asida (Planasida) mater josefinae Español, 1951
Original status: Asida (Granulasida) mater josefinae Español, 1951: 17
Present status: Asida (Planasida) mater josefinae Español, 1951
Original type material citation: «Ibiza: San Juan (Español).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Islands (Eivissa Island (Sant Joan de Labritja))»
Lectotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 78-1847, ♂. Labelled as: [Ibiza | St. Juan | 9-IV-50 | Español] [Granulasida | mater | josefinae Españ.] [Typus] [78-1847 | MZB] [Lectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater josefinae Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-1846, 2, ♀. Labelled as: [Ibiza | St. Juan | 9-IV-50 | Español] [Granulasida | mater | josefinae Españ.] [Paratypus] [78-1846 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater josefinae Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6934, ♂. Labelled as: [Ibiza | St. Juan | 9-IV-50 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [Granulasida | mater jose- | finae Españ. | F. Español det.] [73-6934 | MZB] [Lectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater josefinae Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6935, ♂. Labelled as: [Ibiza | St. Juan | 9-IV-50 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6935 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater josefinae Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6936, ♀. Labelled as: [Ibiza | St. Juan | 9-IV-50 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6936 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater josefinae Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6938, 3, ♀. Labelled as: [Ibiza | St. Juan | 9-IV-50 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6938 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Asida (Planasida) | mater josefinae Español, 1951 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
References: Soldati, 2008 (presente status); Viñolas et al., 2016b (lectotype designation).
Asida (Planasida) pygmaea lencinai Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005
Original status: Asida (Planasida) pygmaea lencinai Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005
Original type material citation: «Holotypus: 1 ♂, «BAZA (GR) / 16-X-1988 / J. L. Lencina leg. / Santa Barbara / 2.000 mts.» «Planasida / lencinai nov. / sp. / Holotypus / A. Cobos det. 1992». Depositado en la colección A. Viñolas. Paratypus: 1 ♂, «BAZA (Granada) / 9-XI-1986 / J. L. Lencina leg. / Santa / Barbara / 2000 mts.»; 1 ♂, «Sierra de Baza (Gr) / 2000 m. / 22-X-1988 / J. L. Lencina leg.»; 2 ♂♀, «Sierra de Baza (Gr) / 2000 m. / 22-X-1988 / J. L. Lencina leg.»; 6 ♂♀, «Sierra de Baza (Gr) / 21-X-89 / J. L. Lencina leg.»; 2 ♂♀, «Sierra de Baza (Gr) / 21-X-89 / 2000 mts. / J. L. Lencina leg.»; 5 ♂♀, «Srra. de Baza / 2000 mts.(GR) /12-X-1991 / J. L. Lencina leg.»; 5 ♂♀, «Srra. de Baza / (GR) 2000 mts. / 1-XI-1994 / J. Lencina leg.»; 1 ♀, «HISPANIA / BAZA (GR) / J. Lencina Leg. / 2.000 mts. / 1-XI-1994». Depositados en el Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona, en la Fundación Entomológica Torres Sala de Valencia y en la colección A. Viñolas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Granada (Sierra de Baza)»
Holotype depositary: AV
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2005-0458, —. Labelled as: [Sierra de Baza (GR) | 2000 mts. | 22-X-1988 | J. L. Lencina leg.] [Paratypus | Asida (Planasida) | pygmaea | lencinai n. ssp. | A. Viñolas det. 2004] [2005-0458 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2005-0459, —. Labelled as: [Sierra de Baza | 2000 m | 22-X-1988 | J. L. Lencina leg.] [Paratypus | Asida (Planasida) | pygmaea | lencinai n. ssp. | A. Viñolas det. 2004] [2005-0459 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2005-0460, —. Labelled as: [Sierra de Baza | 2000 mts. (Gr.) | 12-X-1991 | J. L. Lencina leg.] [Paratypus | Asida (Planasida) | pygmaea | lencinai n. ssp. | A. Viñolas det. 2004] [2005-0460 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2005-0461, —. Labelled as: [Srra. de BAZA | 2000 mts. (GR) | 12-X-1991 | J. L. Lencina leg.] [Paratypus | Asida (Planasida) | pygmaea | lencinai n. ssp. | A. Viñolas det. 2004] [2005-0461 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2005-0462, —. Labelled as: [Srra. de BAZA | 2000 mts. (GR) | 12-X-1991 | J. L. Lencina leg.] [Paratypus | Asida (Planasida) | pygmaea | lencinai n. ssp. | A. Viñolas det. 2004] [2005-0462 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2005-0463, —. Labelled as: [Srra. de Baza | 2000 mts. (GR) | 12-X-1991 | J. L. Lencina leg.] [Paratypus | Asida (Planasida) | pygmaea | lencinai n. ssp. | A. Viñolas det. 2004] [2005-0463 | MZB]
Asida (Planasida) pygmaea suarezi Cobos, 1988
Original status: Asida (Planasida) pygmaea suarezi Cobos, 1988: 7
Original type material citation: «Barranco de El Palmer, Almería. Submontano. Lapidícola-detritícola. Otoñal-invernante
Serie típica (incluidos el Holo y Allotypus) 280 ejemplares.»,
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (El Palmar)»
Holotype depositary: AC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3966, —. Labelled as: [El Palmar | Almería (España) | A. Cobos coll. | I-63] [PARATYPUS | A. COBOS] [A. (Planasida) | pygmaea ssp. | suarezi nov. | A. Cobos det. 1985] [72-3966 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Asida (Planasida) ricoi cobosi Viñolas, 1989
Original status: Asida (Granulasida) ricoi cobosi Viñolas, 1989: 33
Present status: Asida (Planasida) ricoi cobosi Viñolas, 1989
Original type material citation: «Tipo: ♂ Isla de Nova Tabarca (Alicante), 3-1964, Escarré leg., depositado en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona. Paratipos: 13 ♂♂ y ♀♀ Isla de Nova Tabarca (Alicante), 3-1964, Escarré leg. y 3 ejemplares, 19/21-6-1968, F. Español leg., depositados en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Alicante (Nova Tabarca Island)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1787, ♂. Labelled as: [Alicante | Isla Tabarca | III-64 | Escarré leg.] [Tipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [78-1787 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6246, —. Labelled as: [Alicante | Isla Tabarca | III-64 | Escarré leg.] [Paratipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [73-6246 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6247, —. Labelled as: [Alicante | Isla Tabarca | III-64 | Escarré leg.] [Paratipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [73-6247 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6248, —. Labelled as: [Alicante | Isla Tabarca | III-64 | Escarré leg.] [Paratipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [73-6248 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6249, —. Labelled as: [Alicante | Isla Tabarca | III-64 | Escarré leg.] [Paratipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [73-6249 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6250, —. Labelled as: [Alicante | Isla Tabarca | III-64 | Escarré leg.] [Paratipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [73-6250 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6251, —. Labelled as: [Alicante | Isla Tabarca | III-64 | Escarré leg.] [Paratipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [73-6251 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1788, ♀. Labelled as: [Alicante | Isla Tabarca | III-64 | Escarré leg.] [Paratipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [78-1788 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1789, —. Labelled as: [Is.Tabarca | Alicante | 19-21-VI-63 | F. Español leg.] [Granulasida | ricoi Mart. | var. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [78-1789 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1790, 2, —. Labelled as: [Is. Tabarca | Alicante | 19-21-VI-63 | F. Español leg.] [Granulasida | ricoi Mart. | var. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [Asida (Granulasida) | ricoi cobosi | nov. s.sp. | A. Viñolas det. 1988] [78-1790 | MZB] (first specimen with broken elytra, in second specimen only remain elytrae and abdomen)
References: Soldati, 2008 (presente status).
Asida (Planasida) zaida elegans Cobos, 1988
Original status: Asida (Granulasida) zoraida elegans Cobos, 1988: 7
Present status: Asida (Planasida) zaida elegans Cobos, 1988
Original type material citation: «Mte. Variegatos. Lapidícola-detritícola (suelos de pizarras paleozoicas). Otoñal-invernate
Serie típica (incluidos Holo y Allotypus) 84 ejemplares»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (Cuevas del Almanzora)»
Holotype depositary: AC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3967, —. Labelled as: [Monte Variegatos | Cuevas Almanzora | A. Cobos coll. | XI-61] [PARATYPUS | A. COBOS] [A. (Granulasida) | zoraida ssp. | elegans nov. | A. Cobos det. 1985] [72-3967 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 76-1502, —. Labelled as: [Monte Variegatos | Cuevas Almanzora | A. Cobos coll. | XI-61] [PARATIPO | A. COBOS] [A. (Granulasida) | elegans nov. sp. | A. Cobos det. 1961] [76-1502 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 76-1503, —. Labelled as: [Monte Variegatos | Cuevas Almanzora | A. Cobos coll. | XI-61] [PARATIPO | A. COBOS] [76-1503 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 76-1504, —. Labelled as: [Monte Variegatos | Cuevas Almanzora | A. Cobos coll. | XI-61] [PARATIPO | A. COBOS] [76-1504 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 76-1505, —. Labelled as: [Monte Variegatos | Cuevas Almanzora | A. Cobos coll. | XI-61] [PARATIPO | A. COBOS] [76-1505 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 76-1506, —. Labelled as: [Monte Variegatos | Cuevas Almanzora | A. Cobos coll. | XI-61] [PARATIPO | A. COBOS] [76-1506 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 76-1507, —. Labelled as: [Monte Variegatos | Cuevas Almanzora | A. Cobos coll. | XI-61] [PARATIPO | A. COBOS] [76-1507 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005; Soldati, 2008 (present status).
Glabrasida (Glabrasida) bonacherai Español, 1958
Original status: Alphasida (Glabrasida) bonacherai Español, 1958b: 16
Presente status: Glabrasida (Glabrasida) bonacherai Español, 1958
Original type material citation: «recogida a todo lo largo de la Columbrete Mayor en las zonas cubiertas de vegetación sea bajo las piedras, sea al pie de las plantas, a veces enterrada a poca profundidad. Parece ser bastante rara, pues pese a lo favorable de la estación y al tiempo que duró la campaña (19 ♂♂ y 8 ♀♀), todos ellos frescos; de las generaciones precedentes recogí únicamente algún ejemplar muerto y diferentes restos.
Holotipo, alotipo y paratipos en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Columbretes Islands (Grossa Island)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-0841, ♂. Labelled as: [Holotipo] [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Glabrasida bonacherai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [78-0841 | MZB] (aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paratype MZB 73-6909, ♀. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | abril 1957 | Español leg.] [♀ | MZB] [PARATYPUS] [73-6909 | MZB] (ovipositor glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paratype MZB 73-6910, ♂. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | abril 1957 | Español leg.] [♂ | MZB] [PARATYPUS] [73-6910 | MZB] (aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paratype MZB 74-3749, ♂. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | abril 1957 | Español leg.] [♂ | MZB] [74-3749 | MZB] [PARATYPUS] (aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paratype MZB 78-0842, ♀. Labelled as: [Alotipo] [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Glabrasida bonacherai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [78-0842 | MZB]
References: Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005 (present status).
Glabrasida (Glabrasida) ibicensis medae Español, 1940
Original status: Glabrasida ibicensis medae Español, 1940: 11
Original type material citation: «I. Plana. (Tipo en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Islands (Bleda Plana Island)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1826, —. Labelled as: [I. Eivissa | I. Plana | XI 1935 | Museum leg.][G. ibicensis P. A. | var. nov ? | Español det.] [37] [Typus] [Glabrasida | ibicensis P. A. | s. sp. medae Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [78-1826 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6888, —. Labelled as: [I. Eivissa | I. Plana | XI 1935 | Museum leg.][Glabrasida | ibicensis P. A. | s. sp. medae Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratypus] [73-6888 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6889, —. Labelled as: [I. Eivissa | I. Plana | XI 1935 | Museum leg.][Glabrasida | ibicensis P. A. | s. sp. medae Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratypus] [73-6889 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6890, —. Labelled as: [I. Eivissa | I. Plana | XI 1935 | Museum leg.][Glabrasida | ibicensis P. A. | s. sp. medae Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratypus] [73-6890 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6891, —. Labelled as: [I. Eivissa | I. Plana | XI 1935 | Museum leg.][Glabrasida | ibicensis P. A. | s. sp. medae Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [col. | Español] [Paratypus] [73-6891 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6892, —. Labelled as: [I. Eivissa | I. Plana | XI 1935 | Museum leg.][Glabrasida | ibicensis P. A. | s. sp. medae Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratypus] [73-6892 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6893, —. Labelled as: [Col.| Español] [Paratypus] [I. Eivissa | I. Plana | XI 1935 | Museum leg.] [Glabrasida | ibicensis P. A. | s. sp. medae Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [73-6893 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1827, —. Labelled as: [I. Eivissa | I. Plana | XI 1935 | Museum leg.][Glabrasida | ibicensis P. A. | s. sp. medae Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratypus] [78-1827 | MZB]
Glabrasida (Glabrasida) ibicensis ovalaris Escalera, 1925
Original status: Glabrasida ibicensis var. ovalaris Escalera, 1925: 409
Original type material citation: «Loc. Islote Espalmador, Formentera.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Islands (Formentera Island)»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-6906, ♂. Labelled as: [Formentera | 4.1923] [Paratypus] [G. Ibicensis | v. ovalaris Esc. |cotip. ♂.] [col. | Español] [73-6906 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 73-6907, ♀. Labelled as: [Formentera | 4.1923] [Paratypus] [G. Ibicensis | v. ovalaris Esc. |cotip. ♀.] [col. | Español] [73-6907 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 73-6908, ♂. Labelled as: [Formentera | 4.1923] [Paratypus] [G. Ibicensis | v. ovalaris Esc. |cotip. ♂.] [col. | Español] [73-6908 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 78-1825, ♂. Labelled as: [Formentera | 4.1923] [Paratypus] [G. Ibicensis | v. ovalaris Esc.|cotip. ♂.] [78-1825 | MZB]
Glabrasida (Glabrasida) vinalopensis Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005
Original status: Glabrasida vinalopensis Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005: 23
Original type material citation: «Holotypus: 1 ♂, «Elche / El Hondo / 22-6-81 / P. Escudero leg.» «83-8451 / MZB». Depositado en el Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona. Paratypus: 2 ♂ y 2 ♀, «Sta. Pola / YH102297 / Enterrada / 23.4.73 / M. Sauleda leg.»; 2 ♂, «Sta. Pola / YH0426 / Suaeda / 31.III.74 / M. Sauleda leg.»; 1 ♀, «Elche / Salina del / Pinet / P. Escudero leg. / 10-3-1980» «83-8452 / MZB». Depositados en el Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona y en la colección A. Viñolas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Alicante (Elx and Santa Pola)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 83-8451, ♂. Labelled as: [Elche | El Hondo | 22-6-81 | P. Escudero leg.] [Glabrasida | sp. | A. Viñolas det. 2005] [83-8451 | MZB] [Holotypus | Glabrasida | vinalopensis n. sp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det.2005]
Paratype MZB 78-1483, ♀. Labelled as: [Santa Pola / YH102297 | Enterrada / 23.IV.73 | 52 / M. Sauleda leg.] [78-1483 | MZB] [Paratypus | Glabrasida | vinalopensis n. sp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det.2005]
Paratype MZB 78-1484, ♂. Labelled as: [STA. POLA / YH102297 | Enterrada / 23.4.73 | 52 | M. Sauleda leg.] [78-1484 | MZB] [Paratypus | Glabrasida | vinalopensis n. sp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det.2005]
Paratype MZB 78-1485, ♀. Labelled as: [Santa Pola / YH102297 | Enterrada / 23.IV.73 | 52 / M. Sauleda leg.] [78-1485 | MZB] [Paratypus | Glabrasida | vinalopensis n. sp.| A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det.2005]
Paratype MZB 78-1486, ♂. Labelled as: [STA. POLA / YH102297 | Enterrada / 23.4.73 | 52 | M. Sauleda leg.] [78-1486 | MZB] [Paratypus | Glabrasida | vinalopensis n. sp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det.2005]
Paratype MZB 83-8452, ♀. Labelled as: [Elche | Salinas del | Pinet | P. Escudero leg. | 16-3-1980] [83-8452 | MZB] [Paratypus | Glabrasida | vinalopensis n. sp. | A. Viñolas & | M. C. Cartagena det.2005]
Tribe Cryptochilini Solier, 1841
Subtribe Calognathina Lacordaire, 1859
Calognathus chevrolatii eberlanzi Koch, 1950
Original status: Calognathus chevrolatii eberlanzi Koch, 1950: 354
Original type material citation: «Tipe locality.‘Duenen bei der Luederitzbucht’ (Gebien, 1938, cit.).
