Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 11 (2013) Pages: 178-180
Land snails and slugs at the Natural Park of the Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, Spain)
Bros, V.
Bros, V., 2013. Land snails and slugs at the Natural Park of the Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, Spain). Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 11: 178-180, DOI:
Reception date:
- 25/06/2013
Acceptation date:
- 17/09/2013
Publication date:
- 19/02/2014
- 1939
- 689
Land snails and slugs at the Natural Park of the Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, Spain)
The population of molluscs at the Natural Park of the Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, Spain, NE Iberian Peninsula) was assessed, contributing to the conservation plan. A wildlife inventory was conducted based on fieldwork.
Data published through GBIF [Doi:10.15468/dcw3yj]
Caracoles terrestres y babosas del Parque de la Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, España)
Se ha estudiado la fauna de moluscos terrestres presentes en el Parque de la Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, España, NE de la península ibérica) para contribuir a la redacción de un plan de conservación. El inventario faunístico obtenido se basa en prospecciones de campo.
Datos publicados en GBIF [Doi:10.15468/dcw3yj]
Cargols terrestres i llimacs del Parc de la Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, Espanya)
S’ha estudiat la fauna de mol·luscs terrestres presents al Parc de la Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, Espanya, NE de la península Ibèrica) a fi de contribuir a redactar un pla de conservació. L’inventari faunístic obtingut es basa en prospeccions de camp.
Dades publicades a GBIF [Doi:10.15468/dcw3yj]
The Natural Park of the Serralada Litoral is part of the Coastal Range mountain system, running parallel to the coast between the Catalan region of Maresme and Vallès Oriental. The Coastal Range is formed of different types of igneous rocks with the characteristic acidic nature, rich in silica. The protected area was recently extended to 7,400 hectares. The climate in the Park is clearly Mediterranean, and the mountains’ proximity to the sea causes slight climatic variations between slopes. Oak forests are the dominant vegetation with patches of pine, and sparse sclerophyll woods. The more shady parts of the valley consist mainly of riparian plant communities. Farming activities are restricted to the center of the park.
The Park encompasses La Conreria-Sant Mateu-Céllecs, an area of natural interest included in the PEIN, the Plan for Areas of Natural Interest, approved in 1992 by the Government of Catalonia. Following on from this initiative, a Special Protection Plan was approved in 2004, establishing the regulations to govern the Park.
The present project forms part of the study of the terrestrial molluscs inhabiting this area and was performed to determine the distribution and abundance of molluscs therein. Several environmental factors and management measures aiming to meet the ecological requirements of detected species will be taken into account to endorse a conservation plan for the Park.
Material and methods
Spatial coverage
The park is located in the central part of the Serralada Litoral or Marina mountain range, between the Besòs river and the Argentona gully, straddling the regions of El Maresme and El Vallès Oriental and covering an area of 4,715 hectares.
Coordinates: 41° 25′ 48” N and 41° 37′ 48” N Latitude; 2° 10′ 48” E and 2° 36′ 0” E Longitude.
Data collection
The aim was to collect data on the terrestrial fauna of molluscs. The Natural Park was surveyed by means of 23 sampling quadrats with side of 15 m. All specimens, both shells and alive specimens, found inside the circle were recorded.
Data concerning species identification, number of live individuals, and habitat characteristics at two spatial scales was recorded in a data-base.
The fieldwork started on September 1st 2012 and continued until December 21st of the same year .
A dataset was built and recorded at the portal of GBIF (doi:10.15468/dcw3yj) with the collection code of MCNB-BROS-2013 and the link:
Dataset description
Object name: Darwin Core Archive Terrestrial molluscs at the Natural Park of the Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, Spain)
Character encoding: UTF-8
Format name: Darwin Core Archive format
Format version: 1.0
Publication date of data: 19 II 2014
Language: English
Licenses of use: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 License
Metadata language: English
Date of metadata creation: 02 I 2014
Bros, V., 2013. Contribució a l’estudi dels mol·luscs terrestres (Mollusca, Gastropoda) del Parc de la Serralada Litoral (Barcelona) []. Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 11: 117-133.