Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona. Volume 23 (2017) Pages: 17-25

Catàleg raonat de roques i làmines primes de la col·lecció Joan Rosals i Corretjer (MCNB)

Díaz-Acha, Y., Díaz-Ontiveros, I.





Reasoned catalogue of rocks and thin sections of the Joan Rosals i Corretjer collection
(MCNB). Joan Rosals i Corretjer was a Catalan naturalist who lived at the end of the 19th century. He became a member of the Institució Catalana d’Història Natural carrying out several scientific publications. In addition, he was also an important figure of the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya, chairing the Geology and Physical Geography section. After his decease, in April 1917, the malacological, mineralogical and petrological collections, which he had gathered during his career, were donated to the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. Once the historical documents were reviewed and the inventory of the petrology collection was made in 2014, we have documented all the samples of rocks belonging to the Rosals collection. The Rosals petrological collection was originally composed of 458 specimens, but only 117 have been preserved up to the present day. Most of the preserved samples are hand size and collected in Catalonia. However, there are samples from the rest of Spain and other countries such as France, Germany, Austria and Hungary. From a geological point of view, igneous rocks are predominant, especially hypabyssal rocks. This article aims to detail the content of the Rosals collection, which is currently preserved at the scientific Petrology Department of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, and to contribute to the knowledge of Catalan naturalist spirit during the late 19th century.


catalogue, collection, petrology, Rosals, Catalonia


Díaz-Acha, Y., Díaz-Ontiveros, I., 2017. Catàleg raonat de roques i làmines primes de la col·lecció Joan Rosals i Corretjer (MCNB). Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, 23: 17-25, DOI:






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