Material examined: 25 ♂♂. 3 ♀♀ from the type locality, leg. F. Eberlanz (holotype and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and in the Town Museum of Luederitzbucht).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Lüderitz»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5698, —. Labelled as: [Namib | Luederitzbucht | Eberlanz, leg.] [PARA | TYPUS | Calognathus | chevrolatii subsp. | eberlanzi | 1949 C. KOCH] [73-5698 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Subtribe Crytochilina Solier, 1841
Pachynotelus dimorphus Koch, 1952
Original status: Pachynotelus dimorphus Koch, 1952c: 71
Original type material citation: «Type locality. — Northern Little Namaqualand: Brandkaross, 9 Sept. 1950, leg. C. Koch and G. Van Son (121 spec., holo- and allotype no. 355, 356, paratypes T. M. no. 357-367).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Soth Africa: Northern Cape (Brandkars)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5702, —. Labelled as: [Brandkaross, Rich- | tersveld, 9.IX.50 | C. Koch, G. van Son] [PARA | TYPE | dimorphus | Koc] [Pachynotelus | dimorphus | Koch | DET. C. KOC] [73-5702 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5703, —. Labelled as: [Brandkaross, Rich- | tersveld, 9.IX.50 | C. Koch, G. van Son] [PARA | TYPUS | Pachynotelus | dimorphus | 1951. C. KOCH] [73-5703 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Subtribe Vansoniina Koch, 1955
Vansonium bushmanicum Koch, 1950
Original status: Vansonium bushmanicum Koch, 1950: 355
Original type material citation: «LOCALITY. Northern Bushmanland, farm Nabeis, about 30 miles east from Kakamas and belonging to Mr P. V. du Plessis, 17 Dec. 1948 (38 ♂♂, 48 ♀♀, holotype and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and Science Museum of California Academy of Sciences).
Besides this typical series, there are a few single torsi in the T. M. from Pofadder (1933, leg. G. van Son, and 16 Dec. 1948, leg. G. van Son and C. Koch) and Aggeneys (16 Dec. 1948).
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Northern Cape (Bushmanland (Kakamas))»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5704, ♀. Labelled as: [Farm Nabais, 30 m | W of Kakamas, Bush | manld, 17-XII-48 | Koch & Van Son] [Univ. Calif. | Transv. Mus. | Afr. Exped.] [♀] [PARATIPE | Vansonium | bushmanicum | C. Koch, 1949] [Transvaal | Museum] [73-5704 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Tribe Epitragini Blanchard, 1845
Epitragopsis cobosi Freude, 1968
Original status: Epitragopsis cobosi Freude, 1968: 75
Original type material citation: «Holotypus von Brasil., Santos 10×3,5 mm, Coll. Clemens Müller, in der Zoologischen Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates, München. Paratypoide:
2 von Brasilien und 1 von Dohányból im Museum Budapest.
2 von Brasil., Espirito-Santo, Coll. Gebien,
1 von Brasil., Sao Paulo, Umg. Ribeirao Preto, VII. 1898—III. 1899,
1 von Brasil., Campinas, 1. XI. 1902
2 von Brasil., Cordoba, leg. Stempelmann,
1 von Brasil., Caraca (Minas Geraes), P. Germain, 2 Sem. 1884,
2 von Brasil., Uderaba, 1900, leg. Draenert, und 1 von Brasil, im Museum Dr. Gr. Frey, Tutzing.
1 von Espirito Santo, Fry Coll.
4 von Bahia, Fry Coll.,
1 von Brasilia, Capta (?), D. Swainson,
9 von Pernambuco, Coll. Fry,
1 von Lacerda, Brasil., Coll. Fry,
1 von Brazil., Coll. Bates, und
1 von Brazil., Entom. Club, im British Museum, London. Dort befindet sich noch 1 Exemplar aus New Granada, das zur Artgehört, aber eine eigene Subspecies zu repräsentieren scheint und das ich deshalb nicht als Paratypoid bezeichne (Coll. Bates). Von einer Beschreibung sehe ich aber vorerst noch ab, um mehr Material abzuwarten.
Weitere Paratypoide:
4 von Brasil., v. Olf. (?),
1 von Espirito Sto., B. Timbuhy, 23. XII. 1898,
1 von Sao Paulo, Brasil., und
1 von Brasil., Baulny leg., im Museum Berlin.
1 von Brasilia, Clausen, Coll. v. Heyden, SMF C 13 978,
1 von Chile, Valparaiso, Haag (Fundort fraglich!), SMF C 13 979, und
1 von Espirito Santo, Brasil., Fruhstorfer, SMF C 13 980 im Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt/Main.
2 von Petropolis, Dr. Ohaus, und
1 von Pernambuco, coll.Felsche, im Museum Dresden.
1 von Fazenda da Grama, Minas Geraes, Brazil., 1930 Mrs. Y. Mexia, und
3 von Vicosa, Minas Geraes, Brazil., 1931, Mrs. Y. Mexia, in der California Academy of Sciences, SanFrancisco.
3 von Brasil., Friburg (o), 7. II. 1929; VII. 1929 und 20. XI. 1929, im Mueseum Barcelona.
1 von Brazil., Sao Paulo, Jahn, X. 1903 (ungewöhnlich groß: 11×4 mm),
1 von Paraguay, Horqueta, 14. IV. 1935, A. Schultze,
1 von Brazil., Minas Geraes, 20. IV. 1933, E. J. Hambleton,
3 von Jahu, Sao Paulo, Brazil., X. 1903, C. Crozet,
3 von Brazil., Sao Paulo, Riberiao (?), Preto, P. A. Berry, 29.III. 1939,
2 von Brazil., Pernambuco, und
12 von Brazil., Pernambuco, Bonito (on Cotton), 10., 18. und 27. I. und 8. II. 1883, im U S National Museum, Washington.
3 von Brasil., Espirito Santo, Parque Sooretana Linhares, X. 1962, leg, M. Alvarenga, im Museum Dr. Frey, Tutzing.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Brasil: Río de Janeiro (Nova Friburg)»
Holotype depositary: ZSM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5682, —. Labelled as: [Friburg | Brasil | 20-XI-29] [Paratypus] [Epitragopsis | cobosi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5682 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5683, —. Labelled as: [Friburg | Brasil | VII-29] [Paratypus] [Epitragopsis | cobosi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5683 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5684, —. Labelled as: [Friburg | Brasil | 7-II-29] [Paratypus] [Epitragopsis | cobosi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5684 | MZB]
Epitragosis batesi bothrotiformis Freude, 1968
Original status: Epitragosis batesi bothrotiformis Freude, 1968: 77
Original type material citation: «Holotypus (9,5 × 4 mm) und 5 Paratypoide von Pampa Grande, Prov. Salta, Argentinien, Reimoser leg. im Museum Dr. G. Frey, Tutzing. Dort weiter folgende Paratypoide:
1 von Salta, Estero, V.1937,
2 Argentinien, Prov. Jujuy, 12.I.1920, C. Bruch,
3 Argentinien, Catamarca,
1 Argentinien, Prov. Jujuy, II. 1923,
1 Argentinien, Metan, 1935 leg. Köhler,
3 Argentinien, S. del Estero, Ciudad n. Forres, XII. 1934, und
2 Argentinien, Catamarca, LosAngeles (?), XII. 43 (?), Schaefer.
1 Paratypoid: Beni Gebiet, Guayaramerin, 150 m, 19.V.1954, leg. W. Forster, in der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München.
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, Prov. Jujuy, Ledesma, Vezenyi, und
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, Tucuman, Tacanas, im Museum Budapest.
1 Paratypoid: Ecuador (Gilbert Hammond 1920, 469) und
2 Paratypoide: sine Patria, im British Museum, London.
1 Paratypoid: Perum. (?), im Museum Berlin.
7 Paratypoide: Argentinien, Prov. Tucuman, Dept. Trancas, San Pedro de Colaiao, I. 1953, 1948 und XL 1946, in Coll. Hassenteufel.
12 Paratypoide: Argentinien, Prov. Salta, Pampa Grande, Reimoser,
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, La Merced, Reimoser, und
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, leg. K. Schuel’ 10, im Museum Wien.
5 Paratypoide: Argentinien, Tucuman, Mte. Bello, Catº. Rio Chico, IV.1946, Willink leg.,
3 Paratypoide: Argentinien, Tucuman, S. Pedro de Colalao, I.1953,
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, Tucuman, Tacanas, III.1946,
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, Tucuman, Aconquija, X. 1952, und
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, Catamarca, Quebrada de las Ryas (Rio Tala), II.1949, Monros, im Museum Barcelona.
9 Paratypoide: Argentina, Salta, 14.II.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, und
23 Paratypoide: R. Arg., 5 Mi. N of Jujuy, 15.II.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, in der California Acadey of Sciences.
7 Paratypoide: Argentinia, Tucuman, S. Pedro de Colaiao, XI. 1951, 6.II.1951 und II. 1947,
2 Paratypoide: Arg., Tucuman, Tacanas, II.1948,
1 Paratypoid: Arg., Tucuman, Capital, 25.XI.1952,
1 Paratypoid: Arg., Jujuy, Jujuy, 18.III.1957,
1 Paratypoid: Arg., Salta, Talavera, 18.I.1947, und
1 Paratypoid: Bolivien, Capare, 22.IX.1959, in Collection Molinari.
1 Paratypoid: Arg., Jujuy, El Quemado, IV.1926, Coll.Harrington,
1 Paratypoid: Arg., Salta, Tartagal to Yeniba Bol, V.-VI.1920, coll. Harrington, und
1 Paratypoid: Bolivien, Machareti, Apr. 22, im U S National Museum.
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argentina: Catamarca (San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca) and Tucuman (Aconquija, Monte Bello, San Pedro de Colalao, Tafí del Valle»
Holotype depositary: MGFM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5685, —. Labelled as: [B. A. | Catamarca | Qubrada | de las Ryas | (Río Tala) | feb. 1999 | F. Monros lg.] [Paratypus] [Epitragopsis | bothrotiformis 1 mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5685 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5686, 2, —. Labelled as: [SAN PEDRO DE COLALAO | (TUCUMÁN, R. A.) | I-1953] [EPITRAGUS AENEUS FAIRM.] [Paratypus] [Epitragopsis | bothrotiformis 1 mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5686 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5687, —.Labelled as: [Aconquija | Tucuman | X – 1952] [Paratypus] [Epitragopsis | bothrotiformis 1 mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5687 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5688, —. Labelled as: [Tacanas | III – 46] [Paratypus] [Epitragopsis | bothrotiformis 1 mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5688 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5689, 4, —. Labelled as: [TUCUMAN | Monte Bello | Cdtº Rio Chico | IV-1946 | Willink] [Paratypus] [Epitragopsis | bothrotiformis 1 mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5689 | MZB]
Remarks: the list of total type specimens states that there is single one specimen deposited in the MCNB; however, 5 specimens have been found in the Museum’s collection.
Epitragus aurulentus sallaeoides Freude, 1967
Original status: Epitragus aurulentus sallaeoides Freude, 1967: 157
Original type material citation: «Holotypus und 20 Paratypoide von Brasilien, Rio Grande do Norte, Bananeiras, Est. Goiaz, XI, 1938 in der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München, wo sich weitere Desiderata dernachgenannten
Paratypoide befinden, die mir dankenswerterweise überlassen wurden.
7 Paratypoide von Baturite Mts., Ceara, Brazil, W. M. Mann
8 Paratypoide von Independencia, Parahyba, Brazil, Mann and Heath,
2 Paratypoide von Geara-Mirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil., Mann,
5 Paratypoide von Chapada (March and Oct.),
1 Paratypoid von Araraguara, S. Paulo, Brasil., Nov. 1937, E. J. Hambleton leg., im U. S. National Museum (Smithsonian Inst.).
8 Paratypoide von Cent.Brazil., Chapada, 2600 ft., Nov. 1902, leg.A. Robert, im British Museum.
1 Paratypoid von Brasilien, Obidos, 18. I. 04, Rolle V., und
9 Paratypoide von Sete Lagoas, Minas Geraes, 16. XII. 98, im Zoologischen Museum der A. von Humboldt Universität Berlin.
1 Paratypoid von Amazonas, Coll. Bates,
2 Paratypoide von Santarem, Coll. Bates,
1 Paratypoid von Santarem, Coll.?, und
1 Paratypoid von Para, Coll. Pascoe, im British Museum.
1 Paratypoid von Amazons im Museum Budapest.
4 Paratypoide von Goias, Campinas, Spitzcol. Feva 1936, im Museum Barcelona.
12 Paratypoide von Brazil., Mato Grosso, BarradoTapirape, 11.XII.62-9.I.63, B. Malkin, und
2 Paratypoide von Braz., Mato Grosso, Porto Velho, Rio Tapirape, 1.-20.XII.62 und II.-III. 63, R. Pinheiros, inder California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Dort weitere 10 exemplare der genannten Fundorte in der erwähnten quergerunzelten Variante (keine Paratypoide).
21 Paratypoide von Brasil., Mato Grosso, Chapada Guimaraes, XI.63, leg. Alvarenga, 1 Paratypoid von Brasil., Mato Grosso, Rosario Oeste, XI.63, leg. Alvarenga,
6 Paratypoide von Brasil., Mato Grosso, Jaciara, XI.63, Alvarenga,
2 Paratypoide von Brasil., St. Minas Gerais, 9.V.1957, Alvarenga,
9 Paratypoide von Brasil., Terezina Piaui (? Piauhy), VIII.52, leg. A. K. Oliveira,
3 Paratypoide von Brasil., K. G. Norte, Macaiba, VI.51, M. Alvarenga,
1 Paratypoid von Brasil., K. G. Norte, Taroim de Angico, VIII.54, B. M. Costa, und
2 Paratypoide von Brasil., Mato Grosso, Cáceres, XII.55, leg. M. Alva-renga, im Museum Dr. G. Frey in Tutzing.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Brasil: Goiás (Goiânia, old Campinas)»
Holotype depositary: ZSM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5261, 4, —. Labelled as: [Goiás | Campinas | Spitz col. | Fevº 1936] [Goiás | Campinas | Spitz col. | Janº 1936] [Gaiaz | L. Bulhós | XI-933-Spitz] [Gaiaz | 17-XII-933 | L. Bulhoēs | R. Spitz] [Paratypus] [Epitragus | aurulentus | sallaeoides mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [Epitragus | aurulentus | sallaeoides mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [Epitragus | aurulentus | sallaeoides mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [Epitragus | aurulentus | sallaeoides mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5261 | MZB]
Epitragus freyi Freude, 1967
Original status: Epitragus freyi Freude, 1967: 173
Original type material citation: «Holotypus, 7,5 × 3,5 mm, und 2 Paratypoide von Loreto, Exp. St. Missiones, Argentinien, Dr. A. Ogloblin leg., befinden sich im Museum Dr. Frey, Tutzing. Dort weitere 17 Paratypoide von Misiones, Pindapoy, X. 1935. Belegexemplare wurden mir dankenswerterweise für die Zoologische Staatssammlung München überlassen.1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, Misiones, Santo Pipo, 20.X.51, inder California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. 1 Paratypoid: Brasil., Reich., inder Zoologischen Staatssammlung München(mit punktiertem Scutellum). 1 Paratypoid: Argt., Misiones, Apostoles, III. 1953, 2 Paratypoide: Argt., Misiones, Loreto, IX. 1955, und
4 Paratypoide: Paraguay, Curtesa, III. 1954, in der Sammlung Hassenteufel, Absam,Tirol.
9 Paratypoide: Argt., Misiones, Pastoreo Grande, II.1954, und
8 Paratypoide: Argt., Misiones, Loreto, XII. 1955, in der Collection Ardoin, Arcachon.
3 Paratypoide: Argt., Misiones, L. N. Alem, I.51, leg. Kormilev,
3 Paratypoide: Argt., Misiones, Loreto, XII.55, leg. Molinari, und
11 Paratypoide: Argt., Misiones, Pastoreo Grande, II.54, im Museum Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argentina: Misiones»
Holotype depositary: MGFM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5259, 3, —. Labelled as: [Arg.Misiones | L. N. Alem | 1-51] [Kormileff] [Paratypus] [Epitragus | freyi mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [Epitragus | freyi mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [Epitragus | freyi mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5259 | MZB]
Remarks: the list of total type specimens states that there are 11 ex. deposited in the MCNB; however, only 1 specimen has been found in the Museum’s collection.
