Instructions to contributors
The editorial board would like to thank authors for choosing Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, TMGB, to publish their article. The following instructions are designed to expedite the process of reviewing, layout and publication. Please take the trouble to read through these guidelines and follow them as carefully as possible.
Manuscript Preparation
General guidelines
- Originals should be submitted in a format compatible with the Word text editor (.doc and .rtf files). Figures should be saved in pdf format separate to text. Please do not embed figures in the manuscript file. After manuscript acceptance, images must be sent as TIFF format (tagged image file format), EPS (encapsulated PostScript) or JPEG, if necessary. Authors are encouraged to submit any extensive additional information for online publication (e.g. long numeric tables, etc.).
- Long research articles and brief communications are welcomed.
- The manuscript should be double spaced, with 2.5 cm margins, and set in the 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Arial typeface.
- Submissions are accepted in Catalan, Spanish and English. The style used in English-language manuscripts should follow the British English spelling and style (ize endings, but analyse, dates, abbreviations, numbering, citations, etc.). Please use single quotation marks, except where ‘a quotation is “within” a quotation’. Long quotations of 50 words or more should be indented with quotation marks. Please spell out numbers below 10, unless used with a unit of measure or if the number is at the beginning of a sentence. Submissions in Catalan or Spanish must include a long abstract in English with explicit reference to the main conclusions and all the figures and/or tables of the article.
- Geological and paleontological terms should follow their corresponding nomenclature codes.
- Authors of articles are urged to enter new taxons with their relevant names in ZooBank (or its botanical equivalent) as soon as their article is accepted.
- The journal adheres to official nomenclature code recommendations, especially as regards depositing standard material in recognised and public-access institutions.
- Taxon names should be followed by the author and year the first time they are cited in the text.
- Non-discriminatory language (in terms of gender, race, religion, etc.) is compulsory throughout all manuscripts.
- Authors are solely responsible for the opinions and data furnished in the manuscript.
- Manuscripts which do not comply with these guidelines may be returned to the author to be altered and adjusted before proceeding to review the article.
Manuscript Structure
- On the first page (and following page, if necessary) and in this order:
Title of the work, which should be short, concise and informative, aligned flush left and set in lower case bold.
Author or authors, with their full name(s) and surname(s), affiliation, postal address and email address. These details will feature in the published article. The name should be written in lower case, followed by the surname in upper case. In the case of several authors, the corresponding author should be identified and their telephone number given. The corresponding author should be authorised by all co-authors to act as an agent on their behalf in all matters relating to publication of the manuscript. The order of appearance of the names should be agreed on by all the authors involved.
Abstracts, aligned flush left, headlined in lower case bold, stating the content of the article, with a maximum extent of 300 words. The abstract should start with the authors’ names and the title of the article in the relevant language. It is compulsory for all articles to have an abstract in Catalan (non-Catalan-speaking authors may apply to the editors for a translation free-of-charge) and another in English. A third abstract in a third language is also allowed (the language of the manuscript, for instance, if it differs from that of the other two abstracts). The abstract should not include bibliographical references, nor the authorship of taxons.
Keywords (from 4 to 6), in small print, immediately after the relevant abstract.
- On the second (or relevant) page and successive pages:
Text, divided into sections headed by concise titles aligned flush left. Title format:
First Order Titles, bold, 12 pt., aligned flushed left, upper case. The body text should follow on the next line
Second Order Titles, bold, 12 pt., aligned flush left; the first letter in upper case, with the following letters in lower case. Body text should follow on the next line
Third Order Titles, bold, 12 pt., flush left, with the first letter in upper case followed by lower case letters ending in a full stop. The body text follows on the same line
Fourth Order Titles, bold, 12 pt., indented. The first letter in upper case followed by lower case letters ending in a full stop. The body text follows on the same line.
Style Guide for Sections Containing Systematic Descriptions
Taxon names should be centred in the text, followed by their author in lower case and year of publication. Taxons higher than genus should be written in upper case. Genera and species should be set in italics. If the taxon in the paper is a figure, the relevant terms figure (Fig.) or figures (Figs.) should appear in the line immediately afterwards:
Genus Daphnogene Unger, 1845
Type species. Daphnogene cinnamomeifolia (Brongniart) Unger, 1845 by original designation (p. 227).
Daphnogene sp.
References to figures (if present) should follow immediately below the taxa centred:
Figs. 2-3
For listed synonymies, the model is as follows:
1950 Terebripora comma Soulé: 380-381, figs. 1-3
1978 Spathipora comma (Soulé); Pohowsky: 101-102, Pl. 18, fig. 8
It is recommendable to adhere to the criteria laid down by S. C. Matthews, 1973, in “Notes on open nomenclature and on synonymy lists”, Paleontology, 16(4): 713-719.
