Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona. Volume 17 (2010) Pages: 11-25
Mamíferos extintos del Pleistoceno de la Cuenca de Calama (Segunda Región, Chile). Viejas colecciones y nuevos hallazgos
López Mendoza, P., Rojas, O., Mansilla, P., Olivares, L., Martínez, I.
The results of taxonomic and taphonomic analysis of the fossil mammals record deposited in the Museum of Natural History and Culture of the Atacama Desert are presented. Based on both morphological and morphometric comparisons remains of Hippidion saldiasi (Equidae), cf. Lama gracilis (Camelidae), Megatherium medinae (Xenarthra) and Canidae, were identified. To these already identified taxa, new records as cf. Equus (Amerhippus) sp. and Gomphotheriidae are added for this area. According to the stratigraphic information, the fossil material comes from Early to Late Pleistocene deposits. All these records are associated to other localities of the Calama Basin and increase the number of taxa reported until now in the area.
López Mendoza, P., Rojas, O., Mansilla, P., Olivares, L., Martínez, I., 2010. Mamíferos extintos del Pleistoceno de la Cuenca de Calama (Segunda Región, Chile). Viejas colecciones y nuevos hallazgos. Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, 17: 11-25-
Publication date:
- 23/10/2011
- 1268
- 772