Hemasodes cartwrighti Freude, 1967
Original status: Hemasodes cartwrighti Freude, 1967: 192
Original type material citation: «Holotypus und 1 Paratypoid von Argentinien, Chaco, Santa Fesino, VIII.-X.1911, leg. W. H. Schladitz, Coli. G. M. Green, im U. S. National Museum, dessen dortigen Kollegen, Herrn Associat Curator O. L. Cartwright, ich die Art zum Dank für bereitwillige Unterstützungmeiner Arbeit widme. 2 Paratypoide: 5 Mi. N of Dean Funes, Cordoba, Argentina, 8.II.51, Ross and Michelbacher leg., inder California Academy of Sciences.
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, Prov. Buenos Aires, Rio Colorado, 21.XI.50, Wittmer leg.,
2 Paratypoide: Argentinien, Prov. Sgo. del Estero, Rio Salado, Wagner Coll., und
3 Paratypoide: Argentinien, Sierra de Cordoba, Alta Gracia, La Granja, XII. 21, C. Bruch leg., im Museum Dr. G. Frey, Tutzing.
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien, Misiones, Pto. Iguazu, XII.45, im Museum Barcelona.» Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argentina: Puerto Iguazú» Holotype depositary: NMNH
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5257, —. Labelled as: [Rep. Arg. | Pto. Iguazú | Misiones | XII-45] [Paratypus] [Hemasodes | cartwrighti mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5257 | MZB]
Hemasodes eisentrauti Freude, 1967
Original status: Hemasodes eisentrauti Freude, 1967: 190
Original type material citation: «Holotypus, ♂, 7,5 × 3 mm, Allotypus, ♀, 8 × 3,5 mm, und ein Paratypoid von Bolivien, Villa Montes, 20.8.30, leg. Dr. Eisentraut, befinden sich im Museum Berlin. Der Paratypoid wurde mir liebenswürdigerweise für die Zoologische Staatssammlung München überlassen. 3 Paratypoide: Argentinien, Santiago del Estero, Pozo Hondo, 14.X.1949, Coli. Budin, im Museum Budapest.
3 Paratypoide: Paraguay, Col. Fernheim, Chaco, XI. 1956, in Collection Hassenteufel, Absam.
1 Paratypoid: Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Termas del Rio Hondo, 25.-30.VIII.56, leg. Kormilev, im Museum Barcelona.
1 Paratypoid: Argentina, Rio Hondo, Santiago del Estero, 30.VIII.56, in Collection Molinari (als Homeotypus von Omopheres mollis Berg bezeichnet).
1 Paratypoid: Bolivien, Boquibeto Charagua vin. Cueva Jugyi (?), 15.VII. bis
1. IX.20, Harrington leg.,
2 Paratypoide: Bolivien, Cambeiti 1923, Harrington leg., und
6 Paratypoide: Paraguay, Chaco, Col. Fernheim, Filadelfia, 9.IX.55, J. L. Nickel leg. (By light), im U. S. National Museum, Washington.» Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argentina: Santiago del Estero»
Holotype depositary: MNB
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5258, —. Labelled as: [Argentina | Santiago del | Estero] [Termas del | Rio Hondo | 25-30-VIII-56 | V. Kormilev leg.] [Paratypus] [Hemasodes | eisentrauti mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5258 | MZB]
Hemasodes minutus hassenteufeli Freude, 1967
Original status: Hemasodes minutus hassenteufeli Freude, 1967: 189
Original type material citation: «Holotypus und 5 Paratypoide von Arg., Buenos Aires, Mar de Plata, I. 1956, und 2 Paratypoide von Arg., Buenos Aires, Villa Graell, II.57 in Collection Hassenteufel, Absam. 17 Paratypoide von Arg., Buenos Aires, St. Clemente del ?Euyie, 23.XII.57, leg. Kormilev, im Museum Barcelona. 1 Paratypoid von Arg., Tucuman, G. F. Mozuette, im U. S. National Museum.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argentina: Buenos Aires (San Clemente del Tuyú)» Holotype depositary: WH
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5262, 2, —. Labelled as: [St. Clemente | del Tuyú | Pv. B-Aires | 10-I-53 | Kormilev] [Paratypus] [Hemasodes | minutus | hassenteufeli mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5262 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5263, 4, —. Labelled as: [St. Clemente | del Tuyú | Pv. B-Aires | 23-XII-52 | Kormilev] [Paratypus] [Hemasodes | minutus | hassenteufeli mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5263 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5264, 2, —. Labelled as: [St. Clemente | del Tuyú | Pv. B-Aires | 10-I-53 | Kormilev] [Paratypus] [Hemasodes | minutus | hassenteufeli mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5264 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5265, 3, —. Labelled as: [St. Clemente | del Tuyú | Pv. B-Aires | 23-XII-52 | Kormilev] [Paratypus] [Hemasodes | minutus | hassenteufeli mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5265 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-5266, —. Labelled as: [St. Clemente | del Tuyú | Pv. B-Aires | 23-XII-52 | Kormilev] [Paratypus] [Hemasodes | minutus | hassenteufeli mi | det. H. Freude 1965] [73-5266 | MZB]
Remarks: according to the original publication, there were 17 ex. deposited in the MCNB; however, only 5 ex. have been found in the Museum’s collection. Additionally, those individuals were collected on 10-I-53, date not included in the original description.
Namibismus castaneus Koch, 1952
Original status: Namibismus castaneus Koch, 1952a: 108
Original type material citation: «LOCALITIES. Southern Angola: Moçamedes, Sept. 1951, leg. Peabody Harvard Exped. (11 spec., holotype and allotype in T. M., paratypes in C. M. Z. and BCM.); Port Alexandre, Sept. 1951, leg. Peabody Harvard Exped. (114 paratypes in T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Angola: Namibe Province (Tômbwa)» Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5705, —. Labelled as: [Port Alexandre | S. Angola, Sept, | 1951 C. Koch] [PARA | TYPE | castaneus | Koch] [Namibismus | castaneus | Koch | C. Koch det., 195] [73-5705 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Omopheres espanoli Freude, 1967
Original status: Omopheres españoli Freude, 1967: 212
Original type material citation: «Holotypus (unicus) von R. Argentinia, Prov. Mendoza, El Borbollon, III.44, F. Monroz, im Museum Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argentina: Mendoza (El Borbollon)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material: Holotype MZB 73-5260, —. Labelled as: [R. A. |Prov. Mendoza | El Borbollon | III-44 | F. Monrós leg.] [Holotypus | Omopheres | españoli | Freude 65] [73-5260 | MZB]
Tribe Erodiini Billberg, 1820
Arthrodeis (Apentanes) oblongior Escalera, 1914
Original status: Arthrodeis oblongior Escalera, 1914: 266
Present status: Arthrodeis (Apentanes) oblongior Escalera, 1914
Original type material citation: «Aglú, Tazerualt (Escalera). Museo de Madrid, mi colección»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Taze-roualt»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 78-1850, —. Labelled as: [Tazerualt] [col | Español] [2] [Cotypus] [Arthrodeis | oblongior | Escal. | A. Codina det.] [78-1850 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Arthrodeis (Arthrodeis) globulosus Escalera, 1922
Original status: Arthrodeis globulosus Escalera, 1922: 375
Original type material citation: «Loc. Casablanca, Mazagán (Escalera).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Al-Djadida»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 78-1812, 2, —. Labelled as: [Mazagán] [4] [Cotypus] [col | Español] [Arthrodeis | globulosus | Escal. | A. Codina det.] [78-1812 | MZB]
Arthrodeis (Arthrodeis) densepunctatus Escalera, 1914
Original status: Arthrodeis densepunctatus Escalera, 1914: 268
Present status: Arthrodeis (Arthrodeis ) densepunctatus Escalera, 1914 (= Arthrodeis (Arthrodeis) heydeni Reitter, 1914)
Original type material citation: «Mogador (Escalera).
Museo de Madrid; mi colección.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Essaouira»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-5254, —. Labelled as: [Mogador] [5] [col | Español] [Cotypus] [Arthrodeis | desencpuntatus | Escal. | A. Codina det.] [73-5254 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 78-1851, —. Labelled as: [Mogador] [col | Español] [Cotypus] [Arthrodeis | desencpuntatus | Escal. | A. Codina det.] [75-1851 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Arthrodeis (Arthrodinus) obesus gomerensis Oromí, 1977
Original status: Arthrodeis (Arthrodinus) obesus gomerensis Oromí, 1977: 15
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: Un macho de Valle Gran Rey (Gomera), 2-I-75 (P. Oromí leg.), en mi colección. Paratipos: de la misma localidad y fecha 2 ♂ y 4 ♀, (P. Oromí leg.) en el Museo Insular de Ciencias Naturales de Tenerife, y 8 ♂ y 9 ♀ (P. Oromí leg.) en mi colección; Valle Gran Rey, 8-4-74, 1 ♀ (M. Báez leg.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Canary Islands (La Gomera Island)»
Holotype depositary: PO
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3992, —. Labelled as: [♂] [GOMERA | 2-1-75 | Valle Gran Rey | P. Oromí] [Parartypus] [Arthrodeis | obesus | gomerensis mihi | P. Oromí] [72-3992 | MZB] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Arthrodosis afghanicus Kaszab, 1959
Original status: Arthrodosis afghanicus Kaszab, 1959: 332Ç
Original type material citation: «24 exemplare, Afghanistan: Umgebung von Laghman am Kabulfluß, 1500 m, 31.III.1953, J. Klapperich; Sarobi am Kabulfluß, 900 m, 12.VI.1952, J. Klapperich; Panchirtal, Bazarak, 2200 m, 27.VI.1952, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂ Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Laghman Province (Kabul river)»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9420, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Umgeg. Laghman | a. Kabulfluß 1500 m | 31.3.53 | O – Afghanistan] [Paratypus | Arthrodosis | afghanicus m. | det. Dr. Kaszab 1957] [73-9420 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Arthrodosis costatus Kaszab, 1959
Original status: Arthrodosis costatus Kaszab, 1959: 329
Original type material citation: «106 Exemplare, Afghanistan: Umgebung von Kabul, 1740 m, 4., 5., 12., 14., 19.V.1952; 20.III.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂ Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Kabul»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9418, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Umgeb. v. Kabul | 1740 m, 19.5.52 | O – Afghanistan» «PARATYPUS | Arthrodosis | costatus m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957» «73-9418 | MZB»
Paratype MZB 73-9419, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Umgeb. v. Kabul | 1740 m, 20.3.53 | O – Afghanistan» «PARATYPUS | Arthrodosis | costatus m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957» «73-9419 | MZB»
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Erodius (Dirosis) nanus Vauloger de Beaupré, 1897
Original status: Erodius nanus Vauloger de Beaupré, 1897: 308
Present status: Erodius (Dirosis) nanus Vauloger de Beaupré, 1897
Original type material citation: «Sud-Est Tunisien: Oued-el-Kreil (Valéry Mayet), Ain-Maïder (Dr Si-card).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Tunisia: Ain Maïder» Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 78-1813, —. Labelled as: [Erodius | nanus | Vaul | ex typ.| Ain Maïder] [Algerie | Chases de Vauloger | Coll. Clermont] [198] [col | Español] [12] [Erodius | nanus | Vaul. | ex. type det.] [78-1813 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Erodius (Erodius) carinatus mendizabali Koch, 1944
Original status: Erodius mendizabali Koch, 1944: 221
Present status: Erodius (Erodius) carinatus mendizabali Koch, 1944
Original type material citation: «Umgebung von Almeria, in den sublitoralen Flußtaldünen des Rio Almeria, unweit seiner Mündung ins Meer, am späten Nachmittag, zwischen Gräsern in der Sonne herumlaufend (19 ♂♂, 1 ♀♀, Typen); Roquetta (1 ♂♀).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-5247, —. Labelled as: [Umg. ALMERIA | Hisp. m. V.1943 |G. Frey, C. Koch] [PARATYPUS] [Erodius | mendizaba- | li Koch | Koch det.] [73-5247 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 73-5248, —. Labelled as: [Umg. ALMERIA | Hisp. m. V.1943 |G. Frey, C. Koch] [PARATYPUS] [Erodius | mendizaba- | li Koch | Koch det.] [73-5248 | MZB]
References: Español & Viñolas, 1987 (present status).
Tribe Nycteliini Solier, 1834
Nyctelia latiplicata Kulzer, 1963
Original status: Nyctelia latiplicta Kulzer, 1963: 47
Original type material citation: «Patria: 4 exemplare aus Argentinien, Chubut, Comodoro Rivadavia, Holo- und Paratypen im Museum Frey; 4 exemplare aus Chubut ohne genauere Angabe, Paratypen im Museum Frey; 1 exemplar Südargentinien, Paratype im Museo de Zoologia, Barcelona, dieses exemplar hat auffallend steile, fast senkrechte Furchen auf den Flügeldecken.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argentina: south Argentina»
Holotype depositary: MGFM
Type material: Paratype MZB 72-5356, —. Labelled as: [Süd. Argent 914] [PARATYPUS | Nyctelia | latiplicata n. sp. | det. H. Kulzer 1962] [72-5356 | MZB]
Tribe Pimeliini Latreille, 1802
Afghanopachys freyi freyi (Kaszab, 1960)
Original status: Pachyscelis freyi freyi Kaszab, 1960: 35
Present status: Afghanopachys freyi freyi (Kaszab, 1960)
Original type material citation: «94 exemplare, Afghanistan: Nuristan, Bashglultal, 1150 m, 9., 12., 19.V.1953; 1200 m, 15. IV., 3., 17.V.1953; 1100 m, 6., 9., 11., 22.IV., 6., 23.V.1953, J. Klapperich; Baschgultal, Kamdesch, 2000, 16. VII. 1952, J. Klapperich; Baschgultal, Kamu, 1500 m, 26.IV.1953, J. Klapperich; Kutiau 10.V.1953; 1450 m, 2. V.1953; 1500 m, 5.V.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Bashgultal and Kutiau »
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3920, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kutiau 1400 m | Nuristan 10.5.53 | Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Pachyscelis | Freyei m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3920 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3921, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Bashgultal 1200 m | Nuristan 7.5.53 | Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Pachyscelis | Freyei m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3921 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description. The altitude, locality and species name on the label do not match with information on the original publication.