Next come the following sections and preferably in this order: Material, Diagnosis, Description, Distribution, Age, Associated Species, Remarks and Differences and Similarities. Descriptions of new taxons should first feature the Name Origin section (etymology), Specimen Type (holotype, paratypes, etc.), Type Location and Type Level. If the material is part of a collection, the registration number and acronym of the institution they are deposited in should always be stated.
Headed in upper case bold and aligned flush left, they should come at the end of the body text and before the Bibliography.
Featured separately and aligned flush left. Bibliographical references should be arranged alphabetically and adhere to the model they are based on. In the case of a book or brochure, the number of pages, publisher and city should be stated.
- Vidal, L. M. 1909. Nota sobre un fósil del tramo Kimeridgense del Montsec (Lleida). Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 9: 360-362, láms. 6-7.
- Villalta, J.F. de. 1958. Le néogène de l’Ampurdán. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 6(8): 947-948.
- Tassy, P. & Göhlich, U.B. 2011. Retour sur la série type de Gom-photherium angustidens (Proboscidea: Mammalia): de Daubenton à Cuvier, et après. Estudios Geológicos, 67(2): 321-332.
- Tassy P. 1996. Dental homologies and nomenclature in the Proboscidea. In Shoshani J. & Tassy P. (eds.), The Proboscidea. Evolution and Palaeoecology of Elephants and their Relatives. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 21–25.
- Osborn H. F. 1936. Proboscidea. Volume 1. Americam Museum of Natural History, New York, 802 p.
- Tables should be numbered consecutively and, together with their footnotes, featured at the end of the manuscript on separate pages. Table footnotes should appear in the original language of the main text and in English.
- The table number and title should appear at the top. Column titles should be concise and the units of measurement (if required) should be enclosed in parentheses.
- Any explanatory material relating to the table (abbreviations, references, etc.) should take the form of a footnote.
- Any references to tables in the body text should take the form: Table 1 or (Table 1).
- The various constituent items should be labelled using upper case letters; for instance, A, B, C, etc. In the event of over 26 items, the prime symbol should be used; e.g. A′, B′, C′, etc. Set preferably in a standard font such as Helvetica.
- The maximum size of a figure box is 176 x 254 mm, i.e. corresponding to a column width of 84 mm.
- Figures should preferably be placed against a white ground.
- Figures should be designed for optimum use of space by minimising blank space between items as far as possible.
- Image quality should be as high as possible, namely a minimum of 600 dpi in black-and-white or 300 dpi for colour artwork.
- Figures must be saved separate to text and in separate files preferably. Please do not embed figures in the manuscript file..
- Images must be saved as TIFF format (tagged image file format), EPS (encapsulated PostScript) or JPEG, if necessary.
- All figures should be numbered in the order they are cited in the body text. In the latter, they should be referenced as follows: (Fig. 1), (Figs. 2.A & 2.B).
- Figure captions must be correctly numbered and saved separately, as part of the text file. They should be placed after the references and be written in the original text language, as well as in English.
- The name of the corresponding image file should feature its relevant number; e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2A, etc.
Reproduction of Copyrighted Material
If you intend your manuscript to include certain material (text, data, tables, images, etc.) for which you do not hold the copyright, you should first apply for permission from the copyright-holder before submitting your manuscript to TMGB for publication. The author/s is/are solely responsible for any claim for copyright infringement which the copyright-holder may file.
On the whole – notwithstanding certain exceptions, and publication of the original permitting – the reproduction of a short text excerpt for the express purpose of prompting critical discussion does not require formal permission, as long as the excerpt is accurate and properly referenced.
For further information on reproducing copyrighted material, please contact the TMGB editorial board.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts intended for publication in Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, as well as any other media outlet related to the journal, should be submitted by email to
The main text should be in an editable format, preferably Word. Each table should be submitted in a separate Word file. Figures should be submitted in the pdf format and, similarly, in separate files, properly referenced with their corresponding number. Once the article has been accepted, files in the TIFF format will be requested for all figures. Exceptionally, large amounts of data (e.g. very long numerical tables, etc.) may be published as Supplemental files (they will not feature in the printed version but will be available as an online resource).
Copyright and Licences
The journal is copyrighted and no part of the works it contains may be reproduced without crediting the source.
All journal content is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: no part of the published paper may be reproduced or reused unless the source is cited.
Authors may publish their articles in open access digital repositories, whether thematic or institutional, immediately after publication in the journal.
Open Access
Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona is an open-access publication released by the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (Natural Science Museum of Barcelona).
Readers are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the texts of the journal in full, as well as use them for any legal purpose.
Publication is at no cost to authors.