Referencies: Kwieton, 1978 (present status).
Diesia sexdentata vachshiana Skopin, 1960
Original status: Diesia quadridentata vachshiana Skopin, 1960: 302
Present status: Diesia sexdentata vachshiana Skopin, 1960
Original type material citation: «Fundort: 6 ♂ und 3 ♀ aus der Schonung “Tigrowaja Balka” im unteren Lauf des Flusses Vachsch, 30.III, 4.IV.1959, leg. I. K. Lopatin.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Tajikistan: Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve»
Sintype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Sintype MZB 72-3956, —. Labelled as: [Muez.p.Bakal, | Tigrobal Scera | 30.03.1959 | I. K. Lopatin] [Diesta | quadridentata Fisch. | ssp. vachshiana | Paratyp. nov. | 1959 N. Skopin det.] [Paratypus] [72-3956 | MZB]
Referencies: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Parabigopsis peyerimhoffi Español, 1946
Original status: Parabigopsis peyerimhoffi Español, 1946: 115
Original type material citation: «Tipo, Tan Tan (Draá), 16-V-44.
Paratipos, 37 ejemplares recogidos con el tipo; Tan Tan, 22-V-44 (un ejemplar); Scheb el Harscha (Draá), 23-V-44; Agraat Lasaal (Draá), 4-V-44. Todos los ejemplares fueron recogidos en suelo arcilloso, extremadamente seco, bajo piedras.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Tan-Tan»
Holotype depositary: JM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3996, —. Labelled as: [Tan Tan (Draa) | 6-V-44 | Mateu leg.] [Parabignopsis | peterimhoffi | n. gen. n. sp.] [Paratypus] [72-3996 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3997, 3, —. Labelled as: [Tan Tan | Draa | 16-V-44 | Mateu leg.] [Parabignopsis | peterimhoffi | n. sp. | Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-3997 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3998, 3, —. Labelled as: [Tan Tan | Draa | 16-V-44 | Mateu leg.] [Parabignopsis | peterimhoffi | n. sp. | Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-3998 | MZB]
Pimelia (Homalopus) cordata zarcoi Español, 1943
Original status: Pimelia (Homalopus) cordata zarcoi Español, 1943: 133
Original type material citation: «Typus, Ifni: Sidi Ifni, 5-XI-41.— Paratypus, Ifni, Sidi Ifni (F. B.); Sidi Ifni, 5-XI-41; Tiluin Uggu (F.B.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Sidi Ifni»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-6903, —. Labelled as: [SIDI IFNI | EL MESTI | IFNI-5-XI-41 | MORALES Lg.] [Typus] [ Pimelia | (Homalopus) | cordata Kr. | ssp. zarcoi | nov. | Español det.] [73-6903 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6894, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [ col. | Español] [Paratypus] [73-6894 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6895, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [73-6895 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6896, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [73-6896 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6897, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [73-6897 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6898, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [73-6898 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6899, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [73-6899 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6900, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [73-6900 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6901, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [73-6901 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6902, —. Labelled as: [SIDI IFNI | EL MESTI | IFNI – 5-XI-41 | Morales leg.] [Pimelia | cordata Kr] [ Col. | Español] [Paratypus] [73-6902 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6904, —. Labelled as: [SIDI IFNI | EL MESTI | IFNI-5-XI-41 | MORALES Lg.] [Paratypus] [ Pimelia | (Homalopus) | cordata Kr. | ssp. zarcoi | nov. | Español det.] [73-6904 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6905, —. Labelled as: [SIDI IFNI | EL MESTI | IFNI-5-XI-41 | MORALES Lg.] [Paratypus] [ Pimelia | (Homalopus) | cordata Kr. | ssp. zarcoi | nov. | Español det.] [73-6905 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1823, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Pimelia | cordata Kr] [ Col. | Español] [Paratypus] [78-1823 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1824, —. Labelled as: [SIDI IFNI | EL MESTI | IFNI – 5-XI-41 | Morales leg.] [Pimelia | cordata Kr] [ Col. | Español] [Paratypus] [78-1823 | MZB]
Pimelia (Pimelia) ardoini Pierre, 1982
Original status: Pimelia (Pimelia) ardoini Pierre, 1982: 5
Original type material citation: «Holotype: 1 ♂, Soudan, Omdurman, 25-VII-1975 (H. J. Bremer) (MNHN).— Paratypes, même localité et, en outre, Dj. Markhlyat, près de Khartoum, 9-VIII-1962 (P. Jolivet) (MNHN, coll. H. J. Bremer et F. Pierre).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Omdurman»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5252, —. Labelled as: [SUDAN | 10 km sept. versus | OMDURMAN | 25-7-1977 | H. J. Bremer leg. | sub lapide» «coll. | H. J. Bremer | 1980» «PARATYPE» «Pimelia | ardoini Pierre | spec. nov.» «73-5252 | MZB»
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Pimelia (Pimelia) fernandezlopezi Machado, 1979
Original status: Pimelia (Sphanaspis) fernandezlopezi Machado, 1979: 123
Present status: Pimelia (Pimelia) fernandezlopezi Machado, 1979
Original type material citation: «Holotipo. Gomera; Puntallana, 1 6, 25-IX-78, A. Machado leg. (Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Paratipos. Gomera: Puntallana, 4-IX-78, 1 ex (dañado), 25-IX-78, 6 exx A. Machadoleg. (coll. A. Machado, La Laguna); mismo lugar y fecha, 7 exx, P. Oromí leg. (coll. P. Oromí, La Laguna). Gomera: Puntallana, 3-1-79, P. Oromí leg., 1 ex (coll. British Museum N. H.), 1 ex (coll. Zoological Museum Helsinki), 1 ex (coll.Museo de Zoología de Barcelona), 1 ex (coll. Museo húngaro de Ciencias Naturales, Budapest), 2 exx (coll. Museo de Ciencias Naturales de S/C de Tenerife), y 6 exx (coll. P. Oromí, La Laguna).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Canary Islands (Gomera Island)»
Holotype depositary: MCNT
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3990, —. Labelled as: [GOMERA | 3-1-79 | Puntallana | P. Oromí] [PARATIPO] [Pimelia | fernandezlo- | pezi mihi | det. A. Machado] [72-3990 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al., 2008 present status).
Pimelia (Pimelia) goryi cassolai Ardoin, 1973
Original status: Pimelia (Pimelia) goryi cassolai Ardoin, 1973: 284
Original type material citation: «Prov. de Nuoro: Bosa, Fl. Temo, 2.VI.1967 (F. C.). Cité par Gridelli de: Stagno Bara (Macomer), V.1936 (Burlini); Mt San Antonio, IV.1909 (Solari); Campeda (Luigioni); Mt Ferru, V.1891 (A. Dodero). Prov. de Cagliari: Fl. Tirso, Oristano, 2.VI.1967; Abbasanta, 8.XII.1967; id., 9.IV.1968; id., 29.XI.1968; id., 5.II.1970 (F. C.). Citée par Gridelli de: Oristano (Cerruti); S. Guista, près Oristano (Burlini).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Italy: Sardinia Island»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3982, —. Labelled as: [SAREGNA | Abbasanta | 9.IV.68 F. Cassola] [PARATYPE | Pimelia | goryi Solier | ssp. cassolai | nov. | P. Ardoini 1973] [72-3982 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-3983, —. Labelled as: [SAREGNA | Abbasanta | 9.IV.68 F. Cassola] [PARATYPE | Pimelia | goryi Solier | ssp. cassolai | nov. | P. Ardoini 1973] [72-3983 | MZB]
Pimelia (Pimelia) payraudi punctatorugosa var. oristanensis Ardoin, 1973
Original status: Pimelia (Pimelia) angusticollis punctatorugosa var. oristanensis Ardoin, 1973: 290
Present status: Pimelia (Pimelia) payraudi punctatorugosa var. oristanensis Ardoin, 1973 (= Pimelia (Pimelia) payraudi punctatorugosa Reitter, 1915)
Original type material citation: «Prov. de Cagliari: Foce Fl. Tirso (Oristano), 27.V.1966; id., 1.III.1968; Is Arenas, Sardara-Pabillonis, 12.III.1969 (F. C.). Torrew Grande, près Oristano, 3.V.1969 (P. A.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Italy: Sardinia Island»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3984, —. Labelled as: [3.V.1969. Torre | Grande, Oristano | SARDAIGNE OUEST | P. Ardoine leg.] [PARATYPE Pimelia | angullicollis Solier | ssp. punctatorugosa Rett. | ssp. oristanensis | nov. | P. Ardoin 1973] [72-3984 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-3985, —. Labelled as: [3.V.1969. Torre | Grande, Oristano | SARDAIGNE OUEST | P. Ardoine leg.] [PARATYPE Pimelia | angullicollis Solier | ssp. punctatorugosa Rett. | ssp. oristanensis | nov. | P. Ardoin 1973] [72-3985 | MZB]
Pimelia (Pimelia) payraudi subalpina Ardoin, 1973
Original status: Pimelia (Pimelia) payraudi subalpina Ardoin, 1973: 286
Original type material citation: «Prov. de Nuoro : Passo Arcu Correboi (Fonni), 1250 m, 29.VII.1959 (F. C.). Nuoro, 15-17.IV.1933 (Dr R. Meyer). Nuoro, 7.VI.1955 (I. Mercati). Entre Mamoiada et Fonni, 9.V.1969; Lac Gusana, 10.V.1969; Lode, près Siniscola, 11.V.1969; Entre Nuoro et Siniscola, 15.V.1969 (P. A.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Italy: Sardinia Island»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3981, —. Labelled as: [III.1961 | Lula | Sardaigne | J. Ochs recol.] [PARATYPUS | Pimelia | payraudi Latr | ssp. subalpina | nov. | P. Ardoine 1973] [72-3981 | MZB]
Pimelia (Pimelia) tricostata kandaharica Kaszab, 1960
Original status: Pimelia(Chaetotoma) tricostata kandaharica Kaszab, 1960: 42
Present status: Pimelia (Pimelia) tricostata kandaharica Kaszab, 1960
Original type material citation: «22 exemplare, Afghanistan: Kandahar-Kuna, 950 m, 7., 17., 21., 26.II., 1., 6.III.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).» Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Kandahar – Kuna»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3922, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar – Kuna | 950 m, 17.2.53 | S – Afghanistan] [Paratypus Pimelia | tricostata ssp. | kandaharica m. | det. Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3922 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Pimelipachys laevicollis mesophilus (Skopin, 1960)
Original status: Pachyscelis laevicollis mesophilus Skopin, 1960: 303
Present status: Pimelipachys laevicollis mesophilus (Skopin, 1960)
Original type material citation: «Fundorte: 4 Stücke aus Darbaza, zwischen Taschkent und Tscliimkcnt, 2-4. V.1954, leg. N. Skopin; 16 Stücke aus Tentek-Saj im Tale des mittleren Laufes des Flusses Syr-Darja, IV-VII.1957, leg. P. Lehr ; 3 Stücke aus Zhana-Kuduk im Tale des mittleren Laufes des Syr-Darja, 15.V.1959, leg. L. Andreeva; 2 Stücke aus Arys, zwischen Tschimkent und Turkestan, V.1941, leg. N. Skopin; 1 Stück aus Jany-Kurgan am Syr-Darja, V.1933, leg. N. Skopin ; 1 Stück aus Tscholak-Espe in der Wüste Betpak-Dala, VI.1936, leg. V. Se1evin.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Kazakhastan»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3957, ♂. Labelled as: [unreadable | unreadable | 12.05.1950 | unreadable] [Pachyscelis | laevicollis Rtt. | s. sp. mesophilus | paratyp. ♂ n. sp. | 1959 N. Skopin det.] [Paratypus] [72-3957 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description
References: Skopin, 1962 (present status).
Stalagmoptera staudingeri badakschanica Kaszab, 1960
Original status: Stalagmoptera staudingeri badakschanica Kaszab, 1960: 39
Original type material citation: «99 Exemplare, Afghanistan: Badakschan, Schiva, Hochsteppe, 2800 m, 7., 12. VII. 1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Schiva»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3918, —. Labelled as: [J. Klaperich | Schiva, Hochsteppe | 2800 m, 7.7.53 | Badakschan | NO – Afghanistan] [Paratypus Stalagn. | staudingeri ssp. | badakschanica m. | det. Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3918 – MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Tribe Platyscelidini Lacordaire, 1859
Bioramix (Bioramix) espanoli Kaszab, 1961
Original status: Platynoscelis (Bioramix) espanoli Kaszab, 1961c: 118
Present status: Bioramix (Bioramix) espanoli Kaszab, 1961
Original type material citation: «9 exemplaren aus dem Himalaya; Nord-West Front. Province, Salful. Maluk-Sar, 11000 ft, 2-VII-1953, leg. F. Schid /Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀, und 2 ♂ 3 ♀ Paratypen/; id., Gottidas, 15. VIII. 1953, leg. F. Schmid /1 ♂ Paratype/ und id., Besal, 10715 ft, 12-VII-1953, leg. F. Schmid /1 ♂ Paratype/. Holo-und Allotype, sowie Paratypen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums in Barcelona, Paratypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Pakistan: Saiful Maluk National Park»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 72-3948, ♂. Labelled as: [N. W. Front – Prov. | Salful. Maluk | Sar. 11.000 ft | 2-VII-53 | F. Schmid – leg.] [Holotypus 1960 | Platynoscelis ♂ | Españoli | Kaszab] [Platynoscelis | Españoli Kaszab | Dr. Z. Kaszab det., 1960] [72-3948 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-3037, ♂. Labelled as: [N. W. Front – Prov. | Salful. Maluk | Sar. 11.000 ft | 2-VII-53 | F. Schmid – leg.] [Paratypus 1960 | Platynoscelis ♂ | Españoli | Kaszab] [778-3037 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3949, ♀. Labelled as: [N. W. Front – Prov. | Salful. Maluk | Sar. 11.000 ft | 2-VII-53 | F. Schmid leg.] [Allotypus 1960 | Platynoscelis ♀ | Españoli | Kaszab] [72-3949 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3950, ♀. Labelled as: [N. W. Front – Prov. | Salful. Maluk | Sar. 11.000 ft | 2-VII-53 | leg. F. Schmid] [Paratypus 1960 | Platynoscelis ♀ | Españoli | Kaszab] [72-3950 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3951, ♂. Labelled as: [N. W. Front – Prov. | Salful. Maluk | Sar. 11.000 ft | 2-VII-53 | F. Schmid leg.] [Paratypus 1960 | Platynoscelis ♂ | Españoli | Kaszab] [72-3951 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Bioramix (Bioramix) klapperichi Kaszab, 1960
Original status: Platynoscelis (Bioramix) klapperichi Kaszab, 1960: 85
Present status: Bioramix (Bioramix) klapperichi Kaszab, 1960
Original type material citation: «74 exemplare, Afghanistan: Badakschan, Anjuman-Gebirge, Anjuman.Paß, 4000 m, 11.VIII.1952; 4200 m, 12., 13.VIII.1952, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Parartypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Anjuman-Pass»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3924, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Anjuman-Pass | 4200 m, Adjuman – | Geb., Badakschan | 12.8.52, NO – Afghan.] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | Klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3924 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3925, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Anjuman-Pass | 4200 m, Adjuman – | Geb., Badakschan | 12.8.52, NO – Afghan.] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | Klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3925 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Bioramix (Bioramix) stoeckleini Kaszab, 1960
Original status: Platynoscelis (Bioramix) stöckleini Kaszab, 1960: 87
Present status: Bioramix (Bioramix) stoeckleini Kaszab, 1960
Original type material citation: «68 exemplare, Afghanistan: Hindukusch, Salangtal, Walang, 2500 m, 19.IX.1952; 2550 m, 19.IX.1952; 2550 m, 14.XI.1952; 1750 m, 15.XI.1952, J. Klapperic; Khinjantal, Do-Schak, 2500 m, 26.IX.1952, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ un Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Walang»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3923, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Walang, 2520 m | Salangtal, 29.9.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | Stöckleini m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3923 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Bioramix (Cardiobioramis) haafi (Kaszab, 1960)
Original status: Platynoscelis (Cardiobioramis) haafi Kaszab, 1960: 88
Present status: Bioramix (Cardiobioramis) haafi Kaszab, 1960
Original type material citation: «161 exemplare, Afghanistan: Badakschan, Kokschatal, Schau, 2000 m, 19.VIII.1953, J. Klapperich; Sarekanda, 4100 m, 28.VI., 1.VIII.1953; 4200 m, 25., 26., 29., 31.VII.1953; 3800 m, 29.VII.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Sarekandan»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3926, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sarekanda, 4200 m | 31.7.53, Gebirge | Badakschan | NO – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | Haafi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3926 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3927, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sarekanda, 4200 m | 31.7.53, Gebirge | Badakschan | NO – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | Haafi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3927 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3928, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sarekanda, 4200 m | 29.7.53, Gebirge | Badakschan | NO – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | Haafi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3928 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3929, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sarekanda, 4200 m | 25.7.53, Gebirge | Badakschan | NO – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | Haafi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3929 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Bioramix (Platynoscelis) gracilipenis (Kaszab, 1960)
Original status: Platynoscelis (Platynoscelis) gracilipenis Kaszab, 1960: 98
Present status: Bioramix (Platynoscelis) gracilipenis ( Kaszab, 1960)
Original type material citation: «54 exemplare, Afghanistan: Badakschan, Sarekandan, 3800 m, 22.VII.1953; 4100, 1.VIII.1953; 4200 m, 25., 29.3, 31.VII.1953, J. Klapperich; Kokschatal, Schau, 2000 m, 19.VII.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Sarekandan»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3940, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sarekandan, 4200 m | 31.7.53, Gebirge | Badakschan | NO – Afghanistan] [Paratypus | Platynoscelis | gracilipenis m. | det. Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3940 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Bioramix (Platynoscelis) scheerpeltzi (Kaszab, 1960)
Original status: Platynoscelis (Platynoscelis) scheerpeltzi Kaszab, 1960: 100
Present status: Bioramix (Platynoscelis) scheerpeltzi (Kaszab, 1960)
Original type material citation: «Eine sehr groß Serie (1114 exemplare), Afghanistan: Hindukusch, Khinjantal, Do-Schak, 2500 m, 26.IX., 1.X.1952, J. Klapperich; Salangtal, Walang, 2520 m, 29.IX.1952, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Do-Schal»
Holptype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3930, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3930 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3931, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3931 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3932, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3932 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3933, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3933 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3934, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3934 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3935, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3935 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3936, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3936 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3937, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3937 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3938, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3938 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3939, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Do – Schal, 2500 m | Khinjantal, 1.10.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | scheerpeltzi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [72-3939 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Bioramix (Trichoplatyscelis) badakschanica (Kaszab, 1960)
Original status: Platynoscelis (Pseudotrichoplatycelis) badakschanica Kaszab, 1960: 83
Present status: Bioramix (Trichoplatyscelis) badakschanica (Kaszab, 1960) (= Bioramix (Trichoplatyscelis) lapidicola Kaszab, 1940)
Original type material citation: «93 exemplare, Afghanistan: Badakschan, Schiva Hochsteppe, 2900 m, 11.VIII.1953, J. Klapperich; Minjan-Gebirge, Sanglitch-Paß, 3750 m, 2.VIII.1952, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).» Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Sanglitch-Paß»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9449, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sanglitch-Pass | 3750 m, 2.8.52 | Minjan – Geb.Badak | sohan, NO – Afghan.] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | badakschanica m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9449 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9450, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sanglitch-Pass | 3750 m, 2.8.52 | Minjan – Geb.Badak | sohan, NO – Afghan.] [PARATYPUS | Platynoscelis | badakschanica m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9450 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Tribe Praociini Eschscholtz, 1829
Praocis (Praocida) montana Kulzer, 1958
Original status: Praocis (Praocida) montana Kulzer, 1958: 91
Original type material citation: «Patria: 12 Stück Puno, Peru, Titicacasee, 3500m, 12. 40, leg. Weyrauch. Holo-, Allo- und Paratypen in coll. Frey, Paratypen in coll. Weyrauch; ferner 5 Stück Guisqui, Boliv. Titicaca 3800 m; 8 Stück Sta. Lucia, Peru, 4000 m, 18.4.38; 4 Stück Arapa, Peru cerca Puno; 4 Stück Sicuani Peru; Paratypen in coll. Frey; in großer Anzahl Titicacasee, Hustajata ca 4000 m, 8.1.54, Bolivien leg. W. Foster, Paratypen in coll. Zool Staatssammlung Münechen; 13 Stück Titicacasee, Huarisata, 3400 m, 12.12.1948, und 24 Stück Puno 3900-4000 m, 2.49, leg. Kuschel, Paratypen in coll. Kuschel; 21 Stück Camacani, Puno L. Titicaca Peru 3700 m in coll. Peña, Paratypen.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Bolivia: Huatajata (Titicaca lake)»
Holotype depositary: MGFM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5251, —. Labelled as: [Titicacasee, Hustajata | ca 4000 m 8.1.54] [Bolivia 1954 | leg. W. Forster] [PARATYPUS | Praocis | montana m | H. Kulzer 1957] [73-5251 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Tribe Sepidiini Eschscholtz, 1829
Subtribe Phanerotomeina Koch, 1958
Phanerotoma ferreirae Koch, 1952
Original status: Phanerotoma ferreira Koch, 1952b: 238
Original type material citation: «Verbreitung.— Port. Ost-Afrika: Lourenço Marques, Nov. 1949, leg. M. C. Ferreira (8 ♂♂, Holotype T. M., Paratypen T. M., M. A. C. und M. F.); dtto., April 1908, leg. H. A. Junod (1 ♂♀, ♀-Allotype T. M.); dtto., 1911, leg. J. B. Paulus (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Paratypen S. A. M.); Delagoa Bay, 1892, leg. D. J. Junod (1 ♀ Paratype S. A. M.); dtto., 1904, leg. P. A. Sheppard (2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Paratypen A. R. I.); dtto., Jan. 1890, leg J. de Coster (2 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀, Paratypen S. A. M.); Rikatla, (1 ♂-Paratipe T. M.); Sikumba, Maputa (1 ♀, Paratype T. M.); Umbeluzi, Dez. 1949, leg. M. C. Ferreira (1 ♂-Paratype M. A. C.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Mozambique: Maputo (Praia da Polana)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5697, —. Labelled as: [Praia Polana |Lour. Marques | 3 March 1950 | M. C. Ferreira] [PARA | TYPE | ferreirae | Koch] [Phanerotoma | ferreirae | Koch | DET. C. KOCH] [73-5697 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Subtribu Oxurina Koch, 1955
Synhimba pruinosum Koch, 1952
Original status: Synhimba pruinosum Koch, 1952b: 219
Original type material citation: «Verbreitu.— Nordwestl. Südwesr-Afrika, im nordwestlichen Kaokoveld: Orupembe, Juni 1951, leg. Bern. Carp – Transv. Mus. Exp. (80 Exemplare, Holo- und Allotype T. M., Paratypen T. M. und M. F.); Namib zwischen Orupembe und Rocky Point, Juni 1951, leg. Bern. Carp – Transv. Mus. Exp. (48 Paratypen, T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Kaoko desert (Oropembe)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5706, —. Labelled as: [Oropembe | Kaokoveld | June 1951 | C. Koch] [PARA | TYPE | pruino- | sum | Koch] [Synhimba | pruinosum | Koch | C. Koch det., 195] [73-5706 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Subtribe Trachynotina Koch, 1955
Somaticus (Ceromelaephus) strangulatus arborarius Koch, 1955
Original status: Somaticus (Ceromelaephus) strangulatus arborarius Koch, 1955: 92
Original type material citation: «Distribution.— South-Wes Africa, South-Wester Great Namaqualand.— Lüderitzbucht Distr. (2): Reck Vlagte, Arasab Mountains, btwn. Aus and Kubub, Witputs, V.1953 (C. Koch & W. Graaf, about 40 spec., types in Transvaal Museum); Lüderitzbucht, V.1952 (F. Eberlanz, T and Museum Lüderitzbucht).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Namaqualand (Arasab Mountains)» Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5707, —. Labelled as: [Rek Vlakte, Gt | Namaqualand | V.1953. C. Koch] [PARA | TYPE | arbora- | rius | Koch] [Somaticus | strangulatus | arborarius | Koch | DET. C. KOCH] [73-5707 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Trachynotus braunsi (Koch, 1955)
Original status: Somaticus (Trachyderes) braunsi Koch, 1955: 135
Present status: Trachynotus braunsi (Koch, 1955)
Original type material citation: «Locality.— Cape Province.— Willowmore Distr. (29): Willowmore, III.1920 (H. Brauns, 51 sp., types in Transvaal Museum»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Eastern Cape (Willowmore)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5708, —. Labelled as: [Willowmore | Capland | Dr. H. Brauns.] [PARA | TYPUS | trachynotus | braunsi | 1951 C. KOCH] [73-5708 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Trachynotus omercooperi (Koch, 1952)
Original status: ? omer-cooperi Koch, 1952: ?
Present status: Trachynotus omercooperi (Koch, 1952)
Original type material citation: «Publication not available» Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Namaqualand (Aus)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5709, —. Labelled as: [Aus, Gt. Namaquald. | 17.IX.1950 | C. Koch, G. van Son] [PARA | TYPUS | Trachynotus | omer-cooperi | 1950. C. KOCH] [73-5709 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Trachynotus planatus drukeri (Koch, 1955)
Original status: Somaticus (Clinocranion) planatus drukeri Koch, 1955: 73
Present status: Trachynotus planatus drukeri (Koch, 1955)
Original type material citation: «Distribution.— South-West Africa, South-Western Great Namaqualand.— Lüderitzbucht Distr. (2): Aus, IX.1950 (M. Druker, C. Koch & G. van Son, 65 spec., types in Transvaal Museum); Namtib, btwn. Aus and Helmeringshausen; Kuibis; btwn. Kubub and Arasb Mountains; Reck Vlagte (T).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Namaqualand (Aus)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5710, —. Labelled as: [Aus, Gt. Namaquald. | 17.IX.1950 | C. Koch, G. van Son] [PARA | TYPUS | Trachynotus | planatus ssp. | drukeri | 1950. C. KOCH] [73-5710 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Tribe Tentyriini Eschscholtz, 1831
Afrinus (Gynandrocera) namaquanus Koch, 1950
Original status: Afrinus (Gynandrocera) namaquanus Koch, 1950: 321
Original type material citation: «LOCALITIES. Little Namaqualand: Soebatsfontein, 17 Nov. 1948 (28 ♂♂, 19 ♀♀, holotype and allotype in T. M., paratypes in T. M. and Science Museum of California Academy of Sciences); between Soebatsfontein and Springbok, 17 Nov. 1948 (1 ♂ paratype); 15 miles west of Garies, 15 Nov. 1948 (3 ♂♂ paratypes); Buffels River near Grootmist, 21 Nov. 1948 (28 ♂♂, 31 ♀♀ paratypes). A further paratypical pair in S. A. M. with the label ‘Kleinzee, N. Namaqualand, Nov. 1935, leg. Mus. staff’.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Cape Province (Grootmist)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6227, —. Labelled as: [Buffels R. near | Grootmist, C. P. | 21-XI-1948 | Koch & Van Son] [Univ. Calif. | Transv. Mus. | Afr. Exped.] [Transvaal | Museum] [PARATYPE | Nerina (Gynandro- | cera) namaquana | C. Koch. 1949] [73-6227 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6228, —. Labelled as: [Buffels R. near | Grootmist, C. P. | 21-XI-1948 | Koch & Van Son] [Univ. Calif. | Transv. Mus. | Afr. Exped.] [Transvaal | Museum] [PARATYPE | Nerina (Gynandro- | cera) namaquana | C. Koch. 1949] [73-6228 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Ascelosodis schmidi Kaszab, 1965
Original status: Ascelosodis schmidi Kaszab, 1965: 108
Original type material citation: «3 exemplare aus Sikkim: Donkung, 15750 ft, 22.VI.1959, leg. F. Schmid (Holo- und Paratypen). Holotype und 1 Paratype betinden sich in der Sammlung des Museums in Barcelona, 1 Paratype auch in der Sammlung des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «India: Sikkim»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 72-3954, —. Labelled as: [Sikkim | Donkung 15750 | 22-VI-59 ft. | Schmid leg.] [Holotypus 1964 | Ascelosodis | schmidi | Kaszab] [72-3954 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3955, —. Labelled as: [Sikkim | Donkung 15750 | 22-VI-1959 F. Schmid] [Paratypus 1964 | Ascelosodis | schmidi | Kaszab] [72-3955 | MZB]
Cimipsa zarcoi Español, 1944
Original status: Cimipsa zarcoi Español, 1944: 8
Original type material citation: «Tipo Guelta Zemur, 2-II-43. Paratipos, un ejemplar recogido con el tipo y otro capturado en Uad Bomba, Esmamit (Río de Oro), 7-II-43.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Esmamit»
Holotype depositary: JM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3965, —. Labelled as: [Uad Bomba | Esmamit | 7-8-11-43 | mor. mateu] [Paratypus] [Cimipsa | zarcoi n. sp. | Español] [72-3965 | MZB]
Cyphostethe (Cyphostethoides) saharensis (Chobaut, 1897)
Original status: Himatismus saharensis Chobaut, 1897: 205
Present status: Cyphostethe (Cyphostethoides) saharensis (Chobaut, 1897) (= Cyphostethe (Cyphostethoides) heydenii (Haag-Rutenberg, 1877))
Original type material citation: «Elle a été capturée dans le courant de cet été au Mzab par mes amis MM. Bayonno et Aubert, le soir, au moyen de la lumière, dans la plaine qui sépare Ghardaïa de Mélika.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Algeria: Ghardaïa province (M’zab valley)»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-5354, —. Labelled as: [Co-TYPE] [GHARDAÏA | (MZAB) | SUD-ALGERIE» «Himastismus | saharense | Chob.» «72-5354 | MZB»
References: Löbl & Merkl, 2003 (present status).
Freudeia nepalica Kaszab, 1961
Original status: Freudeia nepalica Kaszab, 1961b: 217
Original type material citation: «32 exemplare aus Nepal: Mustangbhot, 29°11’ n. Br., 83º58’ ö. L.. Mustang. 3800 m. 14.VIII.1955, leg. F. Lobbichler (Holotype ♂. Allotype ♀ und 13 Paratypen): id., Kehami. 3700 m, 12.VIII.1955 (6 Paratypen); id.. Ghilinggaon. 3900 m. 9. VIII. 1955 (1 Paratype); Manangbhot, 28º40’ n. Br., 84°1’ ö. L., Naur-Khola (Gunsa-Chama). 4000 m. 6.VII.1955 (7 Paratypen): id.. Chanie. 2641 m, 7.VII.1955 (1 Paratype): id.. Sabzi-Chu, 3500 m, 17.VII.1955 (2 Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Nepal: Mustangbhot»
Holotype depositary: ZSM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3942, —. Labelled as: [Nepal, Mustangbhot | 29º11’ n. Br. 83º58’ | ö L Kehami | 3700 m 12.VIII.55 | leg. F. Lobbichler | Zoolog, | Staatsslg.] [Paratypus 1961 | Freudia | nepalica | Kaszab] [72-3942 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Gnathosia klapperichi Kaszab, 1959
Original status: Gnathosia klapperichi Kaszab, 1959: 367
Original type material citation: «280 exemplare, Afghanistan, Kandahar, 950 m, 24., 28.I., 11. 13., 19.II.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Kandahar»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9428, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar | 950 m, 11.2.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Gnathosia | Klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9428 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9429, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar | 950m, 11.2.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Gnathosia | Klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9429 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9430, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar | 950m, 11.2.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Gnathosia | Klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9430 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9431, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar | 950m, 11.2.53 | S – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Gnathosia | Klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9431 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Imatismus senegalensis ennediensis (Español, 1973)
Original status: Himatismus (Curismophaena) senegalensis ennediensis Español, 1973: 306
Present status: Imatismus senegalensis ennediensis (Español, 1973)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: Ennedi, Mare de Kehei, 7-IX (Museo de Paris). Paratipos: misma localidad y misma fecha; Ennedi: Mare de Damas, 15-IX; Oued Basso, 22-IX (Museo de Paris y Museo de Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Chad: Ennendi»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-6927, —. Labelled as: [Ennendi – Mare | de Kehei | 7-IX-58 | Mateu det.][Him. (Curim.) | senegalensis | ennediensis n. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [73-6927 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6928, 1 ♂ and 2 ♀. Labelled as: [Mare de | Kehei 7-IX-58 | Ennendi | Mateu leg.] [Him. (Curim.) | senegalensis | ennediensis n. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6928 | MZB] (Aedeagus glued under the specimen)
Paratype MZB 73-6929, 2, —. Labelled as: [Mare de | Kehei | Ennendi 7-IX-58 | Mateu leg.][Him. (Curim.) | senegalensis | ennediensis n. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6929 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6930, 3, —. Labelled as: [Mare de | Kehei 7-IX-58 | Ennendi | Mateu leg.] [Him. (Curim.) | senegalensis | ennediensis n. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6930 | MZB] (Specimen glued dorsally)
Paratype MZB 73-6931, 2, —. Labelled as: [22 | Mare de DAMAS | Ennedi | 11-18-IX-58] [Mare de | Damas | Ennendi 11-IX | 58 | Mateu leg.][Him. (Curim.) | senegalensis | ennediensis n. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6931 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6932, —. Labelled as: [Bout du | Basso | Ennedi 22-IX | 58 | Mateu leg.][Him. (Curim.) | senegalensis | ennediensis n. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6932 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6933, 4, —. Labelled as: [Mare de | Kehei 7-IX-58 | Ennendi | Mateu leg.][Him. (Curim.) | senegalensis | ennediensis n. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6933 | MZB]
References: Bouchard et al., 2007 (present status).
Hegeter (Homapipleurus) politus malleatus (Uyttenboogaart, 1937)
Original status: Pseudothalpophila polita ab. malleata Uyttenboogaart, 1937: 88
Present status: Hegeter (Homapipleurus) politus malleatus (Uyttenboogaart, 1937) (= Hegeter (Homapipleurus) politus Heer, 1857)
Original type material citation: «3 spec. P, Arecife Lanzarote … Types in my collection, cotype in the Museum of Natural History at Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Canary Islands: Lanzarote Island»
Holotype depositary: DLU
Type material:
Paratype MZB 78-1822, —. Labelled as: [Lanzarote | Puerto Arrecife | 1935 | Balaguer leg.] [Type] [2] [Pseudothalpoph. | polita Heer | ab. malleata | Uyttenboogaart | type] [78-1822 | MZB]
References: Grimm, 1995 (present status).
Micipsa (Cirsa) instriata Pic, 1922
Original status: Micipsa instriata Pic, 1922: 29
Present status: Micipsa (Cirsa) instriata Pic, 1922
Original type material citation: «Maroc . Quercif (coll. Georgel et Pic).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Guercif»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 73-5249, —. Labelled as: [6] [Guercif | Maroc | 1918] [Type] [Micipsa | instriata | n. sp.] [73-5249 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Oxycara richardi Alluad, 1936
Original status: Oxycara richardi Alluad, 1936: 129
Original type material citation: «Sal (Dr J. Richard, 1901), 9 indiv.; — très nombreuse série de la Saline de Pedra da Lume (A. Chevalier, 1934)»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Cap Vert Islands: Sal Island»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3978, —. Labelled as: [DU CAP VERD | SAL] [in Musaeo | J. Clermont] [Cotype] [Oxycara | Richardi | All.| Cotypus] [72-3978 | MZB]
Pachychila (Pachychila) punctata mamorensis Antoine, 1942
Original status: Pachychila (Pachychila) punctata mamorensis Antoine, 1942: 60
Original type material citation: «Le type est de Tanger mais descend au sud du Rif au moins jusqu’à Fès aù M. Otin en a recueilli un exemplaire bien caractérisé.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Mamora»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3993, —. Labelled as: [Mamora IV-36 | Maroc) Antoine] [COTYPE] [punctata s.sp. | mamorensis m. | Antoine det.] [72-3993 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-3994, —. Labelled as: [Mamora V. | Maroc) Antoine] [COTYPE] [72-3994 | MZB] Syntype MZB 72-3995, —. Labelled as: [Mamora X 36 | Maroc) Antoine] [COTYPE] [punctata s.sp. | mamorensis m. | Antoine det.] [72-3995 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-5352, —. Labelled as: [Mamora N. | Maroc) Antoine] [TYPE] [punctata s.sp. | mamorensis m. | Antoine det.] [72-5352 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-5353, —. Labelled as: [Mamora N. | Maroc) Antoine] [TYPE] [punctata s.sp. | mamorensis m. | Antoine det.] [72-5353 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 78-1814, —. Labelled as: [Mamora N. | Maroc) Antoine] [TYPE] [punctata s.sp. | mamorensis m. | Antoine det.] [78-1814 | MZB]
Pachychila (Tentyromorpha) mairei Antoine, 1926
Original status: Pachychila (Tentyromorpha) mairei Antoine, 1926: 252
Present status: Pachychila (Tentyromorpha) mairei Antoine, 1926 (= Pachychila (Tentyromorpha) antoinei Peyerimhoff, 1927)
Original type material citation: «Habitat et localité. — Plaine de Teluet, dans le Grand Atlas (circa, 2.000 m.); une dizaine d’exemplaires»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Telouet»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material: Syntype MZB 72-3969, —. Labelled as: [Teluet. 2000 | Maroc) Antoine | Gd Atlas. VII-26] [Cotype] [Antoinei Peyer | Mariei Ant. | Antoine det.] [72-3969 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-3970, —. Labelled as: [Teluet. 2000 | Maroc) Antoine | Gd Atlas. VII-26] [Cotype] [Antoinei Peyer | Mariei Ant. | Antoine det.] [72-3970 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Pachychila (Tentyromorpha) gattefossei Antoine, 1933
Original status: Pachychila (Tentyromorpha) gattefossei Antoine, 1933: 221
Original type material citation: «Enterré dans le sable, au pied des touffes de Peganum harmala L. (dét. Gattefossé) ou sous les pierres, dans la plaine désertique entre le pied du Tichka et Ouarzazat, une vingtaine d’exemplaires.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Ouarzazate»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3958, —. Labelled as: [Ouarzazate | V | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [P. Gattefossei | m | Antoine det.] [72-3958 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-3959, —. Labelled as: [Ouarzazate | V | G. Allanc Suol | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [P. Gattefossei | m | Antoine det.] [72-3959 | MZB]
Paracirta peyerimhoffi peyerimhoffi Español, 1944
Original status: Paracirta peyerimhoffi Español, 1944: 10
Original type material citation: «Tipo, Zug (Río de Oro), 14-XII-41. Paratipos, Uad Bomba, Esmamit (Río de Oro), 7-II-43.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Esmamit»
Holotype depositary: JM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3968, —. Labelled as: [Uad Bomba | Esmamit | 7-II-43] [Paratypus] [Paracirta | peyerimhoffi | Esp.] [72-3968 | MZB]
Sphenaria pierrei Peyerimhoff, 1949
Original status: Sphenaria pierrei Peyerimhoff, 1949: 70
Original type material citation: «Grand Erg occidental, le long de la Saoura, découvert par M. F. Pierre, en fin mars 1947, sur les épis de la Graminée Danthonia Forskahlei (Vahl) Trin., plante sabulicole répandue dans tout le Sahara et, à l’Est, en Egypte, en Arabie et dans l’Iran.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argel: Saoura»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3999, —. Labelled as: [Algerian | Saoura | 31-III-47 | Pierre leg.] [Sph. Pierrei | Peyrh. | Ammes | O. Saoura |Bordure du | Gd. Erg Occ. | 31-3-47 | PARATYPE] [Paratypus] [ Sph. pierrei | Peyer. | Peyerimhoff det.] [72-3999 | MZB]
Syachis marussii Gridelli, 1957
Original status: Syachis marussii Gridelli, 1957: 49
Original type material citation: «Karakorum: Valle Stak, a Kulankae, m. 3100, una serie di 292 exemplari raccolti dal Prof. Dott. Antonio Marussi, al quale dedico questa specie con animo grato, per aver trovato modo di compiere ricerche intelligenti e fruttuose anche nel campo biologico.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «India: Kashmir (Stak Valley)»
Holotype depositary: MCSNT
Type material: Paratype MZB 73-9424, —. Labelled as: [V. STAK, m. 3100 | KULANKAE | Agosto 1954] [ESPEDIZ. ITALIANA | KARAKORUM 1954 | leg. Prof. A. Marussi] [Paratypus 1957 | Syachis | marussii | Gridelli] [73-9424 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Syachis klapperichi Kaszab, 1959
Original status: Syachis klapperichi Kaszab, 1959: 351
Original type material citation: «130 exemplare, Afghanistan: Badakschan, Sarekanda, 4200 m, 25., 29., 31.VII.1953; 4100 m, 28.VII., 1.VIII.1953; 3600 m, 22., 23.VII.1953; J. Klapperich; Kokschatal, Schau, 2000 m, 19.VII.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Badakschan»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9425, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sarekanda, 4200 m | 25.7.53. Gebirge | Badakschan | NO Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Syachis | Klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9425 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9426, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sarekanda, 4200 m | 25.7.53. Gebirge | Badakschan | NO Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Syachis | Klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9426 | MZB] Paratype MZB 73-9427, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Sarekanda, 4200 m | 25.7.53. Gebirge | Badakschan | NO Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Syachis | Klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9427 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Tentyria (Subtentyrina) ligurica confusa Ardoin, 1973
Original status: Tentyria ligurica confusa Ardoin, 1973: 304
Present status: Tentyria (Subtentyrina) ligurica confusa Ardoin, 1973
Original type material citation: «Holotype : un ex. mâle, arrière-plage de Torre Gande, près Oristano, Prov. de Cagliari, Sardaigne, 3.V.1969, P. A., deposé dans les collections du Muséum national. Allotype : un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Italy: Sardinia» Lectotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3986, 2, —. Labelled as: [SARDEGNA Arbus | Foce Riu Piscinas | 4·XI·68 F. Cassola] [PARATYPE | Tentyria | ligurica Solier | ssp. confusa | nov. | P. Ardoin 1973] [72-3986 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3987, —. Labelled as: [♀] [9.V66. Putzuldu | Sinis | SARDEGNA | F. Cassola leg.] [PARATYPE | Tentyria | ligurica Solier | ssp. confusa | nov. | P. Ardoin 1973] [72-3987 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Tentyria (Subtentyrina) ligurica pseudorugosa Ardoin, 1973
Original status: Tentyria ligurica pseudorugosa Ardoin, 1973: 304
Present status: Tentyria (Subtentyrina) ligurica pseudorugosa Ardoin, 1973
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. femelle, environs de Cagliari, Prov. de Cagliari, Sardaigne, 14.VI.1962, F. Cassola, déposé dans les collections du Muséum national. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Italy: Sardinia»
Lectotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3988, —. Labelled as: [SARDEGNA | Isola S. Pietro | 8.IV.1966] [Leg. F. Cassola] [PARATYPE | Tentyria | ligurica Solier | ssp. pseudorugosa | nov. | P. Ardoin 1973] [72-3988 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3989, 2, —. Labelled as: [SARDEGNA | Isola S. Antioco | Capo Sperone 7.IV.66] [Leg. F. Cassola] [PARATYPE | Tentyria | ligurica Solier | ssp. pseudorugosa | nov. | P. Ardoin 1973] [72-3989 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Tentyria (Subtentyrina) maroccana beidensis Antoine, 1926
Original status: Tentyria maroccana beidensis Antonie, 1926: 248
Present status: Tentyria (Subtentyrina) maroccana beidensis Antonie, 1926 (= Tentyria (Subtentyrina) elongata subcostata Solier, 1835)
Original type material citation: «Habitat et localité. — Dans la dune littorale: Casablanca (Dar el Beida), Zenata, Fedhala. Abondant au printemps, devient bien plus rare en été, disparaît presque complètement dès fin août.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Casablanca»
Lectotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3977, —. Labelled as: [Casablanca | Maroc) Antoine] [COTYPE] [T. maroccana | s. sp. Beidensis mihi | Antoine det.] [72-3977 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Tentyria (Subtentyrina) ophisuae Codina, 1918
Original status: Tentyria mucronata ophisuae Codina, 1918: 265
Present status: Tentyria (Subtentyrina) ophisuae Codina, 1918
Original type material citation: «Pàtria. Sant Francesc Xavier; Illa de Formentera (Balears), 28,1II-I8. Joaquim Maluquer leg.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Islands (Formentera Island (Sant Francesc de Formentera))»
Lectotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 78-1818, —. Labelled as: [S. Franco Javier | Formentera | (I. Baleares) | 28-III-18 | Joaq. Maluquer leg.] [Tentyria | mucronata | v. oblonga Sol.] [12] [Typus] [Tentyria | mucronata | ophisuae Codina | nov. subesp. | A. Codina det.] [78-1818 | MZB] [Lectotype | Tentyria | ophisuae Codina, 1918 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016] Paralectotype
MZB 73-5253, —. Labelled as: [S. Franco Javier | Formentera | (I. Baleares) | 28.III.18. | Joaq. Maluquer leg.] [Tentyria | mucronata | v. oblonga Sol. | A. Codina det.] [Typus] [Tentyria | mucronata | ophisuae Codina | nov. subesp. Codina | A. Codina det.] [73-5253 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Tentyria | ophisuae Codina, 1918 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig.2016]
References: Español, 1954a; Pons & Palmer, 1996; Viñolas, 1986 (present status); Viñolas et al., 2016b (lectotype designation).
Tentyria (Subtentyrina) pazi Español, 1958
Original status: Tentyria (Subtentyrina) pazi Español, 1958b: 13
Original type material citation: «La T. pazi es insecto particularmente común en la Columbrete Mayor, bajo piedras en donde se esconde durante el día; sale de noche, siendo de movimientos más rápidos que los otros Tenebriónidos que le acompañan en sus nomadeos nocturnos (Elenophorus, Scaurus, Blaps, Heliopathes, etc.).
Holotipo, alotipo y paratipos en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Columbretes Islands (Grossa Island)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-0839, ♂. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Tentyria | (Subtentyrina) | pazi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Holotypus] [78-0839 | MZB] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paratype MZB 73-6911, 3, —. Labelled as: [Islas | Columbretes | XII-56 | Sr. Paz leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6911 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6912, 3, —. Labelled as: [Islas | Columbretes | XII-56 | Sr. Paz leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6912 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6913, 3, —. Labelled as: [Islas | Columbretes | XII-56 | Sr. Paz leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6913 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6914, 3, —. Labelled as: [Islas | Columbretes | XII-56 | Sr. Paz leg.][Paratypus] [73-6914 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6915, 3, —. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6915 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6916, 3, —. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6916 | MZB
Paratype MZB 73-6917, 3, —. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6917 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6918, 3, —. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [73-6918 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-0840, —. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Tentyria | (Subtentyrina) | pazi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Alotypus] [78-0840 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1774, ♂. Labelled as: [Islas | Columbretes | XII-56 | Sr. Paz leg.] [Paratypus] [78-1774 | MZB] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paratype MZB 78-1775, 3, —. Labelled as: [COLUMBRETE MAYOR | (CASTELLON) | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [78-1775 | MZB]
Thalpobia abbreviata ennediensis (Girard, 1967)
Original status: Thalpophila (Thalpophila) abbreviata ennediensis Girard, 1967: 948
Present status: Thalpobia abbreviata ennediensis (Girard, 1967)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: Oued Dogouro, 30-9-1958, Ennedi (Muséum Paris). Paratypes: même localié, même date, (Muséum Paris, et Muséum de Barcelona, Espagne).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Chad: Ennedi»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6919, 3, —. Labelled as: [Ouedi | Bogouro 30-IX | Ennedi 58 | Mateu leg.] [PARATYPUS] [Thalpophila | abbreviatta | ennediensis nov | C. RIRARD DET. 1966] [73-6919 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6920, 2, —. Labelled as: [Ouedi | Bogouro | Ennedi 30-IX | 58 | Mateu leg.] [PARATYPUS] [Thalpophila | abbreviatta | ennediensis nov | C. RIRARD DET. 1966] [73-6920 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6921, 2, —. Labelled as: [Ouedi | Bogouro 30- | Ennedi IX-58 | Mateu leg.] [PARATYPUS] [Thalpophila | abbreviatta | ennediensis nov | C. RIRARD DET. 1966] [73-6921 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al., 2008 (present status).
Thalpobia meridionalis clermonti Español, 1946
Original status: Thalpobia meridionalis clermonti Español, 1946: 116
Original type material citation: «Tipo, Tan Tan (Draâ), 16-V-44. Paratipos, dos ejemplares defectuosos recogidos con el tipo. 6 ejemplares de El Aiún del Draâ, 6-V-42 (Morales leg.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: El Aaiun del Dra»
Holotype depositary: JM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3964, 5, —. Labelled as: [EL AIUM | VALLE DEL DRAA | 6-V-42 | MORALES L.] [Paratipos] [Thalpophila | meridionalis | ssp. Clermonti | nov. | Español det.] [72-3964 | MZB]
Thalpobia zemensis Antoine, 1946
Original status: Thalpobia zemensis Antoine, 1946: 36
Original type material citation: «Plateau d’Oued-Zem!, abondant. Boujad!, Beni-Mellal (Schramm).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Oued Zem»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material: Syntype MZB 72-3976, —. Labelled as: [Oued Zem. II.32 | Maroc) Antoine] [Cotype] [T. zemensis | m | Antoine det.] [72-3976]
Tribe Stenosini Schaum, 1859 (1834)
Dichillus (Dichillinus) afghanicus klapperichi Kaszab, 1960
Original status: Dichillus (Dichillinus) afghanicus klapperichi Kaszab, 1960: 12
Original type material citation: «191 exemplare, Afghanistan: Hindukusch, Salangtal, Walang, 2520 m, 29.IX.1952; 2550 m, 14.XI.1952, J. Klapperich (Holo- und Paratypen).» Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Walang»
Lectotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9445, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Walang, 2550 m | Salangtal, 14.11.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Dichillus afghan. | klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9445 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9446, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Walang, 2550 m | Salangtal, 14.11.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Dichillus afghan. | klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9446 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9447, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Walang, 2550 m | Salangtal, 29.9.52 | Hindukusch | O – Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Dichillus afghan. | klapperichi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9447 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Dichillus (Dichillinus) schmidi Kaszab, 1961
Original status: Dichillus (Dichillinus) schmidi Kaszab, 1961c: 116
Original type material citation: «7 exemplare /Holo — und Paratypen/ aus Belutschistan: Ziarat, 4-IV-1953, leg. F. Schmid. Holotype befindet sich ind er Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums in Barcelona, Paratypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Pakistan: Ziarat»
Lectotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 72-3943, —. Labelled as: [Belutschistan | Ziarat | 4-IV-53 | F. Schmid leg.] [Holotypus 1961 | Dichillus | schmidi | Kaszab] [72-3943 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3944, —. Labelled as: [Ziarat, 4-IV-53 | F. Schmid] [Paratypus 1961 | Dichillus | schmidi | Kaszab] [72-3944 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3945, —. Labelled as: [Ziarat, 4-IV-53 | F. Schmid] [Paratypus 1961 | Dichillus | schmidi | Kaszab] [72-3945 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3946, —. Labelled as: [Ziarat, 4-IV-53 | F. Schmid] [Paratypus 1961 | Dichillus | schmidi | Kaszab] [72-3946 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-3947, 3, —. Labelled as: [Belutschistan | Ziarat | 4-IV-53 | F. Schmid leg.] [Paratypus] [Dichillus | schmidi Kasz. | Dr. Z. Kaszab det., 1960] [72-3947 | MZB]
Dichillus (Dichillomessor) piffli Kaszab, 1961
Original status: Dichillus (Dichillomessor) piffli Kaszab, 1961a: 344
Original type material citation: «9 exemplare aus Karakorum: Jatschot, Darel-Tal, Fluss-Insel, aus Mist, 2000 m, VII.1958. leg. Dr. E. Piffl (Holotype); Gumari, Darel-Tal, 2000 m, VII. 1958, leg Dr. E. Piffl (7 Paratypen) und Sassli, Indus-Tal, V.1958, leg. Dr. E. Piffl (1 Paratype). Die Holotype befindet sich in der Sammlung des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Karakorum: Sassli»
Lectotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-3941, —. Labelled as: [KARAKORUM, V.58 | Sassli. Indus-T. | Dr. E.Piffl] [Paratypus 1961 | Dichillus | Piffli m. | Kaszab] [72-3941 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Pseudetha afghanicus Kaszab, 1960
Original status: Pseudethas afghanicus Kaszab, 1960: 3
Original type material citation: «46 exemplare, Afghanistan: Hindukusch, Salangtal, Walag, 2550 m, 14.XI.1952, J. Klapperich (Holo- und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Walag»
Lectotype depositary: JK
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-9448, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Walang, 2550 m | Salangtal, 14.11.52 | Hindukusch | O- Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Pseudethas | afghanicus m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9448 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Stenosis cobosi Español, 1958
Original status: Stenosis cobosi Español, 1958a: 46
Original type material citation: «La serie típica procede del Cerro de San Cristóbal, en los alrededores de Málaga (Cobos leg.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Málaga (Monte Victoria)»
Lectotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 78-1797, ♂. Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Typus] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [78-1797 | MZB] [Lectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 73-6235, 2, —.Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6235 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6236, 2, —. Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6236 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6237, ♂. Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6237 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig.2016] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 73-6238, ♂.Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6238 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016] (aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 73-6239, —.Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | hispanica | Sol.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6239 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]Paralectotype MZB 73-6240, —. Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6240 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6241, —. Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6241 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6242, ♂. Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6242 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig.2016] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 73-6243, —. Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6243 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6244, —. Labelled as: [Malaga | Cobos] [Stenosis | hispanica | Sol.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6244 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6245, —. Labelled as: [Malaga | Cobos] [Stenosis | hispanica | Sol.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6245| MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-1795, ♂. Labelled as: [Monte San Cris | tobal-Malaga | II-1946 | Cobos leg.] [Paratypus] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [78-1795 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig.2016] (aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 78-1796, —. Labelled as: [Monte S. Cristobal | Malaga.II-1946 | Cobos Sanchez] [Stenosis | hispanica | Sol.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1796 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-1798, —. Labelled as: [Malaga | XI-45 | Cobos] [Stenosis | hispanica | Sol.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1796 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-1799, —. Labelled as: [Malaga | Cobos] [Stenosis | hispanica | Sol.] [Stenosis | cobosi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1796 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | cobosi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
References: Viñolas et al., 2016b (lectotype designation).
Stenosis fallaciosa Ferrer & Murria Beltrán, 2009
Original status: Stenosis fallaciosa Ferrer & Murria Beltrán, 2009: 512
Original type material citation: «MATERIAL EXAMINADO: Holotipo; macho, Barcelona, 28.IV.1948, F. Español leg. (CJF), depositado en el Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Estocolmo. Paratipos cuatro ejemplares, mismos datos (CJF); Vaciamadrid, 13,VII.1983, Madrid, Jesús Plaza leg. (cuatro ejemplares, CJF); Huesca, Zaragoza, 8.XI.2006, A. Murria leg. (bajo corteza de Ulmus) (4, CFMB, 4 MNCN, 4 MCNB, 4 EEZA, 4 MNHB); ídem, III.2007, (4, CJF); Llobregat, Beniola, F. Español leg. 87-33869 (1, MCNB); Tarragona, IV.1934, 87-3870 (4, MCNB); Catalonia, Benifallet, XII.1935, 87, Museu leg. (3, MCNB), Besos, Barcelona, 29.III.1939, coll. F. Español, 87-3873 (4, MCNB). Francia: Marsella: 26.I.1991, Ile de Rattoneau, 1995, G. Moragues leg. (2, CJF, 3 CGM).» Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Barcelona (El Prat de Llobregat, Sant Adrià de Besòs), Huesca (Fraga), Murcia (Totana) and Tarragona (Benifallet).»
Holotype depositary: SMNH
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2008-1178, —. Labelled as: [Marzo 2007 | Fraga (H) | A. Murria leg.] [PARATYPUS | Stenosis fallaciosa | Ferrer & Murria det.] [MZB | 2008-1178]
Paratype MZB 2008-1179, —. Labelled as: [Marzo 2007 | Fraga (H) | A. Murria leg.] [PARATYPUS | Stenosis fallaciosa | Ferrer & Murria det.] [MZB | 2008-1179]
Paratype MZB 2008-1180, —. Labelled as: [Marzo 2007 | Fraga (H) | A. Murria leg.] [PARATYPUS | Stenosis fallaciosa | Ferrer & Murria det.] [MZB | 2008-1180]
Paratype MZB 2008-1181, —. Labelled as: [Marzo 2007 | Fraga (H) | A. Murria leg.] [PARATYPUS | Stenosis fallaciosa | Ferrer & Murria det.] [MZB | 2008-1181]
Paratype MZB 87-3869, —. Labelled as: [P. Llobregat | Remolá III-41| Español leg.] [MZB | Stenosis | sardoa | Español leg.] [MZB | 87-3869] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer]
Paratype MZB 87-3870, —. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Tarragona | IV-1934] [MZB | 87-3870] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer]
Paratype MZB 87-3871, —. Labelled as: [CATALONIA | Benifallet | XII 35 | Museu leg.] [MZB | 87-3871] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer]
Paratype MZB 87-3872, —. Labelled as: [MURCIA | Totana | Balaguer leg.] [MZB | 87-3872] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer]
Paratype MZB 87-3873, —. Labelled as: [Besos | Barcelona | 29-III-29] [ col | Español] [MZB | 87-3873] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer]
Paratype MZB 73-9409, —. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Tarragona | IV-1934 | 87-3870] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer] [73-9409 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9410, —. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Tarragona | IV-1934 | 87-3870] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer] [73-9410 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9411, —. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Tarragona | IV-1934 | 87-3870] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer] [73-9411 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9412, —. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Benifallet | XII.1935 | Museu leg. | 87-3871] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer] [73-9412 | MZB] Paratype MZB 73-9413, —. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Benifallet | XII.1935 | Museu leg. | 87-3871] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer] [73-9413 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9414, —. Labelled as: [Besos | Barcelona | 29.III.1929 | Coll. Español] [87-3873] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer] [73-9414 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9415, —. Labelled as: [Besos | Barcelona | 29.III.1929 | Coll. Español] [87-3873] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer] [73-9415 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9416, —. Labelled as: [Besos | Barcelona | 29.III.1929 | Coll. Español] [87-3873] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer] [73-9416 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-9417, —. Labelled as: [Besos | Barcelona | 29.III.1929 | Coll. Español] [87-3873] [PARATYPE | Stenosis | fallaciosa n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer] [73-9417 | MZB]
Remarks: there are discrepancies between the original description and the specimen labels.
Stenosis figuerasi Español, 1958
Original status: Stenosis figuerasi Español, 1958c: 111
Original type material citation: «Isaguen, B. Seddat (Pardo), tres ejemplares en la colección del Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Ketama» Lectotype depositary: MCNB Type material:
Lectotype MZB 72-3962, ♂. Labelled as: [MARRUECOS ESPAÑOL | Isaguen-VI-1941 | Pardo leg.] [Stenosis | figuerasi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Tipo] [72-3962 | MZB] [Lectotype | Stenosis | figuerasi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig.2016] (aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 72-3963, ♀.Labelled as: [♀] [Marruecos | Isaguen-VI-1941 | Pardo leg.] [Stenosis | figuerasi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-3962 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | figuerasi Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Det. 2016]
Remarks: the original description reports three deposited specimens but there are only two in the collection.
Stenosis olcesii jacentipilis Antoine, 1949
Original status: Stenosis olcesei form. jacentipilis Antoine, 1949: 221
Present status: Stenosis olcesii jacentipilis Antoine, 1949
Original type material citation: «C’est la race méridional, d’Agadir à l’enclave d’Ifni: Inesgane!, Aglou!, Talaïnt!, Ifni (in coll. Español).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Ifni»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3974, —. Labelled as: [Sous: Insgune | XII-30 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Type] [jacentipilis m. | Antoine det.] [72-3974 | MZB]
Stenosis olcesii errans Antoine, 1949
Original status: Stenosis olcesei form. errans Antoine, 1949: 221
Present status: Stenosis olcesii errans Antoine, 1949 (= Stenosis olcesii jacentipilis Antoine, 1949)
Original type material citation: «Maroc central continental : Mechra ben Abou!» Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Mechra ben Abou»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3975, —. Labelled as: [Mechra Ben | Abou III.36 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [f. errans | Antoine det.][72-3975 | MZB]
Stenosis mendizabali Español, 1960
Original status: Stenosis mendizabali Español, 1960: 3
Original type material citation: «Tipo, ♂, recogido en lo alto de la S.ª de Gata (Almería) por mi querido colega Sr. A. Cobos, siendo voluntad suya estudiara yo tan interesante novedad, atención que agradezco mucho. Alotipo (♀) y numerosos paratipos recogidos con el tipo.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (Sierra del Cabo Gata)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1806, ♂. Labelled as: [Cabo de Gata | Almeria | III-59 | A. Cobos leg.][Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Holotipo] [78-1806 | MZB] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paratype MZB 73-5255, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [73-5255 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5341, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5341 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5342, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5342 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5343, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5343 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5344, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5344 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5345, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5345 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5346, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5346 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5347, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5347 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5348, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5348 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5349, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5349 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5350, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5350 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-5351, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [72-5351 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6882, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [73-6882 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6883, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [73-6883 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6884, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [73-6884 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6885, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [73-6885 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6886, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [73-6886 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6887, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [73-6887 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1807, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Cabo de Gata | III-59] [Cabo de Gata | Almeria | III-59 | A. Cobos leg.] [Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Alotipo] [78-1807 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1808, ♂. Labelled as: [Cabo de Gata | Almeria | III-59 | A. Cobos leg.][Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1808 | MZB] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen. Specimen glued dorsally)
Paratype MZB 78-1809, —. Labelled as: [Srra. Cabo de Gata | Almeria (España) | A. Cobos coll.][Stenosis | mendizabali | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1809 | MZB]
Remarks: the title of the paper, journal and page indicated in the Palaearctic Catalogue are erroneous. Although the author gives Sierra de Gata (Salamanca) as the typical locality, the material is in fact from Sierra del Cabo de Gata (Almería).
Stenosis mogadorica Antoine, 1936
Original status: Stenosis mogadorica Antoine, 1936: 16
Original type material citation: «Maroc atlantique. — Mogador»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Esauira»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3973, —. Labelled as: [Mogador.XI.31 | (Schramm)] [Cotype] [mogadorica 1 Antoine det.] [72-3973 | MZB]
Stenosis oteroi Español, 1981
Original status: Stenosis oteroi Español, 1981: 58
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, ♂, Isla del Faro (Islas Cies, Pontevedra) bajo piedras en la base de un cortafuegos a unos 300 m. del litoral, 7-11-IV-1973 (J. C. Otero y J. Saro leg.). Paratipo, una ♀ recogida con el holot ipo, ambos en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Pontevedra (Cies Islands (Del Faro Island))»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1793, ♂. Labelled as: [I. Cies | (7-11)4.73] [Stenosis | oteroi n. sp.| Español det.] [Typus] [78-1793 | MZB] (Edeago extraido, pegado en cartulina pinchada con el ejemplar)
Paratype MZB 78-1794, ♀. Labelled as: [I. Cies | (7-11)4.73 | C. Otero] [Stenosis | oteroi n. sp. | Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1794 | MZB]
Stenosis otini Antoine, 1948
Original status: Stenosis otini Antoine, 1948: 233
Original type material citation: «Sidi el Beurnoussi près Fès!; marais du Fouarrat à Port-Layauey!; Oued Amelil (Rotrou!).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Fez»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3971, —. Labelled as: [Fès IV-38 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Paratype] [Otini m. | Antoine det.] [72-3971 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-3972, —. Labelled as: [Fès IV-38 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Paratype] [72-3972 | MZB]
Stenosis pardoi (Español, 1967)
Original status: Stenopsis pardoi Español, 1967: 174
Present status: Stenosis pardoi Español, 1967
Original type material citation: «Un nuevo “Stenosis” recogido por Don A. Pardo Alcaide en la región de Oudja, Marruecos.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Oujda»
Lectotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 73-9407, ♂. Labelled as: [Ain Kalira (1.500 m) | Debdou – Oujda | Pardo Alcaide leg. | 7-V-1959] [Org. cop. ♂ | 2] [Stenosis | pardoi | n. sp. | F. Español det.][Tipo] [73-9407 | MZB] [Lectotype | Stenosis | pardoi (Español, 1967) | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig.2016] (aedeagus in microscopic preparation, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 73-9408, —. Labelled as: [Gada Debdou | Oujda-Maroc oriental | PARDO ALCAIDE | 22-V-1960] [Stenosis | pardoi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [73-9408 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis | pardoi (Español, 1967) | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig.2016].
Remarks: described by mistake as belonging to the genus Stenopsis, nomen nudum, misspelling.
References: Viñolas et al., 1995, 2016b (present status and lectotipe designation).
Stenosis sanctaehelenae Ardoin, 1972
Original status: Stenosis sanctaehelenae Ardoin, 1972: 188
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Rupert’s Valley, Dainte-Hélène, 13-24.V.1967. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «United Kingdom: Saint Helena Island (Rupert’s Valley)» Holotype depositary: MRACT
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6229, —. Labelled as: [Sainte-Hélène : Nord | Rupert’s Valley | 0 à 100ft. | XII.1965-1.1966] [COLL. MUS. TERVUREN | Mission Zool. Ste-Hélène | (P. Basilewsky, P. L. G. | Benoit et N. Leleup)] [Paratypus] [STENOSIS | sanctae-helenae n.sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1969] [73-6229 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6230, —. Labelled as: [Sainte-Hélène : Nord | Rupert’s Valley | 13-24.V.1967] [COLL. MUS. TERVUREN | Mission Zool. Ste-Hélène | (P. Basilewsky, P. L. G. | Benoit et N. Leleup)] [Paratypus] [STENOSIS | sanctae-helenae n.sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1969] [73-6230 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Stenosis schrammi Antoine, 1933
Original status: Stenosis schrammi Antoine, 1933: 225
Original type material citation: «Grand Atlas. Tizi Ouchedden, dans les Goundafa, circa 2000 m. (types); val d’Ifni; Asni.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morroco: Tizi Ouchedden»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material:
Syntype MZB 72-3960, —. Labelled as: [ Tizi Ouchedden | G. At. 2200.VIII | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Schrammi | Antoine det.] [72-3960 | MZB]
Syntype MZB 72-3961, —. Labelled as: [ Tizi Ouchedden | Maroc (Antoine) | 2200.VIII.31] [Cotype] [Schrammi | Antoine det.] [72-3961 | MZB]
Stenosis villosa andalusiaca Español, 1958
Original status: Stenosis villosa andalusiaca Español, 1958a: 50
Original type material citation: «Diferencia todas que justifican el aislamiento subespecífico de estos ejemplares, para los que establezco la ssp. andalusiaca nov. … Ssp. andalusiaca Españ. Extendida por Andalucía oriental.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (Adra, Berja, Huécija, El Alquián, La Cañada) and Granada (Ugíjar)»
Lectotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 78-1800, ♂. Labelled as: [Ugijar (Granada) | XI-1950] [Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [78-1800 | MZB] [Lectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig.2016] (aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 73-6232, 5, —.Labelled as: [Ugijar (Gran.) | XI-1950 ] [Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6232 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 73-6233, ♂. Labelled as: [Adra Prov. | Almeria | 22-1-49 | Mateu leg.] [Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6233 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 73-6234, —. Labelled as: [Adra Prov. | Almeria | 22-1-49 | Mateu leg.][Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [73-6234 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-1801, —. Labelled as: [LA CAÑADA | Almería, 19-III-1950 | Cobos Sánchez leg.] [Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1801 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-1802, —. Labelled as: [Huecija-Allcum | Almería-Hispania | A. Cobos leg.] [Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1802 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-1803, —. Labelled as: [ALQUIAN.PV.ALMERIA |1949. 2-X- | MATEU-COBOS LEG.] [Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1803 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-1804, 5, —. Labelled as: [Almeria | Berja | 10-IV-49 | Mateu leg.] [Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1804 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
Paralectotype MZB 78-1805, ♂. Labelled as: [Adra Prov. | Almeria | 22-1-49 | Mateu leg.] [Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1805 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016] (Aedeagus glued on cardboard, pinned under the specimen)
Paralectotype MZB 78-1810, 5, —.Labelled as: [Ugijar (Gran.) | XI-1950] [Sten. villosa | ssp. andalu- | siaca nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1810 | MZB] [Paralectotype | Stenosis villosa | andalusiaca Español, 1958 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & | B. Caballero-López Desig. 2016]
References: Viñolas et al., 2016b (lectotype designation).
Stenosis zarcoi Español, 1947
Original status: Stenosis zarcoi Español, 1947: 186
Original type material citation: «Tipo, ♂. Recogido cerca de la cumbre de una colina en los alrededores de Adzaneta (Castellón), debajo de unas piedras, junto a una colonia de Lasius y conviviendo con Dichillus, Claviger y otros mirmecófilos. Paratipos, 6 ejemplares recogidos con el tipo.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Castellón (Adzaneta)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1791, ♂. Labelled as: [Adzaneta | Castellón | IV-46 -Espa- | ñol Mateu] [Stenosis | zarcoi | sp. n. | Español det.] [Tipo] [78-1791 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1792, 1 ♂, 1 ♀. Labelled as: [Adzaneta | Castellón | IV-46 -Espa- | ñol Mateu] [Stenosis | zarcoi | sp. n. | Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1792 | MZB] (edeago extraido y pegado con el ejemplar macho. Los dos ejemplares pegados dorsalmente)
Paratype MZB 73-6231, —. Labelled as: [Adzaneta | Castellón | IV-46 -Espa- | ñol Mateu] [Stenosis | zarcoi | sp. n. | Español det.] [Paratipo] [73-6231 | MZB]
Tribe Zophosini Solier, 1834
Zophosis (Dactylocalcar) inflata (Penrith, 1974)
Original status: Protodactylus inflatus Penrith, 1974: 148
Present status: Zophosis (Dactylocalcar) inflata (Penrith, 1974)
Original type material citation: «Type material: Holotype in State Museum: paratypes in State Museum, Transvaal Museum, and British Museum (Natural History); Bethanis.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Welwitschia»
Holotype depositary: SM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-4005, —. Labelled as: [57m W Welwitschia | I.1968, W. J. Hamilton] [Paratypus | PROTODACTYLUS | inflatus sp. n. | M.-L. Penrith 1974] [72-4005 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Penrith, 1977 (material citation); Penrith, 1986b (present status).
Zophosis (Gyrosis) ornatipennis Penrith, 1977
Original status: Zophosis (Gyrosis) ornatipennis Penrith, 1977: 112
Original type material citation: «Type material: Holotype, ♂, 4,3 mm e.l. (SM), Rössing Mts, 1–2 Mar. 1974, collected by M. J. and M.-L. Penrith, SM H 17847. Allotype, ♀, 6,5 mm e.l. (SM), data as holotype. Paratypes: 25 ex., 3,5-6,5 mm e.l. (SM): (19) data as holotype; (6) Rössing Mts, valley south, 13 Sept. 1974, coll. b Kensley, SM H 20462, 98 ex., 4–7 mm e.l. (TM): (76) Rössing Mts, Oct. 1957, coll. C. Koch; (2) Khan Mine, Oct. 1957, coll. C. Koch; (16) Rössing Mts, Aug. 1954, coll. Vernay-Transvaal Museum expedition; (2) Swakopmund; (1) Swakopmund, 20–26 Jan. 1971, coll. L. Prozesky, A. Strydom; (1) 32 mi. E. Swakopmund, 9 Oct. 1968, coll. L. Schulze. 1 ex., mm e.l. (BMNH), Arandis, 14 July 1970, coll. M. J. Russell.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Damaraland (Rössing Mountain)»
Holotype depositary: SM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-5256, —. Labelled as: [Roessing Mt. | W. Damarald | X.1957 | C. Koch] [Paratypus | ZOPHOSIS | (Gyrosis) | ornatipennis sp. n. | Penrith 1976] [73-5256 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Zophosis (Septentriophosis) afghanica Kaszab, 1959
Original status: Zophosis afghanica Kaszab, 1959: 339
Present status: Zophosis (Septentriophosis) afghanica Kaszab, 1959
Original type material citation: «52 exemplare, Afghanistan: Durufulun bei Kabul, 1800 m, 9., 11., 17.VI.1953, J. Klapperich; Umgebung von Kabul, 1740, 4., 14., 19.V.1952; 20.III.1953, J. Klapperic (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Darufulum»
Holotype depositary: JK
Type material: Paratype MZB 73-9421, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Darufulun b. Kabul | 1800 m 17.6.53 | Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Zophosis | afghanica m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [73-9421 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
References: Penrith, 1982 (present status).
Zophosis (Septentriophosis) lethierryi Deyrolle, 1867
Original status: Zophosis lethierryi Deyrolle, 1867: 211
Present status: Zophosis (Septentriophosis) lethierryi Deyrolle, 1867
Original type material citation: «Algérie. Musée d’Helsingfors; coll. Reiche, Chevrolat, Deyrolle. Deux exemplaires appartenant à M. Lathierry lui ont été envoyés de Biskara.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Algeria: Biskra»
Holotype depositary: syntype
Type material: Syntype MZB 72-4000, —. Labelled as: [ENVIRONS DE | BISKRA] [Type] [Zophosis Lethierryi | Deyr.] [72-4000 | MZB]
References: Penrith, 1982 (present status).
Zophosis (Zophosis) omnigena Penrith, 1977
Original status: Zophosis (Zophosis) omnigena Penrith, 1977: 49
Original type material citation: «Type material: Holotype, ♂, 5,5 mm e.l. (SM), Gorrasis 99, 25-31 Jan. 1974, collected by M.-L- Penrith; allotype, ♀, 8,0 mm e.l. (SM), data as holotype. Paratypes: 122 ex., 4-8 mm e.l. (SM): (64) data as holotype; (44) Kanaän, 6-7 Oct. 1972, coll. M.-L. Penrith, G. C. Coetze, H. C. Strauss, L. Lester; (14) Plateau/Aar, 14-17 Jan. 1972, coll. M.-L. Penrith, L. Coetzee, 188 ex., 4-8 mm e.l. (TM): (178) Namtib, coll. C. Koch, G. van Son; (10) Namtib, 21 Jan. 1974. coll. S. Endrödy-Younga, 107 ex., 4,0-8,5 mm e.l. (BMNH), Plateau, 14-17 Jan. 1972, coll. P. Hammond. 6 ex., 4-7 mm e.l. (SAM), Büllsport, Jan. 1950, coll. R. Strey.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Namibia: Namtib»
Holotype depositary: SM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-4004, —. Labelled as: [Namtib, 70m NW of |Aus, Gt Namaquald. | C. Koch, J. van Son] [Paratypus | ZOPHOSIS | omnigena sp. n. | Penrith 1976] [72-4004 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimen was donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Zophosis (s.l.) joliveti Pierre, 1967
Original status: Zophosis joliveti Pierre, 1967: 462
Original type material citation: «Type : Khartoum (Sunt Forest), 3-VIII-1962 (P. Jolivet, Mus. Paris). Paratypes: même localité.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Khartoum (Jebel Bawzer)»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6922, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [3-VIII-1962 | Sunt Forest | Khartoum – SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Zophosis | joliveti n. sp. | F. Pierre 1967] [73-6922 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6923, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [3-VIII-1962 | Sunt Forest | Khartoum – SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Zophosis | joliveti n. sp. | F. Pierre 1967] [73-6923 | MZB]
Remarks: the paratype specimens were donated to the MCNB after the original description.
Zophosis (s.l.) longula ghazalensis Pierre, 1967
Original status: Zophosis longula ghazalensis Pierre, 1967: 466
Original type material citation: «Type: Wan (Bahr el-Ghazal), 1-vi-1962 (P. Jolivet, Mus. Paris). Paratypes: même localité.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Sudan: Wau (Barh el Ghazal)»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6925, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [1-VI-1962 | Barh el Ghazal | Wau SOUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Zophosis | longula Fm. | ssp. gazalae nov. | F. Pierre 1967] [73-6925 | MZB]
Remarks: described as Z. longula ghazalensis, but labelled Z. longula gazale. The paratypes were deposited at the MCNB after the original description.
Zophosis (s.l.) longula marrensis Pierre, 1967
Original status: Zophosis longula marrensis Pierre, 1967: 467
Original type material citation: «Type : Sunni (djebel Marra, 2 200 m, 25-v-1962, P. Jolivet, Mus. Paris). Paratype: même localité.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Darfur (Djebel Marra)»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 73-6924, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [26-V-1962. Sunni | Djebel Marra | Darfur – SUDAN | Log. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Zophosis | longula Fm. | ssp. marra nov. | F. Pierre 1967] [73-6924 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 73-6926, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [26-V-1962. Sunni | Djebel Marra | Darfur – SUDAN | Log. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Zophosis | longula Fm. | ssp. marra nov. | F. Pierre 1967] [73-6926 | MZB].
Remarks: described as Z. longula marrensis but labelled Z. longula marra. The species index in the note gives marraensis. The paratypes were deposited at the MCNB after the original description.
Many thanks for the help and financial support provided in the review and reorganization of the collection of type specimens to: Anna Omedes, Director of the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona; Dacha Atienza, Collection Head and Research; Eulàlia Garcia Franquesa, Curator Head; and Montserrat Navarro and Emma Asensio for their help in the bibliographical search. We also owe many thanks to Josep Muñoz Batet for reviewing the final manuscript and idiomatic notes.